- A Twist of Fate | Cinematic – League of Legends
- Pentakill: Mortal Reminder | Official Music Video – League of Legends
- POP/STARS – Opening Ceremony Presented by Mastercard | Finals | 2018 World Championship
- K/DA – VILLAIN ft. Madison Beer and Kim Petras (Official Concept Video – Starring Evelynn)
- Worlds Collide (ft. Nicki Taylor) | Worlds 2015 – League of Legends
A Twist of Fate | Cinematic – League of Legends

(c) League of Legends The battle seems decided… until there is a Twist of Fate. Experience your favorite League of Legends champions as you’ve never …
So who’s watching all the cinematics again after seeing arcane 😩😍
You know Garen has the hots for someone when he intentionally misses a _point-and-click_ ultimate ability on them
Tibbers in cinematic: **furiously attacks champions**Tibbers in game: *”I attack this minion instead”*
7 years ago,and still better than mobile legends cinematic
I love how accurately they show Tryndamere’s ult cooldown, 5 seconds after its over he activates it again to fight Baron
*kat uses magic*Garen: “wait, that’s illegal”
still find it funny how Garen has a hyperrealistic model, while Annie’s just there with eyes almost a quarter of the size of her head
This animation is sick. Imagine if they made an animated series
Baron: “Wtf is that Trynd ult cooldown?”
League of Legends needs a movie.Edit: Well that aged well
8 years ago, we shouted that we want a movie or a series and now 2021, Riot has given us what we wanted and even more with Arcane
Imagine this, but with the reworked Fiddlesticks.
I can’t believe it took 8 years for this to have a series. This reminds me of my friend in highschool who was a huge fan of LoL. I wonder where he is now, he’s probably so happy.
8 years ago, and still better than the absolution sentinels of light cinematic.
30s in. TF kills innocent Crow. RIP
Oh god, the source material available for making more seasons of Arcane make me oh SO happy.
This was the trailer that made me want to download the game all the way back in 2013… it’s crazy to think that a game that had only been out for a third of the time that it’s been out for today produced a trailer like THIS. The graphics, the sounds, the selection of characters is so good for a game that was only out for around 4 years.
For everybody else who still watch this video after 7 years” You are the true legend “
Katarina : Hey! We’re still kiddin right?Garen : SureKatarina : Okay then.
2:22 Best showcase of Garen, he doesn’t need to deal enough damage to kill you, but even if you manage to get away from him, there is always another sword waiting to fall from the skies
Pentakill: Mortal Reminder | Official Music Video – League of Legends

(c) League of Legends Video of Pentakill’s “live musical carnage” in Bandle City, performing Mortal Reminder from the new album Grasp of the Undying, …
Still can’t believe that this cinematic had more Yorick than entire Ruination event
from kicking Teemo to punching Viego, what a legend band
“You don’t mess with Yordles . . . “Pentakill: Allow us to introduce ourselves . . .
Jungler: Top you fine?Top: I’m okayThe enemy top laner: 1:45
Everyone: Plays an actual instrument.Olaf: R O C K D R U M S
The Average K/DA fan vs.The Average Pentakill Enjoyer
Lore: Sir, you’re supposed to be 8 feet tall.Mordekaiser: Ok, but what if…..
I like to imagine they travel around blasting musical numbers in towns around Runeterra. They’re not necessarily malicious they just want to share their music with the people of every town they come across. They’re just oblivious to the concept of property damage.
Loved that Sona used her speed bonus on Mordekaiser so he can pick up the speed on his guitar.
I love the fact that Pentakill comes back just at the time the yordles are getting their expantion on LoR, it’s like they won’t let the little guys catch a break lmao
The entire Runeterra: “we did it bois. Ruination is no more”Mordekaiser: 1:41
Riot: **features Pentakill in 2021***”We did it bois, we finally did it..”*Edit: I manifested Pentakill and I feel like the Riot music gods heard my plea to make more than just a feature haha
The most metal thing ever is kicking Satan in the face.
When Kayle finishes farming at level 16 and finally comes to team fight.
Vim aqui dizer que eu te amo pentakill antiga, nunca te esquecerei ♥
Olaf hitting Rocks be like:*He’s a lil confused but he got the spirit*
Pentakill returns:Bandle city : *Vietnam flashback*
3:30 the most badass moment in the entire league cinematics history
1:44 The exact moment before even playing league that I knew I wanted to main Mordekaiser.
4:02 Best moment
POP/STARS – Opening Ceremony Presented by Mastercard | Finals | 2018 World Championship

