League of Legends(おすすめch紹介)

League of Legends(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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Tales of Runeterra: Freljord | “The Raid”

Tales of Runeterra: Freljord | “The Raid”  (c) League of Legends

(c) League of Legends Can you defend the heart of the Freljord? Play now at https://playruneterra.com While defendin g her tribe from a brutal attack, …

*Braum is so wholesome he convinced the animators to change the ending*

Braum: “We only survive together, as a family.”Meanwhile: Tryndamere splitpushes top and dies

Cousin: Raise him wellBraum: *I’m about to do what’s called a pro gamer move*

I love Braum. Even after seeing his Cousin injured, falling from a Cliff and accepting her death, he refuses to give up and let her die. He knows he can save her, and he does. A true Hero.

“in the freljord, we all come from the same family”*sweet home Freljord*

“The heart is the strongest muscle.”

“You either die a hero or get saved by Braum” –Harvey Dent, probably.

Avalanche: “strikes”Braum: “You hit like baby ram. No horns”

Braum: “We only survive together, as a family.”Dom liked that

Braum’s cousin: Raise him well Braum: Raise him yourself, I’ve got poros to feed

Drama: “Sometimes someone must die to keep a story going.”Braum: “I missed the part where that’s my problem.”

Braum: “we only survive..as a family”Guy they left on the hill top: that is not correct.

Braum is that one uncle you always want to meet because he’s just so wholesome and sweet and you cannot imagine him doing anything bad ever.

“Though I walk through the rift in the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for my E is off cooldown.” Braum 24:7

“DON’T SHOOT HER! …She is having a moment. You can’t shoot a person while she is having a before-death moment!” …

Can we just all take a moment to appreciate the fact that Braum, not only just saved his cousin, but also his kept his nephew from becoming an orphan, AND did it in the most BADASS way EVAH!

Braum’s cousin: “Raise him well”Braum: *SNOWBOARDING*

This guy and Reinhardt are some of my favorite characters in gaming. Something about being a big tough guy with a heart of gold is just so appealing, and a type of character I’d love to write.

Braum’s cousin: “Raise him well”Braum: no u

Braum: But we always survive togetherThe baby’s father: Am I a joke to you?

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League of Legends: Free to Play Not Pay to Win – by Hyun’s Dojo

League of Legends: Free to Play Not Pay to Win - by Hyun's Dojo  (c) League of Legends

(c) League of Legends Whether you want to be a giant robot, a ninja assassin, or anything in between, League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics have a …

League of legends:We have 3 game modesTwisted treeline:Am I a joke to you?

Its pay to win, i pay with neurons and braincells to win a single game.

0:11 it took me a year to realize he was doing the default dance

I remember this ad would come on every time and I would always repeat, “Hyun here with the league of legends” before laughing a bit. Good times…Good times…

Basic armadillo skin : “ok”Ultimate rammus skin : “alright”

„Not pay to win, skills to win“*Clip of Yi doing Yi things*

“Not pay to win, skills to win”Yi: *laughs in Q spam*

Don t buy this folks. This game only comes at the price of your soul..

“were gonna make the world play LOL again, 1 slap at a time”- Slap Dojo guy

The portuguese version of this ad is a pure masterpiece

That blitz slap is rly how it feels when I get grabbed by him

“We’re gonna make the world play LOL again, one slap at a time.”*Sounds legit*

Love the ending*”one slap at a time”*

“We’re gonna make the world play lol again one slap at a time” I will always appreciate every slap chop reference to ever exist, it’s the best commercial to ever exist

Not pay to win, SKILLS TO WINmodern problems require modern solutions

A dublagem brasileira realmente ficou incr�vel!Agora q eu comparei kk

I love the way the guy says “one slap at a time”…. tbh I love how this guy talks. It’s great. And why is it that every league of legends ad is *actually* likable? Instead of annoying like all other ads out there? I appreciate that👏🏻👏🏻 I never skip these ads


“A ninja that does shadow clone justu” I see whoever created this is also a man of culture

“Um…Can I be an armadillo?” 🤣

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What is League of Legends? Told by LilyPichu

What is League of Legends? Told by LilyPichu  (c) League of Legends

(c) League of Legends Download League of Legends NOW: https://riot.com/2HwHMAY We asked LilyPichu to help us explain League of Legends.

“You might like ranked mode. I-I gave up on that.”Same.

Me: League of Legends is the worst, most frustrating game I’ve ever played and I hate every second of it!Also me: *In queue while saying that*

Lily didn’t you write the song “I’ll quit LoL?

Even this video shows Yasuo being nerfed.

Description: We asked LilyPichu to help us explain League of Legends.Reality: We payed LilyPichu to help us explain League of Legends.

Wow, Lily’s art has improved so much since this video

“Everybody loves teemo.”Me: *are you sure about that*

used to hate this ad then i just realised its by LilyPichu aka a youtuber i watch

This is actually the video that got me into league of legends and the saddest moment of my life was looking back at this and realizing this wonderful person mains the actual bane of my existence.

“each team has 5 members”laughs in blind pick with 2 team afk

Who else came here because of offline tv podcast.

