筋肉、内臓がわかる!人体模型パズル / Human anatomical model puzzle. Japanese toy

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この玩具について◇ [コレクションNo.0449] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は人体模型のパズルの紹介です。
New video “Snow Crab Dissection Puzzle”. Please watch new video.https://youtu.be/f5qV_hyUhnI
Whenever he assembles anatomical puzzles with animals, he then cooks right after he’s finished assembling with what kind of animal he used. Haha lmao thought he’d cook human at the end.
ありがとうございます。 楽しかったです。
Un buen juguetito 😁😁😁😊😊😁
Amazing toys and games 🎎
Nice 🙂
it’s so amazing
ライトセーバー箸にマグロパズル… なんか凄いΣ(゚д゚lll)
English subtitles please
That chopsticks are very beautiful.. 😍
豚肉の部位がわかる「黒豚パズル」 / Pork Puzzle. Pig Puzzle. Japanese Toy

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この玩具について◇ [コレクションNo.0467] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は豚肉の部位がわかる黒豚パズル …
羊も解体しました!New video “Sheep Dissection Puzzle”. Please watch new video.https://youtu.be/-ibFwrg4dQk
if it came with an english version I would probably buy one.
Legal achei muito legal 👍😊😉❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏👏
alguien sabe donde se puede comprar esto en M�xico?
Me encantan tus videos,le das dedicacion y todo,me gustan mucho, saludos desde colombia
パズルシリーズだ!!なんか…黒豚が可愛くて私は解体出来ないかも…笑今回の動画面白かったです〜⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝次の動画も楽しみですっ!(و •̀ ᴗ •́) و
豚さんに こんないっぱい部位があるなんて知らなかったです、この様な模型を見ると👀やっぱり感謝して食べるのも大事だなと思いますね😄私はロースが好きで今肉巻きにはまってます、バラなどはトマト🍅を巻いてさっぱり食べたり、巻きまくっています(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)照明・・・イカ釣り用のは❓そのうち部屋が輝いてしまいますよう(●´ω`●)
Юху😄 ещё есть свинка) это очень пригодиться кому-то на биологию) Спасибо за видео, всегда класно)
今回も素晴らしいストップモーションでしたε٩( ºωº )۶з!豚さんの顔可愛い(∩´∀`∩)豚肉好きだから欲しいw耳にしたことすらない部位もあってびっくりwマメ、テッポウ、どーなつ、チチカブなんて知らなかった…( ‘ω’ )
New toys Pork pig dissection puzzlePig chocolate chips candy dispenser New appliances Scissor Cutting board shape as technology board Cup shape as head of piggy New recipes Pork salad Scalloped porkCoca cola coke no sugar
Thank you very much. was fun! ありがとうございます。楽しかった!
ピザもサラダも美味しそうでした。ブタさんのマグカップ可愛いけど持ちにくそう( ̄▽ ̄;)沖縄で食べたミミガー(耳)は意外と美味でした(●´ω`●)でもやっぱり王道は豚バラですよね!
握ると寿司できちゃうトング / SUSHI TONGS. Japanese Cooking Gadgets

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨について◇ [コレクションNo.0491] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は寿司が握れるトングの紹介です。
【最後に登場した緑のやつ】握ると皿を洗えちゃうマシン / Handheld Automatic Dishwasherhttps://youtu.be/5SeWxudKnTA
All these gadgets he has makes his videos even more interesting. It’s like the side characters have well-developed story arcs as well.
Que v�deo maneiro.Eu adoro comida japonesa!
Adorei o vídeo e principalmente essas coisas do japan são tão práticas e fofas de mais……um chá verde pra acompanhar um delicia 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘
Me gustaría encontrar esos productos aquí 🇲🇽🤗
It all looks sooooooo tasty. Especially the different Tuna cuts. Also, I love dried Maguro Jerky from Shimoda. I notice that many Japanese people do not like ‘Saba’ though – why is this? I love it!
Conheci seu canal agora. Muito bom
Greetings from 🇧🇷! We always love a good 🍣! We create our own sushis! Here in São Paulo, in the neighborhood of Liberdade, we have many japanese restaurants which serves sushis, temakis, ramens, yakissobas, so on!
Oh, I have that little squirrel rice paddle. My mom loves it because it1)Keeps the paddle off the counter2) The one we have is green so it doesnt blend in with any of the other surfaces in the kitchen.
Just came across your video. I LOVED IT! All that stuff there is so painfully beautiful, mate. And it’s a lot of fun 😁Thank you! 😘
Asombrosa combinación 😋
That “WOW” sound had me dead each time. Great videos I could watch you all day long with this crazy stuff you happened to own. Good one!
Tem brasileiro aqui? S� eu que fiquei com vontade de provar esse sushi?
Delicioso, también el sushi en makis y tempura 😍😋
The amount of food he takes in is insane 😀
I need that Sishi tongs. Nigiri sushi is my favourite food btw. 😍
I love the way he moves his fist excitedly in front of the camera 😂
By far one of the most extra videos I’ve ever seen
業務用キャベツくんで千切り!Cabbage Slicer machine. japanese kitchen gadgets

