- 究極のMYO(マヨネーズ)マシン。ULTIMATE MAYONNAISE MAKER. Japanese Cooking Gadgets
- おもしろ文房具コレクション(3)Funny Stationery Collection. Japanese Popcorn Machine
- 自動でクルクル回る焼き鳥メーカー / Japanese Yakitori Machine
- 究極のTKG(卵かけご飯)マシン / Tamago Kake Gohan Machine. Japanese food ”Raw Egg On Rice”
- お菓子の宝石箱や〜。鉱物琥珀糖を食べる / JEWEL CRYSTAL CANDY KOHAKUTOU
究極のMYO(マヨネーズ)マシン。ULTIMATE MAYONNAISE MAKER. Japanese Cooking Gadgets

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この玩具について◇ [コレクションNo.0501] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は「究極のTKG」「究極のNTO」に続く …
プライベートのチャンネルもどうぞ宜しくお願いします。My other channel. Please subscribe to my channel.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs5DZw6JqgrGuyyjYAjV4IQ
No one’s gonna talk about how adorable the things are? I just love the cat spoon Almost everything he uses is just unique and cute
Voc� tem coisas muito lindas na sua cozinha. Parab�ns!!!
Esses bolinhos devem ter ficado uma del�cia !!! Deu �gua na boca !!!
First time seeing takoyaki being made. Almost an art form of itself, damn.
It’s a lot of fun watching you cook. Besides, everything looks really good🤤
I’m getting hungry just from looking at that mayonnaise-coated takoyaki. That looks so delicious.
Amazing video , I really like the fact that you always use the same music , and the same style … please dont change your style , it’s unique
he’s so freaking extra and I love it, you’ve earned yourself another subscriber
I wanna see this guy’s full kitchen! it must be so fun
That oven toaster with steamer is an amazing product!
Thank you for the review♡ I might get one in the future because there is no japanese mayonise in Ireland.
I love how no one’s mentioning how he put mayonnaise on his salad.
He puts so much effort into making a single video..wish more youtubers were like this..
この究極のマヨネーズマシン気になってました⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝メレンゲがものすごくしっかり出来てて「おおっ!!」って感動しました👏🏻👏🏻混ぜてるときにマシンが少しづつ動いてるのを見て「おーいどこ行くのー? 」って声に出そうでした 笑もう一つのチャンネルの動画見たとき「動きがきれいかも…?」って思ってたんですがあんまり詳しくないので気のせいかと思ってたんですがやっぱり画質良くなっていたんですね(*°ω°*)後編も楽しみにしてます☆*。ヾ(。>ω<。)ノ゙☆*。あっ!!明太マヨはズルいです🤤←
The machine is a bit odd. Usually when adding oil to an egg yolk they begin to emulsify and really lighten up when blending. It looks like your mixture cracked. But this particular recipe also required egg whites, which probably would have been added for structure 🤔Doesnt look like an error on your part though. Great video though. I’m in love with your scissors.
And after the machine does almost everything else… you still have to mix the egg white and the yolk back together by hand3/5 for the machine 10/5 for the videoI wish I had a magic hen tooand a carrot that turns into a whiskand a screw driving penguin that magically disappears when you don’t need it
Could you imagine… “Hey man, you got a screwdriver i can borrow?”Him: ~hands you penguin on iceberg~ 😂😂 I love it.
Genuine!! I love the flow of narratives. And small kitchen earthenwares look fun in every second. 🙂
おもしろ文房具コレクション(3)Funny Stationery Collection. Japanese Popcorn Machine

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この文房具について◇ [コレクションNo.0516] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回はおもしろ文房具シリーズ第三弾 …
Muito bom ! Excelente apresenta��o !
Love the creative transitions between each item! The most unusual item for me was the apple pie-flavored noodles…… so strange yet I want to try it! 💖💖💖
Nossa amei tanto, queria todos pra mim. (ಠ_ಠ)❤
I dont know why but i find your videos relaxing, maybe because the music or the fun little activity you do with the wholesome stationery/stuff. I can just watch your videos without analize or think about it, only enjoying every moment of fun within it.
