- 荒ぶる餅!昭和の餅つき機2020 / Japanese Rice Cake Machine(Mochi Maker)
- サメ解剖モデルで遊んだり食べたり / Great White Shark Anatomy Model. puzzle
- 暴れ回るモチ!昭和の餅つき機 / Japanese Rice Cake Machine(Mochi Maker)
- おもしろ文房具コレクション(1)Funny Stationery Collection. Japanese food ?
- 黒マグロ解体フィギュアをさばく / Dismantling Figure Bluefin Tuna. Japanese toy. sushi
荒ぶる餅!昭和の餅つき機2020 / Japanese Rice Cake Machine(Mochi Maker)

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨について◇ [コレクションNo.0509] あけましておめでとうございます。今年もどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。おもしろ雑貨コレクターの …
2019年の餅つきは下記です。2019 version of Japanese Rice Cake Machine video.https://youtu.be/dztece9kCPM
This guy has a lot of interesting kitchen utensils, I would probably never get bored if i was him
this man makes cooking look fun instead of stressful
This man makes cooking look fun instead of stressful
This person has the largest collection of whimsical kitchen gadgets I’ve ever seen. I am thoroughly impressed, and curious about this mochi pizza at the same time.
This channel is an absolute gem! why hadn’t I discover it yet? Keep the work up!
The amount of awesome kitchen gadgets! Wish they were this creative in the US!
This man just have a collection of kitchen gadgets that mesmerize meEven the “no” sound crackled me so hard. Why, i dont know, but i love it!
Wow! Your mochi maker looks like new considering its national brand. We got a few national brand household things like fridge,washing machine and fan that still functioning for more than 25years. Sad this brand no longer available. Anyway, watching the rice cake being pound, it looks like watching horror movie when people start changing their faces to demon. Hehehe
No se porque esto est� en mis recomendaciones, pero:1) lo amo2) se me antojo todo
15:12 I guess this is takoyaki… in anime they eat this a lot… Looks very delicious!
everyone’s talking about how the rice dance.but my mind is asking where did he buy his tools and equipments, I must have one. So cool!
Jajaja solo me quedo grabado el ‘yeah!’ Me encanto el v�deo con todo ese bazar y las comidas se ve�an deliciosas.
Me divert� al verte. Muy lindo todo y se ve�a delicioso. venezolana desde Alemania.
This was so fascinating. I thought mochi was only for sweet things.
サメ解剖モデルで遊んだり食べたり / Great White Shark Anatomy Model. puzzle

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この玩具について◇ [コレクションNo.0494] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回はサメの解剖モデルの紹介です。
家にあったサメグッズをたくさん登場させてみました。コメント&グッドボタン励みになります。ありがとうございます。詳細と感想は概要欄に書いています。関連動画は下記です。[マグロ解体パズル / Tuna demolition puzzle]https://youtu.be/8cYxc5yDZgs[黒マグロ解体フィギュア / Dismantling Figure Bluefin Tuna]https://youtu.be/HPf8adPXFtU[カニ解体パズル / Snow Crab Dissection Puzzle]https://youtu.be/f5qV_hyUhnI[マンタ解剖モデル / MANTA RAY ANATOMY MODEL]https://youtu.be/16zh9IHgPPk[サメのENDグラス / Gimmick Glass]https://youtu.be/wC5Y09NNdw8
I’m a volunteer from the US, and to those who want to know about shark fins as food, while it is considered a delicacy in some parts of the world, the overall shark fin doesn’t have much of a flavor. And even Gordan Ramsey said that himself. So it’s not worth eating it if you don’t want to.It’s also best if you don’t eat any shark meat, since most of the shark species are considered endangered.
Can we just appreciate how much time, effort, and money it takes to make these videos?
Creo estoy algo fuera de lugar ac� aun que me tope de casualidad su canal me a gustado, encuentro algo relajante y curioso ver como prepara distintos platos aparentemente sencillos pero muy especiales, de manera que no se suelen ver de donde soy, me gusta ver algo distinto 😀
Muito bom. Gosto muito de seus v�deos .
OH. MY. GOD.Am I the only one who thinks this guy is the cutest thing in the world?He is so childish and playful I just love watching this channel.And when the shark bit his finger (the first and second time) I couldn’t think of anything else than Mr.Bean. He would react the same way.Dude, in my opinion your videos could be in try not to laugh challenges. Keep up the good work ♡
Wow se ve muy padre y � donde lo consiguiste? Me encanta
I live in Phoenix Arizona (the desert 🏜) in the United States and I’m very envious that you have so much fresh seafood available to you, but what ever that was at the end you ate I don’t think I would eat it. 🤢I do enjoy your videos😃
I love how everything ends up with eating food XD
Great Toy/model!! I haven’t assessed mine yet- waiting for the perfect day
サメグッズの数がすごいですね(^-^)料理もおいしそうでした。ライム( ? )を切ってボトルに入れちゃうのとか、さすが元バーテンダーさんだなーとおもいました !サメの解剖モデルも、おなかのなかに小さな魚がいたりしてリアルでしたね。風邪をひいている間にポチポチしちゃいましたか(笑)これからも面白い雑貨をたくさん見せてほしいです(*^-^*)
I love your videos please keep doing these❤️❤️
New toys 4D shark anatomy model Manta Ray anatomy model Shark plushie keyring New appliances Sharp blade knife shape as the shark Shark shaped plate Shark fin shaped bottle opener Shark shaped thumbtacks Shark shaped kitchen mittens Shark fin in bowl New recipes Pasta Crabstick Rice Soup Ounce curryLemonade Snacks Savory snackTunaDried snack
It’s funny how no one realizes he’s eating shark fin and what seemed to be either manta ray or eagle ray. No it’s real shark fin not gelatin. sharks skeletons are pure cartilage that’s why it looks jelly like.
マンタの時もそうでしたが中身がものすごくリアルですね(´⊙ω⊙`)!!中にいる小魚を助けたくなりました 笑サメグッズいっぱいで楽しかったです(*´∀`*)サメの包丁研ぎとお皿が個人的ツボでお気に入りです🤣✨ 笑まさかのフカヒレ(*°ω°*)💡中学生の時に中華街でフカヒレまんを食べたんですが入ってるか入ってないかよくわからないぐらい細切れで味を覚えていないので生きてるうちにもう一回食べてみたいです😂 笑最後の指が食べられたオチでめっちゃ笑いました 😂
暴れ回るモチ!昭和の餅つき機 / Japanese Rice Cake Machine(Mochi Maker)

