Mother cat carrying her kitten is so hungry

(c) meow meow Mom cat was carrying her kitten when I saw her. As soon as she saw me, she left her baby kitten and came to me. She was meowing sadly and loudly like she …
I was raised for not to cry, but I can`t help crying when it comes down to animals. Poor kittens. I wish I could bring all abandoned pets home.
Люди, ЕСЛИ вы ЛЮДИ! Будьте милосердны!!! И никогда не проходите мимо голодных и обездоленных животных!!!!!!!!!!
Господи, до слез просто… Мамочка такая голодная!!! Сама, бедняжка, голодает, а деточку не бросает! Спасибо,что накомили мамочку-кошку!!! Она какая красивая и умница! Надеюсь, что не бросили на улице эту маленькую семью
Ooh Jesus, não aguento um negócio desse 🥺
Боже мой какая голодная, милая девочка, люди помогайте бездомным животным, они очень нуждаются в нашем милосердии и сострадании, если вы люди конечно
She has more babies. They are at the age where she is moving them one by one to a safer place. I hope they were all saved. She’s beautiful.
У меня тоже кошечки и котята,а также коты.Прямо так хочется накормить всех,чтобы никто и никогда не голодал из животинок!
Господи ,какая голодная , да ещё с малышом , мамочка .В своём доме может жить на улице , главное корм , очень ласковая кошечка ,будет благодарна хозяину.
She was really hungry. I’ve not seen a cat eat at that speed before, you guys really helped her out. With kitten in mouth, I hope they found a safe place.
Please get them adopted! Thank you for feeding and caring!!
This poor mama is so sweet she deserves a home !💔😭😭 thank you for not forgetting about them and feeding her, I hope you will be able to take home and give her a life with love 😭
This has to be in Turkey…the land of cats and those who love them <3
🙀🙀Lindos! Espero q tenham achado uma 🏡, e que estejam bem!😽😻 Gratidão a vocês que o alimentaram! Deus os abençoe sempre 🙏 Abraço do Brasil 🇧🇷
Господи, насколько больше узнаю людей, тем больше я люблю животных, к людям равнодушна
Красивая кошка, у меня такая же была, очень добрая и чистоплотная 🙂
Мне всегда жалко бездомных животных,у меня 5 кошек и 2 собаки подобраны с улицы. Кошечка мама такая хорошая и котенок малыш. Спасибо что накормили.
Alimentem esses animais e d�em lhes uma boa fam�lia. Teem de ser cuidados com mt amor. Eles bem merecem.
Aww she’s beautiful and such a good mama. I hope they’re able to find a home.
Как она хочет, кушатьПомогите пожалуйста ей, и её котёночку, не оставляйте на улице
Omg, she’s starving. Thank you both for helping her and baby. Pls take her home for safety!
Mother cat calling her kittens for food

(c) meow meow Mother cat was calling her kittens for food because kittens were not there.Then the kittens heard the mom cat’s voice and came meowing.
Mummy’s love 💗 is always true love ❤️
When kittens finished to eat, mother cat began to eat😊
They are so cute.
This is why I paid for my internet
Mother cat: *calls for her kittens*Rooster: coming mom!
Human or not, mums are always similar when they call: “Come on, guys: it’s on the table!” 😄 😄 😄
Mother cat “dinner is served, where are you?” Rooster answers “They are out, playing in the street”
very high quality content, Mommy cat is so cute, thank you so much for helping the cats 😻😻😻 I also feed stray cats every day, trying to heal them, neuter them. Don’t let stray cats get hungry I want to spread this all over the world 🙏
The sign of a real mom: Kids eat first! Smart kittens, they come as soon as mom calls. Yummy meal is best reward!
Animals interacting better than some humans 🐱❤🐈🐈
Adorable protective mother with her cute little angels. Lots of kisses 🤗💖😻❤️🐈💞💞🥰💕🐾
That is very sweet the momma cat calling her baby kitties to come eat their meal thank you for sharing this!❤️🐈⬛
I remember 24 hrs ago mother was hissing and now she realizes mr. & mrs meow meow are coming with good intentions !Pregnant mom cat & kittens get special can food for extra nutrition , you’re so sweet ! That’s why in Turkey stray cats love people because ppl there are so considerate and nice !
Какая заботливая мама-кошка! Спасибо людям которые кормят кошечку и ее котят!
What a beautiful morning! Blue sky, no wind or storms. The rooster and birds calling and chirping. And then there is momma cat stretching and calling her youngsters, watching them enjoying their breakfast, keeping a watchful eye out, then having a portion herself. All laid out by thoughtful humans. Our friend is talking lovingly to the kitties, Ah, life is good. Blessings to all⚘
It looks like she’s gotten more comfortable you guys to feed her little babies. I love this channel so much
These cats are adorable😊
Beautifull family. I am in love with them. Thank you meow meow for taking so good care of them!!! 🧡💙❤️💚💜😻
Im gonna pass out from how adorable they are
she doesnt hiss anymore, recognized you as the food lady and invited them to eat right away😸
Mother cat is playing hide and seek with her kittens

