It’s a good day for exercise! [RingFit Adventure]
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと It's a good day for exercise! [RingFit Adventure] It's a good day for exercise! [RingFit Adventure] (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと thumbnail illust @KoitoOliver Thank you ☁️お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は …
10Q tenshi for an amazing stream! We had a lot of fun!
Tenshi: taking her heart rateThat one guy: Angel Beats!
In conclusion, the chat needs serious BONKING 🔨
“Tenshi is 16″Me: PANIK”In angel years”Me: kalm
Thank you Tenshi for the great stream. Timestamps: 0:07 Intro 0:59 Tenshi Appears 3:40 FBI? 5:09 Don’t look 10:01 Game Start 14:37 World #01 start 21:46 1st Fit Battle 32:24 Macho 32:37 Boss Battle 1 37:26 WIN 39:55 World #02 start 53:57 Ora! 54:20 Tenshi English [Come on! Come on!] 1:03:37 Ora! 1:11:35 Wotah. Wotah. (Water) 1:12:11 Too sweaty 1:14:35 Boss Battle 2 1:24:33 WIN 1:29:23 World #03 start 1:30:00, 1:30:31, 1:30:44 In tenshi (angel) years 1:31:40-1:31:44 ‘FBI! Open Up.’ She knows the meme. 1:37:57 Tenshi English [I drink… drinking thing smoothie]. 1:38:28-1:38:44 Tenshi English [Right, left, right, left…, left, right] 1:42:21 Bpm 94 1:43:45 Stretch 1:55:17, 1:55:33 ‘a’ 2:10:12 ‘Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.’ 2:15:58 Game Ends 2:16:08 Tenshi English [too very fun] 2:17:10 New Costume? 2:17:34 Pogger 2:18:09 See you next streamThis is a repost of the original timestamp in the stream. Previous timestamp was randomly removed.
Another blessed stream with Tenshi~
Chat having bit of a moral crisis here..
She really just kept going even when she was tired, have a nice rest and some delicious water tenshi
don’t mind me just using this for my self 1:19:04 32:46 33:32 23:42 1:33:02
29:53 tenshi is 16? i didnt know that til now
Victory!! Tenshi strong!
This stream has insane clipping potential.
Japan:よく休むてんしEnglish: take a good rest tenshi
Cute tenshi tortured herself with exercise for our entertainment and I love every bit of it. Thanks for the stream!
Tenshi went SAIDO CHESTO! for the stream!
another victory for tenshi!!FBI open up!
Thanks for the Tenshi Onigiri! It was really fun exercising with everyone
That was amazing Tenshi, hopefully your muscles aren’t hurting after long exercise. Also like sleeveless version.
I just now realized how small her arms are dammit it’s adorable
What a fun stream, awesome seeing her play ringfit.
[10Q 2020]みんなで新年に向けてカウントダウンします!Everyone will count down for the new year!☀
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと [10Q 2020]みんなで新年に向けてカウントダウンします!Everyone will count down for the new year!☀ [10Q 2020]みんなで新年に向けてカウントダウンします!Everyone will count down for the new year!☀ (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私がNGリストに入れるので、みんなは注意しないで …
She took her time to read out every line from _every_ single card on Twitter. That, is dedication right there.