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨について◇ [コレクションNo.0484] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回はお正月らしい動画で、昭和の餅 …
2020年バージョンを公開しました!The 2020 version has been released.https://youtu.be/Sc6RvPsN9zE
When this rice is spinning so fast, I have impression it will fly away and slap the wall
this is some impressive engineering! as soon as I saw that rice start moving, i knew this video would be cool
I just love how he literally has a sword for everything xD
I love how as human beings we have this obsession with cooking something, then cooking it again, and then cooking it again almost to see how many times we can cook the same thing.
mochi is like the simpliest thing ever, only rice, yet it’s incredibly delicious.
We have this machine at our house. My mom is obsessed with it. She makes flat rice cake with it, cooks it on the stove, and then dips it in a sugar syrup. Its light, stretchy, chewy, and perfect for a snack.
3:13 when your rice starts sounding like popcorn, you know it’s getting good.
♥️🥢 eu adoro assistir seus vídeos obrigado … um dia vou comprar uma panela dessa para fazer mochi aqui no 🇧🇷
This video is legit…glad I randomly found this at 3am. It is kind of soothing! Keep up the good work! 😀
“Surely they’re not gonna play all 9 minutes of this mixing right.”* 1 minute 43 seconds in *“OHH HELL YEAH LETS GO!”
Everybody gansta till the rice ball starts becoming a beyblade
Americans could learn a thing or two from Japanese. Y’all are just so happy and excited all the time and I freaking love it
10:58 No! I can’t escape it even in a Japanese mochi video from several years ago!
The little Mickey Mouse tofu is so adorable ☺️
you know it‘s spinning fast when the machine itself is starting to shake
I love how every time he celebrates he boxes the air
Hola! D�nde puedo comprar la m�quina para hacer la masa de arroz?. Esta incre�ble!
I’ve always wanted to try this. I’ve only ever had the sugary dessert mochi and mochi ice cream.
Wow! Amazing machine. Makes me want to buy one
おもしろ文房具コレクション(1)Funny Stationery Collection. Japanese food ?

