古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life(おすすめch紹介)

古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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お正月の1日|初日の出と初詣(伊豆・白浜海岸&白浜神社)|万宝商店|爪木崎|お雑煮作り【田舎暮らし】  (c) 古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life

(c) 古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life 海の近くに移住して田舎暮らしを始めました。古民家で一人暮らしをしています。伊豆・白浜海岸&白浜神社での初日の出と初詣、お雑煮 …

Очень нравится узнаваемая мелодия перед Вашими замечательными видео. Даже незнание японского языка на может помешать насладиться морскими пейзажами, приготовлением еды в ресторанчиках и описанием Ваших будней.Спасибо, и удачи Вам!

Обожаю смотреть Ваши видео! Нравится подобранная музыка, красивые морские пейзажи.А подаваемая еда так аппетитно выглядит, что создаётся впечатление личного присутствия за столом!Спасибо, и удачи Вам!

My husband and I used to drive from Yokota Air Force Base to Shirahama. We love the beach in Shirahama. We’ve been there countless times because we love it so much. I miss living in Japan.

Such an usual and yet interesting channel here on YouTube. So nice to see details of everyday Japanese habits and beauty in little things. Sayonara from Croatia 🇭🇷 (Europe) 👍



Such beautiful beaches… One longs for the Summer to swim and enjoy.



Landscapes in your home town are beautiful !











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山奥ソロキャンプ|南伊豆・キャンプ山の家【田舎暮らし】A solitary life in the mountains【Solo camp】

山奥ソロキャンプ|南伊豆・キャンプ山の家【田舎暮らし】A solitary life in the mountains【Solo camp】  (c) 古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life

(c) 古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life 伊豆に移住して田舎暮らし。古民家で一人暮らしをしています。 南伊豆のはるか山奥にあるキャンプ地で野生動物に囲まれながら早春の …

ご視聴、コメントに感謝します!ありがとう!!Thank you for watching!!

Thank U so much for the English subtitles! It’s very considerate. ありがとう❣️I always love your video is because you try to live simple and causally but doesn’t mean you lower your living standard. You show us perfectly how we can enjoy our daily lives by getting closer to the nature, enjoy camping, eating self-grown and fresh food and yet feeling very blissful and joyful. And the Mountain View is just stunning!! Wish I were there 🤗🤗🤗

You do whatever you want and are self-sufficient. That is the kind of dream life I want. 😀 I lived in Japan for 5 years because of work. I wish could have made the effort to enjoy the nature like you did. I badly miss Japan after moving back to the U.S. Best wishes!😀

Its such a perfect campsite, it has everything!

Just done marathoning almost all your videosReally beautiful, from the simple life style, scenery, and anything else. So relaxing and satisfying to watch. Thank you for your hardwork, youve got a new subscriber..

Que lugar espetacular 😊



It must be wonderful to sleep and wake up with someone like that .. Recharge our energies with nature and everything we need … thank you for sharing your adventures with us …

Your entire video made me happy, pleasant and peaceful! In addition, English subtitles also helped me to understand better! Thanks! Greetings from Brazil!


Thank you so much for eng subs! Love your work! 👏🏼✨

Que bonitos videos, dan una sensaci�n de paz y armon�a.

Hallo! I’am a new viewers and do marathoning almost all your videos since yesterday! I love Japanese cuisine and how you cooked it! And i liked how you enjoy your solo life and been traveling/camping all alone to the mountain or beach, that’s so cool! Also the cinematography and the scenery of japan’s landscape so beautiful! Thankyou for sharing this videos! I will looking forward for another video 🤗🤗🤗

Whenever I watch your videos I become more present. My awareness for each task at hand increases tremendously and I can take my mind off my thoughts. Such a blessing.

I am enjoying your videos so much and I’m very envious of your lifestyle. Thank you for including English subtitles as well. I’ve already learned to cook new dishes from your channel (even though I’ve had to substitute a few items). Best wishes to you and enjoy Izu – it looks beautiful.

Thank you for sharing your day, its always so beautiful and serene. I’ve never done camping, and I am not sure if you let me tag along as the beauty of solo camping is really very alluring. 😸

No extra background music.Just the nature’s sound is enough.Really nice video

Take me with you , as I said before you make camping look sooo dreamy. Thank you for this wonderful moment 🙏🏻.

I really love your vlogs. They help ease the stress! 🌟

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プライベートビーチ見つけた|畑の大根でおでん作り|松崎町岩地【田舎暮らし】 holiday on the private beach【Countryside Life】

プライベートビーチ見つけた|畑の大根でおでん作り|松崎町岩地【田舎暮らし】 holiday on the private beach【Countryside Life】  (c) 古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life

(c) 古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life 伊豆に移住して田舎暮らし。古民家で一人暮らしをしています。 松崎町岩地にあるプライベート感満点のビーチへ弁当持参でハイキング。

いつもご視聴ありがとうございます!おかげさまで海外の視聴者さんも増え、チャンネル登録者数が激増しています。たくさんのコメントありがとうございます。お返事できていませんがいつも大変感謝しております!Thank you for watching!I really appreciate that the number of subscribers from overseas has increased .Also thank you for all the comments.I haven’t been able to respond to them, but I’m always very grateful!

