
せなすけ(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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【ガンプラ40周年一番くじ】A賞〜F賞全部当てるまで引いてみた結果!総額〇〇万円!?壮絶な旅が始まる…。各賞を詳しくご紹介! 機動戦士ガンダム プラモデル GUNDAM GUNPLA

【ガンプラ40周年一番くじ】A賞〜F賞全部当てるまで引いてみた結果!総額〇〇万円!?壮絶な旅が始まる…。各賞を詳しくご紹介! 機動戦士ガンダム プラモデル GUNDAM GUNPLA  (c) せなすけ

(c) せなすけ ガンプラ40周年一番くじ全部引き当てたい!総額が大変なことに…。というわけで旅に出ます!開封&組立て、そして詳しいレビューも!








素敵な時間を配信時間観れました♪^ – ^ありがとう😊せなさん!!自分も今日初日、朝から調べて3回だけ引いたら、バランスよくH賞I賞 F賞と出て、B賞ば流石に当たらなかったけど、欲しかったクリアファイルと小皿、ザク、そしてF賞のエントリーグレードのクリア版G3!!しかも、このキットはバズーカー付属してて、貴重な武器なんでラッキー🤞でした♪(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡









まだまだ暑いなかでの長旅お疲れさまでした(..)”でもかなりの荷物大変だったしょ!あっ今回は せなすけたんには騙されなかったよぉ~A賞当たったのわかってたぜぇ~細かく紹介ありがとね♪此方はセブン少いし諦めてる(涙)クリアーの組み立てはせなすけたんなかなか見ないから楽しみにしてるね。



A賞ゲットできてよかったです。壮絶な旅の甲斐がありましたね。 「ガンダリウム合金ガンダム」といい、運を引き寄せる力があるのでは?🙂

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WARHAMMER 40000【SISTERS OF BATTLE ARMY SET】Miniature SENASUKE Brush Paint Citadel Colour Contrast

WARHAMMER 40000【SISTERS OF BATTLE ARMY SET】Miniature SENASUKE Brush Paint Citadel Colour Contrast  (c) せなすけ

(c) せなすけ WARHAMMER 40000【SISTERS OF BATTLE ARMY SET】Miniature SENASUKE Brush Paint Citadel Colour Contrast 5:45~ …

I didn’t realize the Emperor’s will reached that far east.

Very interesting colour scheme. I wouldn’t normally like such an array of colours but in this case she makes it look good

Wasn’t a fan at first of the multi-coloured whip, but you sold me on it.

That’s one of the better results of using the Contrast paints that I’ve seen so far, really good job! Nice YT-1300 in the background there, too!

I didn’t expect to like the colors but in the end it all came together and looks great!

Blessed be Japanese WaifuBlessed be the ImperiumBlessed be The Emperor of Mankind

Я человек простой: вижу WarHammer 40k – ставлю лайк )

I would never have considered such a vivid color scheme for the Sisters of Battle but it is surprisingly well. Your channel has been a pleasant surprise because it breaks with the styles that I am used to on YouTube. I will follow you carefully.

It is interesting to see a Warhammer model being done by a Japanese Youtuber. Warhammer has historically struggled to get significant entry into Japan for a wide variety of reasons, such as players needing a good bit of space both for storing armies and playing the game when space is at a premium (the Osaka GW store has one 4’x’4′ table when I was there last year, and they had zero space for anything more, and people’s homes are equally tiny). Also, GW models compete with models by companies like Bandai that are significantly higher quality at every price point. When I was at the Osaka GW store in April of 2018, I spent a good time talking to the manager (a Japanese-German who grew up in Germany who said he went to the Tokyo GW store to beg for a job because he loved the game so much after he moved back to Japan). He said that it’s been real difficult in building up the community in Japan, and said they were hosting their first ever tournament for 40K later that spring.

Wow, 40K in Japan? This is actually unexpectedLooks like the Emperor’s will reaches far and wide

I don’t like the color pattern you’ve chosen, but your technique is impeccable!

It’s good to know my thumbs aren’t the only ones covered in paint. Excellent paint job! Thanks for sharing.

At first I thought you were going to just use contrast paints, which looked ok. Then you started detailing. Impressive. I really liked how you painted the flesh on the face. I think I will try that.

I do not speak a word in Japanese, but i like watching you paint the models. Interesting colourscheme. Greetings from Iceland!

I wouldn’t have thought that such bright colours alongside the sombre shades of the Order of Our Martyred Lady would look good, but somehow it does! Sugoi!

I may not speak Japanese, but seeing another person use Contrast Paint so well is enough reason for me to subscribe. This is awesome!!

Interesting way to do the rainbow colors, never would have thought of that

Absolutely gorgeous miniature, I will definitely be watching your work again!

