- マグロの解体ショーができる「一本買い!! 本マグロ解体パズル」 / Tuna demolition puzzle. Japanese toy
- 蟹!カニ!かに!ズワイガニ解体パズル / Snow Crab Dissection Puzzle. Japanese Toy
- 恐竜を解体して何食べる?T-Rex & Stegosaurus Anatomy Model. Dinosaur puzzle
- プチプラ雑貨!フライングタイガー購入品紹介。文房具多め / Flying Tiger Copenhagen Japan
- 焼きペヤング専用マシン / Peyoung Yakisoba Maker. Cooking Hiroshima Okonomiyaki
マグロの解体ショーができる「一本買い!! 本マグロ解体パズル」 / Tuna demolition puzzle. Japanese toy

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター Maguro! This is a tuna dismantling puzzle. It is a Japanese toy. It is a recommended toy for those who like sushi. Miniature size is …
羊も解体しました!New video “Sheep Dissection Puzzle”. Please watch new video.https://youtu.be/-ibFwrg4dQk
These toys are such a great idea. I wish they came with english translations so I could read them.
Now I wanna try this despite possibly getting frustrated halfway through. It still looks neat.
that mickey mouse dipping bowl is genius! putting the sauce in the bowl and making sure it fills in the deep spaces causes it to go dark and makes the mouse more visible. Nice!
This actually can be useful for fishers too, showing how to skin and debone a fish.
For children aspiring to be sushi chef.
That’s a pretty cool puzzle
Que raro juguete 😱 no tenemos juguetes asi en méxico, saludos 😊
I want to go to Japan and buy all the cute toys i can get.
To jest extra!!!
OMG where can i buy this!!!!!
how to cut fish anywhere else in the world use a regular boring knife.now how to cut fish in Japan a Katana sounds about right! also freaking awesome!
Buen video sigue asi ya se que soy espa�ol pero sigue asi
Where did u get it? Looks fun!
i dont need it, i dont need it, i dont need it…. I NEED IT!!
Love the music at 0:20What’s the title?
蟹!カニ!かに!ズワイガニ解体パズル / Snow Crab Dissection Puzzle. Japanese Toy

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この玩具について◇ [コレクションNo.0483] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は蟹(カニ)の部位がわかる …
羊も解体しました!New video “Sheep Dissection Puzzle”. Please watch new video.https://youtu.be/-ibFwrg4dQk
Love the vids, I’m from Australia and my mother was a Hiroshima survivor and a war bride, I envy everything about Japan and felt so at home the few times I have visited. I believe I was born on the wrong side of the pond, anyway, stay safe my friend and if your ever in Kure or Karuga say hello to my parents because I know there both there. Cheers mate, stay safe friend. Sayonara
This made me so hungry! Haven’t had a whole snow crab in such a long time!Here in the states, we put them in a big pot with corn and little potatoes and clams! Best thing ever! Just look up “crab boil”!
Este juguete es muy bueno para la carrera de gastronom�a, puesto que trae e indica las partes del cangrejo. Es solo mi opini�n. PD excelente v�deo
I like what he uses when he cooks.😁
I have never eaten crab but it looks tasty 🤤
Dude did like 4 or 5 different recipes with just one crab…. Impressive 😵😵👏👏
This is for training your kids to get your crab ready for you as you watch TV LOL
In portuguese: Parab�ns pelo v�deo!
Your toy is very good
This video is brilliant! Love the toy – real crab disection!
Muito bom os seus v�deos
That scissor pretending to be a sword 😍
Muito bom. Gosto muito de seus v�deos.
恐竜を解体して何食べる?T-Rex & Stegosaurus Anatomy Model. Dinosaur puzzle

