meow meow(おすすめch紹介)

meow meow(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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Baby kittens meowing very loudly for mom cat

Baby kittens meowing very loudly for mom cat  (c) meow meow

(c) meow meow Bu videoyu YouTube Video Düzenleyici ile oluşturdum ( Baby kittens crying for mother cat on the street.

Mom cat thinks: He was so handsome, seemed like a good idea at the time.

This video stressed my poor cat so bad.. she was looking everywhere for the kittens and kept doing so even after I turned it off ☹️

All in all, she’s a great mom. That’s love.

My cat came up on to my bed and tried to search for them. *wholesome tears*

Poor kittens and mama kitty. I pray to God that no one’s out there to hurt them 😿💔🙏❤

My momma cat was missing for two days. I called her, shook the food bag. Waited. Nothing.I played this audio for litterally THREE SECONDS and she almost destroyed the screen door to get in! Amazing.Thanks for uploading.

This sweet family needs someone to take them in and give them proper food and shelter. Heartbreaking that they have to live on the cold streets.

The kittens are so beautiful like the mom.

Oh my god I’m literally crying their so adorable 😭😢

Prayers sent to these cats

Mom cat is like … Give me a break for one minute kids

Poor little Darlings ❤️🙏. It’s so sad to hear them crying out. God will look after them. Thank you ❤️ kind person for taking an interest.💎💎🌷🌷

So cute. I love how mommy is like “I think that I hate you all,goodbye”.

Look at the one clinging to mama’s leg and dragging along! How adorable is that….Oh my! At 0:50

Absolutely beautiful! Mama’s so precious. Hope she and her babies are well.

That cat riding her leg was like: Don’t gooo 😂😂

that one kitten hanging on the the legs XD. US humans know that feeling.

Absolutely precious. This is what we need now. :))

0:42 Okay, I feel bad for that kitten stuck on Momma’s leg.

Ke imágenes tan bellas. Los animales enseñan a vivir a los humanos.🌹🌻🌼🌷

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Mama Cat’s Reaction to her kitten, When Kitten biting her tail

Mama Cat's Reaction to her kitten, When Kitten biting her tail  (c) meow meow

(c) meow meow Mom cat’s tail is bitten by kittens, here is the mama cat’s reaction.

“I brought you in this world, I’ll take you out.”

“It blows my mind that millions of people waste so much time just watching cats do cat things”*proceeds to watch cute cat videos*

Kitten: “this is more amusing than a little freakin’ mouse”

I love how mom was just like “eh”, but I am glad she stopped her kitten when it hurt her and taught them the difference between play bite and actually biting

Such a Patient and loving mom you can tell that she’s just trying to be a lookout to make sure no predators or people try to take her kittens rather than paying attention to her kittens themselves playing with her tail it’s just so precious I love cats

Momma is teaching her kitten to not bite hard. It’s was all fine play-biting the tail until it wasn’t. Now the kitten knows the different of play-bite and and bite bite.

I love the kittens reaction XD he’s like “What, mama? Jeez…”

Aww! Mama’s tail is a built-in toy. Mama said, “That’s enough now!”

Приятно видеть, что недалеко люди, а кошка мирно с котенком сидят! Никто их не трогает! Прелесть!!

Yo love how during the whole video mama cat is surveilling the area for her kitten’s safety and the kitten is just having fun

Mom is patient and easygoing about it. However, when a cat’s had enough of ANYTHING, they’ve definitely had enough!

No reaction till enough is enough. What patience Mama has.

The female cat only starts whisking her tail when there is loud noise, as though distracting her kitten from becoming interested in the cause of the loud noise She carries on tail whisking whilst looking out herself, in order to keep her kittens’ attention close and on her.

Cats are good in parenting. They have build-in toy for the kids

Kitten playing with his momma. 8milion people: HMMM INTERESTINGEdit: Omg guys, thank you for those likes! I’ve never had so much. Ily❤️

“Son, please, I’m trying to watch the game”

Невозмутимость и терпение, которого в конце, к слову, не хватило…))

That’s why they’re so much better when they have another cat or kitten to grow up with; because you learn how hard you can bite and still keep your friends! >:-)<

I love how vigilant she was looking out for dangers. What a good mom. I envy this kitten..

Тигрюшеньки сладкие. Лапочки милые. Смотрю и умиляюсь. Прелесть какая

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Cute kittens climbing on me

Cute kittens climbing on me  (c) meow meow

(c) meow meow Cute kittens are very hyperactive. They are climbing on me like a tree.

Imagine 20 meters giant follows you and saying PSPSPS

Aww I love how kittens are so playful. Need to visit Istanbul. Ancient Egypt culture loved cats so much. So much so that anyone abusing/harming cats were executed.

The people who disliked are angry because they aren’t with the cats.

“im gonna strangle this human!” “AGH! he’s too strong! i need backup! backup!”

Due to current events, I’ve taken refuge deep into cat videos for self-care reasons before heading out again. This is rejuvenating

Turkey is cat’s version of Heaven.