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター 銀の盾 ◇ YouTubeチャンネル登録者10万人の銀の盾を最後に紹介させて頂きました。私の動画をご視聴してくださった皆様のおかげで …
最後に登録者10万人の銀の盾を紹介させて頂きました。私の動画をご視聴してくださった皆様のおかげで頂くことができました。とても嬉しいです。どうもありがとうございます。これからもどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。This is my YouTube Silver Creator Award. I could not have achieved this milestone and surpassed 100,000 subscribers without the support from each one of you. A huge thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone. Your continued support would be greatly appreciated!
I love that I live in the generation where I can be an American who only speaks English watching a Japanese only channel unboxing and demonstrating cabbage slicing machines.
Que m�quina maravilhoa,onde acha pra comprar?
This guy is a type of a person who will review every Doraemon’s wacky gadgets without saying a word but still manage to make his content extremely enjoyable.
Adoro esses v�deos obrigada por postar, japoneses s�o o m�ximo
Am I the only one who would love to own most of the kitchen utensils and gadgets this guy has? Also I hope this guy gets a million subscribers in 2020!
Gratulacje na 100000 subskrybcji.;) Bliżej masz już do 1.000.000 subskrypcji. Super.
Espetáculo! Gostaria de saber o preço em reais!👏👏👍👍
Japanese kitchen gadgets just seem to have this retro aesthetic. They work great but they look like they haven’t been updated since 1988
Obviously the function is great and the simple mechanics are great from a maintenance perspective, but I would have loved to see a receptacle for the sliced cabbage incorporated in the design of the first cabbage slicer
Also love this just wish it had more English subtitles so I can understand what the packages say. Regardless of know what the words are it’s so fun to watch these uploads I got my whole house to love this. Keep up the fabulous work and I hope you stay healthy and happy for all your days! Stay determined;)
Reminds me of the salald put on the doner kebab I used to always get on Sunshine Street. It was weird cause they also had this BBQ sauce and it tasted just like Open Pit brand here in the US (not sold in Japan as far as I know).
Ele comemorando, que fofinho
Você tem um belo jogo de panelas /talheres , parabéns! ❤️
Muito bom!Envia esta m�quina para mim.Obrigado
The machines seem so complicated to use, but it’s enjoyable to watch you use them 😂Also congratulations to 100K subscribers!!!! I can feel the 1000% excitement from the celebration 🤣🤣🤣
Parabéns 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 adoro os seus vídeos.
Just love the Japanese style dishes and kitchen tools
Onde tem para comprar muito bom
ねずみが猫から逃げる貯金箱。A piggy bank where a mouse escapes from a cat

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨について◇ [コレクションNo.0331] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回はねずみが猫から逃げる貯金箱の …
Espero pronto pongas tu tienda en linea o publiques los sitios donde compras tus coleccionables, me gustar�a tener algunos en mi cocina y darle ese toque �nico de todos esos accesorios que haz mostrado, felicidades por tu canal, a mi familia nos encanta.
헙.. 넘 귀엽당ㅋㅋㅋ
Que lindo
That’s so cute.☺
aaaaaah sssssoooooo cute🤭
思ってたのとなんか違う けど可愛い😻
Bem legal isso a