- おもしろ文房具コレクション(2)Funny Stationery Collection. Cooking Giant Hamburger. Japanese
- 目がまばたきする!顔の調味料入れ「マックス&モリス ケチャップ&マスタード」 / max & morris ketchup & mustard
- おもしろ雑貨コレクターが「これはおもしろい!」と思ったキッチン雑貨15選
- 部屋にカップヌードル自動販売機を設置!Cup Noodles Vending Machine. Ramen Japanese Toy
- カオナシがお金を食べる貯金箱 / Spirited Away Kaonashi No-Face Piggy Bank. Ghibli
おもしろ文房具コレクション(2)Funny Stationery Collection. Cooking Giant Hamburger. Japanese

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この文房具について◇ [コレクションNo.0512] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回はおもしろ文房具シリーズの第二 …
おもしろ文房具コレクション第二弾です。第一弾は下記リンクです。This video is the second in the stationery series. The first is below.https://youtu.be/8aPQtIafQjISNSは下記です。My SNS[Twitter]https://twitter.com/iseebitarou_com[Instagram]https://www.instagram.com/iseebitarou_com[YouTube]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs5DZw6JqgrGuyyjYAjV4IQ
The amount of preparation and planning that is required for every scene, thank you making this amazing video! 😍
Your creativity is so cool. I can watch these for hours. Though the topics are random, the way you order and present all the props is just wow! I become like a kid at play by watching your videos ☺️
I’m always so pleasantly surprised at all the amazing goods you can find in Japan. 😃 The giant burger was a fun idea. 😆 Yet another great video 🤩
The cherry tree art was very pretty and cute. The hand washing papers showing up before your meals were funny! I hope you’re staying safe and are healthy. Sending love from US ^-^
I love the stop-motion animation you did. I was so sure you wouldn’t have any food in this episode, but then you brought out the plate and ketchup! XD You also had me when you were introducing the office appliances, but then you turned them all into food, I should’ve known! XD Holy moly that is a really big hamburger! It would take me at least 3 meals (a day) to finish that hamburger! I then saw you take out cherry blosson related stuff and wonder how you would turn that into food. BEER! OF COURSE!
My son loves your channel, he ends up surprised with everything you show, I wish we could get them here in Mexico. While we thank you for sharing.
This guy really loves his novelties! They are pretty cool looking wish we had these in my country!
This dude has everything themed everything. Also everything is so unexpected and cute at the same time, luv it. Even his whisker is a carrot damn
The sakura stationary was so elegant and pretty! Very fitting for springtime. 🌸
Now THAT is an American burger! Love your creativity in these videos 🙂
i’m amazed. i mean you can find almost anything you can imagine in japan. do you want a flower vase that has hands and legs? there you go. do you want decorative plastic flower for your desk that can also used as pen? here it is. do you want a pencil that has other function as catapult to shoot paper projectiles at your classmates? there you have it. but i bet you think there is no cooking show that also served as stationery review, right? haha. you wrong. you get ISEEBITAROU right here. by the way…damnnn…what a big burger you have there. that can be my breakfast, lunch and dinner in one package. 😂
Great!I love the post card with the sakura tree! This is so good
Very creative use of all of these wonderful items, and the hamburger looked delicious!
Congratula��es meu amigo! Voce escreve muito bem o alfabeto latino.
I miss the days when I could go outside and see real birds singing in the streets :)))) anyways, your gadgets are so cool!!
In Japan students throw small paper balls, in my country we throw the entire notebook XD love ur videos (。・ω・。)ノ♡
That Melon Cream Soda looked delicious!!!
It’s been a while since I’ve watched some of your videos, glad that they are still just as fun 🙂
this dude never ceases to amaze
目がまばたきする!顔の調味料入れ「マックス&モリス ケチャップ&マスタード」 / max & morris ketchup & mustard

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨について◇ [コレクションNo.0424] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は有名な調味料入れなので、見た …
人形に刺すプッシュピンがホラーOUCH! PUSHPIN HOLDERhttps://youtu.be/wQG-W4zm9pY
I can’t tell if that is creepy or adorable .-.
Eu amo seus videos
ホットドッグも美味しそうだけどポテトもめっちゃ美味しそう‼️私も食べたい❤️あとケチャップとかマスタード入れてる容器ちょっとキモって思ったけどけっこう可愛い気がするのは私だけか、、、 最後のケチャップ君(ケチャップの容器)ちょっと怖かった😭
They were a bit creepy but I like it
The faces look cute i wish i could buy one😢
Aww how cute these…