It’s in Turkey I guess. The Azan.Moreover Turkish people love cats

When it climbed up on you my heart melted

Herkesin sevgiye ihtiyacı var. Allah razı olsun sizden bu kediciklerle böyle güzel ilgilendiiniz sevgi gösterdiniz🤲🏻

7:10 At that moment I’d be “okay, you’re coming home”

Istanbul, Turkey? Well wherever you are from, kudos to you sir, you are an angel for doing this.

Bless these people for putting out food and shelter for these beautiful innocent animals

Anyone who’s nice to cats are instantly a nice person in my opinion.

Bir Türkün Kedileri Bu Kadar Sevdiğini Görmek Çok Güzel Keşke Herkes Öyle Olsa 🙁

Nice cats😍

Bless any soul that cares for more than themselves.

Dünyanın en tatlı tontişleri bunlar…sizleri yaratan Allah’a şükürler olsun…👏✍👍🧚‍♀️🐈🐱🐾🐱🐈🐾

The background sound it’s so beautifulMashllah Allah has the power to make this guy special 👌🏻

After 4 years and 6 pounds, my cat still climbs me, my legs and back look like abstract painting.

Brings back so many memories when I had a kitten!

Female cat in heat meows to male outside

Female cat in heat meows to male outside  (c) meow meow

(c) meow meow Bu videoyu YouTube Video Düzenleyici ile oluşturdum ( Female cat in heat, mate calling.

my cat used to do this all the time. then one day we couldn’t find her; she came home at the end of the day with her fur all dirty, as if she got into a fight. then we noticed she wasn’t making those noises anymore, and thought, “uh oh… is she pregnant?” took her to the vet, and sure enough, she was.

i have two cats, a mated pair. when i put this on, the male looked at the screen and the female slapped him.

She’s so beautiful.

lol the black cat is starting at her like “wow she desperate”

Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou, Romeo?

Good thing humans don’t go into heat

Her: “Come over”Him: “I can’t”Her: *MEOWING INTENSIFIES*

Her little face is so cute 😍

I played it infront my male cat he was soo eager to find her

Kitty: I want a man.Owner: No Princess, you have to stay inside. We don’t want you getting pre-Kitty: I want a man! I want it I want I WANT IT!!

Such a gorgeous cat and I love her two different eye colors too.

both of my cats are neutered and this still got their attention!!

Her meow is so adorable❤

I have two male cats. They are always so closed and together. When I play this vedio. They were became busy to searching for the female cat 😂🤣🤣🤣.

At 1:17 just look at her cuteness so adorable..I wish I had this cat with me..I would have never left her..Truly wonderful and cleanest cat ever I have seen..

I love playing this to my Tom cat, he goes crazy.

There’s a cat outside my window right now.He’s responding to the call.

Aww she looks adorable and fluffy, also her meows are cute 💜

Omg I played this outloud and my Male cat came rushing upstairs meowing like crazy

i played this in front of my two kittens who had lost their mommy only at 5 weeks old and it just made me tear up! but now I consider them my children and its just so sweet.💞💞

7 Sounds Cats Make and What They Mean

7 Sounds Cats Make and What They Mean  (c) meow meow

(c) meow meow Bu videoyu YouTube Video Düzenleyici ile oluşturdum ( 7 Sounds Cats Make and What They Mean.

Thank you so much for this wonderful video, dear! So nice and interesting – great job (at 0:55 I thought it was the sound from my stomach :)) I see this with great interest, was thinking of doing videos about this topic myself. You did it excellent! 😊👍

I think my cat swears at me sometimes…

trilling is the best cat noise its so cute 😭😭

That cat who was hissing and growling didnt even look mad. It looked like it was just giving an example

That ‘I want a mate’ sound my cats only make when they’r gonna vomit. xD

*Yowling*DiscomfortPainMatting CallAnxiety

Cats evolved to meow because it mimics a baby crying so humans know it’s upset

Out of sheer curiosity of how my cats would react to this, I played it while they were in the room. The yowling and the mewing of the blind kittens got the most attention and one of my cats ended up walking on the laptop keyboard

I think CHATTERING is how a cat says grace before eating 😂

0:57 i just realized your cat start growling when you put a remote tv close to her/him 😂😂

2:01 my cat makes that noise literally all the time

When my cat growls I just pet him with both of my hands and he’s purring xD

0:40 It’s also the “I don’t want a bath” sound

Oh my gosh the kittens at the end killed me with their adorableness

all the sounds of cats express only one thing”I am cutie pie”

My cat came running in when the babies were meowing at the end

My cat always meows at me for food and treats, and usually responds when I meow at him. I’m normally rewarded with a trill when he gets a treat 😂

My new cat(whom was abandoned and moved in to my house after I’ve been feeding her for a couple of months) is trilling literally all the time. My previous cats almost never did it and I thought it sounded like she’s not happy. Thanks to you now I know what it means.

The yowling for my cat means he’s hungry, so yeah it is how that communicate. Also I’ve never heard my cat meow🤷🏻‍♀️

They have more than 7 sounds. I swear, my neighbourhood cat was *talking* to my mom the other morning!

