- 줄 서서 먹는 최고의 샌드위치, 갈릭 베이컨 샌드위치, 에그드랍, Korean Best sandwich, Egg Garlic Sandwich, Korean street food…
- Top 10, 대한민국 맛있는 빵, 카스테라, 마늘빵, 고로케, 마카롱, Top 10, Delicious Bakery, Variety Bread, Korean street food…
- Top 10, 대한민국 전통시장 맛집, 광장시장, 망원시장, 광명시장, Top 10 Delicious Traditional Market Food, Korean street food…
- 계란 노른자 넣은 계란 토스트, 에그 샌드위치, Toast Master, Egg toast with egg yolks, Egg sandwich, Korean street food…
- 청주 샌드위치 달인, 햄 에그 샌드위치, 참치 마요, 햄 치즈, Sandwich master, Ham egg, Tuna, Ham cheese, Korean street food…
- 착한 가격! 170원 튀김만두, 하루 10000개 판매하는 야끼만두 달인, Amazing Skills, Fried Dumplings Master, Korean Street Food…
- 매일 300마리 완판 줄서서 먹는 숯불 장어구이, 민물장어 구이, Amazing Grilled 300 Freshwater eels per day, Korean Seafood BBQ…
- 김포 맛집 / 정성 가득 한우 사골 곰탕 만들기, 수육 만들기, 뜰 한우곰탕 / Korean Beef bone soup, bone cutting, 한국 전통 요리, 4K…
- 대왕 계란말이 샌드위치, 모짜렐라 치즈 샌드위치, Amazing giant egg roll sandwich, cheese sandwich, ンド, Korean street food…
- 백종원이 인정한 4개 천원 영천시장 달인 꽈배기, 도너츠, Amazing skill of Making twisted doughnuts, Korean street food
- 참치해체 달인, 200KG 대왕 참치 해체, 노량진수산시장, 200KG Giant Bluefin Tuna Cutting Show. Sashimi, Korean fish market
- 레전드 동대문 크레페, 동대문 할아버지 크레페 근황, Amazing Crepe Skills, Grandpa crepe, Crepe Master, Korean street food
- 주먹 크기의 대왕 타코야끼, 야구공 타코야끼, 역곡역 타코방, Amazing King Takokayki, Giant Takoyaki, たこ焼き, Korean street food
- 한국 대표 토스트 이삭토스트, 햄, 불고기, 갈비, 스테이크, Korean Best toast, Ham Cheese, Bulgogi, steak, Korean street food
- Top 12, 대한민국 최고의 토스트, 이삭토스트, 문토스트, 창동 할머니토스트, Top 12, The Best Toast in Korean, Korean street food
백종원이 인정한 4개 천원 영천시장 달인 꽈배기, 도너츠, Amazing skill of Making twisted doughnuts, Korean street food

(c) Tasty Travel 맛있는 여행 Thank you for loving Tasty Travel Channel. At the end of 2019, we selected the best street food of the year. Introducing the latest status of selected foods.
영상 재미있게 보시고 맛있는 여행 많이 하세요~ 좋아요, 구독은 제게 큰 힘이 됩니다! 궁금하신 점이 있으시면 댓글 남겨주세요~ 감사합니다! Hi, there! I’m Tasty Travel! 🙂 If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!
Favorite food as a child!
Dough handlers world wide are saying “ohhh, ahhh, ok, awesome, yup, damn right” thanks for sharing lol a dough video with out a mixer
Y’all should win an award just for speed alone 😀👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
When I was little, this was my favorite snack or breakfast. I didn’t know it’s popular in Korea, our version in the was small though
Very nice 👍🏻
진짜 맛있는 집인데 박스에 비닐이라도 한장 깔아주시지…
I love watching people with skills I know I will never have…
쉽게 생각하고 자영업 시작하는 청년들이 꼭봐야하는 영상
Lots of talent there
I SWEAR when they spin them, it has maybe two turns, but when it LANDS, it has eight. YOU CAN’T EXPLAIN THAT.
This is just heaven.
Fascinating! So fun to watch this art!
Being in the baking business, It is a pleasure to watch this video and see the efficiency and beautiful product being made by these bakers.
I am in M�xico. I miss the coffee and doughnuts from these Pac�fic-Asian families. They are very kind when It comes to adjusting to the communities they cater to.
How quickly the twist is made is simply fascinating!
That’s a smooth operator right there, got it down to a science from start to finish. They look tasty!
*Rolls dough and swings it around*Dough: Well I guess I’m a perfect donut now.
Amazing pride, skill, precision, and love put into these delicious looking treats.👍👍👍👍👍👍
Can we just appreciate the guy that mixed the whole bucket of dough using only hands?
