
KADOKAWAanime(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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TVアニメ「蜘蛛ですが、なにか?」EDテーマ「がんばれ!蜘蛛子さんのテーマ」歌:「私」(CV:悠木碧)  (c) KADOKAWAanime

(c) KADOKAWAanime TVアニメ「蜘蛛ですが、なにか?」エンディングテーマ 「がんばれ!蜘蛛子さんのテーマ」歌:「私」(CV:悠木碧) 発売中ですが、なにか? 1.「がんばれ!蜘蛛子さんのテーマ」 …

อย่าว่าแต่ร้องตาม ฟังยังไม่ทันเลย 5555555555555+

Weebs: wtf is this song? It’s freaking good!Rhythm gamers: wtf is this abomination? I’m scared


“What genre do you want this song to be?””Yes”

i genuinely feel like this song was made to become hell for rhythm gamers

I want to see this being sung live or at least recording booth footage.

Producer: Aoi, how fast can you sing?Aoi Yuuki: Yes

Yuuki Aoi is just too talented… How many syllables are that?!? And that while changing the intonation every second line!


The music is very…..Massive, ya know….Massive New Krew JAVELIN’s going hardcore for an AniSong🤣SANBA ICE CREEEEEEAAAAAAAMMMM!!!!!!!


歌詞置いておこ。(自己満足)イントロでわかる、蜘蛛子さんの、これまでよっしゃ行くぞー!平凡!JK!古文!授業!突然の!大崩壊!時間!経過!意識!覚醒!蜘蛛だった!あぁめちゃカオス!あっちにこっちにてんやわんやして蜘蛛子!にっちもさっちも日々は大迷宮です☆弱肉強食だけど頑張れ蜘蛛子!ちなみに初期能力は最底辺☆ぶいっ!やばい敵!(ハイ!)まずい飯!(ハイハイ!)汗かき、べそかき、アンラッキー☆突然お家を燃やされたってめげないもん☆(イェイ!)でも合言葉は、家!返せ!あぁ、夢見た異世界転生は勝ち組確約の美少女転生だったのにえぇい、逆転のスキルはないのか!?鑑定、操糸、念動、投擲、射出、集中、忍耐、飽食、隠密、回避、万能糸、毒合成、薬合成、外道攻撃、腐食攻撃、各種邪眼、魔導の極み、並列意思最終手段のヤケクソ攻撃オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラえぇい!何でもやってやれ!ゴリゴリのゴリ押しとモリモリのスキル盛りでバキバキのボキボキでうおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお!死にたくない死にたくない生きていたい生きていたいもう絶対生き抜きたいうおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお!クソゲーすぎる生活は“勘弁”転生ならば楽したい“人生”どうして鬼畜スタートなのマジで許さねーからな!?管理者D!!!大迷宮は本日も“暗黒”生き残り賭け毎日が“全力”まぁ、それなりに楽しかったりするけどやっぱり納得いかないどうして、蜘蛛なんだよ〜〜〜〜!カエル!蛇!蜂!サル!襲い来る!敵集団!ナマズ!火竜!地竜!マザー!魔王まで!?あぁ、めちゃカオス!えっちらおっちらその日暮らしで蜘蛛子!どうにもこうにも日々は大迷宮です☆世界の危機とかなんとか知らないけれど!やっぱり日々はただ世知辛い(ぶいっ!)ギリギリで(ハイ!)生き残る(ハイハイ!)奇跡の条件レベラップ!☆進化を重ねていつかは人型 アラクネさん!(いぇい)でもそこまでは、めちゃ遠い・・・・・・あぁ、名もなき蜘蛛の一生がこんなに波乱に満ちていいものかしのごの言わず、この状況乗り切るしかない・・・!鑑定、操糸、念動、投擲、射出、集中、忍耐、飽食、隠密、回避、万能糸、毒合成、薬合成、外道攻撃、腐食攻撃、各種邪眼、魔導の極み、並列意思こんなのもう嫌だ!ジリジリなジリ貧もビリビリな閃きでガチガチのバチバチでうおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお!負けたくない!負けたくない!生きていたい!生きていたい!もう絶対負けたくない!うおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお!バカゲーすぎる生活に“観念”常識なんて通じない“残念”元はと言えばお前のせいだろうがマジでふざけんなよ!?管理者D!!!!大物喰いが出来なりゃ“退場”地道な努力重ねなきゃ“敗走”そのかいあってか、このあたりに住むボスモンスターを討伐完了!おつかれしたー(三倍アイスクリィィィーム!!)やったやったやったやったやったやったやった(イェイ!)やったやったやったやったやったやったやった(イェイ!)大勝利!大勝利!正義の大勝利!大勝利!大勝利!正義の大勝利!みんなありがとう☆だーい好きなみんなに会うために、私はここまで頑張って来れたんだよ・・・!はい、蜘蛛子!(蜘蛛子!)蜘蛛子!(蜘蛛子!)イエーイ!(ふっふ笑)じゃないんだよ、なんだよこれ!続き↓(ゴリゴリのゴリ押しとモリモリのスキル盛りでバキバキのボキボキでうおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお!死にたくない死にたくない生きていたい生きていたいもう絶対生き抜きたいうおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお!クソゲーすぎる生活は“勘弁”転生ならば楽したい“人生”どうして鬼畜スタートなのマジで許さねーからな!?管理者D!!!大迷宮は本日も“暗黒”生き残り賭け毎日が“全力”まぁ、それなりに楽しかったりするけどやっぱり納得いかないどうして、どうして、どうして〜〜!蜘蛛なんだよ〜〜〜〜!)

