
そらるの隠れ家(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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ユニットなら相方のこと全部わかってて当然だよね【そらる編】  (c) そらるの隠れ家

(c) そらるの隠れ家 AtR相性チェックそらる版 まふまふは果たしてそらるのすべてを理解しているのか みんなもわかるかやってみてね そらる https://twitter.com/soraruru まふまふ …

迷ってるまふくんに気付かれずにさりげなーく爽健美茶出すそらるさんも気づかないまふくんも可愛い。結果 AtR最強





Here are the subs for the viewers who weren’t able to watch the video when it was previously subbed. These translations might not be accurate, but I hope they can help you understand the video better. ⠀ 0:00 Introduction S: To all of my Youtube viewers; this is Soraru and… M: I am Mafumafu S: Hello everyone. Last time, I did a video checking my compatibility with Mafumafu on his channel. S: For example, I was asked about what Mafumafu’s favorite food is, and we would both write down the answers (on a whiteboard). Then, we would show each other our answers. If many of our answers were the same, that means that there is a mutual connection between us. S: This time, I will be asking Mafumafu questions about myself. Listeners, please also feel free to see if you know about me. S: Let’s see if Mafumafu will succeed in this challenge. 0:32 M: I know almost everything (about you). S: Are you sure? M: You don’t have to worry about anything; I know (about you). M: Your blood type is O. S: Let me just tell you, it’s difficult. M: … Your birthday is November 3rd, right? S: Well, that’s right. M: Your favorite food is beef tongue. M: In general, I know everything. S: If that’s the case, then let’s get started. 0:55 Question 1 (Mafumafu’s Correct Answers 0/10) S: First question! What is Soraru’s favorite onigiri filling/flavor? (Mafumafu laughing here because he realizes was too confident lol) S: You don’t know it, right? M: Hold on, hold on. S: I don’t think I’ve ever told you before. M: Pollack roe or … tuna mayo? S: By the way, last time, I got 4/10 questions correct, right? S: Let’s see if you can also answer 4 questions correctly. M: I think this is probably it. ANSWERS: S = Seasoned Kelp ; M = Tuna Mayo M: What?! You’re kidding! You eat that? S: I don’t eat tuna mayo. Actually, I love seasoned kelp filling. M: I like tuna mayo… 1:46 Question 2 (Mafumafu’s Correct Answers 0/10) S: Second question! From the teas you can buy at the convenience store, which kind do I like? M: Are you serious? S: Please tell me M: I don’t know~ S: It’s quite difficult, isn’t it? M: Quite difficult. M: Soukenbicha, probably… not. M: It won’t be a tea that contains wheat. M: Maybe raw brewed tea… I don’t think it contains too much caffeine. M: It’s either Ayataka or Iyemon… I think it’s Iyemon, but there are many similar flavors in Ayataka. (Soraru literally revealing the answer) ANSWERS: S = Soukenbicha ; M = Iyemon M: You’re joking! You drink Soukenbicha? S: I love Soukenbicha, but actually, Ayataka is my second favorite. S: I’m worried about this… M: Hold on… you really drink Soukenbicha?! S: I do. 2:57 Question 3 (Mafumafu’s Correct Answers 0/10) S: Next one! This one is kind of easy. S: I don’t cook for myself often, but what specialty dish do I make when I do cook for myself? M: What? So little information!? M: Something I think you’re good at cooking…? S: Basically, what is a specialty dish that I make occasionally? M: A dish that a man makes for himself alone…? M: I have a picture in mind ANSWERS: S = Pasta ; M = Pasta M: For real?! S: Wasn’t that too easy to guess? M: I’m glad~ M: I thought it was something like making pasta, I had an image in mind. 3:56 Question 4 (Mafumafu’s Correct Answers 1/10) S: I really love the Dragon Quest series, but which one among Dragon Quest 1-11 is my favorite? M: Wait, I don’t know! M: If you’re thinking about one that was considered a masterpiece… It’s this one, isn’t it? [Sorry I’m not sure about the exact translation here, but this is the rough idea!] ANSWERS: S = 5 ; M = 5 M: Amazing! S: It was a tie between 3 or 5. M: I thought so too! S: It really is a masterpiece. S: It was a little bit difficult, so I’m glad we picked the same answer. M: I think you’ve told me that you like 5 before. S: I might have mentioned it before. S: I thought you wouldn’t know since you don’t know much about Dragon Quest. 