An Awesome Hybrid – 2020 Trek FX 3 Disc Flat Bar Hybrid, Commuter Bike Feature Review and Weight
(c) Jamesthebikeguy This Trek FX3 is a very nice bike indeed. I love the Rage Red color and once you stop looking at that you can see that it is very well spec’d and will make a …
Check out my 2nd channel: Jr’s Gasoline Alley where I review R/Cs Cars and DIYs – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpRReJABfwDGgsfSTYiItUg
I got my Trek Fx 3 in black a little over a month ago and it’s been awesome!
Awesome review! I’m gonna be picking up the 2020 Fx 2 in that beautiful Alpine Blue tomorrow!
Thanks bro
I actually ride my hybrid more than my road bike, its way more practical and less serious.
Thank you for the video! Got one yesterday and it’s an excellent ride coming from the heavy MTB. Got scratches already while drinking coffee. Forgot that it had no stand.😂
Thanks so much, James. Wish I knew the tire width and the rear gearing. Would luv a triple up front with a large rear ring of 36 – that would really kill the hills!
hey, I bought this bike its amazing! Can I fit 30 mm tires instead of the 32?
Thanks for the video James. I ran across this while looking for more information to compare this the Trek FX3 to a Giant Escape 1 Disk.
Thanks bro ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

【カメラ雑談】Sony FX3発表!そうきたか〜〜〜!!
(c) 高澤 けーすけ 今日はちょっとニッチな話題! 本日正式に発表になったソニーの新カメラ「FX3」について取り上げてみました。 噂では聞いていて、買うぞ!!!と思っていたのですが、気に …
5:07 のところはfx3のスペックですかね?a7siiiの質量(本体のみ)が約614gと記載がありました!

【シネマカメラ】ソニー FX3を先行体験!動画機ならではの操作系統をチェック、α7S IIIとも比較してみました(カメラのキタムラ動画_SONY)
(c) カメラのキタムラ ソニーのCinema Lineシリーズに新登場した「FX3」を先行体験してきましたので動画でご紹介します! 動画撮影機ならではの操作系統や機能に要注目。S-Log3 …
10:56 不審な動きを逃さない瞳AFが好き
Can use gimble for this camera?

(c) 暂时没相机 暂时没相机更多视频请订阅我的频道,保持每周更新一到两次。
说的好 我也决定s3
老暂啥时候评测Speedlite EL-1

Sony FX3 vs A7S III – 10 Differences!
(c) ZY Productions FX3 sounds a whole lot similar to the A7S III? You’re not alone! Let’s go over how these two cameras are different in this video! #Sony #FX3 #A7SIII Purchase …
I see how hard you tried just to find 10 differences between the two lol
S-Cinetone just got released for the a7SIII in a new firmware update today.
None of the 10 differences actually help over 7siii. It just that sony wants to squeeze extra money from already broken art community
Where I’m from we call it “clout”
You forgot the electronic zoom control ring around the shutter button on the FX3, that is missing on the a7s iii.
This is Really what i need to know…..Great video bro…
Very useful and nice video! 🙂 Though, as a small detail, the CA of the lens used almost looks like red/green peaking, on the edges with the highest contrast…
Can we disable the noise reduction on the FX3 ? Thanks !
Awesome and easy to understand video ! Keep them coming !
Your videos are great! Clear and concise and straight to the point!

D�couvrez la cam�ra Cinema Line FX3 de Sony
(c) Sony France D�couvrez la cam�ra Cinema Line FX3 de Sony : https://www.sony.fr/electronics/appareils-photo-a-objectifs-interchangeables/ilme-fx3 …
Ce bijou 👌🏻

