
サマー先生のなりきり英語音読(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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Lesson 19・Do you ~ ? (あなたは普段〜しますか?) 【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 19・Do you ~ ? (あなたは普段〜しますか?) 【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!

I appreciate you, thank you very much. This method is very useful for me. HOMEWORK. What do you study after the class room. We are studying the math material in the library. (-o-)


How many hours do you study English every day?I study 30 minutes in the morning and 3 hours in the evening.In total 3 hours 30 minutes.

Do you usually do mindfulness meditation? If so, when and where do you do that?

What kind of juice do you have?海外旅行でCAさんからドリンクサービスを受ける時によく聞きます。

I am going to visit Thailand next month to see my friend in the country. She has a private school and her relatives work there.What does he teach in your school ?

今日は、サマー先生。いつも素敵なsレッスン、ありがとうございます。岡村です。よろしくお願いします。What dose shie do? – she work a Japanese food restaurant.Where dose she live? – She lives in Boston.When dose she return to Japan? -Every summer vacation she do.『彼女は、なにをしていますか?-彼女は、日本食のレストランで働いています。 彼女は、どこにに住んでいますか?ーボストンです。 彼女はいつも優しい日本に帰ってきますか?ー毎年夏休みに帰ってきます。』と言う意味で英作しました。添削よろしくお願いします。ありがとうございます。

What do you do first when you get up in the morning?あなたは朝起きたらまず何をしますか?

What do you usually do for your weekend.

I forgot this lesson.😅What do you holiday?I spend my holidays watching movies.

Hi,Ms.Summer.I study English hard,but I can’t remember words.今回の使ってみようWhat do you do on holiday?Where do you go shopping for food?See you next lesson!

What do you cook?Where do you surf?When do you exercise?

what do you do? I’m an engineer at a Japanese electronics company.

What do you do in your free time?

What do you do after work ?

How do you get to your office?-I always go by train. It’s about 30 minutes from my home.

Where do you do Yoga class?

What do you do for living ? のように”for living”は一般的に付けないのでしょうか? 日本人の感覚的には分かりやすいのですが如何でしょう?

When do you go back to your hometown? I will go to my hometown in Obon season.

What kind of sport do you play?Where do you sport?When do you move the your body?

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Lesson 30・I have to ~ (〜しないといけない)【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 30・I have to ~ (〜しないといけない)【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!

I’ve gotta wake up before day break in winter when I have a business trip to Tokyo.It’s very cold and sleepy, so I don’t like it.

Good morning Ms.Summer.Thanks for this lesson.今回の使ってみよう。I have to make three lunch boxs every morning.See you next lesson!

I have to do a lot of housework such as cleaning and doing my laundry by myself for myself.

Good evening. Is this all right?I have to watch lessons of Ms. summer everyday.

We’ve gotta study hard every day!子供たちと、ほぼ毎日やって。 ここまでこれました。

I’ve gotta creat an English short speech for our English conversation class.

I have to do muscle training 3 minutes later. I wanna be strong!!😎

I have to keep good sleep. That is because I want to stay positive.

My room is such a mess.I’ve gotta declutter it.But it’s gonna be a big project. Maybe I’ve gotta ask Marie Kondo for help !

I’ve gotta clean up my room today

サマー先生質問です。chapter6復習の会話1 Aの例文でlike themをライ”カ”ムとカタカナで表記されてますが、ライ”キ”ムにはならないのですか?

I have to do my homework until tomorrow.

I graduated from university 31 years ago. I’m dentist. People call me “sensei”. I have to study forever. Because I am “sensei”. It’s just “sensei”.

I’ve gotta work at home. I don’t have to go my company.

must=have to と日本の英語教育では同じ意味として教えてますが、何か違いはありますか?

I have to do the laundry a week.

I have to clean my room.


I have to accept the fact that we should stay at home.

I have to go to the English conversation lesson tomorrow morning. I should review the previous lesson today.

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Lesson 47・依頼するときの表現・Could you ~? (〜していただけますか?)【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 47・依頼するときの表現・Could you ~? (〜していただけますか?)【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!



Hi,Ms.Summer. Thanks for this lesson.今回の使ってみようCould you call me a taxi or an ambulance?See you next lesson.

Could you confirm the reservation for tomorrow, please?

Could you tell me how to buy a ticket for the final match.

Could you tell me some cafe that you recommend spending slowly time?

Could you tell me how to get to the Diamond head?

Excuse me officer.I’m looking for Times square, could you tell me how to get to Times square?

Could you tell me some recommended historical spot in the city?

Could you tell me how to get to the historical museum?

could you hand me と言う言い方があるのですね。 take me との違いは何ですか?  より、手で取るというニュアンスがあるのでしょうか? いつも分かりやすい丁寧な動画に感謝です(*´ω`*)

Could you tell me any recommendation for sightseeing in your country?

ありがとうございます!ちなみにですが、pass me はどんなニュアンスですか?何回もすいません!


Could you tell me how to get the cheapest air tickets to NY? Because I must prepare 6 tickets as a total including four daughters.


I got lost my way,so I have to ask someone.I said to the a woman “Could you tell me how to get to the subway station ?”She answered me “ Sure.”

Hi! Summer-sensei! Could you show me that ROLEX?

If there is any mistake in my English, could you collect it ?

Could you tell me a your recommended sightseeing spot and a restaurant near here?

Lesson 25・Go ahead and ~ (どうぞ〜してください)【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 25・Go ahead and ~ (どうぞ〜してください)【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!