The “gogh earase your mistakes” ughhhh so witty! You must be thinking what else can you possible write with those many note pads 😅Btw, Sooo in love with what you share with us 😍
Es impresionante la cantidad de cosas que tiene 😍😱 donde guarda todo eso?! En todos sus videos, hay algo diferente.
Hello from Hong Kong! Thank god Youtube recommended your videos to me and i love your videos so much! Very creative and calming. Truly appreciate the art sense and wisdom that Japanese apply to daily life. Life so beautiful and full of surprise watching your videos.
If only my mom allowed me to buy all those cute unique stuffs I found whenever we shop
I can only imagine how wild your office and kitchen must look with all the crazy stationery and kitchen gadgets you’ve brought
It’s just as fun to watch the video that takes my soul out of my mind. I was interested in cooking… huh!!! This is the first time I’ve ever seen a channel that keeps my mind off. It’s really fun. 👍👍👍
Just discovered your channel, you have really cool stuff here! I want the butter slicer thing lol that was so cool!
Am I the only one who is laughing whenever he shows his unique equipments? The equipments are so funny somehow 😂😂
I just love to watch your videos cause 1. They make me so happy and 2. I can relax while watching these! Keep going please! :3P.S. A welcome from germany! Yes you have fans from germany!^-^
This guy is like the gadget/stationary version of dancing bacons
My son and I watch your videos every night before bed. Thank you 😊
That was a brilliant segue from food-looking stationery to stationery-looking kitchenware.
Amazing vidéo as always 🤩 Your gadgets and stationery are always funny,cute and interesting !
This is basically stationary starter pack for the kid that scores A+ on every test.
After watching so many of your videos, I do wonder what your home would look like with all of them being used daily. Or maybe you store it somewhere? I hope this isn’t too personal of a question/comment. ^^;
That was awesome. Somehow i knew you’d make a return with the popcorn. 🙂
自動でクルクル回る焼き鳥メーカー / Japanese Yakitori Machine

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨について◇ [コレクションNo.0472] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は自動で回る卓上無煙焼き鳥器「 …
部屋で1人BBQしてみました!もしこの動画が良かったらグッドボタンを押してくださると嬉しいです。グッドボタンは動画作りの励みになります。動画説明欄に詳細を書いています。動画に登場した雑貨は下記です。登場させ過ぎかな……(^^;)[魔法使いの杖の調味料入れ / MAGIC salt & pepper shakers]https://youtu.be/LLCeG50ygC0[漢字の皿 / kanji plate]https://youtu.be/h7ZlKv4L5S8[ナイフとフォークの皿 / plate-plate]https://youtu.be/xIC1IuD8WLc[栓を飛ばす栓抜き / The Cap Zappa]https://youtu.be/ALS0zuqI918[蚊取りコースター / Mosquito coil coaster]https://youtu.be/kjjRO9lebyo[カロリーゼロジョッキ / 0kcal beer mug]https://youtu.be/ut7EDiBzuQg[黒豚パズル / Pork Puzzle]https://youtu.be/HRVbjmOMnp0[鼻の形をしたペッパーミル / Ah Choo! Pepper Mill]https://youtu.be/Y3TE1d7gsFk[マンガ皿ジャーン / manga plate]https://youtu.be/HacOsaBzJEI[婚姻届&離婚届プレート / Marriage registration plate]https://youtu.be/-n6SaDKGSVQ[マンガ皿シャキーン / manga plate]https://youtu.be/XXNGIBJlg1Q[金魚コースター / Goldfish coaster]https://youtu.be/0mMx6nTXPNU[猫の足のコップ / cat foot glass]https://youtu.be/PZmzD93g-z4[日本刀のお箸 / samurai sword chopsticks]https://youtu.be/i8nJPCGNIJo[ピストル型調味料入れ / SAUCE SHOT]https://youtu.be/5HTFa1U_Wb0[きのこの七味入れ / mushroom Seasoning pot]https://youtu.be/GK4qRJmq-bs[腹八分目茶碗 / Diet rice bowls]https://youtu.be/eclPPGkup2Q[鼻の箸置き / nose chopstick rest]https://youtu.be/VhnG-hNonsU[ヌンチャク箸 / Nunchaku Chopsticks]https://youtu.be/E4t723GoQ3M
it’s Chef John music! 😀 <3 <3 <3 this looks sooo tasty.
