- The Climb | Season 2018 Cinematic – League of Legends
- What is League of Legends? Told by DaveC
- League of Legends: It’s time for a REAL challenge – by Nevercake
- K/DA – DRUM GO DUM ft. Aluna, Wolftyla, Bekuh BOOM (Official Concept Video – Starring Bailey Sok)
- Fiddlesticks: Terror in Demacia | Champion Update Trailer – League of Legends
The Climb | Season 2018 Cinematic – League of Legends

(c) League of Legends The 2018 season is here. Take the first step and begin your climb. Click below for more info: 2017 and Beyond | Riot Pls …
My god riot give your animators a raise cause that animation was down right breathtaking.
THe moment you realize xerath is the one making the blue fireballs…
They stopped at Lucian jumping cus after hat he got one shotted because thresh went full crit
Who went back here because of the new cinematic of Lucian and thresh?
0:50 – 1:15 – The Boy SaviorJust hits different now, especially with Blitz.
These cinematic keeps getting better and better!!
That scene with MF swimming frantically is genius. Not showing where she going as you see her try desperately try and swim towards something. As it pans it shows the surface, and we can see as the viewer that she isn’t going to make it, she isn’t going to escape. Then in that final frame you can see what she was trying to obtain wasn’t an escape but her weapon. She doesn’t want to escape. She wants to fight. That little snippet developed so much character with no dialogue.
1:05 love how the Blitz is dancing there and worrying for Ekko when hes falling XD
Just came back for a rewatch of all they’re cinematics and noticed something. When Taliyah is sand surfing and the Canon shoots those 5 shots it takes a second for the actual sounds of then shooting to kick in to catpure how far away it is. Like lightning and thunder. Absolutely brilliant.
Gives me shivers every time I see Lucian jump towards Thresh yelling, pointing both the guns at him. So cool
Best video Riot has ever released.
The Ekko cameo honestly looks like a really cool game you would play on the ps4!
This cinematic takes place right after “The Climb” ends, with Lucian in the air shooting at thresh. Even the scenery is the exact same as that video with the stairs and pillars. It’s amazing how far ahead riot plans. I wonder what else is hidden within their cinematics
This video makes me tear up a little. I really love to see the champions fleshed out.
We want more cinematics like this now for every season!!! 😭🔥
I’m so hyped to be stuck in Silver again! :DJK this was awesome!
i love how LoL stayed true to their character designs in their cinematics. The familiarity makes everything so much nicer to watch.
I’m a simple man, not a lol playerI see Ekko, I click
Cant wait for the series about shurima. Would like to see that Taliyah vs Xerath
As a support main, I love seeing Blitz and Thresh in one cinematic ❤️😃
What is League of Legends? Told by DaveC

(c) League of Legends Download League of Legends NOW: https://riot.com/2HwA8Xj We asked DaveC to help us explain League of Legends.
The biggest lies we were told as children: “Santa is real” “If you stand too near the TV screen you will go blind” “League of Legends community is filled with the coolest people”
The beginner bots have more brains than most League players
“the league of legends community is filled with te coolest people you’ll ever meet” LMFAO sure buddy
“Wow, he’s so cute! He must be everyone’s favorite. Right?”*”heh heh, yeah… “*
“The league of legends community is filled with the coolest people you’ll ever meet” *laughs in every european language*
I love how he said “COOL” community
“The league of legends community is filled with the best people you will ever meet” thats a good one
and this is how league of legends became … league of legends
“League of legends has the best players and community” pfffffttt….. 60% are toxic 😂
“This game looks pretty fun”My sweet summer child doesn’t know nothing about winter
the most toxic game of the decade that’s what it is
Dave c is so funny when he explained
This series pretty much caters to up and coming players.
“The League of Legens is filled with the coolest people you’ll ever meet”well, yeah, possibly, 10% of it is filled with them, another 90% is filled with… not the best ones.
He’s probably everyone’s favorite
*the league of legends’ community is full of the coolest people you’ll ever meet*
League of Legends is the game where you run around in circles and conquer each others control points.There are speed pads, health packs and bushes in the middle of the map.There are no bosses.R.I.P Old Crystal Scar.
“great community” LUL
The only lie that he didnt tell : riot makes perfectly balanced champions such as irelia darius or more
“Have fun and work together with your team” while I go jungle
League of Legends: It’s time for a REAL challenge – by Nevercake

(c) League of Legends Check out the game battle-royale players are flocking to. Get good at the most challenging, most rewarding, most hardest game …
Another Nevercake animation for League? Can’t really complain when they’re so good.
“Rise through the ranks”It ended in *Gold* lol
Man I love Nevercake’s styles so much. This is even better than his first ad.
“I am good, You are bad, I like making you feel sad.” – Literately every single Draven mains
He honestly has a good singing voice
I love how Nevercake is clearly aware that League runs entirely on salt, tilt, and heavily addicted Korean players.
Riot: “proceeds to call fps games baby games”Also Riot A few months later: “ Proceeds to make a baby game themself” cough cough valorant
i remember i got this as an ad a while back and wondered”Who the heck is that tophat guy?”
i really like these videos.Gj Nevercake for making an AD fun to watch.
League: *Requires skill*sweats: “nah just go with the meta”
“You will use your brain”Garen main: *what is a brain? Can I eat that* ?
I love this. I love this so much. This/He needs to become a role model for advertising companies. Being creative like this is what so many big companies lack. Humor, aggression, daring risky stuff all that here but nowhere else. I mean wtf are the superbowl commercials now?
It’s time for a real challenge:* To do list: *Leave house* *
0:12 “If you think. . . defusing a bomb is hard. . . ok”Riot now:Valorant csgo 2.0
I like how they say that “if you think dufusing bombs is hard then ok. ” And they make a game where you have to dufuse a bomb
“I am good, you are bad, I like making you feel sad”sad how thats just how 80% of the community acts
This is made very good <3 will definetly bring players to the greatest game ever!
This was the best advertisement I’ve watched. It’s actually convincing me to play the game.
Nevercake… He’s just so entertaining. For some reason it fills a void… *Nevercake laugh fade into scream* O_O
oh I love Nevercake and his animations
K/DA – DRUM GO DUM ft. Aluna, Wolftyla, Bekuh BOOM (Official Concept Video – Starring Bailey Sok)