Imagine having to sing along to this…Best fckin ending ever!

This lady’s voice acting is unreal, next level stuff.


in kumoku we don’t skip the ending

I didn’t expect J-core and speedcore in an anime ed lmao




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「蜘蛛ですが、なにか?」アニメ化企画進行中PV  (c) KADOKAWAanime

(c) KADOKAWAanime アニメ化企画、進行中!『蜘蛛ですが、なにか?』PV公開! 【STORY】 女子高生だったはずの「私」は目覚めると……なんと「蜘蛛」に転生していた! 周囲は毒ガエルや猿の …

Wtf is with that dragoncalling that dragon bad cg is an insult to bad cg.


Well this has seriously evolved from from the trailer



Still not as weird as I Reincarnated into a Vending Machine.Yes..it exists.

Reasons to watch it after having read the novel:The actual story: 0Hearing “Nai waa..”: over 9000

no e visto el tr�iler, pero en serio Kumo-chan, que genial, no esta no me lo pierdo, ya que soy el �nico que traduje este tomo de la novela a espa�ol. A mi me encanto la profundidad de la novela y la narrativa de diferente tipos de punto de vista cada personaje tiene su propio punto de vista esta novela es tremenda por fin anime no me lo puedo creer.

ゴリゴリのゴリ押しと モリモリのスキル盛りで バッキバキのボッキボキで (うぁぁぁぁぁあああああ


we wont see any human beings in this anime for at least 10 episodes.




The anime made this look like it’s made by Ufotable.

That time I was reincarnated as a spider?



man, it takes over two years to develop it (maybe because of pandemic)looking at it now, the cgi is way better than this promotion video


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TVアニメーション「殺戮の天使」PV第2弾  (c) KADOKAWAanime

(c) KADOKAWAanime お願い、私を殺して― 2018年7月6日よりAT-X、TOKYO MX、KBS京都、テレビ愛知、サンテレビ、TVQ九州放送、BS11にてTVアニメ放送開始 【放送情報】 AT-X:7月6日 …







OP じんさんでED DECO*27さんって俺得すぎぃ!!!






*Este anime enserio lo petara lo espero con ansias Like! 😄✌*









【MV】MYTH & ROID「ANGER/ANGER」Music Clip フルVer.  (c) KADOKAWAanime

(c) KADOKAWAanime MayuとTom-H@ckの2人による新生コンテンポラリーアーティストユニット[MYTH&ROID]の第2弾シングルより、表題曲「ANGER/ANGER」のMusic Clipフルサイズが解禁 …

and so, we met in the deep dark and shattered placeNo one will come to us. They left us here with disgraceWe’re aloneWe all abanded sadness. We all abanded kindnessThe world is full of hatred. There’s no hope, then take this嘘で建った塔の 深層で燃える炎早々気を付けろ背後 A matter of timeBe ready. Burn up! Liars! In this cold nightただで消え去る罪など無いOh baby, cry out louder to this bad luckGod, hear the scream, share us your lightTonight, now stand up and head up cause we’re falling upWho is the bloody liar? You all the bloody liar創傷疼いている 何故痛いくらい ah 今疼き出す…This is what’s behind the truth. We know what we gotta doWhat is the reason you repeating the same thing again?I’m sure the reason is stupid, silly and insaneShut it upDon’t close your eyes forever. Don’t go away. Come closerAnd let’s see what happened. … yeah right, your heart is frozen.煌々と熱く太陽 専用として堂々と栄光を綴る虚語 I will surviveYou’re ready. Burn up! Fire! Toward this heavy sky未だ視野は暗く 足りないYeah, come on. Spread out! Fears! To the world tonightNow remember, it’s ‘cause of your lies…Burn up! …Liars!孤独の傷跡血の様に溢れ出した涙No, I can’t cryまだ何も終わってはいないOh please. Dry up. Tears. They are still aliveI’ll lie to my tears…Be ready. Burn up! Liars! In this cold nightただで消え去る罪など無いOh baby, cry out louder to this bad luckGod, hear the scream, share us your lightTonight, now stand up and head up cause we’re falling upWho is the bloody liar? You all the bloody liar創傷抱いている ただ痛いくらい ah 今抱いてるWhat are you saying? It’s too lateMy sight is red. Can’t stop this redLet’s go ahead. And take their headsGo, take their heads. Go, take their heads…

1:12 that part, truly sounds amazing, the duo is a prefect match for electro dark rhythm