참치해체 달인, 200KG 대왕 참치 해체, 노량진수산시장, 200KG Giant Bluefin Tuna Cutting Show. Sashimi, Korean fish market

(c) Tasty Travel 맛있는 여행 영상이 재미 있으셨다면 구독과 좋아요 부탁드려요~! * Tasty Travel 구독 : http://bit.ly/click-tastytravel * 상호 : 김씨마구로 * 위치 : 서울 동작구 노들로 674 * Price …
안녕하세요, Tasty Travel 입니다! 🙂 좋아요, 구독은 제게 큰 힘이 됩니다! 궁금하신 점이 있으시면 댓글 남겨주세요~ 감사합니다! Hi, there! I’m Tasty Travel! 🙂 If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!
와 죽이네요 크기가 크니 맛있는 비싼부위도 양이 많군요 !♡
Olha que me recomendam kkkkk
I’m literally never going to cut a whole tuna, yet here I am.
Everything in this video is so cool. The beautiful fish, the beautiful filets, the precise techniques, and the kickass knives.
Ok that tuna looks like some food straight out of anime, it’s just so perfect and beautiful looking
quarantine day 6brain: you gotta learn how to fillet a whole tuna
Nice. 💕💕💕
da s�rie “v�deos aleat�rios recomendados pelo YTB”
Incr�vel! Muito bom, assisti at� o final.
Acho incr�vel quando algu�m faz algo criativo tirando recursos da natureza (sem prejudic�-la claro).
Вот это рыба конечно..😲 сколько сил и времени нужно чтобы ее разделать!! молодцы корейцы 👏👏👏
That was beautiful. The skill the craftsmanship,the care was all wonderful.
Смотрю это ночью вместо того чтобы спать. Залипательно
I would love to see chef Gordon Ramsay deconstruct one of these and see what he ends up making with it that would be an interesting video.
Крутые ножи, классные мастера, а рыбина вообще супер
Really beautiful work !
I’ll quit my beef when they quit their fish , those steaks look amazing !!!
I love how clean it is.
we all watching this in the middle of the night.
레전드 동대문 크레페, 동대문 할아버지 크레페 근황, Amazing Crepe Skills, Grandpa crepe, Crepe Master, Korean street food

(c) Tasty Travel 맛있는 여행 Thank you for loving Tasty Travel Channel. At the end of 2019, we selected the best street food of the year. Introducing the latest status of selected foods.
안녕하세요, Tasty Travel 입니다! 🙂 좋아요, 구독은 제게 큰 힘이 됩니다! 궁금하신 점이 있으시면 댓글 남겨주세요~ 감사합니다! Hi, there! I’m Tasty Travel! 🙂 If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!
5:42 이부분 자꾸 돌려보게된닼ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 왤케 찰져
最後の紙コップにカッって入れるところ好き笑 海外に行ったことないけど、このクレープとおじいちゃんに会いに韓国に行ってみたくなった。
Very nice
Ese señor es increíble, todo se ve delicioso 😍
He deserve more customers, his hardwork and determination proves it all💕
おじいさんの接客の良さ、優しき笑顔、トッピングの豪華さなどに机を叩きまくった(* ´ ▽ ` *)⊃バシバシこの方こそ仏という。みんな!我らがおじいさまがコロナに負けないように祈ろう!
주먹 크기의 대왕 타코야끼, 야구공 타코야끼, 역곡역 타코방, Amazing King Takokayki, Giant Takoyaki, たこ焼き, Korean street food

(c) Tasty Travel 맛있는 여행 영상이 재미 있으셨다면 구독과 좋아요 부탁드려요~! * Tasty Travel 구독 : http://bit.ly/click-tastytravel * 상호 : 타코방 * 위치 : 부천 역곡역 (경기 부천시 역곡로 3) …
안녕하세요, Tasty Travel 입니다! 🙂 좋아요, 구독은 제게 큰 힘이 됩니다! 궁금하신 점이 있으시면 댓글 남겨주세요~ 감사합니다! Hi, there! I’m Tasty Travel! 🙂 If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!
Me: Wow that’s a lot of fillingLady: Adds something elseMe: Wow that’s really a lot of filling Lady: Adds something elseMe: Wow thats really a lotttttt of filling Lady: Adds something elseMe: WOW TH-
internet: there’s no possible way you can fit an entire seafood meal into a tennis ball.takoyaki vendor: hold my seasoned baby octopus.
Estoy babeando… No quiero morir sin antes haber probado un takoyaki asi
The agility and speed with which they do this is amazing !! I would love to see it in person !! I am hopelessly in love with the cultures of Japan, China and Korea. Especially the exotic cuisine !! I love seeing them preparing these appetizing foods !! Sometimes I try to reproduce some recipes and they look great !! My dream
As someone who loves fried foods, seafood, and cheese….this is the PERFECT dish for me!