This video is what introduced me to Lily when it was showed to me as an ad. I wasn’t too upset to play this one just because of how much I liked her voice and character.

I like how Riot is finally TRYING to promote league and attract new players

I remember when I had no idea how league worked, I was so confused on what was happening during fights and which champion to look at lmao

If you allowed swearing, she could’ve made this amazing and hilarious

It’s fun once you get used to it and get the hang of it, as well as the idea of how everything works in that specific game that you’re playing at the moment.

Teemo: “Everyone loves me!”Everyone: *Doubt*


I still can’t get over that that is her real voice and not acting to sound cute.

Also Lily: “I quit LoL”

Senna: Shadow’s Embrace | Champion Animated Trailer – League of Legends

Senna: Shadow’s Embrace | Champion Animated Trailer - League of Legends  (c) League of Legends

(c) League of Legends Those trapped in darkness need light the most. Music by Riot Music Team. Additional production by The Crystal Method.

Imagine playing as Thresh and during a fight one of your stacks pops out of your lantern and starts shooting at you

Lucian went all the way to the shadow isles to fight Thresh and save his wife even though he could end up in Thresh’s lantern for eternity and that guy you’re crying over still won’t text you back

Thresh’s New Passive: Every time he dies, Riot releases a new champion.

Lucian: goes meleeThresh: 👁️👄👁️

the reason lucian missed his shots was because he was actually trying to hit the lantern, not thresh.. damm

I can only imagine how they’re gonna interact in gameThresh: Grab the lantern!Senna: IM NOT GOING BACK

funny that not only lucian’s wife, Viego’s wife was also inside the lantern. what with thresh stealing wives

Senna and Lucian: We are the best couple in league!Rakan and Xayah: Hah no you’re not… We are the best!Ezreal and Taric: Hold our magic

Lucian: Stabs lantern with gunThresh: Wait, that’s illegal.

Lucian and senna NEEDS a base animation together like rakan and xayah

After watching Senna reveal, I can say that thresh was protecting us for having her in the rift.

Plot twist: Senna was Neeko all along.

1:52 Check out Lucian’s E into Hug Wife wombo combo thoIs that even dodgeable? What’s the counterplay

I have seen people fail to realize, the gun that was actually broken was Senna’s gun before Thresh took her. The breaking of Senna’s gun is a cool development showing she does not need it anymore, she has a new toy. Wow very cool riot.

1:47 I dont know why but thresh getting knocked off is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen

Memeing aside, since I’ve played for so long, this actually feels like character development for Lucian, he saved his wife, his big goal.

Almost cried at the ending 🙁 Imagine, despite how Lucian tried to hold Senna, she was still forced back into the lantern. That would be very heartbreaking.

The only LoL cinematic that left me blinking tears back.

0:52 The fact that he hit the lantern with his “last shot” and not Tresh speaks volumes.

If you want Riot to release a new champion, just smash Thresh’s lantern

Just One More | League of Legends

Just One More | League of Legends  (c) League of Legends

(c) League of Legends Play for free. Sign up for League of Legends – https://riot.com/playfree Every League of Legends player knows what it’s like to …

inb4 it’s 10 AM you’ve lost 10 games in a row but you can’t go to sleep because you don’t wanna end on a losing streak

Who just wastes 5 ultimates to kill one karthus? Darius didn’t even get the execute lol

“C’mon riot, just make the first e-sport anime. You can even script TSM to win something, that way it’ll count as a fantasy anime too”

lose game: “Can’t end on a loss”win game: “Can’t end on a heater”

No one:Dude: one more*3 hours later**B R O N Z E*

Blitzcrank:Rep my entire teamThey wasted all ults on karthus

Me: One More Game?Friends: Sure..**Loses**6 Hours Later..Me:One More?…

everyone jokes about this animation! but this game is all i have. this game is all i’ve ever known, and it’s all im good at. you can’t just give up on a loss.literally made me cry

Brings me back to when I would have sleepovers at my friends, we all had laptops and played some LOL. It was a ton of fun! I love Lol BECAUSE of moments like these!

I wish they made more of these :((


Accurate representation of how it feels to play ranked Solo/Duo. Well done Riot

Por que no sacan una serie estar�a brutal verla todo el d�a jaja pero nunca va a pasar jaja se vale sonar

In reality, the saltiness would have been so high that none of them were friends after playing

omg this is literally me and my teamthere’s that mid player who wont stop flamingthe jungler who always tries to 1v5the sympathetic supportthe ADC who cant stop farmingand the top laner who steals kills and end up being fed

Ou seja, n�o importa o quanto voc� tente, a derrota sempre vem.

man i wish this was a movie haha thats some high impact action

Voc� sabe quanto o Karthus t� feedado quando ele toma um pux�o, um soco, uma porrada da Vi, uma Ulti do Darius, a Ulti da Lux e da Jinx pra finalizar e ainda solar 5 em uma Ulti.

bruh , 5 ults on 1 karthus , no wonder they lost.

Aunque pierdas, te frustres, y no quieras seguir jugando (y arrastrando a tus amigos), vas a seguir jugando. �Por qu� dir�s? �Porque no hay que rendirse!-Liga de las leyendas.Triste.