(c) meow meow Mom cat calling her cute kittens to play but only one kitten coming to play with her mom, others are sleeping in the box after mom cat playing with her kitten hide …
Mama cat almost looks like a squirrel with her tail and body to head proportion 😍
The little kitten’s meows are so adorable and mama cat’s ‘murr’ ❤
Mother cat is actually asserting her dominance to her playful alpha kitty, hence the hug and friendly neck bite along with licking her kitten.
Depression: I exist! Behold!Cat: mrraorrr prrraorDepression has left the room.
Gorgeous family the mum has a beautiful tail
to the woman that loves these cats: YOU ARE A VERY BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, inside and out
I love how she moved when her kittens were hungry and started eating off her plate to let the kittens dig in. So cute!!!
They look so relaxed and healthy, I love watching cat families.
A box of cutenesses😽💕💕💕
so good to see creatures living in urbanized spaces and not seen/treated as nuisances …. Istanbul the capital of Cats:)…Great video as usual.
The most soothing thing for my eyes to watch is the Cat videos❤😍😘
Mother forgot she is a momma and started playing.. good to have a change in her routine😄 such a lovely family. Thank you guys for feeding them 🌸❤
I hope they’re safe. It’s so dangerous out there, especially for kittens.
Thanks for being so kind and looking after them. 🥰💕😻🙏🏼 That mommy cat and her babies are absolutely precious and I pray they are always protected and surrounded by angels like you.💕
Omg the cats are so cute 😍😭😭😭 I just wanna grab them and take them home
i love her voice. i felt her love.
Cardboard – the best sleeping place god ever created, according to cats
i can picture myself if someday going to istanbul, i will spend a whole day strolling around the street and just randomly play with the cats.
The kittens look clean n healthy,tq for caring them….🙏
What lovable beings cats are.Animal are angels sent from god to humans.
Cat meowing like a stutterer is unbelievably cute

(c) meow meow Tabby cat meowing like a stuttering is so funny. She is very affectionate and cute.
“Eeh eh eer” translates into “Ya got any spare sardines, mister?”
Cat: “m-m-m-may i h-h-have some f-f-food please?””You want some?”Cat: “Did i stutter”
Imagine as a human living in a world where giants just randomly reached down and gave you massages
My cat does this. And he’s a tabby. It’s called “trilling”
Stray kitties can be the best kitties!!! We have a serious stray “issue” where I live. It got to the point I was feeding five of them. Took 2 in (one over our pet limit but our apartment manager is an angel and looked the other way) and found the other 3 furever homes. They’re all doing unbelievably well now. I tried to find foster homes but no one could help. Everyone was either full or didn’t know of any. It’s inspired me to start a charity. The funds will go to help people either start being fosters, take on more fosters, or help with medical bills for sick fosters. I am hoping to make a sort of emotional and moral support network out of it too. Wish me luck! 😻🤞💖
When the cat stutters it’s “cute” but when I stutter it’s a “social disorder”
Adorable! My cat meows like this too, usually when she’s in a hugging mood.
We call that “chirping”. This kitty is not meant for stray-life.
Cat lovers: “Aww, she’s making conversation! She loves everybody!”Cat behaviorists: “She smells food.”
I love it when they come purring close to the camera lol
my cat does this sometimes too, she does this little “a ooh” sounding meow lol
Lots of cats have that meow when simultaneously purring SUPURRRR hard like that. I love it!
The most pure and best feeling in the world is when my beautiful cat, Maggie, is purring and “massaging” my chest. You know, the thing cats do with their paws when they are kittens and nursing on their mom to produse milk. I love when she does that on me while she is purring when we lie in bed cuddeling together❤ she is my little angel who has made my life so much better. She has no idea.
0:18aww that’s adorable, the cat went: “raoww”
A kitty’s purr is so relaxing. Cats are a blessing.
How he attacks the camera with purrs lol. Love it.
This is why cats are amazing, I love how social they can be, and how they purr
my favorite part was hearing how people who speak a different language imitate the cat. it was cute to hear the lady imitating the cat
The head butt, soo adorable, so Trusting! I love it. They deserve everything👍🏼
What a cutie pie!! I love when cats have that adorable meow! U can tell he’s well taken care of by his size❤️🥰
Cat lifts her paw unbelievably cute when i pet her

(c) meow meow Ginger cat is living in the island, she is unbelievably cute and funny. When i stroke her, she is raises her paw Facebook: …
Hello dear audience, we are going on to give name to some cats like a Marsmallow cat.Please share with us your suggestion for this cute kitty .Thank you very much for suggestions and watching 😻💖😘🥰 We love you
This is why it hurts me when some people insist that cats are heartless. They’re such beautiful, loving animals if you treat them right 🙂
“how much do u like it?” *raises paw* “this much”
I love how the guy keeps going “Look, look!” when the cat lifts its paw.
Animals seem to be so treasured in turkey!
That family of crows having a reunion in the background.
I would’ve adopted the ginger cat immediately. He/she is a love bug!
I wanna go to turkey just to see the cats
Me: “I will study this whole day! “YouTube: ” *Let me introduce myself…* “
He acts like those Lucky Cats in Japan always lifting one hand up ( to bring in fortune & good luck ) !
Turkey in clich�s: desert, bazaars and mean people.Turkey in reality:
lol he was so excited like a little kid .. “LOOK! LOOK! HEHEHE LOOK!” 😂😂😂
The cat is extremely clean so it would probably be from turkey.
You guys should run your own tour group. Call it: “Turkish Delight: a tour of our famous cats.”
They all look fluffy and clean even tho they dont have any owner ;;_;; I like Turkish people so much……..
I have a Korat cat and he does this all the time, but he reaches up to touch my face. It’s the cutest thing ever. I love him so much! 💘💘
Is it weird that I want to go to Instanbul for the cats? Of course, seeing all the history of the city would be wonderful too, but cat
I wanna bump my head onto that ginger fluffy head. It’s too cute
That ginger cat loves rubs so much he had to lift his paw in pleasure.