牛解体パズルで部位を学ぶ。英語で!Piece o’ Steak. cow demolition puzzle. Japanese cooking. sukiyaki. gyudon

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター In Japan, it is safe to eat raw eggs by best before date. Not only eggs but chickens are strictly quality controlled by egg factories …
羊も解体しました!New video “Sheep Dissection Puzzle”. Please watch new video.https://youtu.be/-ibFwrg4dQk
I really love your videos! They’re always just really chill and make my day a little bit brighter <3Also, thanks for introducing me to that Zaku knife, too! 😛
i love your videos , they saved me from depression haha, they are soothing, and creative and simply addictive i wish you have more recognition you deserve it
I love your videos! They always relax me! But I do have a question! Where did you get that adorable cow teapot? It’s adorable!
I’m jealous of your japanese stuff and knivesYou’re the best channel to review the japanese stuff
Last year, I discovered this channel by accident. Now, it’s my favorite channel.
Prezado amigo, � sempre um renovado prazer assistir seus v�deos ! Com eles tomamos conhecimento de aspectos da cultura do Jap�o que desconhecemos, mas que nos s�o admir�veis. Sou do Brasil. Aceite meus cordiais cumprimentos e votos de permanente sucesso !
That beef bowl is my fav~~ everytime i go to japanese restaurant… i always order that food ♡♡♡ Aahh its been a while i havent watch your video… 😄 and im glad finally i can watch it again~ thank you for still making and uploading video ♡♡♡♡ Hope you always stay healthy and happy forever, iseebi-san
That cow puzzle is a really great idea for a figurine! I really want to have a character figure like that. It would look so cool!
I’m amazed every time I see you eat raw eggs just like that. Your health inspection rules must be really tight for the eggs to be safely eaten raw. Over here in Poland it’s ridiculously easy to get salmonella. :/
That sukiyaki set looks really good! I wonder how much that cost!
Hola!!! Me gustan mucho sus videos! Mucho!💖Es el mejor canal de gadgets increíbles! La forma de presentarlo es dinámica y divertida!😃 También el mostrar parte de su gastronomía es genial!!!🍜🍣 Un saludo y un gran abrazo de una admiradora desde CDMX México!!!😃💖👍
There’s foods that I’ve never tasted but I just imagine how they taste and it’s making me very hungry now
I wish there was a way we could get some if these cute products in the U.K. they look such fun
wow! i love your videos and your kitchenwares and i was drooling not because of your foods but also the tools you use! 🙂 I’m also wondering where did you get those nice background musics? watching here from the manila philippines! 🙂
I’m a professional chef by trade and I adore your kawaii kitchen and dining stuff. Japanese stuff – AISHITERU!!!! 😊🌻 🇯🇵
Another amazing video 🤩 Loved all the cow and animal items,so cute 💕 The food looked amazing too. Japanese beef is really famous for being the best beef in the world but it’s really hard to find where I’m from. Hope I can taste it one day.
Nice video as always! Btw, where did you get the Yoshinoya bowl? is it for sale?
テーブルで焼けるミニピザ窯! Mini Pizza Oven. Miniature Cooking