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この文房具について◇ [コレクションNo.0506] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は文房具の紹介です。最近は …
久しぶりの更新となりました。そして久しぶりの文房具です。文房具はあまり需要が無いようでしたら続編はやめておきます。評価ボタンで教えてください。文房具はつまらない!という方は遠慮せず低評価ボタンを押してください。参考にさせて頂きます。次はなるべく早く更新できるように頑張ります!I’m back! I know it has been a while since last posting. I will continue introducing fun items from my collection.
Pozdrowienia z Polski. 🙂 Naprawdę super ogląda się Twoje filmy. Greetings from Poland 🙂
The Pinocchio sharpener is actually pretty clever. I want one.
This is honestly a really adorable and relaxing YouTube channel. <3
I always enjoy the funny sound effects he uses 😂 and the food always makes me so hungry 😭
7:33 lmao imagining opening that while you’re still in class and the teacher thought you were eating XD. Cool stuff ya got there! Awesome vid💗
Love these novelty items videos. 🤩 Good editing and concept.
Crazy! There are so many different articles of stationary! :OAnd they are very well made! I particularly loved the lettuce 😉
Haven’t seen your new video for a while, this one here absolutely delightful..was giggling in office while watching this. You do make a positive difference in many ways
Love this video. I wish they had these in the USA! I would love a little grab box with different sets.
Hahaha one of the best videos yet Kitchen Senpai :Di really like the products you show and how you present them 😀
If I ever went to Japan, I’ll search for a lifetime supply of satationary😂😂😂
Your editing skills are amazing, I can see that you have alot of fun doing it!Speaking of editing, what editing software programme do you use?Keep up the excellent work with your channel, your videos are very entertaining!
Hey quick question, where can I buy the shirts your wear? I like the checkered patterned on them.Thank you, Also keep making these delightful videos 👍👍
Wish we had those here in the states. Wish there was a lot of stuff like in Japan here in the states. I could get it on line can you tell me where to? Please thanks. Love the video. 🙃❤
Everything looks so appetizing! 😋
New stationery (1) Pencil sharpener shape as honest boy and cowboy Sellotape shape as the color rainbow Rainbow pencilsPen shape as the sword The paper make a football Pencil holder shape as The football player Pencil shape as golf scopeEraser shape as the golf ball Pencil shape as the fishing hook Paper clipper shape as sardines Paper shape as head of kitty cat Pen with the head of the cat Bag shape as the cat foot and fish The packet shape as potato chips and nacho chips The pencil sharpener shape as cup of espresso coffee Paper shape as marshmallowsThe paper shape as tofu Paper shape as tomato and lettuce Clipper shape as box of yummy ramen Packet shape as seaweed leaversNew recipes Grilled sardines Marshmallow Salad Rice Tofu and soup Yummy milk pudding
i love the pinokyo sharpener UwU its kinda cuteand i want my classmates to see them UwUJust want them to say “oh wow that sharpeneris so cute!” UwU ❤️ And that was a smart sharpenerand cute ive ever seen❤️
I wish I had that golf pen set so bad for my dad! Oh my gosh! And the fishing one too!
黒マグロ解体フィギュアをさばく / Dismantling Figure Bluefin Tuna. Japanese toy. sushi

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この玩具について◇ [コレクションNo.0485] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は黒マグロの解体フィギュアの紹介 …
前半はマグロ解体、後半は1人マグロ寿司パーティーです。詳細と感想は説明欄に書いています。この動画が良かったらグッドボタンを押してくださると嬉しいです。登場した雑貨の動画は下記です。[わさびマーカー / Wasabi Color Highlighter]https://youtu.be/49DjDkdN7xM[刺身皿 / Sashimi Plate]https://youtu.be/09bwG7DhXTU[魚の醤油差しボトル / Big Soy Sauce Bottle]https://youtu.be/DtmfkH7CYNw[寿司チョロQ / SUSHI CAR]https://youtu.be/c1lMPlgQFRg[お寿司付箋 / Sushi Sticky Note]https://youtu.be/miT_2SqEEJg[寿司靴下 / Sushi socks]https://youtu.be/y5uY0uo82Xg[寿司になるパンツ / Sushi Boxer Shorts]https://youtu.be/Oq5C_HW1OjM[マグロのティッシュケース]https://youtu.be/dxefoJqpYIo[寿司メモブロック / Sushi Memo Block]https://youtu.be/rybJTx-lF6U[ズワイガニ解体パズル / Snow Crab Dissection Puzzle]https://youtu.be/f5qV_hyUhnI[牛焼肉パズル / Yakiniku Puzzle]https://youtu.be/tM0cLZR4A4g[黒豚パズル / Pork Puzzle. Pig Puzzle.]https://youtu.be/HRVbjmOMnp0[本マグロ解体パズル / Tuna demolition puzzle]https://youtu.be/8cYxc5yDZgs
This is absurd but I can’t stop watching! I love it! 😂😂
This is a small portion of the intriguing weirdness of Japan that I adore.
I love those figurines. Are they available in Europe?
This is a satisfying video I would rather watch it in the mornin’ and when it gets night I would watch it in the night not even sleepin’ for a week!
Hermoso, simplemente hermoso
以前あったマグロの解体パズルよりも本格的ですね。発泡スチロールの箱に入っていたり、お刺身用の柵が出てきたりする所がすごくいいなと思いました ! ! ! お寿司の雑貨もたくさん出てきて楽しかったです !ところで、あの大量のお寿司は全部ひとりで食べたのですか ? ?
Really nice videos! Watching them from Brazil
This guy stuff reaally amazing, thanks for 12 min of enjoyment
A noble review of item. Thank you!
I love Maguro Sushi and other stuff.What’s the title of music at 1:43? Thanks
待ってました!!(*・ω・)ノまさかの初っぱな手で分解するとゎ思いませんでしたwwwそしてこれの値段見て驚きですわー(´◉ω◉` )そんな高いんですねwwwいいお寿司食べれる…w
Amazing!!! By the way, I love sushi & sashimi too~
This guy’s house would be the coolest…filled with amazing Japanese novelty items.
It’s so fun! Thank you for the good video.😊😊
おおおっ!!解体パズルシリーズより大きくて本格的ですね⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝さすがプロが作ったフィギュアです👏🏻✨お寿司パーティー🍣とても美味しそうでした 笑いろんなお寿司雑貨や魚の醤油差しシリーズが出てきてとっても楽しかったです🤗✨おおっ痩せたんですね👏🏻👏🏻身体作り頑張ってください\(◡̈)/✨