That big takoyaki was AWESOME !!
3 mins into the video….Me: “This is gonna turn into a ball right?”
This had me drooling, they looked so tasty. I had to go and get food because it made me so hungry. Thank you for filming and sharing. Now I feel like I need to make something similar to quench my hunger properly.
That’s a lot of ingredients, it looks delicious 👍🏽
There is a whole ocean of life in each one! amazing stuff.
I *love* Takoyaki, i ate this many years ago, i would like to eat this again in my whole life ㅠㅠ
I’m so glad to hear “How can I love the heartbreak,you are the one I love” by Akmu at 8:54 – 9:02
In the beginning, I was like…”How will she ever make balls with that much fillings??”
So much filling!!!!!!!!❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
Это очень красиво,как по мне искусство!! Спасибо.
I’ve never seen these before. They look utterly delicious!
Love Takoyaki!!! This makes me so happy that there is a giant version!!! 🙌🏾😋😋😋😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩
I really enjoy watching people making takoyaki! Its really amazing. 😍
Amazing! Why do I always watch these street food videos when I haven’t eaten? Looks so good!
한국 대표 토스트 이삭토스트, 햄, 불고기, 갈비, 스테이크, Korean Best toast, Ham Cheese, Bulgogi, steak, Korean street food

(c) Tasty Travel 맛있는 여행 영상이 재미 있으셨다면 구독과 좋아요 부탁드려요~! * Tasty Travel 구독 : http://bit.ly/click-tastytravel * 상호 : 이삭토스트 * 위치 : 서울 광진구 아차산로30길 8 * Price …
안녕하세요, Tasty Travel 입니다! 🙂 좋아요, 구독은 제게 큰 힘이 됩니다! 궁금하신 점이 있으시면 댓글 남겨주세요~ 감사합니다! Hi, there! I’m Tasty Travel! 🙂 If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!
No s� c�mo termine por aqu� , pero aqu� les dejo un comentario en espa�ol para que no se sientan solos :V
Every Korean ever: _”Now let’s drown it in cabbage.”_
I can see why Ollie says this is the best toast in the world.
Fiquei com água na boca 😍😍😍
I nearly fell asleep watching this, it’s so relaxing and hypnotic ❤️
진짜 존맛탱 이삭만의 소스.. 집에 가서 먹으려다가 길에서 한입씩 꺼내먹게 만드는ㅜㅜ
If only school cafeterias were like this
when we went to korea, we lived in a neighborhood with an isaac branch. before we went out for the day, we’d always grab sandwiches here. their sandwiches were so good that i wanted to franchise it in our country lmao
It’s so satisfying! Even the wrapping of each sandwich! Cute little package of tastyness!
이삭토스트 초등학교 4학년때쯤이었나 그때쯤 막 학교앞에 세워져서 얼마안되는 용돈 모아가며 사먹었던 추억이 있는곳. 특유의 브로콜리 같은 달콤한 소스는 나이 먹고도 가끔씩 생각남
이삭토스트만의 그 맛있는 소스맛을 잃을수 없어서 가끔사먹음
why is nobody talking about how the butter looks like a giant lipstick?
Gostei da organização. Tudo foi feito com muito cuidado e limpeza. 100%😍
Let’s be honest.. nobody searched for this
I love how they assembled each sandwich very neatly
One thing about Korean food. Hope you really love cabbage on everything.
Thanks nego king for introducing me to this toast. It looks so good! Really want to try this when I go back to seoul. Hope covid ends soon
The food in your videos looks absolutely amazing !
