![(c) さいとうなおき 【公開します】19年前から今までのイラストの変化 【公開します】19年前から今までのイラストの変化 (c) さいとうなおき](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCxuipVSw8ajLZPgSyKmw6Ag/pkbdcWgqAgU.jpg)
(c) さいとうなおき 2001年(19歳)〜2020年(37歳)までのイラストの変化をまとめてみました。紆余曲折へてきたイラストレーターの苦悩(?)と葛藤(?)のお絵かき …
0:00 19年前から今までのイラスト全部公開!1:00 2001年〜2003年2:13 2004年4:16 2005年5:18 2006年5:57 2007年7:24 2008年8:14 2009年〜2010年10:14 2011年〜2012年12:00 2013年14:03 2014年〜2015年15:43 2016年〜2017年17:39 2018年19:05 2019年20:18 2020年21:05 総まとめ
YouTubeで「絵の変化」っていったら普通は以前に比べて今はこんなに上手くなりましたってことだけど、これは単に作風の変化 変遷で絵自体は元々メチャクチャ上手いんですね(笑)。やっぱりプロは凄い。
I can’t even comprehend how “Dark Age” Saitou-sensei and the Pepper Man drawing morphed into those Kancolle works and pretty ladies. I still find myself loving the entirety of these artworks, though.
i remember having one of that duel master card during highschool, not realize its yours. its really nice to see your progress over the years of experience in this video.
さいとうなおき先生の動画で元気づけられました(´;ω;`)自分が今、またイラストレーターになりたくて、夢に向かって再スタートできる環境になり、走り始めたのですが、20歳の頃に親から、「そんな絵で食べていけないんだから諦めなさい!」と言われて、社会人生活していたんですが、やっぱり絵が描きたい!仕事にしたい!その気持ちが薄れることがなくて、今更、イラストレーターになっても……やっていけるのか……と、ふと考えて夜も眠れなかった時に、この動画をみて、今自分がやりたいこと、目指してること、一生懸命に取り組もうと思います。自分が踏み込んだ世界じゃないから、不安半分期待半分ですが、さいとうなおき先生のお言葉に勇気貰いました。長文で失礼致しました。 さいとうなおき先生、ありがとうございます。追記になりますが、これから夏に向かって暑くなる時期ですので、水分補給等忘れずに体調の方くずされませんようにご自愛ください。 m(*_ _)m
It is honestly funny how Naoki is scared of his own previously twisted art xDbut anyways your art is amazing!
Thank you for sharing your experiences! I had your duel masters cards when I was a kid! I am so happy to find you here on youtube and twitter! Thank you for the lessons so far, Naoki-sensei! Love from an aspiring illustrator from the Philippines!
ついやっちゃう失敗と解決法 5選
![(c) さいとうなおき ついやっちゃう失敗と解決法 5選 ついやっちゃう失敗と解決法 5選 (c) さいとうなおき](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCxuipVSw8ajLZPgSyKmw6Ag/Ut8e57xsUtU.jpg)
(c) さいとうなおき 絵を描く時に、ついついやっちゃう失敗例と、回避方法をお伝えしました ——————————– 参考動画 ———————————- …
In summary-1. Poor Composition – Do not squeeze your art from edge to edge with no breathing room. 2. The colours are too flat – Use complementary colours to add depth and mood to your art3. Poor use of contrast – There should be a good use of the darkest darks and lightest lights4. Only add details to narrow focus on important parts of the art5. Take your time to finish a proper piece instead of submitting incomplete works of art
デジタルイラスト始めたてで1枚の作品を完成させるのに時間がかかりすぎることに悩んでいたのですが、時間をかけるのは悪いことじゃないと言ってくれたみたいで嬉しかったです🥳 すごい作品を10時間で作り出せる人とはそれまで積み上げてきたものが違うんですよね… がんばろ…
I love how sensei is very careful and gentle in giving his advice. For someone who has a fragile heart, I really appreciate that aspect of his videos.