4:50 Question 5 (Mafumafu’s Correct Answers 2/10) S: Which prefecture do I want to visit that I’ve never been to? M: Why would you ask this? I don’t know! M: A prefecture you’ve never been to… S: Well, I don’t think I’ve been there… M: Aren’t you going to tell me which prefectures you’ve been to? S: I think you already know. M: So the five major cities and… S: I’ve been to Shikoku too. M: Soraru-san would definitely want to go somewhere related to food. M: Ishikawa prefecture is a possibility. The seafood there is delicious. S: Well, that’s certainly a feature of Ishikawa. M: Is it Kanazawa city? I don’t know. I’m just going to put Ishikawa prefecture. ANSWERS: S = Kanazawa City ; M = Ishikawa Prefecture – (Kanazawa is in Ishikawa!) M: Kanazawa city is not a prefecture! [His laugh here is so cute] M: So you do want to visit Kanazawa! S: Haven’t I mentioned it before? M: You have. The seafood there is the best, isn’t it? Don’t you want to try it? S: It’s getting a little dangerous now… M: I told you. I really know you well! 6:07 Question 6 (Mafumafu’s Correct Answers 3/10) S: What is a home appliance I don’t currently have that I want to get? M: A home appliance you want that you don’t have…? S: It’s really hard. [Not sure what he says here, sorry!] M: A house appliance that you need… M: Somehow, I think it would be something that saves you time and effort. M: Something that is optional but not necessary. I think it would be a convenience to make your life easier. M: Like a water server (water dispenser)… or a massage chair is also a possibility. S: That’s not a bad idea. ANSWERS: S = Automatic folding machine ; M = Smart Lights (turn off when you speak to them) M: What is that? S: When you put your laundry into the machine, it automatically folds your clothes, and you can take them out (folded). M: There’s a machine like that? S: You didn’t know, right? M: I kind of want one… 7:01 Question 7 (Mafumafu’s Correct Answers 3/10) S: What is my favorite Mafumafu song? M: I don’t know~! S: It’s a surprisingly difficult question. M: Is AtR also included? S: No, not included. S: I’ve listened to a lot of Mafumafu’s songs. S: I’m not sure if I gave too many hints. ANSWERS: S = Yume no mata Yume ; M = Apple Fireworks (and a Sea of Soda) M: Really? You like that one? S: Yes, I like it. I was on tour recently, and I sang this song. While I sang, I was thinking about what a good song it is. S: It’s a good song from the old days that became my favorite. [I’m not sure if this is correct] 7:50 Question 8 (Mafumafu’s Correct Answers 3/10) [Sorry if this section is inaccurate. I don’t play Splatoon and was also kinda confused about their conversation.] S: This is a question that everyone knows but Mafumafu would not know. S: In Splatoon… M: Ah, I don’t know! S: What’s my favorite weapon from Splatoon? M: There are about 3 types that I’m not sure about. S: Are there any weapons that you know about? M: Bucket, roller, shooter. S: This is a question that can’t be missed when talking about me (Soraru). M: I really don’t know, so I will just put this (answer). ANSWERS: S = Splashooter ; M = Splacharger M: What the heck, the names are so similar! They’re similar! S: Absolutely not. M: The “Spla” part was correct! S: The difference is if it is used by the sniper. M: What? That’s so confusing. So which one is which? S: The Splacharger is used by the sniper. M: Aren’t you a sniper? S: No, I’m not. [I literally don’t know what’s happening here lol] 8:44 Question 9 (Mafumafu’s Correct Answers 3/10) S: Next up! It’s not a cat or a dog. This is a hint. S: What animal do I want to have as a pet that I’ve never kept before? S: It’s a really hard question. M: No, it’s this one! ANSWERS: S = Girdle-tailed lizard ; M = Armadillo lizard M: Wait a sec… it’s this one, right? (lizard picture) S: That’s right… no way (I got the wrong name) M: Maybe Soraru-san… (got it wrong) S: Mafumafu got the correct answer. M: Soraru-san became more lenient with me. M: It’s awesome that he let me keep my answer as the correct answer. 9:40 Question 10 (Mafumafu’s Correct Answers 4/10) S: What kind of wax did I use when I was in highschool? M: Are you serious? I don’t know! S: You understand what I mean, right? S: What are you going to pick? M: When I was in high school, Nakano and Arimino were popular. I wonder if Arimino was popular [?] when Soraru was in high school? M: Arimino was expensive though 1600 yen (~$15). For Nakano, it was possible to receive more in a container. M: I don’t think Soraru-san used hard wax. S: …I’m being analyzed. ANSWERS: S = Nakano ; M = Arimino M: I’m wrong! Damn~ There were so many people who used Nakano. S: Arimino is too expensive for a high schooler to afford. M: I thought so. It smells good though. S: (The smell) was my point (characteristic) when I was in high school. 10:45 Conclusion S: In the end, Mafumafu got 4 questions correct. M: So it ended up being a tie S: Even though it was difficult, Mafumafu did his best. S: Mafumafu also got 4 questions correct, so it was a tie. S: For all of the viewers, how many questions did you get correct? Leave it in the comments below. S: Until now, you’ve been with Soraru… M: and Mafumafu S: Thank you very much.