(c) League of Legends The Opening Ceremony performance of K/DA – POP/STARS at the 2018 League of Legends World Championship in Incheon, …
It’s a shame that this isn’t a real group. They have the potential to break through international markets.
FACT: Soyeon and Miyeon were only six-month rookies when performing this song
Fun Fact: Soyeon, Miyeon, Madison & Jaira did the choreography in motion capturing of their characters in this performance and for the MV.
i still can’t believe that gidle’s soyeon and miyeon is not even a year old group during this time but their stage presence is insane
i honestly dont understand why so many people thought soyeon was ugly, she looks genuinely so pretty to me? shes really cute with the giant purple coat here too…
3 years later this is still the best opening ceremony ever done for league of legends
Never played the game, never listened to this K-pop team, but I’m in love with this 🤷🏻♂️
I love to hear Miyeon singing live. She sings with even more vigour and passion.
Miyeon is such a perfect choice for Ahri it’s ridiculous.
진짜 이 노래는 롤 안 하는 사람도 찾아듣는 노래임… 나 롤 뭔지 하나도 모르는데 이 노래 계속 생각나서 주기적으로 들음
진짜 네버버로서 너무너무 뿌듯하다 데뷔한지 얼마안된 신인이 전세계가 열광하는 그룹 멤버로 롤드컵 무대도 오르고 특히 댓글들에서 소연이랑 미연이 칭찬 되게 많이 해주는 거 보면 막 벅참
와 미연… 노래부르면서 그냥 걸어나오기만 해도 분위기가… 적당히 바람 불어서 머리 날리는게 너무 예쁨
No one can do it better than Soyeon as Akali
Soyeon grabbing everyone’s attention whenever she’s in the camera
전소연 아우라가 장난 아니다,,,, 랩도 너무 잘함,,, 이 노래 중독성 너무 대박 하루종일 이 노래 생각나,,,
Let’s also appreciate Jaira and Madison’s talent. These are powerful women 👏
soyeon is the only one who’s really serving a performance to me
이렇게 걸그룹 활동해도 좋을 듯네 명 목소리 다 좋네 멋있어
You can tell that the (G)I-DLE girls are used to dancing while performing. Their moves are just a bit sharper than the other girls. They all did great though, so much stage presence from every single one of them!
Just take a second to appreciate how well they did considering it’s very difficult to sing clearly while dancing. It’s so freaking hard. We had a choir in highschool performance at the end of the year and it was so much practice to sound decent. All year practice for one song but we killed it! Even after years of training you can still hear breathy and strained notes. They all did excellent 😊
K/DA – VILLAIN ft. Madison Beer and Kim Petras (Official Concept Video – Starring Evelynn)

(c) League of Legends Relinquish control. See just how dark your mind can go. Let Evelynn in. K/DA presents the official concept video for “VILLAIN” …
I feel like this is just the animators having a lot of fun and an unlimited budget
Listening to this with earphones is just perfection. The way their voices smoothly shift from left to right makes you feel like Eve is just casually circling around you.
this video is also a huge flex of animation skills..the direction, the textures, the movements and details…at this point, I’d love to watch a movie in this style. it can be literally about anything, just K/Da hanging out and jamming to songs or whatever
Can we just appreciate the fact that her heels wobble as she walks at 0:57?! That’s such an insane amount of attention to detail, on the part of the animators.
Straight “up Villain”Straight “a villain”Straight EVELYNNOHH MY GODD
I really enjoy with this song 🖤
Give everyone who worked on this a raise. holy moley the production is insane.
can we take a moment and appreciate kim and medisons’ voices and how well they complement each other?
When you read Evelynn’s lore, you realize just how much this song fits her 👀
When you come back to this song after it was made a long time ago” it sounds better than ever, never get tired of it after hearing it again
It looks so realistic and detailed- those graphics must have killed at least 10 computersSeriously this is AWESOME, my favorite song ever, makes me feel like a badass
Pop/Stars: 144pMORE: 720pVillain: 4K.
I love how this was never promoted as much as The Baddest or More, and yet this song slaps 10x harder than any of the “solo’s” and easily had the best video imo. I remain an Eve Stan
The music is just gravy, the art is so well done it’s mind-blowing
I want to go up to the producers in the studio and shake their hands. (When COVID is over)*IMPECCABLE.*
This is like.. It’s just.. It’s so perfect. It fits Evelynn sooo well. They managed to make the song feel sexual and frightening without actually showing anything overtly lewd- it’s so impressive.
“not afraid to die” the truth about evelynn mains going in for the kill on a 23/4 jhinn
kim and madison did what they had to do on this banger ..the lyrics, vocals…just wow..i’m mad at myself for not finding this sooner! 😍🖤
As a Draven main, you have no idea how much I got ara-ara’d by this woman in bot.
Worlds Collide (ft. Nicki Taylor) | Worlds 2015 – League of Legends

(c) League of Legends Download the track: http://riot.com/WorldsCollide Lyrics: ——————– Do we fight to hold our heads up high, And beat the drum …
It’s an honor to have even been considered to do something that Imagine Dragons did last year. Thank you so much for believing in me Rito! <3
Man i swear this song got overshadowed by every other worlds anthem, so underrated
The only reason this is underrated has to be that it doesn’t have an animation!
Coming here after Take Over.Worlds Collide is underrated af and I will never get bored of it.It gives me so much chills
I’m honestly shocked that this worlds song has the lowest likes. It is by far the best one in my opinion.Just gets you hype.
5 years later, this song would still be SERIOUSLY hyped if brought back into 2021 Worlds
2019, and I’m still loving this song. This Worlds was so cool. Let’s hope this Year’s Worlds will be as amazing
Still listening to this after so long. Every time i feel like i wanna quit league i listen to the worlds songs and get motivated to play again…I will still lose but I will have fun losing.
This was my first login screen when I started playing League, I miss the hype this song would give me before playing. Pls Riot bring login screen songs back.
This song is way too underrated
Such a masterpiece. I still remember being 11 years old and hearing this song in login screen and it just brings back good memories of when this game was in its golden ages😪
this one is so underrated, it was WAY better than Ignite and Nicki is such a good singer, wish it got in animation so it woulda got more love.
This song is the most underrated Riot Games ever made in my opinion this is the most iconic Worlds song and it gives me goosebumps everytime
One of the best world songs!Brings back memories.
I personally like this song. It brings so many memories back
This is seriously underrated. I memorized the lyrics in under an hour, faster than any other league of legends song, and I’m obsessed, obsessed with their music. This song is by far the best, and I would’ve loved to see an animated video for this one.
Although I have never played League of Legends, this is by far one of the best songs I have ever heard.
They get better with worlds songs and even better with animations but man this song will always be the top for me
This may have been made in 2015, but, it fits 2018 Worlds so much better
This song never get old , still my favourite ❤