☁️セトリ/Song List☁️(JPN&ENG)長い配信おつうと! ことよろ! _____(JPN)____0:00:37 声入り0:01:31 炎 / LiSA (2020)0:06:31 ファンサ / HoneyWorks feat. 夏川椎菜 (2020)0:11:15 愛にできることはまだあるかい / RADWIMPS (2019)0:18:53 ノーダウト / Official髭男dism (2018)0:22:42 ハルジオン / YOASOBI (2020)0:26:47 馬鹿みたい / 桐生一馬 (2012)0:32:24 ダダダダ天使 / ナナヲアカリ (2017)0:36:45 残酷な天使のテーゼ / 高橋洋子 (1995)0:41:28 KING / kanaria feat. GUMI (2020)0:44:41 花に亡霊 / ヨルシカ (2020)0:49:34 ただ君に晴れ / ヨルシカ (2018)0:53:53 夜に駆ける / YOASOBI (2019)0:59:40 45秒 / れすぽん feat. 初音ミク&GUMI (2013) 0:43:47 1万人見てる1:00:24 カウントダウンみんな、あけましておめでとうございます🎇!_____(ENG)____0:00:37 START0:01:31 Homura / LiSA (2020)0:06:31 Fansa / HoneyWorks feat. Natsukawa Shiina (2020)0:11:15 Is There Still Anything That Love Can Do? / RADWIMPS (2019)0:18:53 No Doubt / Official HIGE DANdism (2018)0:22:42 Halzion / YOASOBI (2020)0:26:47 Baka Mitai / Kazuma Kiryu (2012)0:32:24 Dadadada Tenshi / Akari Nanawo (2017)0:36:45 A Cruel Angel’s Thesis / Yoko Takahashi (1995)0:41:28 KING / kanaria feat. GUMI (2020)0:44:41 Ghost In A Flower / Yorushika (2020)0:49:34 Tada Kimi ni Hare / Yorushika (2018)0:53:53 Yoru ni Kakeru / YOASOBI (2019)0:59:40 45 Seconds / esponR feat. Hatsune Miku & GUMI (2013) 0:43:47 10000 Watching1:00:24 CountdownHappy New Year Everyone 🎇!
She spent so much time reading the cards. Hope she gets a good rest. Happy New Year Tenshi!
I have no clue what she’s singing, but her voice is so good, she can read a newspaper and make it sound adorable
I swear to fricking God she’s so innocent. She is the goddess of kindness
Her singing “No Doubt” is the cutest singing I’ve heard in 2020
I’m glad she noticed the UtoCard Collabit was fun hosting it in the Utopia Discord <3
Happy New Year, Amatsuka! This rapturously lively celebration has been a great pleasure! The karaoke prelude was mellifluous bliss as the musical revelry raised our shared excitement for the countdown! Subsequently reading the numerous New Years cards written by our fellow Tenshimps was nothing short of heartwarming with wholesome messages coupled with heartfelt wishes for our favorite angel! Thank you for gracing this year with your angelic smiles and laughter! As you spread your heavenly wings for the exciting future awaiting above the clouds, may your destiny be blessed with health and happiness throughout 2021! 🙂
Happy new year our tenshi, i couldn’t catch the Live huhuhu. Still watch the archive 💕 Happy New Year to you our precious tenshi💕♥️
Just listening to her voice cures my depression. I have never been so happy and glad in my life. I just love her. Happy New year to the purest tenshi to ever exist on Earth
Her singing is so beautiful.. genuinely can’t wait for the day she releases an album
Hopefully we can see some collaborations from her in the future. THE WORLD NEEDS TO EXPERIENCE THIS PURITY!!Happy New Year All!!
I’ve never seen a Vtuber that so pure and innocent as her… I can’t imagine Amelia will do a collab with herit will look like Angel meets the devil from what I see..
Thank you tenshi! ❤️❤️❤️Purely wholesome and dedicated to the tenshimps 😣❤️❤️
Happy new year~ TenshiYou work hard for today, get some rest
Thanks for the stream & thanks for your dedication. I’m glad I can be part of the event. Take a good rest.
Thank you for reading all the cards tenshi, we love you!!
Thank you so much for the singing stream and thank you for taking your time with reading all those wonderful greeting cards! Have a happy new year and I wish all the best, tenshi! 1:54:53 Cow Tenshi is so kawaii
Happy New Year Tenshi! ♡ Hardworking, cute, and full of love. Let this be an amazing year for you. Take care and have fun with everyone.
Happy New Year, Tenshi I hope that you give us more blessings this year. Thank you for everything
[ASMR] Welcome to the world of Uto💙
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと [ASMR] Welcome to the world of Uto💙 [ASMR] Welcome to the world of Uto💙 (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと 泡・耳かき・マッサージ・タッピング・パチパチ? Bubble,Earcleaning,Massage,Tapping,PachiPachi? ⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒ thumbnail illust …
I have travelled through multiple isekai world watching this
37:34 her heartbeat is so fast, like a small animal. It’s concerning yet cute.
even though she told us not to die i still believe her plan is to kill us with diabetes so we can join her in heaven
Uto’s voice was the real asmr ngl
53:22 and 1:19:23 Cute Chu from our angelI’m freaking DEAD,and the ending picture is so cuteDiabetes is waiting for ME
Yet another blessing for the ears. And that ending was really cute
1:13:00 Hi honey + Arimasen is too powerful for this world. for another relaxing stream Tenshi !