2:31 後世に残る名シーンまふさんがめちゃくちゃ考察しながら答えてる時頭の中で今までに見てきたそらるさんを1つずつ思い出してるんだなと思うとユニットぉぉぉぉぉぉ…🤦‍♂️ってなる(?)



ワックスの話するあたり男の子だな〜って思う( ˘꒳˘ )男子高校生みたいないつも楽しそうに話してるそらまふやっぱり最高です🌟


For some people who are confused, yeah Soraru-san is uploading all of his non-related music from his main channel to this channel.I think he wants to make his main channel only for mv music, cmiiw ><



再アップお疲れ様です〜6:456:45 ここから答えはまふくんに見せて6:456:45 いる……。前回のコメも再アップ してみました。最初ちょっと緊張してたかもだけど、この辺から2人のいつもみたいになってて、かわよい……。




After the Rainの2人めっちゃすき


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そらるの人生初どうぶつの森ハイライト#7-さよならバッカス-  (c) そらるの隠れ家

(c) そらるの隠れ家 闇の住民ガチャ 欲張らずに生きていきたいです Part6→https://youtu.be/GLcA62g-pWg そらる https://twitter.com/soraruru #そらる #どうぶつの森 #あつまれどうぶつの …

1:30 〜「みんな見て!!!」めちゃくちゃ嬉しそうなそらるさん、ほんと草

7:30 豚を誘い忘れたそらるさん(音割れ)7:35 イケボに紛れた犬


1:35 バッカスとの感動の別れ(嬉しい)2:08 涙の別れピエン3:57 お前….人殺してるだろ….



君(バッカス)と夏の終わり将来の夢(バッカスのいないくらし)大きな希望(島から出ていって欲しいこと)忘れない10年後の8月 また出会えると信じて(出会うとはいってない)最高の思い出を。


3:56 〜7:30 〜配信中に私が大爆笑したところ編集いつも最高に面白いですありがとうございます(^_^♪)

みんな〜みて~!!!!୧⃛(๑⃙⃘•ω•๑⃙⃘)୨⃛1:34 うわわわわわわわわわわわわわわわわわわわわわわわわわわわわわ先程編集をされてる方のお名前がTさんだとツイートから知りましたので、再編集……。Tさん!!!!(*^^*)まじ神っす!!!!(*^^*)これからも楽しみにしています!ありがとうございます。┏○ペコ

07:30 今日のおもしろポイントここかwバッカス…おまえのことは忘れないよ…(多分)てか何回か書いたことあるけどやっぱタランチュラ捕まえるのうますぎる!!