(c) League of Legends Kai’Sa guides the talented Bailey Sok through the evolution of a new routine. K/DA presents the official concept video for “DRUM …
I had so much fun making this song with K/DA, and this video is 🔥🔥 ! Makes me want to daaaance 🐩
Ahh this was so fun! Thank you for having me! ♥️
Now there is a woman who looks like she is having fun, doing something she is incredibly good at, and the music is pretty damned awesome too!
I never would‘ve thought that the dancer is 16 years old. Outstanding perfomanceEdit: Now 17
Plot twist: this is actually animated but it’s so good we didn’t realize
this was actually a good video. ofc we were expecting a animation but the dancer is AMAZING and actually slapped
The dancer is amazing but I don’t think ANYBODY wanted this as Kai’sas music video… Especially not after that sick promo picture of her in the dance studio.
Evelynn: my video is bomb Ahri: my video is betterKaisa: mine is not even animatedAkali: you guys get a video?
That female dancer is amazing. She dances with every inch of her body.
Having rewatched this, I can see where some are so disapointed looking forward to actual Kaisa….but seeing Bailey dance this just makes me smile with glee. I’ve been watching LA dancer videos for the past like 5-6 years and seeing little bailey grow up into this gorgeous dancer is just amazing :3
This girl is having the absolute time of her life dancing to this song 💖
It’s so typical of Evelyn to demand such a high quality video for herself, but say the other girls just have to work with what they have lol. Bailey killed it tho.
Man, the match cuts in this are phenomenal! Esp the one at 2:33, it’s absolutely seamless, both the editing and the dancing!
I’ll never understand why people hated this. Love this video
I’m cringing so hard when I think how much I hated on the video when it came out and it wasn’t Kai’sa dancingThis is amazing.
Hermosa canci�n
she’s so talented but a lot of people were expecting to see kai’sa dancing
Looking back at it, this not being animated actually makes way more sense. Kai’sa is a rebel. Her’s not being animated goes against the other’s norms, out of the mold.
No juego League of legends pero escuché por accidente está canción y me encanto, no paro de oírla, es de esas canciones que te hacen querer bailar, sin duda es un excelente trabajo ❤️
Bailey Sok is sooooooooo good! Watching her dance always makes me smile!
Fiddlesticks: Terror in Demacia | Champion Update Trailer – League of Legends

(c) League of Legends An ancient fear awakens. League of Legends Sign Up & Download https://signup.leagueoflegends.com/
Fiddlesticks would definitely turn Arcane into a horror movie… sheesh.
Would literally pay money to see a live action fiddlesticks horror movie.
I love how because he mimics people, he heard someone just go “Fiddlesticks!” and decided that was his name
One of Fiddlesticks’ voice lines is “See? It’s just a scarecrow”
Imagine if League of Legends started like an original series on Netflix, explaining all of the champions origin/story line. Who would watch it?
One of the most terrifying things about Fiddlesticks is how, unlike other demons like Tahm Kench or Raum, you can’t talk your way out of being killed and eaten. Fiddlesticks being the first demon acts primal and his level of intellect is much like that of a very hungry predator like a ravenous tiger. When Fiddlesticks sees you, it only sees food, nothing else.
Normally in a horror setting, someone would walk towards the lantern in curiosityThis guy walked in to try and save his buddyWhat a lad
Imagine if they turned Fiddlesticks into a Dead by Daylight killer
**literally wastes his Ult and passive on one minion**S T O N K S
i just realised that at 0:33 tedric asks for help but fiddle lures the other guard the wrong way
Top: League Of LegendsMid: League Of LegendsBot: League Of LegendsJungle: Dead By Daylight
Man can only imagine in the future if they ever put fiddlestick into arcane or into some other type of show!
Something that is interesting is that his name, ‘Fiddlesticks’, is something people say when something doesn’t go their way and don’t want to cuss. And the way he says the word at the end of the video points to someone saying this after he has killed them. It might have even been one of the first words he ever learned.
“Filthy mages”Fiddlesticks: “And I took that personally”
I hope Fiddlesticks appears in Arcane, the idea of maybe having like…Garen and a group of people including his sister fighting off this thing would just be perfection.
Fiddle is an ancient demon, one of the first. He use the fears of his victims against them, so they can be scared and weaken. The scarecrow is just a vessel and a tool to make kills. In the game you can hear him saying different lines to almost every champion against him. Specially the line against Jinx, when now is more understandable, after S1E3 of Arcane.
After watching the first 3 episodes of arcane, I realized that fiddlesticks has nothing to do with arcane.
This is the way I wish people saw me playing Fiddlesticks…
The fact that when the guard said “Tedric” Fiddle answer slowly ” Not Tedric” and once Fiddle killed the guard said ” Fiddlesticks”
0:51 for just a split second, you can see FiddleSticks look at the camera before hiding his eyes to play the part of a scarecrow, it wasn’t until he started moving away that Fiddlesticks realised that his prey is running, almost like a big cat in a way