[Apex legends] チャンピオン取れるかな~Can i get the champion?
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと [Apex legends] チャンピオン取れるかな~Can i get the champion? [Apex legends] チャンピオン取れるかな~Can i get the champion? (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCdYR5Oyz8Q4g0ZmB4PkTD7g/5QDkXZ15o3M.jpg)
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私がNGリストに入れるので、みんなは注意しないで …
“Just saw our tenshi is back, feeling good”
February 9 entry: It’s been a month since Tenshi has streamed, I’m starting to forget how pureness feels like. This might possibly a side effect of non-seiso content I’ve been watching which is corrupting me. Stay strong degenerates, we must believe our cure will be back.
She has returned! Everyone, shower her with love!
At this point, even if we’re not gonna see her stream anymore.. I just want her to be ok.
Uto’s a strong girl, she’ll be back eventually
Man, anti’s are so cruel. How could they hurt such a beautiful, wholesome and sweet person. Tenshi stay strong! We love you!Edit:She is back! Our tenshi is all cheerful as always.
you know what they say, 1 month here is couple minutes in heaven realm, don’t worry guys she’s just taking a couple minutes break, we shouldn’t worry. Right tenshi?
wifisfuneral – Wya? (Remix) feat. Ugly God
What if the time she’s taking a break, she’s teaching herself english and when she come back she’ll surprise us with her english… I miss her
I’m missing all the English learning streams where she tries her hardest to learn to be able to communicate with us. Stay safe and waiting for your return, Tenshi 🙂
A month has passed and I am still not used to the days without you, Tenshi.
Congrats to 350k subs Tenshi!!! Hope your doing well. We Tenshrimps are still here waiting for your grand return in this planet!!!And my Fellow Tenshrimps, stay strong!!! Don’t give up and just RBI some Antis lurking in the comment section!
Hey TENSHI! Go have a good life remember to eat healthy and get good sleep. If you ever feel like coming back we’ll welcome you with open arms! Be safe!😢😢😭😢🥺🥺😢😭
Tenshi, just know that there’s a lot of people that really like you and support you
Man who else missing her right now
I will leave a log every day here, reporting how I feel without Tenshi. I will show how immortal this support is, even if I lose my sugar I can keep fighting. I’ll stick till the end of time.
She played 10 hours of getting over it, i hope she does too.
Everyone, no need to mope over our tenshi, her arrival shall be grand. The antis would have lost, and we would celebrate all in unison singing her songs. Have confidence, because the day we all lose hope in her, is the day she’ll never come back. We will wait and be victorious whence her streams and dreams continue. It’ll be amazing, trust me.
Dear Tenshi, I know a lot is going on. But id like to let you know that us loyal fans will always be here. And for every one fan like me, there are ten more out there. You may not see us at first, the quiet fans, but we are here and we are strong. Stronger than any of these antis, and we will prove it. With that being said, take care Engineer Tenshi. Fly high, and fly strong. We got your back Tenshi!
To those who came here to check, yes we’re still waiting
[Getting over it] #2 今日こそは負けない。I won’t lose today.
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと [Getting over it] #2 今日こそは負けない。I won't lose today. [Getting over it] #2 今日こそは負けない。I won't lose today. (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCdYR5Oyz8Q4g0ZmB4PkTD7g/z006Jo0lhjc.jpg)
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私がNGリストに入れるので、みんなは注意しないで …
Tenshi has the determination of 10000 people even though it’s driving her slowly insane
Dang 10 hours? She’s reaching into korone level territory
This stream was a profound experience.
Can’t believe this angel played this for 10hrs straight. What a beast
“Rise of the Fallen Tenshi. Part III” Can’t wait. And of course, 300k omedetou!
Ama chan with a 10hr stream full of cute tenshi noises, determination, and I think i’m in love with her deep voice. Her training arc to ascend back to heaven, still to be continued.
