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【原神】プロなら1ミリも知らないキャラ ヒントだけで完璧に描ける説!!!

(c) さいとうなおき 全然知らない原神のキャラを、ヒントだけを元にデザインを当てにいってみました。 今回は声だけを元にデザインを当てにいくチャレンジもして …
【原神vol.2】プロなら1ミリも知らないキャラ ヒントだけで完璧に描ける説!!!【Genshin vol2】Professionals can draw characters they don’t know with just hints!https://youtu.be/z0pId000BqE
Naoki: Funeral directors don’t dress in flashy colors.Zhongli: *flashiest man in Liyue*
Tartaglia is scary close. The design he went for is more close to his delusion form if he was younger.
Hints: Zhongli is a character who doesn’t care about moneyZhongli: *is actually broke*
I just realized something about Tartaglia’s outfit. Tartaglia is a morally grey character, he is neither entirely good nor bad. His outfit is mostly comprised of grey. He wears red accessories, red most of the time symbolizing evil. Yet he has blue accents like his eye color and his vision, Hydro. Blue is used to represent good. So basically, Tartaglia is fighting for the evil, but is doing what is good.
“Qi Tao is not real , they cannot hurt you”*Qi Tao exists*
“Maybe he can use magic to get rocks out of the ground”Zhongli: summons a meteor from outer space
“Maybe he can use magic to get rocks from the ground”Zhongli: I WILL HAVE ORDER *drops a effing meteor from space*
Honestly, most of these look like possible beta designs for their respective characters. Good job!
Hu Tao was actually pretty accurate just from the voice, I mean he got the outfit, hat, eyes and hair basically all right. Even her power wielding, like it is fire but she also controls ghosts. Pretty fucking awesome
“Maybe he can use magic to get rocks out of the ground”Zhongli: Here’s a huge rock from the sky
Naoki-san you are sugoi
His Tartaglia is sooo close. I’d 100% know it was him if I saw the image even though his clothes are different. His Zhongli is also very good and if he had gotten the hint that he’s a god I feel his design may have shifted a bit. And I’m SHOOK at how close his Hu Tao was considering he only heard her voice lines! Amazing work!
Im obsessed with how talented this dude is. He really captured Zhongli and Childe so well, but also got the whole theme right with hu tao (tho he did make her very qiqi like). Amazing skills omg.
I feel like all these versions look like what the characters were in their younger/teenage years
i got so scared about how he drew childe so accurately without anything other than descriptions
В любом случае, это круто, мне нравится, что у данного художника получается хотябы примерно угадать образ персонажа, как знать, они могли бы быть и такими :3

(c) さいとうなおき 僕は30歳でキャラクター絵師を目指して、3ヶ月で転身を果たすことが出来ました。 その時の練習方法を、具体例を交えつつ詳しくご紹介 …
4:46 目次5:04 理想の自分の絵を探す6:35 沢山ある場合は7:47 その人の絵柄でオリジナル作品を描く9:03 本当の課題を見つけるために10:15 何を描けばいいのかわからない時は?11:10 自分の絵とお手本を見比べる13:23 どれを優先にすべきか分からない時は?14:18 その一点に絞って練習する15:52 どのくらい練習すればいいの?17:52 練習した事を反映して2に戻る20:58 オリジナリティがなくなってしまうのでは?23:00 注意点
for english viewers1. Find your ideal illustrations ( 5:05 )2. Draw original work in the role model’s art style ( 7:47 )3. Compare your illustrations with that of your role model’s ( 11:12 ) – Note: make sure to start with learning how to draw the face, hands, and body4. Focus in on a single problem and practice ( 14:18 )5. Return to step 2 while putting what you’ve practiced into action ( 17:52 )
thank you, naoki sensei 🙏 i am very happy and glad that there’s a big variety of languages of subtitles for people who’s seeking for good art advice across the world. this was very helpful, hoping that my art will improve in 3 months hehe 💕
Obrigada pelas legendas em português ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
this method reminded me of the progression in Dark Souls.thanks Naoki!also thanks for the subtitles in Portuguese, i appreciate your work!
i really like this guy. he makes me excited to learn new things. I wish all teachers where like this guy
I love how happy and excited he is to share this and how nicely he’s speaking. Too wholesome 🥺
Thank you for sharing these tips, I’m so thankful that you added English CC so that users like us can figure out your tips, I’m going to be trying it out! <3
I will try this method to improve more of my skills in illustration and hope everything will works out well. Thank you for sharing everything you know Saito-sensei!
【注意】線が下手な人の特徴 6選

