Sing and Talk. Thank you for waiting for me.

(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと thumbnail illust @Kukie_nyan Thank you ☁️お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は …
Glad to see that she’s got this archived on her channel.
TenQ for Returning to us Always remember, many of your fans will always love you no matter what 💖
Nice to see this get unprivated. It’s a very special stream, once again glad to have you back
I got notified again, it’s a sign to rewatch our tenshi~
I thought she was streaming again at this hour o.o
It warms my heart to see that you’re back Tenshi! You sing so beautifully and you have such a beautiful personality that brings smiles to everyone’s faces! Thank you for the beautiful stream! Can’t wait for many more streams to come! 💙
this stream have the most super chat, can see how much people really miss & love her after her sudden MIA, we should give our best love & support this time & not fail again to protect this precious angel smile ❤
The new intro and music are eyepoppin’ fantastic It feels like a new era already.. Welcome back, Tenshi.
I know this may be a little bit late. But welcome back tenshi. thank you for not giving up on us
Always keep coming back to her streams. They’re so chill and beautiful!
wait is this real, yoooo the legendary comeback karaoke
Wow! This stream made me actually cry a little bit when I saw her again after first time
Uto’s return was a memorable day. The chat speaks for itself. They were so excited. I’m glad this stream became public again.
I was not here yet when you streamed this one, but I’m happy you unprivated it. Time to watch it now.
That Baka Mitai hit super hard right in the feels 😭
Once A again, WELCOME BACK Tenshi Im looking forward for your next stream.(Especially Horror)
Old VOD but a surprise to be sureThanks for coming back
Youtube has deemed us to rewatch our tenshis beautiful singing and we shall obey.
Ah yes, I can experience when I felt happiness again
Never get tired of her singing Baka Mitai.
[ほぼ英語] 簡単な英語でお話がしてみたい!Let’s talk in simple English! Almost english… !
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと [ほぼ英語] 簡単な英語でお話がしてみたい!Let's talk in simple English! Almost english... ! [ほぼ英語] 簡単な英語でお話がしてみたい!Let's talk in simple English! Almost english... ! (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと rabbit mouse ☁️お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない …
She’s already doing English-only streams after two weeks’ worth of studying. Sasuga fluency RTA Tenshi
I don’t know what it is about Japanese girls speaking English that’s so cute, but I love that it is.
Her effort to learn English has encouraged me to learn Japanese.
おつうと〜💙for the stream. You can see how hard she tried just to communicate with her EN fans. At least her hard work learning English everyday paid off. Tho most of EN fans didn’t even use simple English.
29:08 that was so cuteAlso I am so happy how she tries speaking English and doing English only streams! So thankful for this
I’ve never felt so proud for someone i don’t know personally
Take noted October 14 is her birthdayEveryday is her birthday
Chat really needs to tone it down with asking tenshi to say stuff in English and Chinese, especially things that she doesn’t understand yet.Anyways good work Tenshi!! Just two weeks of study and your English is pretty good. We appreciate the efforts you’ve been putting into talking to all of us, not only kaigai niki.
This is what you need 32:58
44:33 saving this because I believe she responded to my request (the month names request). I’m so proud of her, she’s learning English so quickly 🙂
Despite my SC goes into void, im still glad that our Tenshi is hardworking.
Cute and pleasing to my ears. A wholesome vtuber. I gotta watch all her content. Her cuteness is just too much!
You did good Tenshi. Im impressed with how far your English has come in such a short time!!!
Everyday with her, we get closer to god
Seeing her work so hard in learning English is motivating me to work harder at studying Spanish for schoolEdit: 7:30 “ya like Jazz” LMAO
Okay, but why is this the cutest thing I’he ever watched?
You’re doing a great job! It’s so awesome when someone learns a new language. It takes hard work!
You are doing your best to talk with your fans,good job !, don’t worry about your English,in the future you will get better,I like learning English with you ,my English is not good,so I just can use simple English to communicate too😅 -your fans comes from somewhere
This heals my soul
She’s really working hard, I really love her motivation to have english streams
Today is the day I’m going to play “DOOM eternal”. [Doom Eternal]
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと Today is the day I'm going to play "DOOM eternal". [Doom Eternal] Today is the day I'm going to play "DOOM eternal". [Doom Eternal] (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私がNGリストに入れるので、みんなは注意しないで …
Angel Tenshi was sent from the heavens to exterminate the demons.
This does put a smile on my face
2:42:52 came back especially for this gem
Tenshi got the hang of it even quicker than I thought.She must really love this game.
Is it just me or does almost every angel vtuber want to send people to heaven in the most violent way.
Tenshi + Shotgun=DESTRUCTION!She got through five of the 13(?) Levels. I thought she would’ve struggled more but I was wrong. She has a true gamer spirit after all. I hope when the next time she streams, she can finish the rest. Goodluck at the dentist Tenshi! The Tenshimps will await your return.