声量・英語の発音・歌唱力 どれをとってもレベルが高い


MYTH & ROID – ANGER/ANGER (Romanized)… and so, we met in the deep dark and shattered placeNo one will come to us. They left us here with disgraceWe’re aloneWe all abandoned sadness. We all abandoned kindnessThe world is full of hatred. There’s no hope, then take thisUso de tatta tou no shinsou de moeru honooSousou ki o tsukero haigo A matter of timeBe ready. Burn up! Liars! In this cold nightTada de kiesaru tsumi nado naiOh baby, cry out louder to this bad luckGod, hear the scream, share us your lightTonight, now stand up and head up cause we’re falling upWho is the bloody liar? You all the bloody liarSoushou uzuiteiru naze itaikurai ah ima uzukidasu…This is what’s behind the truth. We know what we gotta doThis is what’s behind the truth. We know what we gotta doWhat is the reason you repeating the same thing again?I’m sure the reason is stupid, silly and insaneShut it upDon’t close your eyes forever. Don’t go away. Come closerAnd let’s see what happened. … yeah right, your heart is frozenKoukou to atsuku taiyou senyou toshite doudou toEikou o tsudzuru kyogo I will surviveYou’re ready. Burn up! Fire! Toward this heavy skyImada shiya wa kuraku tarinaiYeah, come on. Spread out! Fears! To the world tonightNow remember, it’s ‘cause of your lies…Burn up! …Liars!Kodoku no kizuatoChi no you ni afuredashita namidaNo, I can’t cryMada nanimo owatte wa inaiOh please. Dry up. Tears. They are still aliveI’ll lie to my tears…Be ready. Burn up! Liars! In this cold nightTada de kiesaru tsumi nado naiOh baby, cry out louder to this bad luckGod, hear the scream, share us your lightTonight, now stand up and head up cause we’re falling upWho is the bloody liar? You all the bloody liarSoushou idaiteiru tada itaikurai ah ima idaiteruWhat are you saying? It’s too lateMy sight is red. Can’t stop this redLet’s go ahead. And take their headsGo, take their heads. Go, take their heads…

The way japanese and english mix together is like salt and pepper, that shit is so essential for good music it feels like. The way the words flow and produce unique instrumental sounds, hell even just a basic ass guitar in the background can make so much more out of the music. Idk, maybe im just more weeby than I expect, but listened to music outside of my country for a long time and just always came to enjoy the ‘artist freedom’ more. Though idk if its actual freedom, but the songs are massively varying in style/genre.



Am i the only one who wants to see her cosplay as Reoko and sing it? PLEASE

wow , is this bubuki buranki’s ending song ? , amazing ! love it !emotional song !

oh, powerful voice!

I miss Mayu… 🙁

Wow, great song!



Killer walk – would slay any man/beast along with that glance. Also great camera angles as well

0:39 “be ready barnyard lions, in the sky tonight.”

MYTH & ROID はこの曲が1番❣️❣️礼央子様ーっ❣️❣️(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Can’t stop listening to this!!!!


TVアニメ「宇崎ちゃんは遊びたい!」PV第1弾  (c) KADOKAWAanime

(c) KADOKAWAanime TVアニメ「宇崎ちゃんは遊びたい!」2020年7月放送開始! 「ウザい!カワイイ!でもウザい!ウザカワ系後輩とのドタバタラブコメディ!」 □INTRODUCTION 静かな …

Fang: checkShort hair: checkBig Oppai: checkSmol brain: checkLooks like a quality anime guys

Japan: *Makes Busty, Cute Anime Mascot for Red Cross, gets lots of donations*SJW Twitter: *Rages*Japan: *Caves to demands – removes Usagi-chan – Blood Drive participants dwindle*Japan: *Brings back Usagi-chan due to popular demand*SJW Twitter: *Rages more*Japan: …ya know what? Fuck it – Give her an anime! Just to piss them off! This is why I love Japan.



1:00 *SUGOI* *DEKAI* ? Indeed it is.. I can already imagine the H-doujin…

We did it Uzaki-CHADSIt’s coming, we’ve won.Life isn’t so bad after all

Everyone is talking about the busty chick but I’m over here like ‘wtf is wrong with that cat?’

She got an adaption…Where’s Komi-san’s?Where’s Nagatoro?

I thought Hana Usagi was amusing beforehand…This might be one of my favorite anime when released after this trailer…BRING IT ON, USAGI!!!


Everyone: Hyped for Uzaki HanaMe an intellectual: Hyped for Uzaki Tsuki (Hana’s mom)


Her chest can fill 25% of the Earth’s water.

I’ve heard “senpai” more than “kohai”, in my life.

Butterbutt:Noun,”She short, she skinny, but her butt be thicc~”Related: Butterboobs

Looks like they decided to make an Anime version… My Life Is Complete Now!!


“Don’t you think angles in anime are a bit weird?” – everyone”What do you mean?” – anime girls

Her smug level is almosts reaching Wendy’s twitter hights