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この玩具について◇ [コレクションNo.0500] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は恐竜の解剖パズルの紹介です。
プライベートのチャンネルです。夏休みどちらも更新頑張ります。My other channel. Please subscribe to my channel.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs5DZw6JqgrGuyyjYAjV4IQ
I love your videos! They’re so relaxing and funny! Thank you 🦊
This toy is very interesting. It can help children understand the structure of dinosaurs.
Parabéns pela criatividade 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
500回目の動画、おめでとうございます!恐竜でなにを食べるのか…と思ったら、今回もいろいろ食べてましたね。タコスとかドリトスで恐竜の背中を表現したのも、すごいなーとおもいました。恐竜のグッズもたくさんもっているんですね。伊勢海老さんのコレクションの守備範囲広そう(カワイイものから恐竜、時には業務用も)なので、どんな動画が見られるか、これからも楽しみにしています ! !
5:10 i honestly thought that was a banana. I got so confused when he ate it. I was expecting him to peel it 😂
Que bellos!..pero ha de costar trabajo armarlos..saludos
解体シリーズ大好きなので嬉しいです☺指食べられて叩いて鍋で煮るくだりでめっちゃ笑いました😂😂ドリトスのマイルドソルト美味しいですよね( º﹃º` )あれは無限に食べられます(*`・ω・)و←
That chocolate dinosaur looks yummy!! I want to eat too. XD
I love your videos, they’re awesome!! <3But I have a very important question….What’s that song called at 6:06?I have to know, pls. <3
When I first thought this was a normal video showcasing the model but yep there is the eating scene themed with dinos this time.
I had missed this one.Love it love it.Dino everything. (Almost)Doritosaurous, Tyranauruffle Rex. 💁🏼♂️💁🏼♂️T-Rex, into the tar pit. HahaAlso seeing the differences in dipping sauce. One looked a little like salsa 💃🏼.
I bet you’re having a lot of fun editing these videos haha
I’m watching from Costa Rica, your videos are so addictive!
this is the perfect example of playing with your food 😂
Genial, muy buenos v�deos
プチプラ雑貨!フライングタイガー購入品紹介。文房具多め / Flying Tiger Copenhagen Japan

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨文房具について◇ [コレクションNo.0404] 北欧のプチプラ雑貨屋フライングタイガーコペンハーゲン(Flying Tiger Copenhagen) …
人形に刺すプッシュピンがホラーOUCH! PUSHPIN HOLDERhttps://youtu.be/wQG-W4zm9pY
Oh!! I actually have the strawberry scissors!! And thank you for testing out on the flexible pencils; I did not know that the robot pencil sharpener can only sharpen certain types of pencils, haha 😄
That bag is me everytime I go to Tiger (or as it is now, Flying Tiger Copenhague), I always end up buying funny weird stuff.
Whoa I want that Robot Pencil Sharpener. =3It actually works. xD
Flying tiger安くて楽しくて好きです。あと、指が長くて綺麗な手ですね。字もキレイ!!
Oh good! Now I’ve got flashbacks on how much money I’ve spent on Flying Tiger Copenhague crap hahahha, I love (hate) that store xD
♡ the video keep it up
焼きペヤング専用マシン / Peyoung Yakisoba Maker. Cooking Hiroshima Okonomiyaki

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨について◇ [コレクションNo.0489] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は焼きペヤングメーカーの紹介です。
1人焼肉でも使えそうです(笑)。この動画が良かったらグッドボタンをお願いします。動画を更新する励みになります。登場した雑貨の動画は下記です。[アインシュタイン皿 / Einstein Plate]https://youtu.be/Ld1fkZbWFRI[石川五右衛門皿 / Goemon Plate]https://youtu.be/LkNfbPsBCBw[卵かけご飯マシン / Egg Machine]https://youtu.be/ZlYabe2NiZ8[ベートーベン皿 / Beethoven Plate]https://youtu.be/2tcsjQ4lMAw[Plate-Plate]https://youtu.be/xIC1IuD8WLc
That “YAAAY~” always gets me laughin’ xD
“It’s just like when we first met. I brought you some just like I promised. Half’s for you.”
I love this channel 😍 you don’t just enjoy watching the new machines , you are learning new receipts and in the description he is explaining everything he is doing and the name of the Japanese dishes in details 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
A japanese man who appreciates good portions like a westerner, good work mate! All your videos make me appreaciate how little things in life can make you feel content and wholesome. Good year to you!
Imagine all the dishes he has to do for this video, respect!
japan really have a machine for everything don’t they?
I might not buy the whole kit, but watching the video make me feel so comfortable(and hungry) : DWho would know instant noodle can be sooo fun~~~
Every time I see Peyoung Yakisoba it reminds me of Baji Keisuke, miss him so much 😭
I love japanese food! Couldn’t understand anything written in the food packages, but it seems delicious!
As an American, fascinated by Japanese culture, I’d love to learn to make traditional Okonomiyaki. That would be my go-to breakfast on my days off.
2:59 breakfastll3:48 lunch5:07 dinner8:15 late night meal10:20 later night meal
As an American I feel comfortable saying…. That looks like an insane amount of food!
Remember this when Baji kun and Chifuyu used to split it in half 🥺
I feel like this dude is the ultimate cooking mad lad.
I never thought I needed this in my life but now I do.
On the raw eggs, no country (including Japan) has managed to make eating raw eggs completely safe from the risk of salmonella. It’s a small risk but it still happens. It has nothing do with freshness or quality control.
Okonomiyaki sounds great right about now. Damn, I wish I were in Japan right now….
This man is on another level!