I watched the whole thing from start to finish. 7am to around 5 pm. Bro, I went to school, came back from school, took a 2 hour nap and woke up and she was still streaming. The amount of determination and dedication to this particular game is unbelievable! ALOT of progress has been made today. Cant wait to watch the next stream! (After she takes a long deserved break, of course.)
She’s an angel of pure determination.
“It’s not about how high you climb. It’s about how far you can fall and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.” – Rambo Stallone
im just……Impressed how she played almost 10 hours this game
1:23:45 Orange HELL first try?!1:42:37 1:52:471:54:45 A-1:55:43, 1:56:14 R.I.P Tenshi ( ≧Д≦)1:58:05 mad1:58:57 Ok, Start (again)2:00:47 First Time Play? She really good2:02:52 EZ2:03:262:05:55 first try2:07:47 onii chan~^^2:08:29 p r o2:12:23 EZ first try5:27:13 The moment we waitin’ for
Nice fight Tenshi! You never gave up, even with everything thrown at you, and on your s̶e̶c̶o̶n̶d̶ first try!
She’d been stucked in the same from 5:50:40 to 8:31:10, for 2 hours and 40 minutes… and in the meantime she hardly spoke, while she took It sloooow for the entire stream. But we love you Tenshi 💙🎃💙
In this stream, Tenshi-chan shows many different sides of her.And finally tenshi-chan has become the complete lifeform.Omedetou!!!
bruh my spirit were broken when i played this game, she is definitely built different
Our Tenshi has, throughout the whole stream, been composed, quiet, willing to improve/learn from her mistakes, and with an insane amount of patience. Contrarly, the chat was chaotic, in disagreement and mainly feeling pain/suffering for all those falls…It’s been an experience indeed…!Let’s learn from Tenshi and let’s give her our support even in her following attempts of going on with this..!
Dude I watched the entire steam while simultaneously playing the game along side her. I took servral breaks and wasn’t playing it the entire time. My arm/shoulder is exhausted, it’s actually sore . She is a hell a trooper!
Our Tenshi’s tenacity is obvious, but her willingness to learn is what stood out to me. She put in the effort to figure out every obstacle, and I enjoyed taking part in it.The real goal isn’t beating the game. It’s becoming the person who’s able to do so. Every fall is not a loss of progress, but a stepping stone towards improvement.
Got stream on the second monitor for the whole time, ate 3 meals, and did a lot of stuff. Having you accompany me for the whole day was an awesome feeling, thank you >.<
I feel so bad for her when she kept getting stuck at one stage of the game, sometimes even fell down even more! But she tried to stream until the end for us. Get plenty of rest my Tenshi !
Playing my first Resident Evil 7!! [Resident Evil 7]
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと Playing my first Resident Evil 7!! [Resident Evil 7] Playing my first Resident Evil 7!! [Resident Evil 7] (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCdYR5Oyz8Q4g0ZmB4PkTD7g/Wgz1Qgq63i0.jpg)
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私がNGリストに入れるので、みんなは注意しないで …
This is what I about Tenshi. She actually finishes the games she she chooses to play. If she cant beat it in one go, then she will beat in multiple sittings. She has a true gamer spirit.
best 8 hrs of my life, im amazed that she just came back and did an endurance stream.
tenshi’s comeback:Day 1: King CoverDay 2: Sung multiple fanfave songs (“baka mitai”)Day 3: Supacha Reading and speaking multiple languages(worldwide tenshi)Day 4: finished a re7 in one sitting/endurance streamnow that… that is how come back up with a BANG
Another game falls to the endurance Tenshi. Who will be next to be finished in one go?