Aside from the foods, I love the gadgets he uses. That cute kitten that hold his tea bag on his other videos it’s just too cute 🥺
Man, you have so many interesting plates and kitchen ware! Love your vids man, they bring smiles to my face 🙂
Your channel popped up on my recommendations, and I’ve binge watched your videos ever since. Subscribed as well! Loving the different/unusual kitchen stuff you use like your nose pepper grinder, pistol ketchup dispenser etc. lol!
This has got to be the coolest kitchen gadget ever! It’s like mini Gyros. I’d love to have that on dinner tables and guests can just pick the skewer they want after salad.
10:32 it’s on beat!! 😀
Amo seu canal, tudo ai � maravilhoso, *DELICIOUS* �nico problema � que n�o consigo comprar.valeu abra�os
For a country full of small apartments, you guys certainly have a lot of very specific appliances…. (not that I’m complaining, they’re awesome)
Am I the only one who thinks this show is more attractive with the videos trinkets and other cute utensils than the actual machines itself?
Its easier to put ground meat onto sticks when you chill it first. The time spent in the fridge also gives the meat more time to soak up the flavors of whatever you mix in it.
That’s a cool machine you got there. Thumbs up. I never seen one like that.
omg your plates, cup, pepper mill, chopsticks … everything in your kitchen so kawaii!!!! I wish I had it all!!!
this vid is pretty funny! this 13:45 was the funniest part. you’re so funny and I am very amazed at your video editing skills really good work you deserve more subs <3 Love your channel <3
Videos like these always combine a few of my favorite things. Japanese cooking and Japanese gadgets.
The plates and utensils are awesome love the videos came across your channel by accident I’m a subscriber now thanks for the videos keep it up
Sooo cute he used his shelves to prevent getting his fingers burn 😁💗💗
What surprises me is his ability to make all these kitchen gadgets work, and work well at that. Kitchen gadgets, especially electric ones, are known to barely ever work. He is a gadget wizard
究極のTKG(卵かけご飯)マシン / Tamago Kake Gohan Machine. Japanese food ”Raw Egg On Rice”

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター Eating raw eggs is a Japanese food culture. Japanese eggs are quality controlled, so I can eat with raw eggs. It is a very fresh raw …
Eating raw eggs is a Japanese food culture. Japanese eggs are quality controlled, so I can eat with raw eggs. It is a very fresh raw egg. I found a video describing raw eggs in English.[Is It Okay to Eat Raw Eggs? | Go! Francis! Cooking with Dog]https://youtu.be/SftNP1FTOEU(私は英語が苦手なのですが、生卵について伝わったかなぁ……)動画の中では、生で食べられる品質管理をされた卵を賞味期限内に使用しています。生卵の取扱いは食中毒などに十分お気をつけください。詳細は動画説明欄に書いています。この動画が良かったらグッドボタンを押してくださると嬉しいです。登場した雑貨は下記です。[リスしゃもじ / squirrel rice scoop]https://youtu.be/NAcHInNnlCc[刀の箸 / Samurai sword chopsticks]https://youtu.be/i8nJPCGNIJo[ドラムスティックの箸 / drumstick chopsticks]https://youtu.be/ABrPex5os70[ヌンチャクのお箸 / Nunchuck chopsticks]https://youtu.be/E4t723GoQ3M[ラーメンフォーク / ramen fork]https://youtu.be/_15sKBmjSQg
What a great machine. 😯 Ate raw eggs in Japan. They’re great. The idea of eating then raw freaked me out too until I ate legit Japanese eggs. They’re super golden, flavorful enough not to need any toppings and the raw texture isn’t as unappetizing as I thought. Mixing it into rice is super yummy. Do it if you get the chance 👍
Gosto muito do jeito que os japoneses cozinham, vc n�o v� �leo. Eu adoro arroz com ovo, mais ovo frito o deles � cozido nessa m�quina legal
one thing i miss about japan is the eggs! they’re some of the best i’ve tasted so far. They cook differently, and they’re richer in color too. While i was living there I actually felt okay with eating them raw, especially in sukiyaki, but now that i’m back in the U.S. i wouldn’t dream of it lol
I’m so sad to be allergic to raw eggs. Everything looks so delicious! 💦
I’ve been having a terrible day and sat down and watched many YouTube videos to cheer me up, but yours was the one that really made me happy. Thank you so much :)~Love from S. Korea
I saw your videos only recent and I must say, I really like them and it’s giving me simple and yet great ideas to eat on a budget. Thank you.