I was trying to sleep for a solid 3 hours last night, and when she went live, I decided “why not? I’ve been awake for 200 minutes.”I kid you not, I fell asleep within the next 5 minutes.ありがとう、うと! 次のASMRも楽しみる!!!
thanks for the blessing today, the end card was super cute!
for blessing our days Tenshi! This day is now ten times better, thanks to you.
10Q for another blessed stream!💙💙💙 Her heart beat was pretty cute but a bit concerning
I’ll play this many times when I sleep. And I will be in heaven and meet Tenshi even if only in a dream😢
Thank you, Tenshi-chan, I had a sweet dream because of you
That secret ending caught me off guard! Omedetou Nabi mama!
listening to this masterpiece once again
36:55 for the heartbeat ENJOY!!!!
This cure depression her voice is so adorable
Thank you for the sweet ASMR and surprised us with the cute picture at the end ❤️😍

(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと I didn’t notice that there was no echo on it. tehe thumbnail illust @nab0i Thank you Take Me Home, Country Roads guitar @AMATSUKA VIRUS …
1:50 Envy Baby5:26 Country Road10:09 Tabun15:32 Angel With A Shotgun20:41 Shape of you25:57 Daddy Daddy do31:19 Dry Flower36:44 NEKO41:50 Myra46:48 Itsumo Nando Demo51:24 KING54:26 A Cruel Angel’s Thesis1:00:11 Hana ni Bourei1:05:13 Fuwa Fuwa Time1:11:00 Bararaika1:15:38 Yesterday1:22:02 Promise of the World1:27:51 Tenbyou no Uta1:33:35 Ussewa1:38:43 Fansa1:43:37 Bakamitai1:50:27 Renai Circulation
She makes every song a thousand times better
Tenshi has such a beautiful singing voice
Time stamp 1:50 【GUMI】エンヴィーベイビー【Kanaria】 5:28 John Denver – Take Me Home, Country Roads 10:13 YOASOBI「たぶん」 15:33 The Cab – Angel With A Shotgun 20:41 Ed Sheeran – Shape of You 25:57 鈴木雅之/ DADDY ! DADDY ! DO ! feat 鈴木愛理 31:23 優里 『ドライフラワー』 36:44 DISH// (北村匠海) – 猫 41:50 Myra/TaniYuuki 46:49 いつも何度でも / 木村弓 51:25 【GUMI】KING【Kanaria】 54:27 残酷な天使のテーゼ – 高橋洋子 1:00:11 ヨルシカ – 花に亡霊 1:05:14 ふわふわ時間/桜高軽音部 1:11:00 月島きらり「バラライカ」 1:15:39 Official髭男dism – イエスタデイ 1:22:04 世界の約束/倍賞千恵子 1:27:50 点描の唄/ Mrs. GREEN APPLE 1:33:36 【Ado】USSEEWA 1:38:44 ファンサ/mona(CV:夏川椎菜)【HoneyWorks】 1:43:38 馬鹿みたい Encore! 1:50:28 恋愛サーキュレーション – 花澤香菜
that was fantastic, gonna listen everytime
Nothing to see here just an Angel with her Angelic singing
The Country Roads song is actually a blessing from Tenshi herself~
That was a good karaoke stream!!!!
Tenshi’s English is improving a lot. She sings English songs so smooth. Tenshi now becomes International Tenshi!
Heh it’s amazing 3:25 My request 5:28 Thank you for the stream Tenshi
17:06 loved it when the shotgun appeared 😆
When she sang Country Roads, I immediately saw all the hard work and perseverance she gave into learning English for us. I’m touched….