Here’s some of my favorite time stamps 5:31:51 blessed tenshi sneeze38:50 Ha⬆️Ha⬇️Ha⬆️ Come on Mia! Evil Tenshi1:37:40 Ha Ha Ha GG MAN2:03:23 cute tenshi squeal4:02:45 Waku Waku4:12:02 “FAQ, no love you” wholesome tenshi3:42:59 tenshi gets jump scared2:30:41 ORA~ chainsaw tenshi 2:30:06 Baka! Baka! Baka!5:07:25 Tenshi falls for chat humor11:44 cockroach PANIK20:35 cockroach PANIK43:36 cockroach PANIK3:00:56 WAH tenshi noises5:31:06 satisfied tenshi noises
Seeing tenshi with them big guns is like a kid in a candy store. She was so happy going pew pew pew lol Her aim though was 👌, sasuga best tenshi
She’s playing better than me and it’s her first play too. Tenshi!
When Tenshi got shotgun……Kill moster: one shotKill game: one shot
I was here from start to finish, I’m so glad you had fun playing this Tenshi 😄😄😄
7:40:39 “eheeehee” waaaah so cute😩
配信をありがとうございます、本当に楽しかった。 非常に印象的で、このゲームを8時間でクリアしました
1:47:22 that accuracy. Definitely someone i’d want with me in a zombie apocalypse
Man she really finished this in one go! Sasuga Tenshi
I didn’t expect her to finish the game in one session, GG and for the long stream, Tenshi! Also, with your evil laugh you could be the little girl in your own Horror Game
Congrats to tenshi for finishing this game in one go! To all of us who have been here since the start till the end of stream: GGMEN!
7:50 hrs yesh the stream was wonderful. Big brain and determination allowed our Tenshi to beat the game. Congratulations 💙
You can see that she really missed streaming, it’s sad that the viewers are not showing their best side. It doesn’t take a second of a boss fight, riddle, or anything else and already the entire chat is backseating. Streaming for a long time, because she could not do it for a long period, and viewers write “Turn off the stream, have a rest,” “Wow 7 hours of streaming, go have a rest”. She can’t even fully communicate with the audience because she doesn’t know the language, but what else she knows, she’d rather not read.
Tenshi’s cuteness purifies this biohazard of a game.
such a good stream! good job on finishing it in 8 hours tenshi!
5:07:38 nice
[Getting over it] #3 今日で壺とはさよならだ。Goodbye to the jar today.
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと [Getting over it] #3 今日で壺とはさよならだ。Goodbye to the jar today. [Getting over it] #3 今日で壺とはさよならだ。Goodbye to the jar today. (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCdYR5Oyz8Q4g0ZmB4PkTD7g/-5DzLzuCdAI.jpg)
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私がNGリストに入れるので、みんなは注意しないで …
One small jump for tenshi, one giant leap for mankind. January 7, 2021.
Even Youtube-kun wanted to cheer her on, so much that he forgot to do his job.
I would like to thank God for giving her the determination to finish this game.
I was here for this historic moment tenshis determination surpasses the gods congratulations tenshi
The 3 days full of anger, suffering, frustration, and lack of sleep finally paid off. Tenshi never gave up until the very end. Congrats tenshi!!
The way she says “yatta” at the end sums up the feelings of everyone in chat
This was probably the most intense stream ive ever watched.also YT kun needs a bonk
Congrats on beating Getting Over It Tenshi! Also Thanks to everyone who stuck through and supported Tenshi through all 20 hrs! Truly an adventure.
3 days of streaming, finally the hard work has paid off, I’m proud of you Tenshi. Congratulation
4:01:16 her expression slowly turned into a smile is so cuteeeeeeee
“I dedicate this game to you, the one who came this far. I give it to you with all my love” – Bennett FoddyCongratulations Tenshi!