補色すげー!落書きだとグレーで塗ってオーバーレイでそれっぽくするのが好きだったのですがそこに捕食を足すだけでさらにそれっぽくみえて感動しました トーンカーブもプロはメイキングで使ってるよなぁとは思ってたけど調べるのもめんどくさいしいっかと思ってましたが便利なものなんですね
Thank you so much for providing tutorials, tips, and corrections. I have felt your videos not only helped me with figuring out how to improve, it has helped me gain confidence too!💖
When it comes to the second point: I think, what that image was truly lacking – is depth, which was caused by the lack of both contrast in tones and in lines thickness. Adding more thicker lines wherever contact shadows should appear as well as increased contrast between the tones of the artwork would solve the core itchiness from the picture, without having need to add complementary colors. Same usually goes for the black&white pictures, color values are very important 😊
I had an artwork that was of low contrast and mostly red. The character was holding a book that I made green to compliment the red. And I raised the contrast to make the darker parts pure black. It looks so much better! I thought I had completed it two weeks ago, but I was wrong
Seu trabalho e incrível obrigada pelas dicas 😊💜
I love watching his videos so much. Not only are they informational, he just explains things in a really expressive way and it’s just really fun to watch because of that😂
Que genial que esto est� subtitulado al espa�ol, muy buenos consejos, me encantaron :3
Hi Naoki sensei another great video, I am wondering if you have considered making videos about fundamentals? I see that this video has covered a little bit about composition and colour contrasts and I think it’s really beneficial if you can go deeper about the topic by explaining the fundamentals in more details
【原神vol.2】プロなら1ミリも知らないキャラ ヒントだけで完璧に描ける説!!!
![(c) さいとうなおき 【原神vol.2】プロなら1ミリも知らないキャラ ヒントだけで完璧に描ける説!!! 【原神vol.2】プロなら1ミリも知らないキャラ ヒントだけで完璧に描ける説!!! (c) さいとうなおき](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCxuipVSw8ajLZPgSyKmw6Ag/z0pId000BqE.jpg)
(c) さいとうなおき 全然知らない原神のキャラを、ヒントだけを元にデザインを当てにいってみました。 今回は声だけを元にデザインを当てにいくチャレンジもして …
【原神】プロなら1ミリも知らないキャラ ヒントだけで完璧に描ける説!!!【Genshin vol1】Professionals can draw characters they don’t know with just hints!https://youtu.be/xVWaS0vmzmw
“…he carries a large sword. He should be an old and well built man.” I can’t wait for sensei to see Sayu…xD
Chongyun: if he was just olderFischl: she just got a new outfitXiao: mix of his old design (red, the smiling expression, and shirtless) and his new design
i love how he paused when looking at chongyun and was like “he’s a child” and i was like BAHAHAHA
Xiao: I dont understand human emotions..*Draws him smiling*
I literally laughed out loud when he was like “oh. She is chunibyo” It means “8th graders disease” and it basically just means “edgy” “emo/goth phase” combined with that arrogance middle schoolers have where they think they’re so great and invincible.
Something I’d be curious to see: Show your drawings to a Genshin player who didn’t watch your video, and see whether they can guess the character correctly.
Your version of Chongyun looks like him when he’s in his 40s and tired from the constant work! Reminds me of the old Peter Parker in Spiderman Into the Spiderverse! I’d love to see the young chongyun interacting with an old tired Chongyun, it would be hilarious!Your description & design of Fischl is actually spot on with the purple outfit, eye patch and Noble like elements!Your version of Xiao is actually really similar to his beta design which is such a funny coincidence! XDReally enjoyed this video and I hope that you can draw more genshin characters! 💕
“The bow is the crow!”Everybody: Well yes but actually no…
Character: wields big sword*Naoki Saito: HE’S OLD
The knowledge you hold… I audibly gasped when you said ‘his design screams red but he sounds cool so he must incprporate green instead of red as a complimentary.’ Sensei you are a god
I think the most interesting drawings are the ones where you don’t nail down exactly the design of the charachter because it’s always wonderful seeing a different and original interpretation of the charachters you know well.I would love to see you draw more difficult charachters like Lady Yae or Scaramouche!
The original official design of xiao was actually dressed in red cloth. Saito sensei is really a pro artist.
