
(c) ノイタミナ YouTubeチャンネル 胸が熱くなる瞬間を、本当は誰だって待ってる――」 陸上部のエースだったが怪我で走ることをやめてしまった女子高生・橘あきら(17歳)と、 …
Aimer’s voice is to die for!!
I really love the support that Aimer is receiving, She really deserves it, and everyone is right, whenever she sings the ending of an anime it is obvious that the anime will be good.
i can’t wait for this anime.the manga is great and the art and animation looks good.I hope it turns out to be good.
I really enjoyed the manga, so I’m hyped for this! Plus, I love Aimer, so her singing the ending song makes me even more excited! 😀
Que hermoso!!!! No puedo esperar para verlo ;v , y la trama no es lo usual, la animaci�n se ve encantadora y esa musica de fondo ufff <3
Aimer’s voice is so top notch<3
Looks beautiful! And also the Song from Aimer is amazing. I lover her voice!
Ya quiero que salga ><!!
Mygod, every aspect of this anime is beautiful. From the visuals to the song. Damn!
I love this manga! I’m so happy to see it animated!
The song is so beautiful. Can’t wait 😭
This song is fantastic! Even the name of the song is awesome and creative! Ref:rain includes rain and refrain these 2 words which are the theme of the series!
Este anime es precioso!! TwT ❤❤❤❤ y más con Aimer 😍😍😍😍😍
Me gusto mucho la canci�n~
Was checking out new anime and this song caught my attention it’s amazing I had to look it up
This song stucks in my head, and i have to comeback here everyday
Omg I wanna watch it already and the song is so beautiful!
I love this anime and this song so much!
PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス 2 PV「新章、起動。」

(c) ノイタミナ YouTubeチャンネル 正義<システム>に、抗え。 『PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス』待望の第2章、起動。 10月9日より毎週木曜24:50~フジテレビ“ノイタミナ”にて …
I’m so happy because they kept Ling Tosite Sigure and EGOIST to do the opening and ending songs~ I can’t wait for them to be released!
really am curious to see if Kogami will some how show up in season 2. Sybl system will definitely have a bunch of eyes out if he did. Here’s to hoping s2 lives up to or surpasses s1
Esto tiene muy buena pinta. Echar� de menos a los personajes que se fueron, pero tambi�n ser� interesante conocer a los nuevos. Ya tengo ganas de que se estrene la segunda temporada. �sta es una de las mejores series que he visto.�
If, and I say if Kogami ends up being the villain! Been waiting for this for so long. Looks like it’s gonna be great (if Shinya comes back that is.)
This looks great! I really hope Kougami will be in it though. It’ll be kinda boring without him :/
The interesting thing is that this trailer looks only into the 1st episode, that means we have a lot more to expect from the next 10 episodes if so! MUCH HYPE, WOW!
This friday comes the new season. I can’t wait! I love Psycho Pass so much ❤
So excited So excited So excited So excited So excited. I’m rewatching the show in the newly edited format in preparation. Psycho-Pass is one of my personal favorite anime ever.
*cries happy tears* ;~; I’m so happy Psycho-Pass season 2 is finally here!!!!!!
FREAKIN’ LOVE the music they chose for this series!
OMG! I never thought that has two season :0 I am soooooo glaaaaad!!! It looks awesome. I hope it will be cool more than one season. But I miss other guys (Kogami, kagari,�and makishima)� New characters are interesting. 0:08 and 0:48 is it me, or maybe he looks�character like�kagari. I can’t wait!!
This will be a great season~
*Psycho Pass had a lot of flaws but it was still enjoyable. I’m looking forward to this 2nd season*.
I’m actually crying. Egoist and 凛として時雨 back again in this beautiful project.