Even Undertale is afraid of this level of DETERMINATION
This was such a blast to watch, even if it involved staying at a single jump for more than two hours. Amazing job Tenshi! Hope to see more like this in the future, which I know you will offer, obviously! <3
Thank you for your hardwork through heaven and hell.So many sweet and pien moments we have on 2 days of dream and today.100/10 would love to see Arimasen no name and Blue Pumpkin again. Arigatou Tenshi kawaii 💙
I really appreciate and admire her determination for this game. Even i can’t handle the difficulty of this game. She never give up nor fall. Tenshi is strong and this is the reward that she deserves. Congrats for completing the game tenshi❤️
Man I still can’t believe it has been already 3 months.. Life is so short so enjoy it while it last. Peace
I enjoyed the three days of this stream. I can say I have no regrets seeing it all the way through.
She spent approximately 21 and a half HOURS to this gameWhat a determined angel <3
3:59:53 from then on, the rest is history
It would literally be impossible for me to have this determination
[ASMR] I will heal you!!<3
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと [ASMR] I will heal you!!<3 [ASMR] I will heal you!!<3 (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCdYR5Oyz8Q4g0ZmB4PkTD7g/PvTLiKMxPXY.jpg)
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと thumbnail illust @weee_desu Thank you ⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒*⌒ ASMR初心者なので、温かく聞いてください。;( あなたを癒せるように精一杯頑張ります!
I couldn’t keep myself awake to 5am so I missed the live… I will accept divine punishment for my sins.
The Moment where Earth and Heaven is connected
Even though I can barely understand her, that doesn’t stop me from enjoying her streams to it’s full extent 🙂
How strange she said heal but I died 7 times ELMAO
Thank you Tenshi for being kawaiiWe were all Healed and Purified. Now we can sleep peacefully.
7:41 – I love you ❤Thank you for always waiting for me ❤25:41 – Aishiteruyo ❤26:05 – I love you ❤58:44 – Minna Daisuki ❤27:31 – Onii chan Daisuki ❤36:03 – Daisuki dayo ❤34:55 / 36:42 / 57:41 – Chu 😘❤1:00:25 – Thank you, for watching my Asmr, TenQ1:00:41 – Good Night🌃😴 , Chu 😘❤ I love you (All the love words ❤ i know has been spoken by her 😂👍❤)6/7 (6th Time stamp out of 7 comments)
37:28 – Lullaby🎶😴💖💎✨Nemure Nya Nyaa~😻💖38:03 – Twinkle twinkle little star 🎶🌟🌌💎✨😴💖55:37 – Nya Nyaa 😻❤ Lullaby 🎶😴💖1:00:25 – Thank you, for watching my Asmr, TenQ1:00:41 – Good Night🌃😴 , Chu 😘❤ I love you + Her New Ending Bgm Song 🎶😴💖😻❤Will use this as my Lullaby every night from now on 🎶😴💖 TenQSay Goodbye to Nightmare& Hello to Heavenly Blessed Dreams 💖✨1/7 (1st Time stamp out of 7 comments)
Is it just me? Or you guys starts watching the stream again as soon as the stream was done
I’m die. Thank you forever.
Tenshi said I love you more times in 1 hour than my own real life gf
Me, at the bar: Mah man, give me Angel’s Kiss!The Bartender: NP homie (shows this video)Me: this…(cries)…this is the good shit
Thanks for the stream tenshi! 💙💙💙 Even though I can’t understand what tenshi is saying, it was still comfy and wholesome
My happiness is immeasurable and my day has been saved.
start of Tenshi’s Lullaby37:20 angelic lullaby #138:00 angelic lullaby #2
Just gonna go ahead and put this on loop and sleep… blessed Tenshi.
nobody: 7:47 tenshi: i love u*im die. thankyou fowever 🙏*
Warning: This is a powerful asmr with dangerous amounts of pure adorable cuteness that can kill you in seconds. Me: I gladly march to my death on this day
Tenshi: Does literally anything.Me: My heart. My SOUL.
Heart: It’s too much cuteness. We are overloaded with cuteness. We can’t handle it anymore. We need to release our emotions.Brain: No we can’t do that!!Heart: Just do it !!!Me: *smiles through out all the stream*
33:14 Is the way to greeted when we already have a tiring day … trust me