バッカスをナイーブと呼ぶ天使 まふまふ



そらるさんの実況は的を得ていて…突っ込みも鋭く大好きですし面白いですね(* ´ ▽ ` *)🌸✨いやぁ〰️〰️‼️どれも懐かしかったですけど……最後にそらるさんの好みが分かりましたね🎵パチリお目目が大好きと……♡♡ww






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【APEX】21時からCRcup顔合わせ!えいむくんまふまふと遊ぶぞ  (c) そらるの隠れ家

(c) そらるの隠れ家 8888888 切り抜きおkです サムネイラストりほさん.


10:25 ここの声なんか好き

1:58:15 こっからAtRワールド全開ですこ

34:23 イケボ雰囲気めっちゃ良いしこれにコーチがついたら最強ですね!応援してます!

配信お疲れ様でした!IQ100のポータル 1:20:10100キロのそらるさん 1:28:16

配信おつ〜 ユニット+1みたいにならないようなチーム名にしたい的なことを言ってたのがなんだかいいな〜と思いました(語彙力) CRカップも渋ハルカスタムも楽しみだ

2:21:01 2:21:01そ「まふまふ、運転手クビ!!」かわいいです…。

2:47:56 あされるコーチ

44:52 落下1:20:11 IQ 1001:28:15 130kgそらるさん1:40:25 まだ最後のパーティーじゃない1:48:12 勇気ちひろの名前2:29:29 ちー2:29:38 紫色アーマーほしい



1:38:18 1:38:18ここが何故か九九を間違えてるそらるさんにきこえてしまった…w悪気も後悔も無いです

配信お疲れ様でした〜!配信空気が暖かくて見てて癒されました🥰ちゃんぽんもおめでとうございます!1:28:39 ちゃんぽん試合

i dont understand anything, but it sounds interestingʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ

2回目(笑)の顔合わせ配信お疲れ様でした〜!えいむくんとまふまふさんの声量が時々とてつもなく大きくなるので、近所迷惑にならないかどうかハラハラドキドキしながら 楽しみました(°∀° )チーム名もとっても楽しみです!!!



ここ好きまとめ47:10 かわいいえペキャラ1:06:57 騒がしいまふえいむ1:07:361:28:15 体重130キロのそらる1:58:17 🤍「相方には厳しく」2:20:31 小学生まふまふ

かつてあれるコーチによって免停にされたそらるさんがまふまふさんに運転手クビ!って言ってるの面白すぎた 免停ユニットなんか?えいむくんには運転も頑張ってもらわないといけない……

1:42:35 チャンピオン👑


【APEX】DIDでCRCUP本番!優勝するぞ! #DIDWIN  (c) そらるの隠れ家

(c) そらるの隠れ家 DID 切り抜きおkです サムネイラストぽちの素さん @pochi_IxI 叶 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCspv01oxUFf_MTSipURRhkA 葛葉 …

3:15 ライブ前にやるやつ(噛んだ)27:01 あったかいDID51:40 過保護なそらるさん1:10:06 生活音ダダ漏れ1:11:23 マイクおそろ1:14:20 DIC(ダークインフェルノクロー)1:16:57 金アーマー出す(出ない)(だがアツい)1:20:11 つられそうになるそらるさん1:20:36 スーパーチャットアリガトウゴザイマァス⤴︎ 1:35:57 あったかいDIDその21:43:19 Akaさんの悪夢(克服)1:46:30 ドムファイで勝てないそらるさん1:52:28 やっと勝てたそらるさん1:53:06 逆らうな(かっこいい)1:53:33 ダークインフェルノドラ(ドラえもん)1:55:30 生活音ダダ漏れその2(テレビの音?)1:56:37 心細くなっちゃった(かわいい)1:58:45 かかってこい(イケボ)2:01:03 トラウマ2:04:38 GUCCI2:32:10 そらるメモ(えらい)2:32:40 ホライゾンの強いところ2:35:20 トラウマその22:35:51 漏れドームCRカップお疲れ様でした!唯一allダイヤのチームの中、カスタムなどの練習を通してどんどん強くなって他チームに太刀打ちできるようになっていて本当にすごいし感動しました。本番中、見ている側もとてもどきどきしたけど、お互い支えあって頑張るDIDはとてもかっこよくてあったかくて、応援していてよかったと何度も思いました。楽しみつつも本気でAPEXをするそらるさん、叶さん、葛葉さん、そしてコーチとして親身になってアドバイスをし、一緒に戦ってくださるあれるさんを見られてとても嬉しかったです。また3人でのAPEXが見られることを願っています😌