(c) さいとうなおき 線が下手な人は、こんな間違いやっちゃってませんか?6つの大事なポイントをお伝えします ————– <書籍版>イラスト最速上達法 …
自分用0:00 線が下手な人の特徴1:38 タブレットの設定が変3:10 一回しか下描きしない5:49 線の太さが全部同じ7:57 はみ出すのが嫌い9:31 線をつなげて描く12:01 綺麗な線を描こうとしすぎ※概要欄のコピペ
Wow, he just told me to do the exact opposite of what all the other “how to do lineart” videos were telling me. All of them put so much emphasis on getting perfect, smooth lines, and I feel like a failure because I can’t achieve that. Thank you Saito-sensei for reminding me that drawing in a different way isn’t “incorrect”, it’s just different.
That last tip about drawing over short lines just made digital art ‘click’ for me. It’s something I do when working in pencil, but for some reason moving into a digital space I always just got into an assumption that the line has to be done in one sweep and look good at the same time (maybe it’s just because digital linework is so innately smooth compared to using physical tools and seeing the way the physical textures interact). I never noticed I was actually fighting my own instincts. Thank you so much for this!
i love Saito-sensei’s style because he’s not afraid to tell you you’re wrong but it’s in a way that motivates you to do better!thank you so much for this video, lines are one of the hardest parts for me to do well!
I found myself that I can model well with clay and also paint with no problem but I really did suck with the line art always. This video was so informative and the cutting lines has been so beneficial for me! Thank you so much Sensei for helping artists, you’re a blessing for the community 😭♥🙏
I’ve been struggling with drawing smooth lineart when drawing digitally, since when I draw on paper I actually draw lineart in layers and just smoothen it out eventually. Thanks to this video, I realized that it’s not “wrong” to draw lineart in layers in digital art.
saito sensei, thank you!! the fact that you don’t limit your technique to any particular style, but the mindset to drawing as a whole is really validating and inclusive for all artists styles, those who paint or those who do strict lineart. thank you so much for making such helpful videos and sharing your knowledge as an incredible industry artist <3
Fantastic! Also I think another key in drawing lineart is to have the lines be thicker and/or darker where there is shadow, at least if you are going for a 3D look. And this is a really specific tip but if there is a backlight on your character, like say there is a fire behind them, make sure the glow is over the lines not under them or it will look odd. (If you are working on paper, you can still do this by using something opaque or semi opaque over the line like gouache, acrylic paint, colored ink mixed with white ink, some gel pens, and some colored pencils.)
I’m so happy I found this video! I was struggling with inking for a while now and I felt like nothing seemed to work especially while watching videos and trying to follow along it felt so draining but after watching this video it felt so relieving and easy to me!! like a huge weight had been lifted and I could draw again, the way you explain the concepts in the video are very easy to understand even with the subtitles and I’m eternally grateful you put in the effort to write the subtitles for us!!
Thank you very much for your advice, Sensei!I actually draw my lines doing many strokes (as some mangaka do) but many artists on the internet keep saying that’s wrong and one should do lines with one stroke.So, really, it’s such a relief to hear someone give alternatives for those of us who struggle with lineart. 本当にありがとうございます!
I cannot tell you how helpful this is – I started drawing as a digital artist, was never very good at traditional. All I’ve ever heard from digital artists is to make smooth lines, don’t lift your pen until you get the exact swoop. But recently I’ve been getting into traditional art with inks, and was shocked at how alive the lineart looked, even though I made more “mistakes” than I do digitally. It made me really unhappy with my stiff-looking digital drawings and I didn’t know what to do about it. I am so excited to try this digitally! Thank you so much for this refreshing advice!
Thank you for motivating me to get back into digital art! Lines were the most difficult for me, as I couldn’t get the ‘straight and perfect line with only 1 stroke’… I am going now to try out your layered line technique! Thank you so much for the hints!
I really love the way you explained, how you express everything and the examples you give. Your art is gorgeous and the atmosphere of your videos is really warm. Everything you say is just so direct, but at the same time, it’s a gentle and soft way to do it.I admire you a lot, Saito-sensei. Thanks for being like this, you do a great work!
The last part of making beautiful lines, this is what gets me the most.Because I thought that drawing lines with some small corners, like how Saito-sensei did, is not displaying a good image. I realized I was wrong after watching his lesson.And lastly, constructing lines and how each line has a role. It didn’t occured to me until recently that each line have different effects because I only draw a single and the same length lines.Thank you so much for this informative and detailed lesson, Saito-sensei! You really helped me a lilot on clearing my thoughts in drawing! ❤️
Thank you sensei for your hard work! The 6th advice really hit me hard. Because I usually feel happy when I finished sketching, but because I thought lines are supposed to be smooth always, the line art / inking I drew become something that I don’t like. The original feeling is gone, and now I know why. Thank you again sensei! 😭
I was drawing next to a classmate last year, and he criticized my drawing saying “connect your lines!” I think about what he said time to time, but it makes me happy to know that I wasn’t doing anything wrong in my art ^^
【原神vol.3】プロなら1ミリも知らないキャラ ヒントだけで完璧に描ける説!!!

