【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi(おすすめch紹介)

【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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太枝を曲げる How to bend the thick branches

太枝を曲げる How to bend the thick branches  (c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi

(c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi 太い枝を曲げる動画です。 ラフィアの使用方法、ジャッキの使い方を参考にしてください。

Gracias por los subtitulos en espa�ol ! Dificil tarea la de doblar esa rama! Cuandos meses debe permanecer envuelta con rafia y tensada con alambres? Gracias

Como sempre excelente v�deo muito obrigado por compartilhar

amazing work! this technique is really difficult to master

And now it has Indonesian subtitles It’s just make the video much more informative I appreciate the effort Terimakasih banyak Salam dari Indonesia


Muchas Gracias, excelente video.

Absolutely fantastic 👌👌 I am a big fan of your work

Como agua de mayo esperamos muchos estos videos de Shinshi. Gracias por compartir.

Wow. How does the anchor wire in the bottom of the pot hold? How is it anchored into the pot?

“How to bend the thick branches” with patience and strength.

Please can the subtitle be English? Or text also in English, thank you.. 🌱🌲👍

Beautiful bonsai 👍

*Beautiful tree* friend! Wow! 💜🌱

Thank You for the sub in spanish

Nice trick… Thank for sharing

Sangat sangat indah Love from Indonesia 🇲🇨

Muy buen trabajo


awesome technique

Luar biasa sangat menginspirasi 👍

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bonsai 盆栽 懸崖キンズ 植え替え

bonsai 盆栽 懸崖キンズ 植え替え  (c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi

(c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi 小品の懸崖キンズを植え替えしました。 前回の植え替え時にネットを外し忘れるという失敗をしてしまいましたが・・・。 なんとかなりました。

Great Job and evolution. The trunk movement is amazing!!!!!! Suppose the net was from an older pot…. I love the red pot, is so beautiful!!!!! Thank you for sharing with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Nice work. Lovely tree 🙂

Good job, beautful bonsai congratulations 👌🍀😍

Sweet plants.. 👍👍

Sehr schöne Arbeit👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻






I like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bonsai yang indah sekali.i like……



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A new branch has been created. 出猩々の枝接ぎ

A new branch has been created. 出猩々の枝接ぎ  (c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi

(c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi 盆栽教室4月の様子です。 昨年枝接ぎしたモミジの切り離しを行っています。 順調にいけば来年から本格的な枝づくりには入れると思い …

Craziest part for me was when these huge and ancient looking trees were, in reality, the size of a flower bouquet in his hand. Absolutely impressive.

Wow, amazing it only took one season to fuse those grafts. Excellent job, thanks for sharing!

What grafts are most aesthetic in a maple?By approximation or by drilling with a drill.Thank you for sharing

Such a great and informative video. Is this technique is possible with other species?

Sempre com bons v�deos …obrigado

Does anyone know if this will work on most plants?

There is a question, is there no need to remove the bark of the branches and then graft it to the trunk?Will it heal without removing the bark of branches?

did you graft seriyu foliage between the cuts? I was wondering why the foliage looked different.

Do the tacks stay in place and tree forms around them, or are they eventually removed?

Estupenda t�cnica!!! Tambi�n se puede aplicar en Olmos? Espero me pueda ayudar con mi pregunta, muchas gracias y aprovecho para enviarle un franco y repetuoso saludo!!!

Muy buen video!!! Muchas gracias🙋‍♀️👍🌲🌿🙏

What is this clay you use to seal the grafted area?

Bonsai surgeons to the rescue hahahaha, amazing work as always!

Beautiful bonsai

Bom dia, Flor do dia!

Would a staple gun work?

So beautiful Bonsai

great bonsai ❤❤❤


Supuestamente dicen que para que un injerto salga al 100% hay que quitarlo en oto�o.

Replanting to check the condition of roots and soil 五葉松

Replanting to check the condition of roots and soil 五葉松  (c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi

(c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi It is a replanting work of the purchased pine. 入手後、初めて迎える春は植え替えを行い、状態を確認するようにします。

Buena cantidad de micorrizas. Muy buenos consejos. Gracias. Es posiblemente uno de los mejores canales de bonsai a nivel internacional. Alucinante.

Fant�sticos trabajos, ayudan bastante!!! Gracias y saludos cordiales!!

Wow I’ve never actually seen somebody break the pot to get it off before. Very satisfying to watch.

Bonito ejemplar y un buen trabajo. Se hecha de menos subtitulos en espa�ol. Saludos desde Espa�a

Awesome tree and great information as usual!

I moved the plant from the soil to the container for a month, the roots did not develop. Can you tell me what kind of root stimulant? Thank you!

I love this chanel. Thank you good sir!I was told never to bareroot a pine or wash the roots . Please explain a little.

What if it was in nursery soil do you still keep 30% of the soil?

Hi thank you for the video. you washed all the roots and removed all the soil – In europe if you do that with a pine the tree will die – do you do special treatment or how to do ensure that it survive? thank you for your reply

Beutiful work and roots!!top

I am surprised to see the root washing, even more after seeing the original pot showing important amount of microrizes. Do you wash all pines? or only white pines?

Spectacular tree Sir. I noticed that your white pine is pushing harder than mine in southern Europe. Could be possible that the weather has been warmer in your part of Japan (unless it is placed into a greenhouse).

Its been growing nicely sins last video👍👌

Thank you for this knowledge

Wow amazing bonsai. Super

very nice pine!! good job

Hi, please can you make a video on how to make fertilizer?こんにちは、肥料の作り方の動画を作っていただけませんか?I hope the translation is good enough…

If I can’t find this content, is there an alternative to soil?


do you make that fertiliser? recipe?

bonsai kinzu 盆栽 キンズ 双幹 植え替え

bonsai kinzu 盆栽 キンズ 双幹 植え替え  (c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi

(c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi 双幹キンズの植え替えです。 我が家に来てから初めての植え替えになります。

КРАСОТА!!!👌👍🌳Даже не знала, что так кардинально можно обрезать и корни и листву… очень нравится бонсай!!!

Beautiful tree’s, great detail and informative. Thanks for the subtitles!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Que bonito bonsai!!! Me gustan mucho tus videos!!!!😀😀😀😀

Excelente trabajo…….wow……como esta el arbol ahora …..pese a la gran cantidad de raiz cortada ….??????Muchas gracias

Muito bom o v�deo!!!!!

It�s better to say in this cases “sustrato” instead of “suelo”. Nice video!!

Wow!!! Beautiful work

Good work. The tree looks very beautiful

Linda sua kinzu

Esta t�cnica de cortar ra�ces gordas sirve para arces palmatum?

Gran v�deo!! Saludos desde Espa�a

Awesome kinzu, thanks for the video.

Excelente vídeo como siempre. Después de una poda fuerte de raíces no realizas una pequeña poda de ramas? Gracias. 根っこで努力した後、あなたはいくつかの枝を剪定しませんか

Good work show mestre congratulations 👌🍀🌱🤗🇧🇷

Very beautiful tree!!!

Hola, I from Guatemala, what substrates do you use?

Thank you for this great video

S� n�o entendi o por que de ter tirado tanto nebabari se � a parte da planta com mais dificuldade em conseguir e tinha todo formado e praticamente foi metade retirado,mas quem sou eu pra falar se � certo ou errado n�

really nice pot!!!!!! I wonder why have you cut the nebari….. to get thinner roots or a better nebari??? Amazing tool, I habe to get one of these and great tip to show us the cage!!!!! I algo wonder why you dont seal inner root wounds and only exterior… And finally, really good work. I see you like kinzu trees. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