This channel definitely tells the world, loud and clear, that some men can be very good at cooking, taking care of the chores around the household and keeping everything in order. Just look at how clean and neat Kominka’s house is. He even grows vegetables by himself. 👏 Warm wishes from California, USA!


Obrigadaaaaa!! Pelos vídeo, são muito legais, ficaria melhor se tivesse legenda em português, obrigada! 🇧🇷🇯🇵

I just found your videos, thank you! We have visited Japan few times and we love it and miss it so much! It’s so nice to watch these videos and we hope to be able to come and visit soon again ❤️ Greetings from Finland

Love your videos. The simplicity & healthy living lifestyle is a good example for everyone to follow this pattern. Also being outdoors is a great workout than being in a gym. Thank you

Given how peaceful and quiet the surroundings of Japan are I would also love to live in such a place and such a life.As always video was awesome

I love everything you cooked and prepared in this channel. They all look so delicious!! What a good contents to see not only many beautiful places that you captured in this video but also a wonderful cooking meals! 🙂

I love how you film different scenes from different angles! Theres such beauty in solitude and you do a perfect job of capturing that, thank you for your videos 🙂

The beach is beautiful, I could spend many days there… And the patio with the tables… perfect for reading and relaxing.

I love that you found the stone walls! How exciting! I find them in the woods sometimes and I always wonder what life was like for that person in the past. My Grandfather used to say that if you find an apple tree in the woods, you should try an apple from that tree because they tasted different back then. Since then, apples have been developed and changed with different flavors. I cooked and ate my first daikon radish last week. 🙂 I drizzled soy sauce over the top and bottom of thick slices and cooked them in a pan. They were delicious! Great video and trip! Glad you got to have a nice day outside and a good hike and a grateful prayer for both. 🙂

I love your channel. It’s so peaceful and drama free. Being alone is rejuvenating for me. 💗

Nature in Japan is truly beautiful. And when I see the lifestyle of Kominka-san (Japanese viewers call him “Kominka-san ” because of his channel’s name), I really want to live in his way. It’s not easy, though…本当に日本の自然は美しい!そして古民家さんの暮らしを拝見していると、自分もこんな風に丁寧に暮らせたらな~とホント思います!(現実には難しいけれど・・・)


Konichiwa, Japan’s countryside is pure heaven. Love the channel. Thanks for the sharing. Kris


Apprendre la culture et l’art de vivre Japonais dans ce genre de cadre, peut importe les contraintes, je signe tout de suite! Superbe

I always love your contents, it’s like a very ideal version of a life I’m longing to live in.Thank you for giving me warm peaceful and serenity watching it.

A very well-spent day off! Wishing I could visit and hike that wonderful trail one day!

Thank you for the great video as always. Tho everytime I see a scene of you walking down or up a hill/stairs, I can’t help but think it must be tiresome to walk at least twice or thrice up or down. Once to place the camera, once to act it out, and once again to retrieve the camera. Really, thank you for the effort and quality you bring into your videos. Truly appreciate it. Arigatou gozaimas!


お店よりおいしいチャーハンの作り方|吉野家の牛丼を作ってみた|鶏油|手作りチャーシュー【自炊ルーティン】  (c) 古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life

(c) 古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life 伊豆に移住して田舎暮らしを始めました。古民家で一人暮らしをしています。 今回は田舎に少ないお店の味を自炊で再現。町中華の …

Wow! You made the chicken oil from scratch! Amazing! If you try this recipe again, I suggest mixing the raw egg and the cold rice together first before pouring them both into the wok. Then your rice will be coverd in egg and look golden! I also recommended that you use leftover rice that sat in the fridge overnight to make fried rice, that way the rice would be dry, and your fried rice will not be soggy. Fried rice was originally a way to use up leftover rice without wasting it.


チャーハンを油から作ってる人初めて見ました… !


Acho incr�vel sua vida!

うわぁ〜チャーハンめっちゃ美味しそう 古民家さんのとなりで一緒に食べたいです。全部の料理が丁寧で釘付けです!

Все обалденно вкусно 😋😘👍




That egg fried rice is calling my name 😂🤤💚











【家で漁師飯】地魚料理の簡単メニュー|こんにゃく作り|干物作り|家庭菜園【一人暮らしの自炊】  (c) 古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life

(c) 古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life 伊豆に移住して田舎暮らしを始めました。古民家で一人暮らしをしています。 今回は地魚を使った漁師飯作りと、こんにゃく作りを楽しんだ日 …



Thank you so much for the English subtitles! It is so nice to understand what you are saying and doing. You have such a different diet than I do (American) and I’m so curious to know what you are cooking and how you cook it.

Обожаю смотреть как Вы готовите еду, особенно люблю Ваш зелёный чайник. Все выглядит очень аппетитно, для полноты наслаждения не хватает только аромата. Спасибо за видео, здоровья и удачи!

Wow! Such a great cook! Seeing you cook and enjoy your meals is another reason for me to say: to live is a wonderful thing! Bon appetit!










Muito obrigada




わーわーー!!手作りこんにゃく美味しそう〜♡私だったらピリ辛に炒めて食べたいなぁと観ていたら同じメニューで結構嬉しい。笑 干物出来上がるの楽しみですね。生活力があって頼もしいです!


