Restoration EG(おすすめch紹介)

Restoration EG(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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Restoring a

Restoring a $0.5 Appollo Tetris Handheld. 118- Games in 1 Console – Retro Game Restoration

.5 Appollo Tetris Handheld. 118- Games in 1 Console – Retro Game Restoration

Restoring a $0.5 Appollo Tetris Handheld. 118- Games in 1 Console - Retro Game Restoration  (c) Restoration EG

(c) Restoration EG Restoring a $0.5 Appollo Tetris Handheld. 118- Games in 1 Console – Retro Game Restoration I bought this Appollo Tetris style brick game hand held console …

Essas telas LCD s�o universais padr�o para qualquer appollo ou brick game ?

Skillful work

Это поздний тетрис Appollo 118 in 1. Хоть он говорящий. Но тут игры как во всех тетрисах из Миллениум.

عمل رائع

Good Job:)

Very cool 🙂 greetings from Poland 🙂

Този вид аполло 118 в 1 има 16 скорости и 16 нива (0-15) а принципно аполло е говоряща конзола . Черния вариант на аполло има 10 скорости и 10 нива (0-9) Тук обаче скоростите и нивата са 16 ако броим и 0та без 0та са 15

ممتاز جدا

اعشق افكارك


Имах подобна такава миналата година . Сега имам една счупена – черна и ще я поправям скоро . трябва да следя как се прави възстановяването , за да не допусна грешка . Успех .

where do you get these stuff

Başlıklar bile google translste ten alınma

Looks like a Nokia 3310


لل بیع

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Simple Way to Turn a 1970s Vintage to Modern Rechargeable Flashlights | Japanese Toshiba k-400

Simple Way to Turn a 1970s Vintage to Modern Rechargeable Flashlights | Japanese Toshiba k-400  (c) Restoration EG

(c) Restoration EG Simple Way to Turn a 1970s Vintage to Modern Rechargeable Flashlights | Japanese Toshiba k-400 I bought this Japanese Toshiba flashlight only 1$. This is …

Love it ✨💡, Keep Going 💫

Классно получилось .

Нужно было присобачить к круглой с линзой шняге кольцо пластиковое или резиновое чёрного цвета главное диаметр должен быть нужным.

Ill be honest with you. It was a good idea but the execution was not so good.

You could have used a better recharge jack. But very nice job.


Harika olmuş türkmüsün

Those fluorescent circuits will drive a CFL bulb nicely so save if you still have it.That one there looks like it has a standard fluorescent drive circuit. I tore down a broken camping light and it used a tube which each holder had only one wire so it was driving it like a CCFL lamp. I recently just made a portable light from this circuit and a CFL curly bulb and it is very bright.

Good video 😉 New sub

LED? oh man why?


as restaura��es deste canal at� que s�o boas, mas o acabamento, peca muito, inclusive nas pinturas. ( the restorations of this channel are good, but the finish, sins a lot, even in the paintings.)

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I Restored This Dell Yellowed Keyboard for My Home Office (Retro Tech) Win98 keyboard 22 years old

I Restored This Dell Yellowed Keyboard for My Home Office (Retro Tech) Win98 keyboard 22 years old  (c) Restoration EG

(c) Restoration EG On this video I show you how I restored this Yellowed Keyboard Retrobright made for Windows 98. Since everyone, including me, are working at home offices …

el teclado quedo como nuevo genial.

Buena te quedo bro el teclado dell restaurado 😉

Не плохо .

مبروك عليك 👍 عمل رائع ارجو شرح مكونات التبيض بالتفصيل وطريقة استخدام المكونات بالتفصيل وأماكن شرءها

You need to build yourself a UV tank instead of leaving stuff out in the sun.

مانوع مياه الأكسجين وما المادة الإضافية التى ضفتها وهل عرضت المكونات وهى فى الماء للشمس ومدة اد ايه

Is not azerty???

you from?

بيتباع فين ده

Super Mario Bros Handheld Console Only 8$ 400 in 1 Games Game PAD- Retro Games unboxing and review

Super Mario Bros Handheld Console Only 8$ 400 in 1 Games Game PAD- Retro Games unboxing and review  (c) Restoration EG

(c) Restoration EG Super Mario Bros Handheld Console Only 8$ 400 in 1 Games Game PAD- Retro Games unboxing and review Multi Game / Handheld / Portable / NES …

It’s 20 now due to inflation and cost of shipping in China gone up

1:05 how to tell this item was made in China: it has a Li-ion ‘gattery’

الله عليك بكام دى ؟

saludos de mexico

S�lidos seja l� oq isto seguinificad


How much??

تو ایرانی هستی دیگه

Nintendo sus

Saludos desde Bolivia

I Restored The Yellowest Super Nintendo Controller

I Restored The Yellowest Super Nintendo Controller  (c) Restoration EG

(c) Restoration EG I Restored The Yellowest Super Nintendo Controller In this video, I will restore the yellowed Super Nintendo controller which was seen in the last video.

Muito bacana suas restaura��es achei o canal esses dias parab�ns. Rsss m�s o jogador � meio fraco kkkk

Que nostalgia, seu v�deos ficam sempre �timos meus parab�ns!!

A gente sempre v� essas restaura��es em canais gringos, muito legal saber que agora tem br fazendo tamb�m.

Da hora o canal, só tinha qui ensinar como fazer a limpeza 🧹

Apesar de jo ser control original, amigo te quedo super 👍👍👍

Nice job,keep that way ,Greetings from El Salvador !!!

Ficou muito bonito, novo em folha

Недавно делал тоже самое) достался snes оригинальный,кнопки от пыли и грязи даже не нажимались.правда таких приспособ не было,”головами” от самогонки все промыл)) теперь в стоит файтер рублюсь)

Disso eu não sabia , só brasileiro gosta de assistir isso 🤔 só sei que adoro esse canal 😃

Parece que foi ontem que eu pegava essa manete escondida dos meus irmãos pra brincar com Nintendo kkkkkkE a saudade tá como😭 chora coração

👏👏👏👏Ficou massa

Me relajan tus videos amigo sube mas

Buen trabajo amigo

У меня получилось осветлить пожелтевшие старые контактные площадки от геймпада iBuffalo snes classic. Поместил их все в герметичный пакетик, налил туда Н2О2 3%, выгнал лишний воздух и оставил на солнце на пару-тройку дней. Это для тех, у кого тоже нет УФ-ламп. Жаль, порванные места на них так не починить. Возможно, синяя изолента справится))

Great job on restored the yellow est super Nintendo controller restoration eg👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

Voc� � brasileiro? Canal top, irm�o


🙆🏻‍♂️😃FIRST😃🙆🏻‍♂️•Great Job•🎮👨🏻‍🔧🔧🛠🕹From:•BRAZIL🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

ممتاز ربنا يبارك فيك

•Great Job•