(c) さいとうなおき 全然知らない原神のキャラを、ヒントだけを元にデザインを当てにいってみました。 今回は声だけを元にデザインを当てにいくチャレンジもして …
“Generally, we associate the character of thunder with yellow.”Well yes, but genshin says no, purple.
He should really be given hints on the character’s personalities, that can help him reflect it more accurately, while the real Shogun shows a cold gaze, his shogun looks like she’s going to an eating contest.
Why isn’t anyone talking about how the pose for Gorou is literally the same one he does when you finish his attacks? It’s honestly so impressive
“she seems to look down on me coldly””i like this” yup, same
I think we need at least one more episode, where sensei tries to draw characters from Mondstadt. Since he already did Li Yue and Inazuma, which were inspired by China and Japan, it would be interesting to see how he does with the ones influenced by medieval Germany?
I’m always impressed how close you get to the official design with so little hints, compared to many other artists that take on this challenge and get full descriptions. Not looking down on those other artists, but it just goes to show how sharp Naoki sensei’s sense is on character designing.
When he drew Raiden Shogun, he actually straightforward drawing character of Ei (Raiden’s Shogun true self). Like damn, he’s so goooooddddPS: I agree with him. Everyone loves Raiden Shogun so much the moment we saw her, ngl 😂
As a viewer who loves art, I’ve been really enjoying watching these Genshin Impact videos as I have been recently playing the game a lot. Incase you’d like to do a fourth video on this topic, I have a few suggestions:Maybe try to draw some of the non-playable villains in the game based on hints. The first thing that comes to mind for me would be some Fatui Harbingers. Examples would be Signora, as Childe was already drawn in a past video. Scaramouche is another harbinger, also known as Balladeer, and I would love to see him drawn! There is also Dainsleif, whom is not a harbinger. There are also some important non-playable characters who are not villains. An example could be Yae Miko/Lady Yae.You’ve already drawn two archons in Genshin, so perhaps a try at the well-known Barbatos/Venti?My last suggestion would be the Traveler! Of course, there are two versions of the Traveler, one being the male and the other is female (Aether and Lumine). Maybe try to draw both siblings together and compare it to the real designs?
Your Kazuha design actually looks a lot like “Tomo”, his dead friend.
What I love the most is how you explain the choices you make. They make a lot of sense, and they’re also super interesting (how the colors appeal to some sensations / emotions, for example), and I love to see the final design!
I want to see him take on some more Mondstat characters, especially Venti since he’s already done Zhongli and Raiden Shogun.
It’s almost scary how accurate his drawings are. So talented
“Princess, don’t worry because I’m here”Actually, if you replace ‘Princess’ with ‘Your Excellency’ (What Gorou calls Kokomi because she is a priestess) its pretty accurate
Why isn’t anyone talking about how the pose for Gorou is literally the same one he does when you finish his attacks? It’s honestly so impressive
毎回とても楽しませて頂きました!原神勢としては、ミリしら答え合わせのときに先生がキャラデザをベタ褒めしていてなんかすごく嬉しかったです(誰目線)( * ॑꒳ ॑*)っ⌒♡
Очень круто, что по описанию можно понять и представить как выглядит персонаж. Вышло почти точь в точь. Вроде и настроение поднялось, и немного посмотрел на процесс работы. Вот так и должны выглядеть быстрые рисунки
Me divirto muito com seus v�deos, voc� � bem espont�neo e me alegra! 🙂

(c) さいとうなおき 線画を上手く描くための直ぐに実践できるテクニックを紹介してみました 参考にして頂けるとうれしいです ————– <書籍版>イラスト …
☆振り返りようメモ1:16 概要 2:32 アタリ(下書き)をとる 3:47 デッサンは気にしない 5:12 アタリ2をとる 5:58 アタリ2は赤で線を描いてみよう 8:23 アタリの比較 8:34 繰り返す事で省略できる 10:11 線を描く 11:10 目的1 13:10 目的2 15:25 目的3
I always redrew the rough sketch 2-4 times. I was kinda embarrassed about it since it takes a long time, but now I know it’s ok to do 😀 ty!
Muito obrigado por deixar legenda em portugu�s em seus v�deos Sensei, eles ajudam muito.
wow, the real Saito Naoki? i always loved the drawing he made, this is amazing !!! i admire his skill.
Hi there! Thank you for the amazing advice.Is it possible for you to expand or elaborate further upon “using grid lines” for fixing the draft rather than using it for starting the draft? Like a full-body example for it instead?these tips have been a huge lifesaver for me