1:40:07 Tenshi saw my comment and laughedI’m die thank you forever
21:10 Angel watching over a demons quarrel21:35 Divine intervention.
Any weapon Ama use:+100% Holy.+100% Cuteness.
1:27:17 That papa moment was hilarious lmao
GG men! Looking forward to part 2! Also good luck on the dentist tomorrow!
47:47 Tenshi chainsaw noises
Best 6 hours of my life.
It definitively shows a person’s innocence, if they don’t kill the Revenant who gives you the SSG
Thank you for another amazing stream precious angel 👍💖Really enjoy watching you slay the demons of hell with your favourite shotgun 😎👍💖
did she seriously say “FBI open up!” i just replayed the stream SHE’S WAY TOO CUTE BOIS.
From start to finish, the stream is filled with non-stop tenshi action. Thanks a lot and have a good visit to the good dentist.
Lol! Too bad she couldn’t finish in one go. But doom eternal is long.Gotta say though, she really REALLY gotta read those tutorials
There’s nothing wholesome than seeing a cute tenshi ripping and tearing some unfortunate demons 😀
37:10 thank you.
I can do alone! I’m not afraid! [Phasmophobia]
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと I can do alone! I'm not afraid! [Phasmophobia] I can do alone! I'm not afraid! [Phasmophobia] (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私がNGリストに入れるので、みんなは注意しないで …
All correct, no deaths while solo Tenshi truly is a ghost whisperer.
This was a fun stream! Keep it up Tenshi and pls stop scaring us with the Behind you
Props to you Tenshi for playing solo! Bravest Tenshi in the world
Tenshi: 3:20:13Me: *sweating profusely*
Tenshi interacting with ghosts is probably the most genius thing I’ve ever heard. Also *r u anguri?* is so damn cute
I came back here for Tenshi’s “Behindo you” suprises/o to my man christ. he such a troll
31:16 ‘e’ our tenshi can’t be this cute
The ghost just want to see Cute Tenshi58:19 – 59:11
14:38 I like this part lmao
Woke up in time to watch the end, makes catching ghosts look easy.
She’s becoming a lot more comfortable in these streams and it makes it a lot more fun to watch. I hope she can be as popular as other vtubers. Her relaxing and quiet streams are definitely my vibe over the screaming, crazy ones.
No deaths while soloTenshi is a pro ghost hunter
That was a truly amazing stream there, tenshi. You did a great job on playing solo. Keep it up.
This was a fun stream tenshi, unfortunately I fell asleep during the stream cause it was 2pm, also Taylor took a long time to show up and when the Superchat said behind you
Rapping Tenshi was one of the most adorable ways to begin a video I’ve ever seen! And the rest of the video lived up to that start Thank you Tenshi!
bruh 2 stream in one day. you do a lot of effort ! even though i missed this one..
Thanks for the stream Tenshi. You really are brave, No deaths. 💙
The jumpy moments and the pro gamer moves. Thanks for the stream, Tenshi.
still love that OPalso great episode of Ghost Hunters with special guest, the tenshi
I wish I was a ghost so I could meet Tenshi
I want to read Supacha. And I want to talk to everyone 🙂 !!

(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私がNGリストに入れるので、みんなは注意しないで …
It’s so good to see her back at making everyone happy again
The More Wholesome part is that When she really worried & say Please Stop SC & Take Care more of Yourself, A Lot More SC by Supa Chads Come Instead🌈❤🧡💛💚💙💜💖Thank you Guys for Supporting Her 🤧
Can we just agree that VTubers are probably the best thing that happened to us?
Your Wholesome Stream Save a Lot Of People 💖 Just Ignore the Haters A Lot More People Are Always Here Support & Love You 💖
We really need chinese speaking mods. They are many chinese speaking antis attacking her
Tenshi chan Stream 💖 is Cure for World Depression 🌍💖🌈❤🧡💛💚💙💜💖
Ahh Feels good to be back also holy superchats you guys are crazy Also 3:24:50
This adorable little tenshi continues to give me life!
Supas be flyin’, Supas keep flyin’ Chat has become Rainbow Road
Came back with all new opening, room, settings. This will be a great new start.
Tenshi suffering from Success again 💙💙
I usually dont watch SC read stream ,but tenshi …you’re different
Damn it, I fell asleep right at the end!!! Love you Tenshi, 7 hours is a lot of streaming. 👏👏👏 POGGAS
*me about to fall asleepTenshi: “magandang hapon”*me half awake smiling creepily: “ah yes ‘magandang hapon’ indeed.”
1:49:17 sing Tenshi
aaaah this makes my days a lot more happier even when I’m stuck at home cuz of pandemic
Tenshi chan Is The Key To World Peace 🌍💖 I Hope 💖
Our Tenshi is back! Wish you all the best tomorrow <3
1:13:58 My Immeasurable Happiness and my depression is gone