【FX3】α7siii持ってても欲しくなる理由ベスト3| Cinema Line| Sony | α
(c) エガワチャンネル【映像ディレクター】 0:00 FX3の感想とスペック 2:01 魅力3位 2:58 魅力2位 3:34 魅力1位 4:32 α7siiiにない性能 5:41 α7siiiの勝算 …
S3で十分満足してますが ほぼ同じ理由でFX3予約しました(笑映像作品のキモは音声ですよね、、、映像が多少ラフに荒れても音声がしっかりしてればそれは味に化けるお次はマイク沼だなぁ、、、どこかで落ちどころ決めないとゴールが見えない

Sony FX3 Cinematic Camera Test // REAL PRODUCTION
(c) Armando Ferreira Testing the New Sony FX3 Cinema camera using ProRes RAW in a real world production test. ============================= Products in Video: …
Great to see real world use and showcase Armando. Keep it up!
Bummer that there is no internal ND. That would have really set it apart from the A7SIII. Also no shutter angle???
Killer as always my dude! Agreed. I was really looking for the NDs
great video! I love the kondor blue A7S3 cage! the arca swiss fit inside the cage is so clutch and saves so much time on set
Armando: Such a small form factor!Me: But you built a huge rig around it 😂
This is the real youtube filmmaker.. Amazing review.
this was something that you don�t usually see in these kind of channels, I hate it when it�s just a guy taking video of their garden, you really don�t see what kind of capabiliites the camera has, you guys knocked it out of the park with this one, congrats
What are those round lights used as “practicals” in the background of the boxing scene?? Those looks so cool!
so much better than reading the tech sheet at a desk. Great work on the film.
Armando always putting in serious quality work mashallah

Sony FX3: Exactly NOT What You Expected it to be
(c) Kai W Visit Squarespace for a free trial and 10% off your first purchase: http://squarespace.com/kai Super Bokeh Bros Merch!
Love the bed, mic and headphones setup 😂
Enjoyed the Handel Queen of Sheba.
6:05 is the awesome truth.
You know Kai is making Youtube money when he makes tea using leaves.
The red ring is sweet how many of us was doing. Shoot in harsh day light and thought we was recording just to realize we didn’t get that clip we wanted
Whaaaaaaaaattt!!! The boy Kai came through with the exclusive.
Let me just ask my bank real quick to see if i can afford that camera, Well they said no
Man I need to get rich so I can start hoarding camera equipment.
Sony: makes a serious cinema cameraAlso Sony: doesn’t integrate Cinema 4k
“It’s on DPReview” so it must be true!”…1am in the morning and laughed out loud!! Thanks, Kai…:)
![(c) Sony Korea [4K 카메라 소개] FX3, 모든 영상가를 자유롭게 하다 [4K 카메라 소개] FX3, 모든 영상가를 자유롭게 하다 (c) Sony Korea](https://imitoha.com/c/img/FX3/hxUo0Oog028.jpg)
[4K 카메라 소개] FX3, 모든 영상가를 자유롭게 하다
(c) Sony Korea 컴팩트 시네마 라인 FX3를 소개합니다. – 풀프레임 이미지 센서 탑재 – 최대 4K 120fps 10bit 촬영 지원 – S-Cinetone 과 15Stop+ DR지원으로 풍부한 시네마틱 표현 …

(c) ワタナベカズマサ 0:00 SonyのFX3がついに発表 1:10 FX3のスペックは? 2:08 FX3ってどんなカメラ? 4:00 冷却ファン搭載 4:30 S-Cinetoneについて 6:00 アクティブ手ブレ補正 9:50 FX3 …
#散財の予兆 ←これは買うってことか…

Sony FX3 | All-In-One Compact Cinema Camera!
(c) Jason Vong Follow Us on IG @jasonvmedia @hellovivienne @joswin @iamtamlam Intro Music from Epidemic Sound (Free 30-Day Trial!) …
2/24 UPDATE: Sony a7S III Officially Gets S. Cinetone in v2.00 FW Update! 🤩
Abroad in Japan theme song!
Love it but don’t need it at the moment. Thanks Jason.
Even Amazon describes the Sony FX3 as the Sony A7Siii in Sony FX3 product page description…
Yay, Another Camera I can’t Afford !!!
That intro hit so hard im gonna have to give a thumbs up
I can afford her but she will definitely say “No!”.
The sensor in the FX3 is more like the FX6 sensor, and different to the A7SIII.
I thought the price is affordable but danggg that’s way expensive than the A7S3, it’s okay I’ll wait for the A7IV
still no shutter angle. FOR A CINEMA LINE!

Sony FX3 Review – Every Filmmakers Dream Camera
Okay Sony is just making tooooo many good cameras 😂 this is getting out of hand. Which do you go for A7s III or FX3???
Eye autofocus couldn’t find you at 0:41seconds. Look how big his eyes areee! Super fun video Matti.
Matti is much happier with his brother around.. good stuff guys ..
This channel is quickly morphing from, Matti Haapoja to The Happoja Brothers. And I like it 😂
I feel like Sony hold out for years then just released all these camera like “here have fun” lol!!
What ? 😱
I’m not really sold on the whole “cinema camera” thing. If it had built in ND and internal RAW recording then this would be a step up from the A7siii. I see no difference except for the body
Matti 5 months ago: The A7Siii is Sony’s first mirrorless video first cameraMatti now: the FX3 is Sony’s first mirrorless video first camera
2:22 first time I have seen Stabilization effect got caught in Matti’s Video😅😉
As a creator, I totally appreciate these types of review. They’re so helpful when deciding on whether or not to upgrade. Remember: A NEW CAMERA DOESNT MAKE YOU BETTER. Practice. Practice. Practice.
![(c) おかちゃんネル SONY Cinema Line FX3 VLOG XLRハンドルユニット装着して試し撮り #786 [4K] SONY Cinema Line FX3 VLOG XLRハンドルユニット装着して試し撮り #786 [4K] (c) おかちゃんネル](https://imitoha.com/c/img/FX3/HypQB7CntGQ.jpg)
SONY Cinema Line FX3 VLOG XLRハンドルユニット装着して試し撮り #786 [4K]
(c) おかちゃんネル SONY FX3に付属しているXLRハンドルユニットを初めて箱から取り出して装着してみました。 ハンドル取り付けての撮影自体初めてでしたがなかなか安定していてとっても …

sony fx3友好的设计,FX3和A7S3怎么选?对标C70?BHG1?单兵利器!
(c) 风土集 索尼发布的FX3是FX6的辅机?和A7S3利益交换?最有利制作的一个设计是什么?值得其他品牌学习!单兵制作FX3可以挑战C70的一个优势是什么?Bmpcc 6k?
min XLR真的是多一個轉接的風險,但是沒有ND也非常困擾 哈哈
bmpcc 6k pro super35mm

Cinema Line FX3 | Resolución y velocidad superiores | Sony | α
(c) Sony América Latina Sumérgete en una nueva era audiovisual con la nueva FX3, la cámara más compacta y ligera de Cinema Line – Impactante expresión cinematográfica.
Un producto que requiere una alta inversi�n
Me gustar�a tenerla