「ドリキンが FX3 を買わない理由」第1224話
(c) 散財小説ドリキン 朝の連続散財小説「どりきん」はサンフランシスコ在住ソフトウェアエンジニアのわたくしドリキンが、日々の生活の中でガジェットやカメラ、ドローンなどを散財しながら生活する …
「プロ散財家のFX3 おすすめVlog運用」第1240回 に期待!
買わない理由 またもや大川優介に先を越されたから
1:30 これ観るの楽しみになってきました。drikinさんの、とっさの登坂ルートの選択が興味深い。
『fx3なんやかんや買ってしまった。』12??話になりそう。^ ^
drikinさんのどや顔先行開封Vlogを見て二ヶ月後にα7SⅢを手に入れた者です FX3…デザインは格好いいですね Vlogを見始めて1年が過ぎました 勉強になります…🙏

(c) リスキー / RESKY SONYのαぽい新型カメラFX3を開封レビューしました。ソニーの動画専用カメラの決定版 Cinema Line FX3 を今後はメインカメラとして使っていきます。 【紹介したモノ】 …
1ヶ月、2ヶ月と使い込んで、踏み込んだレビューも聞きたい! カメラ詳しくないけどずっと聞いてられる。ガンマイクのレビューも楽しみです。
FX3を購入するのは意外でしたが今後のYou Tube活動の幅も広がりそうですね

(c) ワタナベカズマサ 0:00 SonyのFX3を予約購入します。 3:00 FX3を買うことにした理由 5:00 タリーランプ 8:00 ロマン 11:24 見た目のかっこよさ 14:20 α1はどうする? ▽サブチャンネル …

SONY FX3 Review: GREAT Camera, but Nothing New…
(c) Gerald Undone ============================= Table of Contents: ============================= 0:00 – Intro & Disclosure 0:33 – Same Camera as a7S III 1:10 …
You just had to call me during whiskey time didn’t you 😎.
Sony should just embed your reviews on their home page and skip all future live release announcements. Would save everyone a lot of time!
First of all its grey! 🤣
That Peter phone call. 🤣🤣🤣
10:17 Lol 🤣🤣
Nicely done, Gerald. You almost convince me to buy a Sony. 😀
Couldn’t agree more with your assessment of it’s value. You’re really paying for the k3m and if you like the design of the body… and you shoot mostly video so you don’t need the viewfinder. Some people will appreciate the few differentiators it has but I don’t regret my a7siii purchase – phew haha. Great vid as always Gerald!
Amazing review
Awesome video Gerald, just kind of curious though because you said it doesn’t have face-only AF like the FX6, but does it have the exact same AF as the A7siii? Just wanted to make sure. Love the new studio btw

(c) James Matthews My minimalist Sony Fx3 rig. I managed to get my hands on the fx3 for a few days and decided to make a rig from my set up that I had my from BMPCC rig. I really …
Soooo. What do you lot like about the FX3? 🔥 Personally, as a commercial shooter shooting interviews and performances etc, its great. I love the Tally Lights and the XLR’s. However, if you don’t need these two things, save yourself some dosh and get the A7siii 🤷♂️ Simple as that 👌 Sorry for the Docklown haircut. The barbers will be open soooooon. Stay strong boys. BOSHH 😎
You don’t know what you’re missing until you use a camera with Tally lights. 💡 So helpful!
I dig this setup. Im. all about quick swap setups
Damn, how many cameras do you have bro!🤪
80’s bully kid wants his haircut back.
meh, flip the handle to the opposite, left side and just use the real grip on the right side.. Sony autofocus is stunning, you really don’t need to touch the lense other than for zooming… new LCD monitor is supposed to be really great.. great for composing shots, so I’d actually nix the big ass monitor as an EDC for run & gun… also get chin strap for the camera, that way have better mounting points for the handles and cold shoes..
That hendle have one more screw hole at the end ….so maybe for extender to hold it like that ?:D
Yep. The reason for this camera explained perfectly. After seeing this it’s a no brainier over the A7slll if you just use it for video. Thank you!
You could mount the monitor to the back of the Sony handle and flip it downwards. It’ll cover up the native screen but who needs it anyway?! Wish I could add a picture here, but this is my main way of using the Ninja V on mirrorless cameras. Mounting it on the top makes it a bit too top heavy for my liking.
Sweet minimal rig mate !!Still not sure how I feel about this cam though haha.

FX3 vs FX6 vs FX9 Comparison. Who Reigns Supreme?
(c) Mark Bone 0:00 INTRO 0:32 A7SIII Public Service Announcement 01:09 Initial Thoughts 03:00 COLOUR BALANCE/ MATCH 03:34 Instagram Contest 04:06 Timecode …
In the intro i thought you are starting off Beat Boxing!
“crashes my iMac”….. Then uses the Windows XP sound! 😂😂Great cameras, would love the FX6, but I use an FDR-AX33 😁😉😳🙄
Thanks bro 👍👍👍
Your Lut have a serious issues, never got red skintone like that with my sony camera
A Good Ol’ Quality test, I love it! Thank you for putting all of this footage together. You’re work is insanely good!
7:23 “Cinnamon line” 😂
This makes my choice no easier! 😭 BMD vs. Canon vs. Sony…..
Mark. I’m a massive fan. I’ve been doing video Production for companies for 6 years now, but it only became a passion in the last year. I’ve watched every video of yours (on this channel). I love your work and I learn everything I can from your videos. Legit. Thank you.
It’s becoming more evident to me that Sony positioned the FX9 as a broadcast workhorse with a bunch of features that I’ll most likely never use like genlock and the ability to shoot interlaced. It’s also the only of the three which can shoot s35. From the side-by-side comparisons (love those) it looks like saturation decreases left to right from the FX3 having the most to the FX9. I still think the FX9 looks the best 😊
Hey Mark. Thank you so much for this video I was already waiting for from you 😉 Hope to see you in the new round of the Art of documentary.