Tenshi: “Almost Heaven …”Tenshimps: No … No, I’m pretty sure we’re already there
A legit Tenshi: *sings Angel with a Shotgun* (15:35)Also, the very same Tenshi: *sings A Cruel Angel’s Thesis*Me: *”My happiness is immeasurable and my day is made”*
Love Tenshi singing. Love from Malaysia
Thank you for the stream tenshi!!! 💙💙💙
Time to rewatch, to hear the songs I missed!
5:30 Amazing country road eng cover! I actually teared up listening~
Feeling stressed out?During a hard time?Listening uto’s karaoke and cired out loudNow you are able to face tomorrow
レイスのれんしゅう Wraith Practice JST20:00~ custom [APEX]
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと レイスのれんしゅう Wraith Practice JST20:00~ custom [APEX] レイスのれんしゅう Wraith Practice JST20:00~ custom [APEX] (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと Tournament Members 大会メンバー @勇気ちひろ @森中花咲 ⋈ Please read! ⋈ This month, we will be playing a lot of APEX and having a lot of conversations in …
Stream Tags | By ☁Utopia Discord Server01:54 she’s here03:58 Uto miss us too 06:00 Match 112:27 Kazachii joins the VC13:37 Match 216:28 Kazachii got “EigoJouzu-ed18:20 Tangent on countries; places they want to visit24:28 Match 327:59 Japanese snack tangent36:18 Match 441:57 coach Tsubaki joins the VC55:22 post game coaching session57:06 Match 51:08:57 Match 61:12:06 tangent on food1:26:09 Match 71:33:26 Tips for caustic1:36:00 Setting up a Caustic base demonstration1:43:46 Match 82:02:37 Match 92:23:21 Last fight- Match 92:26:13 Match 9 Champion2:27:21 Match 102:33:06 Match 112:35:09 Match 122:37:43 Match 132:40:29 Match 142:41:10 Kaza wants some borgor3:01:37 Top 2 – Match 133:02:29 Match 13- Champion3:03:35 Kaza left for dinner3:04:04 And she’s back3:04:25 Borgor ASMR3:05:49 Match 143:05:57 Cheese tangent3:14:08 Demon Slayer Rengoku Impersonation by Kaza3:27:05 Match 14 – Champion3:29:34 Match 153:40:18 Match 163:43:54 Match 173:47:46 Match 184:00:59 contact (3 squad left)4:07:02 Match 194:09:54 Match 204:13:22 Match 214:22:10 Match 224:26:13 Match 234:39:14 Firing range4:45:26 friendly fire4:45:48 friendly fire4:57:01 Uto almost dies to Friendly Fire5:00:26 and they downed the coach 5:05:50 Chii-chan joins the VC5:08:12 brainstroming their team name5:17:14 Uto casually correct her age to YTchat5:17:53 it’s not 61.. its 16.. please stop it www5:19:16 part 3 5:20:58 yakamashi 5:23:53 Skrimish 15:31:51 Chii and Uto found a Vault key5:33:46 contact5:42:33 contact5:42:42 team slain5:47:05 Skrimish champion: Team 7 (Reid’s team)5:48:47 Tempp-chan joins the VC5:57:28 Skrimish 26:09:46 contact6:10:22 team slain6:21:04 Skrimish champion: Team 3 (Met’s team)6:36:05 Skrimish 36:51:03 contact6:53:14 Enemy team downed6:53:55 team slain6:59:00 Skrimish champion: Team 6 (Uruha’s)7:01:20 Team name: YOUJYOSENKI7:02:02 Coach Eden joins the VC7:10:59 Skrimish 47:28:49 contact7:34:09 Skrimish champion: Team 11 (Uto’s team)7:41:34 Chii: Tempp-chan, Saikou? Tempp: Saikou desu7:44:04 Uto: suteki nee.. Suteki teamu7:45:18 Ureshi na7:46:46 Skrimish 57:55:51 contact7:56:53 team slain8:02:50 VC casually dissing on Seer as he should be8:10:36 Skrimish champion: Team 3 (Met’s Team)8:19:08 Skrimish 68:28:07 contact8:32:22 Kaza Reee-ing at Seer’s tactical8:34:24 contact8:36:56 Pushing to the frontline8:39:00 contact8:39:24 team slain8:42:43 Skrimish champion: Team 7 (Reid’s Team)8:53:47 Naruhodon’t8:54:50 Many Japanenglish8:59:15 Skrimish 79:09:12 contact9:12:12 team wiped9:22:44 Coach Tsukishima’s advice9:23:08 Skrimish champion: Team 20 (ChroNoir)9:31:42 Match 249:34:31 team wiped9:35:07 Match 