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター 楽天市場が運営するお買いもの情報メディア「それどこ」で、「これはおもしろい!」と思ったキッチン雑貨を15アイテム紹介させて頂きました。
These are really cute! I would love to own them all!
O mapa do Jap�o feito de biscoitos ficou 10/10.
I literally want ALL of these!- if only I knew where to find them!
Alguien sabe aqu� en M�xico d�nde conseguir utensilios japoneses como esos?
I love Japanese,they are so creative!
I unironically will want a wine faucetother stuff are so cute too
The egg yolk suction cups are adorable lmao
枝豆の製氷機で、スローモーションにするところにセンスを感じました 笑!確かに、そういう勢いになってますよね。それを伝えて下さり、何だか嬉しい気持ちになりましたww
in english, it translates to 15 miscellaneous kitchen goods that an interesting miscellaneous goods collector thought “this is interesting!”
OMG… all of them.. Sooo cute… I want them all…Who’s idea? They’re so creative.
I found some of these on Amazon 😊
部屋にカップヌードル自動販売機を設置!Cup Noodles Vending Machine. Ramen Japanese Toy

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨について◇ [コレクションNo.0515] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回はカップヌードルの自動販売機の …
Instagram始めました! I just started Instagram!https://www.instagram.com/iseebitarou_com/
Sure did not excpected MEGATRON to freaking come out of a noodle cup
It’s one of the best cup noodle :DTried this 3 years ago while having a trip in osaka… good memories
Is it just me the one that’s amazed by how this noodles *actually* have meat an veggies??
This guys love for cup noodles is on another level
Man, that beef themed rubik’s cube looked so difficult to solve.
Me: I would love to have an unique robot Japan : YesMe: Damn I’m hungry, you want a cup of noodle?Japan: YesMe: Wait, is that a Cup of Noodle Robot? Japan: YES!
I never know i need and want a personal cup noodle dispenser until i saw this video. It’s just plain awesome. If only they made it bigger so it can fit a couple different flavors.
Must be fun to have these at home 😁
Getting massive flashbacks to my highschool years (1991-2001), where even in the far-off reaches of Canada, there wasn’t a single cafeteria table with at least two or three kids eating Cup Noodle packs.
That noodle robot would make a good friend for me, an instant noodles connoisseur.
Que bellos artefactos para alimentos instantáneos!!! En mi país aún no llega a la venta estas maravillas 😞!! Talvez por Internet en tiendas Online
Never in my life i thought eating cup noodles is cool until i watched this video. Im jealous!
This is both chaotic, and very organized, i love it xD
I want this! It’s the ultimate cup noodle accessory🔥
I love the yellow corn puffs in cup noodles. When I was a child, I used to steal them from my brother’s cup when I ate all of mine 😂
カオナシがお金を食べる貯金箱 / Spirited Away Kaonashi No-Face Piggy Bank. Ghibli

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この玩具について◇ [コレクションNo.0475] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回はカオナシの貯金箱の紹介です。
もしこの動画が良かったらグッドボタンを押してくださると嬉しいです。グッドボタンは動画作りの励みになります。動画説明欄に詳細と感想を書いています。動画に登場した雑貨は下記です。[となりのトトロ マトリョーシカの動画]https://youtu.be/gjHz1ieAC60[千と千尋の神隠し マトリョーシカの動画]https://youtu.be/sEVf8pO7KUg
A mí hija de 4 años le gustan mucho tus videos!!!😆 Saludos desde Argentina
I love the hiccups of this toy piggy bank 😍
Donde y como consigo esos objetos estan buenos, me encantan
My brother got the Noface. It only takes a few cents at at a time,but it’s still cute!^^
電池が切れた所、笑いました。カオナシの頭たたいたりしてる(笑) ! ! !見た目も動きも音も面白くて可愛くて、ほしくなっちゃいます(^^)チョコとフライドポテトの食べすぎはコワイですね…..お散歩がんばってください !
OMG!!! 😍 does anyone know where I can buy one of those?
Оператору и режиссеру Оскар. Супер!
I watched this video more than once.Dam ,I love the characters goods.
Классные матрёшки) ну и копилка прикольная😂, ещё эти бабочки пакетики чая, шоколадные монетки… интересно, а чай там вкусный?))
Okay, the No Face biggy bank I really want!
お金置く度にエゥ エゥ ズンチャンズンチャンズンチャンズンチャンズンチャンズンチャンズンチャンズンチャングゥェェェってなるのすこ
That malfunction was nightmare fuel