Sony FX3, Hands on, Sample footage, Initial Review (소니 FX3 리뷰)
(c) Ray Kay Sony #FX3 #footage Photographer, Filmmaker / Ray Kay http://www.ray-kay.com http://www.instagram.com/by.raykay We are Team Testshoot.
기다리고 있겠습니다. 수요일에 뵈어요~
Good review thank you from Paris 🇫🇷 ❤️
3:48 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ귀여우시다
오..!! 다음영상 기대할께요!
fx3 검색하다가 여기까지 타고 들어와서 구독 좋아요 누르고 갑니다.
드디어 다음 영상에 칼러그레이딩이 나오겠어요! 기대되요!!!
이 영상을 보면서 드는 생각이.. 장비보다는 누가 어떻게 찍느냐가 더 중요한거같네요..ㅜㅜ다음 지리는 영상을 위해, 팬티를 두개 챙겨봅니다~
How did I not find your channel earlier ?Great review !+1 sub
카메라가 쬐깐하고 좋네요👏
이걸 미리 받다니 역시 근본킹…..

Introducing Cinema Line FX3 | Sony | α
(c) Sony | Camera Channel ”New Cinematic Freedom” Watch the feature explanation of the FX3, compact full-frame camera, combining mobility and operability for solo shooting. High frame …
Stuck in α6000 😆😆
Dang.. dat gray-black finish looks amazing
Sony: Introducing Cinema Line FX3Me: Closing eyes, listening to the beat
My heart ached immediately after seeing this, oh my God…..
Another item only youtubers will get their hands on, for free.
So it’s basically the a7sIII in a silver body
At last filmmakers on budget will get off the back of the mirrorless photo cameras!
Smallrig: Am I a joke to yuuh?
This is amazing, going to be my next camera. Perfect for me on the road.

(c) Philip Bloom Filmed with the new Sony A1 and Sony/ Zeiss 50mm F1.4 Planar. Audio with the Tentacle Track E. Lit with the Rotolight Titan X1 as the key light and Came TV …
Philip, you have raised the bar on camera review videos to a sub-genre of documentary filmmaking. Brilliant work!
I’ve got my breakfast ready… Let’s do this! 🤓👍
Came for the S-Cinetone geese, stayed for the fantastic review. It’s strange, as an A7siii owner there is indeed something rather alluring about the FX3 and its slick next-generation design.However having just spent 5 days shooting in the blinding snow of north Japan, I can attest to the importance of an EVF. Without it I would’ve been utterly stuffed!
It’s totally true that it may only appeal to a very specific market. However, this is the EXACT camera I need and I’m so glad I found out about it right before I pulled the trigger on an A7Siii. For shooting my show I needed a new camera to replace my a7iii that didn’t have record limits, overheating issues and XLR ports for my microphone set up in my studio since I don’t want to keep recording sound on a separate recorder and syncing in post. I was going to buy the a7siii and the K3M but here in Canada the K3M is $800. I never use my EVF and the FX3 costs only $200 more here than the A7Siii, so I consider myself lucky to be in that specific market that the camera is for
Dear Philip, thank you for producing a clear, well thought out, and informative review.
Thank you so much for this amazing review, I already have the Fx6 and A7siii and i was thinking about replacing my a7siii with the fx3, but after watching your review i definitely won’t do so..Thanks again 😊
Those darn Florida trampoline vloggers! They are why we can’t have nice things 🙂 Thanks for letting me in the movie!
Thanks Sony for making Philip Bloom produce another short film.
I can image northrup sitting on his sofa in the hamptons watching this thinking to himself “A good review, just needs a bit more *TONEH*”
Sony: You guys have been asking us for an a7SIII for many years now, heres 3 copies of it, now give us all your money and leave us alone. (a7SIII, FX-6, FX-3)

(c) 映像プロデューサーLIT FX3よりa7sIIIを購入した方が良いと思う理由をFX6ユーザーが詳しく解説します という内容でお届けしました。 あくまでも、ボク個人のいち意見としてご理解頂けますと幸い …
うんうん、コスパ最強ですよね。私は悩みに悩んで、FX3諦めて7Siiiにしました!新古品で35でゲットできました(⌒▽⌒)そして、今少し落ち着いて思うんですが、「リセールバリュー」ですよね、おそらくですが、FX3は今の需要と来年くらいの需要の差が開くとお芋ました。もちろんLITさんの前の動画を何回も見て決断しましたありがとうございました いえーい👍
僕もはじめは悩みましたが、以下の点によりFX3を予約しています。1.XLRの安心感。 ミニステレオジャックは接触にも弱いし、 しばらく使っていると接触不良でノイズが乗っているときがある。2.ハンドルの重要性。 SiiiにXLRアダプタつけると、ハンドルを取り付けられない。 長回しするのでハンドルは必須。3.タリーの安心感。8万くらいの差、1日の仕事で元取れますからね。今心配していることは、FX3のハンドル取り付け部分の強度と、カメラを傾けた時などMiシューの接触が途切れたりしないか、ということですね。お互い、明後日を楽しみに待ちましょう。