Sony FX3: una A7S III con cuerpo de cine
(c) Photolari Aunque estamos seguros de que la gran mayor�a de los que se han comprado una A7S III lo han hecho seducidos por su prestaciones para v�deo, Sony sigue …
Me vi el directo de twitch resuvido y pues a ver este video buena intro 😂😂😂 q nunca falte el humor de photolari
Muy bueno el review, muy gracioso el sentido de humor que tenéis, me parto de risa con vosotros, seguir asi, un saludo 👋👋
Muchas gracias muchachos ♥
Creo que me he enamorado 😍 ¿Y que decís que se debe hacer para participar en el sorteo de esta increíble cámara? 😆
Hoy llegue temprano 🙂
Buen trabajo, qued� claro el mensaje. P.d: Me encantan las sonrisas al final y el fundido a negro, como si se terminase un show.
Entre Cannon, nicon y Sony, para fotograf�a y v�deo de alta calidad, �Que modelos recomendarian? PelaQue buena camisa
Espectacular la sony fx3 y el video tambi�n Yo he tenido en mis manos una sony fs5 mark 2 y es una pasada de c�mara
PhotolariLords molar�a un video a fondo en plan t�cnico de los diferentes codecs/ formatos, bits y movidas que ofrecen las camaras.. que estoy un poco como Iker y llega un momento que me pierdo.
Hab�a olvidado lo culto y sabiondo que es �lvaro. Crack!!!

Sony FX3 | Hands-on Review
(c) B&H Photo Video Looks can be deceiving with this cinema camera. The Sony FX3 may have the appearance of a mirrorless stills camera, but this camera is mostly video-centric, …
*** Please note the following corrections in our video ***-The ECM-XM1 is sold separately, not included with the camera-Animal Eye AF is available currently for stills only, not for video-The FX3 battery life is 1.6x longer than the Sony a7SII (not the a7SIII)
B&H is the only source that mentioned 1.6x longer recording times compared to A7S III. This is huge. I don’t understand why no one else mentioned this!
Amazing camera, really impressive specs in such a compact form factor.The XLR inputs, active cooling system, handle, mounting points, dedicated video buttons, finally Sony made a reliable and powerful compact camera suitable for professional video work. Great job Sony! Greetings
You know Sony did a good job when you watch something you absolutely don’t need.
Awesome Review Brother! Thank you.Bo
Whoa, it’s gonna be nice 🙂
solid review!
OH. MY. GOD!! IT looks amazing! I definitely want one!
3:25 nice battery
On a Gimbal this camera must work like a charm 🙂 i use a A7SII *mhhh* ….. may i move up to this camera.

Sony FX3 – The truth about this camera…
(c) Chris Hau ———FOLLOW——— ⚡︎ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thechrishau/ ⚡︎ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/thechrishau ⚡︎ FACEBOOK: …
Who likes this format? Should I keep doing it? Also what do you guys think of the Sony FX3? What camera are you using now?
I love these sketches.
I’m itchy
‘Sir you live such an exotic lifestyle’ 😭
– thanks dad 😮!haehaehahhea
One of the best non product review/product review videos I’ve ever seen! I loved it! You two are funny as hell! 😂❤️
These are great Chris. I’ve remembered more about the camera through these sketches than I did via any of the traditional reviews!
Keep them coming
I’d subscribe to HBO for this show.
After 30 seconds I completely forgot they are the same person

Sony FX3 간단 언박싱, LG 2021년형 리틀 드림 TV OLED77C1KNA 구매
(c) 半百閑良 대두족장 반백한량 대두족장 오픈소스 인생 블로깅 – CWKV1056 #대두족장 #객체지향 #무념무상대두족장영상일기 Twitter https://twitter.com/WankyuChoi 20210313 – Sony …
족장님 그거 아십니까.. 20대 중반인 제가 자격증 공부하다 집중이 안되면 족장님 영상보고 기운을 얻습니다 오늘도 영상 고맙습니다
소니와의 대화에서 오랜 세월동안 쌓아오신 각별한 정이 느껴지네요 ㅋㅋ
족장님 항상 영상 잘보고있습니다~! ^^
우와~ 대박입니다. ㅎㄷㄷ
화질이 360P로 나와요~ 대두족장님 다시 영상 올리실듯 ㅋ
9:58 예상치 못하게 빵터졌습니다. fx시리즈 답게 2세대에는 셔터박스 빼고 ND달고 나올것 예감이 들어요그리고 동안이시네요. 소니는 46년생이랍니다.
영상 속 미소 가득한 족장님 얼굴을 보노라니 언박싱을 보는 시청자로서도 흐뭇한 웃음 짓게 됩니다.혼잣말로 “‘소니는 정말 족장님 말 잘 들어야겠다.”했더랬지요. 앞으로도 택배 상자가 줄지어 도착할 것 같은데 박스 커터 하나 선물 해야겠습니다. ㅎ