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨について◇ [コレクションNo.0499] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回はミニサイズのピザ窯(ピザ …
I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited for a pizza in my life. I’m so hungry now~!!
Once again you had me smiling, laughing, and amazed at the gadgets you find to order. The little knife cracked me up so much, at yet was functional at the same time! Thank you for making these videos. You truly make my day! Domo arigato gozaimasu.
Party for one! And he had a fantastic time, who needs friends when you have that many mini cocktails with mini pizza’s?! All the pizza’s look delicious! 😁💖
I didnt know a no-talk miniature cooking video can make me laugh so much 😂 now im really curious how his visitors must feel when they visit his house and have all of their food and drinks served in cool novelty tablewares 😂
I’ve watched a lot of your videos now and this is the best one you’ve ever made as far as I’m concerned. The tiny-handed ‘WOW’ at 8:59 is my favorite thing ever. Forever.
I… now want a tiny pizza oven. This looks really fun!
Muito bom e divertido, parab�ns
First time watching a video from this channel and i can tell he’s a funny guy, 7:07 i screamed, the first batch of pizza burnt because the oven wasn’t pre-heatedJapan got all my favorite hobbies and interests 👍
Sensacional!!! Adorei, pena que aqui no Brasil n�o temos esses gadgets malucos!!!!
Came for the pizza, stayed for the mini bottles of alcohol 👍🏼
“Hey, what did you eat for dinner?”“I ate 6 pizza and drank 10 bottles of alcohol.”“NANI!?!?”
Your videos are amazing! The editing and music is perfect. Keep up the fantastic work. <3
A few tips for you in the future. 1. let your dough sit at least overnight in the fridge to cold ferment. The taste matures very nicely in the dough and it is very noticable if you skip this step.2. NEVER EVER USE PRE-SHREDDED CHEESE FOR PIZZA!!!!! You don’t have to make your own cheese but you should at least shred your own cheese to avoid the anti caking stuff they put on the pre shredded stuff which makes your pizza cheese come out waxy and not good.
Those mini tools r soooooo cute uwu 😍
Hace poco descubri este canal en mis recomenados y me encantan tus videos! En especial este… no se si fue tu intenci�n, pero me diverti mucho !
So cute! Love miniature everything!
Além de faminta (como em todos os vídeos dele que assisto), dessa vez me senti um pouco embriagada kkkk 🤯😳
This dude have everything a child cook would want
I love this. Where can you get a miniature kitchen knife like that?

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター 楽天市場が運営するお買いもの情報メディア「それどこ」で、「これはおもしろい!」と思った文房具を15アイテム紹介させて頂きました。
Imagining those angpau packets with Tuanku Abdul Rahman’s face😂 but the bookmarks aree too cuteeee
I’m amazed at everything, so interesting! I’d use those if I was a student in Japan, sadly I’m already graduated 😹
I actually have one of those fish pencilcases! They suit my study very well as well (I’m in university to become a nutritionalist/dietician :D)
You make fantastic content. Thanks for putting in the time to share this awesome stuff with us!
Lol I’m amazed by all the products!! I’m going to bed💤 in a good mood! 😊Thank you! Hope you keep making videos like this. It’s relaxing to watch❤️
Some countries really got more than their share of creativity, these items are so cool, and there’s just something so exciting about new stationary even at the best of times. Little geeky kid me would have given his right arm for some of these things!
aaaaaaaaaaa quero esse apontador!!!!!E o resto tbm
Amazing design! All very useful Love it!
I LOVE these art/school supplies! 🙂
This was awesome! Did you find most of this stuff online?
おぉ!こんな面白い文房具があるとは!編集がお上手ですね( ˙ᵕ˙ )💕ちなみに私は、リップの容器に入ってるクレヨン持ってます!!!!!!
重ねると蝶がクモの巣にかかるグラス / glass with a trick. butterfly and spider glass set

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨について◇ [コレクションNo.0478] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回はドッキリする仕掛けがあるグラス( …
Such a great videos! I love those gadgets, could be great for romantic breakfast ideas, bento boxes, etc. 👍
I saw Georgia on that drink bottle and I’m from Georgia! Born and raised a Georgia peach! Love it! ❤
38歳 ! ポケモンドーナツ ! ゲットできたのですね ! おめでとうございます。モアイとムンクの氷を作る所で、冷蔵庫がピーピー鳴っていたのが、じわりとおもしろかったです。登場した雑貨がどれも面白かったり可愛かったりインパクトあったりして、見ていて楽しかったです(^^深夜の1人たこパ、楽しんでください ! !
I would love this man as my husband, he cleans dishes so thoroughly 🤤
ユニークなデザインですが、どれも日常的に活躍するものばかりですね✨d(>ω<。)これ思い付いた人凄いな,,,,発想がひと味違って面白いWW そして毎度楽しい動画投稿有難うございます‼
I have just one question.How is everything you use so cute;-;
失敗すると顔が飛び出る!ドキドキクラッシュ人体模型 / human body model game

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この玩具について◇ [コレクションNo.0451] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は人体模型の玩具を紹介します。
New video “Snow Crab Dissection Puzzle”. Please watch new video.https://youtu.be/f5qV_hyUhnI
ありがとうございます。 楽しかったです。
人体模型のパズルもあります!Human anatomical model puzzlehttps://youtu.be/KWwoJj2lKc0
That does look similar to the other model of the human body toy and the music was like scaring me 😬😬
this looks like a colossal titan lol 😂
Круто 👍👍👍👍