That looks so good, how organized, clean and how they have the 3 trash cans in the back to recycle, she out the glove every time and take it off so she can’t touch the food, wow
Top 12, 대한민국 최고의 토스트, 이삭토스트, 문토스트, 창동 할머니토스트, Top 12, The Best Toast in Korean, Korean street food

(c) Tasty Travel 맛있는 여행 안녕하세요. Tasty Travel입니다. 오늘은 대한민국 최고의 토스트, 이삭토스트, 문토스트, 석봉토스트, 창동 할머니 토스트, 부산 명물토스트, 석바위토스트, 회기역 …
안녕하세요. Tasty Travel입니다. 오늘은 대한민국 최고의 토스트, 이삭토스트, 문토스트, 석봉토스트, 창동 할머니 토스트, 부산 명물토스트, 석바위토스트, 회기역 천원 토스트 등 최고의 토스트 12곳을 소개합니다. Hello. Today, we will introduce 12 of the best toasts, including Korea’s best toast, Isaac toast, Moon toast, Seokbong toast, Changdong grandmother toast, Busan specialty toast, Seokbawi toast, Hoegi station $1 toast. [Top 12, 대한민국 최고의 토스트 맛집 정보] [Top 12, The Best Toast in Korea]1. 00:00 | 문토스트 송정본점 | 부산 해운대구 송정해변로 16 | 가격 : 3000원~ 00:00 | Moon Toast | 16 Songjeong Beach, Haeundae-gu, Busan | Price: USD $2.5 2. 04:50 | 이삭토스트 | 서울 광진구 아차산로30길 8 | 가격 : 3300 원 04:50 | Isaac Toast | 8 Achasan-ro 30-gil, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul | Price : USD $3 ~ 3. 10:05 | 창동 할머니 토스트 | 서울시 도봉구 창동 581-69 | 가격 : 2500원 10:05 | Granny Toast | 581-69 Changdong, Dobong-gu, Seoul | Price: USD $2 4. 14:52 | 석바위 토스트 | 인천광역시 남구 주안6동 924-55 | 가격 : 4000원 14:52 | Seokbawi Toast | 924-55, Juan 6-dong, Nam-gu, Incheon | Price: USD $3.5 5. 19:46 | 석봉토스트 | 인천 미추홀구 미추홀대로 733 | 가격 : 3500원 19:46 | Seokbong Toast | 733 Michuhol-daero, Michuhol-gu, Incheon | Price: USD $3 6. 23:42| 부산 장산역 토스트 | 부산광역시 해운대구 좌동 해운대로 813 | 가격 : 1400원 23:42 | Jangsan Station Toast | Jwa-dong, Haeundae-gu, Busan, Haeundae, 813 | Price: USD $1 7. 28:33 | 동대문 토성 3단 토스트 | 서울특별시 중구 광희동 장충단로 253 | 가격 : 3600원 28:33 | Dongdaemun three-stage Toast | 253 Jangchungdan-ro, Gwanghui-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul | Price: USD $3 8. 32:52 | 부산대 명물토스트 3단 토스트 | 부산 금정구 부산대학로 63 | 가격 : 2500원 32:52 | Specialty Toast | 63 Busan University Road, Geumjeong-gu, Busan | Price: USD $2 9. 36:28 | 언더더 경대 컵토스트 | 부산 부산진구 동천로85번길 1 | 가격 : 3500원 36:28 | Cup Toast | Dongcheon-ro 85th Street, Busanjin-gu, Busan 1 | Price: USD $3 10. 41:11 | 노량진 토스트 레알 컵밥 | 서울 동작구 노량진로 178 | 가격 : 4000원 41:11 | Noryangjin Real Cup Rice | 178 Noryangjin-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul | Price: USD $3.5 11. 45:15 | 노량진 만나흑미 컵밥 토스트 | 서울 동작구 노량진로 178 | 가격 : 3500원 45:15 | Noryangjin Manna Black Rice Cup Rice | 178 Noryangjin-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul | Price: USD $3 12. 48:15 | 회기역 천원 토스트 | 서울특별시 중구 광희동 장충단로 253 | 가격 : 3600원 48:15 | Hoegi Station $1 toast | 253 Jangchungdan-ro, Gwanghui-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul | Price: USD $3
Woah, its beautiful 💓
Nice video and good food
So much respect for that old Grandma still helping awsome
Nana was still out there in her little flowered outfit cooking! Sending respect to her and all of the chefs from Seattle, WA USA. 💕
I miss eating Korean street sooo much! And there was so much to choose from! 2500 won for a hearty meal.
Отличная работа спасибо вам большое за труд !
Que hermoso es verlas cocinas😋😋😋me encantan estos canales de comida..❤️
amazing and look at how clean the cooking area is. I love it.
Does anyone have the recipes for these? Especially that fluffy bread?
Nana was still out there in her little flowered outfit cooking! Sending respect to her and all of the chefs from Seattle, WA USA. 💕
It all looks amazing keep up the great work thank you for sharing ❤️
Korean bread looks so fluffy, puffy, yummy….🤤🤤🤤🤤
I’ve seen a few food videos from Korea, the food looks amazing👌👌 It’s not at all what I imagined.
14:00 … A little bit of bread to go with the burger. Looks good.
Так вкусно готовят,аж слюнки текут.
The lady and her Grandma making the delicious pancake made me cry! I love how they worked together! What spirit the Grandma had! She had purpose! All elderly should be given the chance by their loved ones to keep the family alive! God bless them both!
everything looks so good im going to attempt to make the same thing in my kitchen.
korean food always looks like something I’d make when I’m drunk at home and can’t figure out what to make, so I just put whatever together 😀
Omgoodness when she wrapped that sandwich up with that egg my heart melted 😍 😩 looks so delicious 😋Its so exciting to see them cook!