I went to the restaurant with a friend of mine.We ordered different dishes.He was served it first.I said to him “ Go ahead and eat it.”

Naoto “Go ahead and touch a cat, if you like.”customer “I’m allergic to cats.”Naoto “Why did you come to the cat cafe??? Please go ahead and get out of here, if you should.

Go ahead and eat the fish in front of you, If you want .It’s a local speciality in this prefecture.

Go ahead and drink “sake”, if you want. This is made at a sake brewery in my town. When it is made from fresh rice, we often call it “shin-shu”. And you can try it at an event called “sakagura-biraki” that is held during winter season.


ご機嫌様、サマー先生。いつも素敵なレッスン、ありがとうございます。辨天堂本舗の岡村です。よろしくお願いします。Pleases go ahead and enjoy the first tea party without cross manners, if you want.『細かいお作法は気にせずに、初めてのお茶会を、どうぞ楽しんでくださいね。』と言う意味で英作しました。添削よろしくお願いします。ありがとうございます。

「ここにフルネームで署名してください」は、」Go ahead and fill in your full name here.」でOKですか?

Go ahead and try to play this guitar,if you want.

Hi,Ms.Summer.Thank you also today’s lesson!今回の使ってみようGo ahead and take pictures,if you want.See you next lesson!Bye!

Go ahead and eat ,drink and talk to each other,if you like.こんばんは。いつも素敵な動画ありがとうございます。パーティでの決まり文句みたいのはあるのでしょうか?

Go ahead and come to Yuma’s birthday party,if you want.

go aheadは、命令文だと思って使うのに抵抗があったけど、これからは使ってみます

Please go ahead and turn on heating, if you cold.

Go ahead and touch our new products, if you want.Go ahead and ask your questions to nearby staff, if you want.

Go ahead and play your bass guitar if you are ready.

Please go ahead and take a break, if you want.Go ahead and take some drinks, if you want.

Go ahead and eat some fruit, if you want.

Go ahead and order the Baumkuchen, if you like.

Please go ahead and have dinner, if you want.もしよかったら夕食を食べてください。

Go ahead and take a beer in the fridge if you want.

Lesson 59・比較級と最上級・more ~、the most ~ (もっと〜、最も〜)【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 59・比較級と最上級・more ~、the most ~ (もっと〜、最も〜)【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!

Japanese is the easiest to learn. French is the most difficult to learn. English sounds the most beautiful.

Japanese is the most difficult to learn, because it has three types of characters.

I think English is the easiest of three to lean, because it’s common,so we have a lot of chance to lean English!!



Hi! Summer-sensei! Green tea is healthier than coffee, I think. Japanese is the most difficult to learn, because it has many unregular rules in pronunciation and writing . Okinawa is the hottest and the lowest price than Tokyo and Hokkaido.

Your video is more useful than the others.

Hi,Ms.Summer. Thank you for this lesson.今回の使ってみよう①Let’s compare green tea and coffee.I think greentea is healthier than coffee.I think coffee is more delicious than greentea.I think coffee smells better than greentea.I like it!②Let’ compare English,French,and Japanese.I think the all are not easy.I think French is the most difficult,because I’ve never studied it.I think French sounds the most beautiful.③Let’s compare Tokyo,Hokkaido,and Okinawa.I think the weather in Tokyo is the calmest.Hokkaido is cold in winter,and Okinawa has many typhoons in summer.I think every food is delicios,but I like Hokkaido the most.I think the prices in Tokyo are the highest!See you next lesson.Bye!

I think green tea is healthier than coffee, but I like coffee than green tea.To learn Japanese language’s pronunciation is easier than English and French. But writing it is the most difficult.The weather in Okinawa is hotter than Tokyo and Hokkaido.

Okinawa is the warmest in Japan.

Summer teacher I want to sing in English. Rod Stewart’s Sailing Sting’s Englishman in New York, but I want to sing well in English.

Green tea is healthier than coffee.I think green tea is more delicious than coffee.Coffee has a better aroma than green tea.すっかり英語を忘れました。復習しています。添削お願いします。


Hello.I teach English to junior high school students in Japan and almost all English textbooks here teach that after “than” comes the subjective case. But it sounds unnatural to me to say, for example, “He is taller than I” so I teach my students that both are correct but “taller than me” is more commonly used. However, some of my colleagues say “taller than I” is correct and “taller than me” is wrong so I should only teach the former one. What do you think?

I want to compare among Tokyo, Sapporo and Okinawa.I like Okinawa the best.I like Sapporo better than Tokyo.I traveled Okinawa last spring.I like food, nature, people and shochu very much.And I came to get interested in its history.I have visited Sapporo three times.Food and nature are splendid.But I like Okinawa better than Sapporo.Tokyo is a very convenient place to eat,drink and play.There are many people there.I don’t like crowded places and want to make a long line.

Green tea is a little healthier than coffee.Coffee is more delicious than green tea.Coffee smells much better than green tea.I like coffee better than green tea.

Tokyo is warmer than Hokkaido.Okinawa is the most hottest prefecture.

Green tea is healthier than coffee.Coffee is more delicious than green tea.Coffee smells better than green tea.

Green tea is healthier than coffee.Coffee is more delicious than green tea.Coffee smells better than green tea.English is the most difficult to learn.French sounds the most beautiful.Okinawa is the hottest city.Okinawa food is the most difficult.The price of Okinawa is the most cheapest.

Hokkaido is the coldest and Okinawa is the warmest in Japan.Tokyo is warmer than Hokkaido and colder then Okinawa.