259:56:53 Match 25 Champion9:57:03 Match 2610:01:16 Match 2710:04:34 Match 2810:11:16 Match 2910:17:29 Match 3010:27:19 Friendly Match Vs Tempp-chan, Eden,10:34:36 Round won (plus battle cry_10:37:14 round won10:42:08 round won10:43:12 Scream tskr10:47:15 Friendlies Rematch10:54:58 round won10:56:45 Round won11:06:16 Friendlies rematch 211:13:37 round won11:15:15 round won11:24:12 Friendlies Rematch 311:28:59 round won11:31:11 round won11:33:06 Champion11:35:02 Friendlies Rematch 4 (Eden 1v3)11:36:13 This is so fun, today 11:38:15 Eden crashed, insta-champ; Uto: Ez.. Ez win11:40:38 Friendlies Rematch 4 (Eden 1v3)11:43:20 round won11:46:12 threatening battle-cry from 3 children11:48:55 round won11:51:02 champion11:52:06 wrapping-up stream11:52:27 will continue from Chii’s stream
Tenshi is Pro gamer now. This was such a fun stream to watch. Hope tenshi had a lot of fun too. Good luck for the tournament. Win or lose tenshi is the best. 💙💙💙
The customs were a rollercoaster of emotions. Congrats on the champion! It’s awesome to see you improve so fast and the team has great chemistry. Please be confident, you can do it! Good luck tomorrow.
Really fun cuto stream. Seeing you strive to improve and fight is always inspiring. Thank you for teaching me how to fight!! ehe
The Customs were such a good moment to witnessed, a lot of emotions were putting there and it’s very awesome to watch!That 4th game though, that game is so HYPE!Champion or Last place I don’t care tenshi, we will be here for you anyway
Such a fun stream, Tenshi’s stream is the best!!
for the streamThe training arc and the scrisms is roller coaster of emotion but getting champion at scrims and defeating Astel one of the strong Apex Player with capable team is something that extremely awesome to seeYou can do it
10Q for the long stream Tenshi!Congratulations for the Champion on the Custom!Seeing you play and laugh happily with your friends makes me really happy.がんばれ 天使! ね~
Thank you for the awesome endurance stream! The customs at the end were a lot of fun to watch. がんばれ!
Tenshi epic gamer, she streamed for almost 11 hours, she’s so strong
Congratulations on the CHAMPION during the custom. I believe you guys can do it in the tournament too. The coaches really gave good tips to help you guys. All the best for you three on the actual day of the tournament.
Nice Team and Nice Teamwork.7:34:08 Best Champion Moment.Glad to see that you’re having fun with others.
Thank you for the stream tenshi and congrats on your win in custom! I really enjoyed your stream
Nice fight today, congratulations for the Champion! I look forward to the tournament! I know you can do it!
As far as I know almost every team has a Pred, so in the early matches there wasn’t a solid “leader” to call for rotations because they are at the same level of skills and communication wasn’t that good, but after Tenshi vent up her feelings and the coach pointed out what they could improve on, she became more active and more aware of her skills and they all improve. I’ll be watching the next streams from start to end no matter what!! 💙🤍💙🤍
Tenshi-sama didn‘t stream often, so she give us her 12 hours stream for Tenshimp!!!Banzai tenshi sama !!!
Thank You Tenshi You Give Us 12 Hours of Happiness ❤️
Good luck on the tournament !! I’m sure you and your team will do just fine. I believe in you !! Have fun, and don’t be too hard on yourself. Mistakes can sometimes happen, but it’s okay, you can always learn with them, and do better for the next time. がんばれ !
Thank you for the stream! 48 hour apex stream when?