Neat paint job, I just wish there were subtitles. Not sure why this was in my recommended though.

I like how you really made it your own thing when you decided to paint with such bright colors, hope you enjoy painting the others as well.

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WARHAMMER AoS【Slaves to darkness:Start collecting】Miniature Paint Citadel Colour Contrast [SENASUKE]

WARHAMMER AoS【Slaves to darkness:Start collecting】Miniature Paint Citadel Colour Contrast [SENASUKE]  (c) せなすけ

(c) せなすけ WARHAMMER AoS【Slaves to darkness:Start collecting】Miniature Paint Citadel Colour Contrast [SENASUKE] 4:06~ …

Despite not being able to understand a word, because she actually assembled and painted a model, this is possibly the most complete unboxing I’ve seen of the new StD boxset 😀

This hobby goes beyond language. I may not have understood a word but loved watching you work 🙂

I have no clue whats going on but i love watching you paint so im looking forward to the next one! =D Beautiful work!

I don’t understand Japanese but she did a great job. I like this style of filming a painting session and the cuts to the different paints.

English language has many strange quirks based on context that the word is used. Darkness can be also used to mean “Evil” like “A darkness of the soul”.

Great unboxing, that set looks amazing! The paint job is exceptional, very well done!

Just picked up this set, watching the Chaos Lord being painted was inspiring, beautiful model and color selection!

This lovely lady is about to pick up a bunch of new subscribers from the west.She’s going to be adopted by the Warhammer/40k community.:)It’s interesting to see someone who’s from a different culture and not at all bound by the fluff and tradition of a long standing community paint Games Workshop stuff, for sure.Big ups from the Bronx, New York City.

This has really opened my eyes to the possibilities of the contrast paints.

this is an absolutely fantastic demonstration of how to take contrast paints to the next level

This was amazing to watch! I am so glad YouTube recommended me more great artists doing 40k miniatures!

Шикарно так драйбрашем все, гладкие переходы, восхитительная работа! From Russia with love!

Nice, never watched contrast paints being used, they are high in contrast but I like the over all look. very interesting.

Great to see a hobby i love and grew up with in the UK getting great representation in Japan (my second home) ………..I can see community award potential here.

WOW!!! I’ve been in the hobby for 20 years and watched a lot of warhammer painters on youtube. You are seriously the best in terms of finished product vs effort & time. Never seen anyone highlight like you using different colours on different colours. Was amazing to watch and will likely change the way I paint. Thank you!!

Your drybrushing is incredible!!! I love the colors choices you make!

Greetings from France, you’ve got planty of talent by painting like a pro! Thanks to you I will maybe try the contrast paints, even if I wasn’t convinced about the efficiency. Just one remark, you use a bit to much different colours in a same model (for instance the green colour on that chaos lord), but it’s just my opinion, many would love to buy you that painted chaos lord!😅😉

Love of model kits, painting, and warhammer is a language that doesn’t need words. Great paint job 👍

Awesomely beautiful paint job!!The unboxing was really good too I could see everything!

Very good result for all your hard work, a great looking mini. A lot of the technique choices you made caught me by surprise but it all turned out great. The finally colour scheme suits them perfectly, too.


【ガンプラ】ゲート跡は〇〇で白化しない!【白化の直し方&対策】初心者必見!世界一簡単なガンプラテクニック講座  (c) せなすけ

(c) せなすけ ガンプラ・プラモデルのゲート跡は〇〇で白化しない!【白化の直し方&対策】 初心者必見!世界一簡単なガンプラテクニック講座 …

今回も懇切丁寧で解りやすい解説ありがとうございます🙏 爪で擦るだけで結構いけるものなんですね😳 お手軽なのがいいですね。やったことなかったので見てて面白かったです。そうそう、せなッパーだいじ😁




















女子が人生初のスケールモデル購入!零戦プラモデル【1/32 三菱 海軍零式艦上戦闘機 五二型】開封&レビュー

女子が人生初のスケールモデル購入!零戦プラモデル【1/32 三菱 海軍零式艦上戦闘機 五二型】開封&レビュー  (c) せなすけ

(c) せなすけ タミヤさんから発売中の零戦スケールモデル・プラモデル【1/32 エアークラフトシリーズ No.18 1/32 三菱 海軍零式艦上戦闘機 五二型】を …

Great presentation of the 1/32 scale , Mitsubishi Zero fighter . This a great project for build , made by Tamiya !🙂👍🥇🏆👏👏👏






とうとうプラモの本命にたどり着きましたね 予想外でした










零戦は、戦争中 外国人が零戦みてあまりにも 美しさにうっとりして 戦争と忘れた機体ですね。(≧▽≦)