(c) ノイタミナ YouTubeチャンネル フジテレビ“ノイタミナ”にて毎週木曜24:55~放送 ほか各局でも放送 4月7日(木)フジテレビ初回放送は24:25〜放送 Amazonプライム・ …
The art style has this old fashioned feel to it, and I like it.
荒木さん、大河内さん、澤野さん、Aimerさん、EGOIST(chellyさん)、WIT STUDIO、豪華キャストなんだこの布陣強すぎる
I cant believe this is a series. The animation quality is movie level! If it’s like this all the way through.. We Are All The Winners!
that Aimer with Chelly/EGOIST song is giving me lots of feels tho
Damn Egoist + Aimer + Sawano = Godly soundtrackI Love how they mixing old chara design with current graphic its looks so great :DFirst episode comin out 7 april !Im so Hype *_*
Idc what people say. Anything that has Sawano involved is a guaranteed success! This is gonna be hype!!!
that ending song sounds so amazing, I cannot wait for this show to come out
My three favorite Japanese vocal artists: Chelly, Aimer, and Lead singer from One Ok Rock, 2 of them brought together to make a single, can’t explain how hyped I am <3
ninelie sounds so damn good!!!!
1:05 joder !!!! que ending mas intensoo!!!!! como amo a Aimer!! me da escalofrios cada vez que escucho su voz
Goddamn I’ve been ecstatic for this anime since the end of 2014 when it was first announced. My favorite director and composer, a writer that wrote one of my favorite shows, a studio that ranks among my favorites, and two of my favorite vocalists… I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited for a new anime.
カバネリが一番だけどこの2016年は名作がめちゃくちゃあったな。カバネリの他にも幼女戦記、ワンパンマン 、うしおととら、アカメが斬るとか。神アニメを量産した年だな。
i like it aloooot. The second half was rushed but it was really good. Im not a big fan if shounen and horror anime but attack on titans and this one is by far my favorite. They both have the same plot but one is about a virus and the other is about a natural born creature who eats people. But they have one goal SURVIVE!!!!!!
please do season 2. this is a best anime ever.

(c) ノイタミナ YouTubeチャンネル 高橋留美子デビュー作『#うる星やつら』(小学館 少年サンデーコミックス 刊)が2022年フジテレビ”ノイタミナ”ほかにてアニメ化が決定!
Tr�s heureux d’assister au retour de Lum � la t�l�vision, le premier anime avait su conqu�rir la France � son �poque, esp�rons que le nouveau suive le m�me chemin !
Y pensar que volveremos a ver a este increíble anime devuelta después de 40 años! 🤩❤❤❤

(c) ノイタミナ YouTubeチャンネル ”ノイタミナ”10thスペシャルアニメーション 「ポレットのイス」 監督:石田祐康 キャラクターデザイン・アニメーションディレクター:新井陽次郎 …
Ive always wondered where the animation from this company opening came from, finally found it!! I gotta say this is the purest animation ive seen in a while!!
For any English speakers, the title translates to “Paulette’s Chair!” 🙂
I guess you could say that the chair was visually telling her to “break a leg”.
Can you imagine how much she saves on gas?
This could come straight out of Studio Ghibli.
This is so beautiful. It’s not Ghibli, but it may as well be. This short is GREAT, and it has music from one of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE composers, Masashi Hamauzu.
What an adorable short
Oh, jeez, I hope the chair is okay.
I never thought I would have feelings of appreciation for a chair. This is a wonderful video. I’m so glad I was able to see this ❤️
the girl : falls from the chairme : OMG!! is that chair Ok??! is it okk????!!
anything with hand drawn/painted appearing is always compared to ghibli, though i would say this has a look of its own. ghibli’s backgrounds can look far more detailed, the backgrounds in this are far softer looking and less detailed, colors are very soft and not as well defined (looking blurry almost) comparisons of works should be neatly analyzed and appreciated of their own choice of illustrated choices, each have more things less in common and common if you choose to look closer
Hermoso!!! me hizo lagrimear de verdad :�) esto comprueba que se puede hacer algo muy bonito sin necesidad de dialogos o historias complejas, los saludo desde M�xico.
Instantly added to my favs. This is honestly, and by far, one of the best videos I’ve seen on this website.
Que coisa linda :’3 ♥️♥️♥️♥️
The Hamauzu piano quintet/quartet is simply amazing.
Love the music and animation in this XDThis should become a series or something like the chair was once a magical tree but was cut down and became a chair or somethingIdk, I just think this deserves a big chance to become something more. That’s just my opinion though XD
This has such a strong Ghibli feel and i adore it ❤❤❤