3:33 ここのらるさんいつもとは違うLIVEとかで見るかっこいいらるさんで好き 噛んだけど

3:15 大事なところで噛むそらるさん

3:15 そらるさんがライブ前にやるやつ(噛んだ)1:58:45 かかってこい cvそらる(イケボたすかる)CRカップおつかれさまでした!めちゃくちゃ雰囲気よくて、練習をちゃんと活かしてて、本当にかっこよかったです!楽しい時間をありがとうございました~!


大会は終わったけどDIDは終わらないでほしい これからも3人で楽しんでほしい

ほんっっっっとうにお疲れ様でした!!!!1桁3回もとったのないすです!!DID最強!!!DIDWIN!!!!気合い入れ 3:15

1:24:33 天敵Akaさん撃ち抜いた葛葉さん


お疲れ様でした!!DIDまた機会があれば3人でエペしてください〜3:15 噛み噛みそらる

全員ダイヤだからこそお互い対等に意見を言い合えて切磋琢磨できたのかなと思います プレデターが引っ張るptとは別の良さがあった!そして、DIDは常に空気がうますぎた そらるさん、レイス専からのジブ持ちは大変だったと思いますお疲れ様でした! この3人で絶対マスター行ってほしい!それか次また大会出て欲しいな





大会お疲れ様でした〜!唯一ダイヤのみのチームで不安でしたが、猛者たちに負けず劣らずでDID最強だなって思いました!最初の頃より断然上手くなって、チームワークもよくなって成長しているのが見ててしっかり伝わってきました最高の感動をありがとうございました!自分用3:05 3:05 3:05気合いの声出し3:21 3:21 3:21大事なところで噛むそらるさん1:10:06 1:10:06 1:10:06生活音だだ漏れなそらるさん1:20:36 1:20:36 1:20:36スーパーチャットアリガトゴザイマス!!(可愛い)1:58:46 1:58:46 1:58:46そらじぶ(イケボ)


1試合目 2:522試合目 40:003試合目 1:14:154試合目 1:57:495試合目 2:31:49CRカップお疲れ様でした!!みんなが成長していて本当に良いチームでした!楽しかったです!



【LITTLE NIGHTMARES-リトルナイトメア-#1】ホラゲー苦手人間が巨大な船から脱出する-もうむり-

【LITTLE NIGHTMARES-リトルナイトメア-#1】ホラゲー苦手人間が巨大な船から脱出する-もうむり-  (c) そらるの隠れ家

(c) そらるの隠れ家 はじめましてそらるです。 リトルナイトメアの実況をやっていきます。よろしくお願いします。 Part2→https://youtu.be/ky8oSu-znrk そらる https://twitter.com/soraruru #そら …


4:13 ぷるぷるの発音世界一可愛い


8:43 急にやめてwww



3:16 『謝ってんじゃん?』そまうさライブ思い出して死にましありがとうございました

Why is it that even if Soraru screams (from being scared/surprised), his voice is still calming? And here I sound like a squeaking animal lol


3:30 とんがりコーン4:53 小人6:26 とんがり小人

1:43 どんなゲームでもグラフィックを必ず褒めるそらるさん2:47 そ「ひぃ!?」 (ん”ん””(悶)7:54 足を労るそらるさん優男。これのゲーム1つだけトラウマのシーンあるんだけど、そらるさんが目撃した時の反応が気になる。


2:06 投げ飛ばしたww2:48 ひぃ!3:30 とんがりコーン5:08 キモイっ!7:11 プッw





7:11 ここ可愛いすぎwwww ( ´° ³°`)プッ

Now that Soraru-san had started this game, I’m gonna enjoy his reaction throughout the game wwwww