Look at that tiny rice cooker! That’s too cute. I never heard of this idea before (making the egg white into foam). I like very soft eggs (like hot spring eggs) but would find this challenging. For me this is a completely new look at very familiar ingredients.
I don’t know if I can ever eat an egg like that. You make it look so good still 😋😩👌❤️
진지하게 음식 만들고 젓가락으로 리듬 만드는거 진짜 귀여워요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 되게 신기하고 이쁜 젓가락이랑 그릇들이 많네요!! 저도 일본 가고 싶어요ㅠㅠ
I can do with my hand what this machine can do, but…THAT RICE SPOON IS *GODLY* !!!
Jap�o e sua criatividade,i Love Japan.
I’d want this egg machine ONLY, AND IF ONLY it comes with fresh eggs from Japan!!And that glistening sound effects of putting the yolk on top is so satisfying!!
I love how creative his copsticks are and fun to use. I want it too 😍😍
The most impressive thing is that the foods actually look like the covers.
The sound effect when he puts the yolk in, love it….
That looks cool and delicious at the same time!
I still miss Francis so much. I’m buying one of these machines right now!
Muito bom …
The humor in your videos are very classic and always in good taste 👍

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター このお菓子について◇ [コレクションNo.0487] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回はおもしろ雑貨ではなくて、おもしろ …
オードリーヘップバーンの残り湯(紅茶)は美味しかったです(笑)。詳細は概要欄に書いています。この動画が良かったらグッドボタンをお願いします。登場した雑貨の動画は下記です。[お皿のお皿 / Plate-Plate]https://youtu.be/xIC1IuD8WLc[犬グラス / GOODGLAS]https://youtu.be/Jgno7dFb6Ow[猫の足マグカップ / cat paw mug ]https://youtu.be/AZ_I-ygJHyI[潜水艦ティーストレーナー / Tea Sub]https://youtu.be/5WiFzKdT4Sk[ゲームコントローラーマグ / game over mug]https://youtu.be/k_GmpXFJX-8
I’m sitting here with my Sunday morning coffee and I’m really appreciating the thoughtfulness of your pairing decisions.
More kohakuto videos please!, they look amazing I wish they had it in US
Son tan bellas tus cositas, las quiero todas Te felicito por tus hermosos videos
I kinda wanna know where to find all those teas 👀 they look so cute and they look like they taste good ❤️
Life should be like this, full of wonderful surprises! And laid back afternoon tea ^_^
Those plates, tho…Edit: oh my god the tea are unique, too…
The attention to detail in asian stuff astonishes me, like, look at those butterfly tea bags, wtf, why can’t we have that stuff in Europe?! What about the cat fishing the tea bag?!?!!! I never knew I needed one until I saw these videos, lolEdit: WHAT ABOUT THE MOOMIN PLATE?! Now I gotta find one desperately
Im loving those plate’s,mug’s and tea’s…
They look too pretty to eat!
Do you… record all of these in the same day? That’s a lot of tea to have in one sitting…
Works of awesome art those candys are
You have such fun stationaries / utensils XD