If you look up the Genshin fansong “Right Here I Stand”, Chongyun’s outfit is actually similar to yours! (At least the shirt is). Then, with Fischl, the bow is not the crow, but it is? Well, she created a bird friend named Oz out of her powers, and uses him in combat, meaning the bow is technically the crow. Xiao’s very similar to his old design, where he was smiling, shirtless, and red. And yes, he did have muscles too (the simps have gone insane over them, prove me wrong).
I would love to see a series with all of your versions of Genshin characters brought to life as their own beings, their designs are so cool!
I love his interpretation of Chongyun! I wish genshin actually had playable characters that look like that 😍
The Fischl design was scary accurate, eyepatch, dress, colors…The only thing he got wrong was the crow but to be honest I would love a crow changing into a bow in genshin
![(c) さいとうなおき 【要注意】こんな人は絵が下手になります!! 【要注意】こんな人は絵が下手になります!! (c) さいとうなおき](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCxuipVSw8ajLZPgSyKmw6Ag/4kzYGQkjfVk.jpg)
(c) さいとうなおき 絵が下手な人の特徴について話してみました。 プロでも陥りがちな落とし穴。 僕も日々注意しています!! ———-この動画を見てくれた方への …
0:00 こんな人は絵が下手になります1:45 絵が下手な人は『資料探し』を面倒くさがる6:06 絵が下手な人は『絵を寝かせる』を面倒くさがる9:50 絵が下手な人は『作品を見直すこと』を面倒くさがる14:55 絵が上手い人の特徴
資料探しも好き絵を寝かせるのもやるそして、過去の絵を見比べて分析もするしかし、絵を描くのがめんどくさい ジ・エンド
1:52 「資料探し」を面倒くさがる6:06 「絵を寝かせる」事を面倒くさがる9:51 「作品を見直す」事を面倒くさがる個性をなくせ!
It is really good that his videos have subtitles… Just pure ART ❤️
Feeling incredibly grateful for the English subtititles! <3
![(c) さいとうなおき 【気まぐれ添削50】プロが解説します!上達のポイント! 【気まぐれ添削50】プロが解説します!上達のポイント! (c) さいとうなおき](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCxuipVSw8ajLZPgSyKmw6Ag/DPY-MxFD_7k.jpg)
(c) さいとうなおき 今回作品をご提供頂いたのは『宝鐘マリン』さんです! 作品のご提供ありがとうございます!! タイトル『Mori Calliope(モリカリオペ)』 ⏩宝 …
If we had more teachers like you in school, the world would be a better place. 🥺
This is crazy, he actually got a correction request from Senchou
This teacher has mastered giving good critique. No matter the picture, theres always something good to point out first and the way he gently goes over things that can be better without riding on how bad it is. I really like these videos, it helps me practice observation by looking at the original first and then listen to his insights. Not to mention all the useful techniques he shares.Thank you sensei !
I find amusing the way you treat the drawing, the amount of respect and personality you have, the fact that Senchou asked you to fix her illustration says a lot of how amazing you are.It’s often good to hear other opinions and suggestions of how to improve and specially if they come from people like you.Thanks a lot, it’s being fun watching your videos.
This really screams professional to my face. like, I can’t imagine of such ways to ‘create’ a background though lighting and shadings, wow! Much love for Saito san and Senchou
Oh wow, I love how kind sensei is, like, he’s trying really hard to teach senchou how to draw backgrounds, and how to make the character pop and play nice with it~ They’re both wonderful people <3
You know how deep you are into the rabbit hole when you start to constantly get normal Japanese youtuber in your recommendation
11:52 11:52 影 multiply12:19 12:19 反射光1 hardlight12:43 12: 43 こもれび hardlight/overlay14:33 14:33 14:33 目18:08 18:08 反射光2
Damn aside for his talent, he’s so entertaining to watch, just by listening you can see he really know his craft.
Thank you for the subtitles! I don’t know Japanese, but thanks to the subtitles, I can understand you! The video is wonderful!!
This was the first correction I watched, and from there I started watching more and more of your content, the way you explain everything and have such a good eye to find improvements in some already good drawings is really impressive, with your videos I can motivate myself to keep on drawing! Hopefully I’ll be able to become at least near good as possible as you!