- 【檜山沙耶】闇属性…
- 【檜山沙耶】モンエナ飲んで徹夜でゲーム…
- Hello Saya! – Saya try to speak English…
- 【檜山沙耶】バレンタインの孤独…
- Ya…
- 【檜山沙耶】コスプレ解禁!…
- 👓…
- A…
- 【檜山沙耶】一眼レフカメラ📸…

(c) WeatherNewFans ウェザーニュースLiVEのお天気お姉さん「さやっち」こと茨城県水戸市出身の 檜山沙耶(ひやまさや)キャスター/アナウンサーは、盛り上がる将棋の話の最中緊急地震速報に …
https://instagram.com/sayahiyamaThank you for following Saya’s Instagram🐰P.S. Goal 100k Now 70k followed
Me when I’m playing video games then suddenly remember that I have an assignment due at midnight.
this is how a 2am depression hits you……
all these innocent people who think they are just watching a 16 second video don’t know what type of life awaits them… get ready to be blessed with hundreds of saya videos on your recommended from now on and welcome to the saya simping family
She literally went from a local anchor to a woman in a video that has almost every languages in the world as subtitles.
When she changed from being happy to serious is FAST.
Now that is a professional move
Her reaction is faster than my internet
Now I know how Gintoki feels about simping to a weather reporter.
When you tell your parents a joke and they turn it into a life lecture:
Her face expression changed faster than Italy changed sides during WWII
Weather: All is well.Host: 😀Weather: I lied.Host: 👁👄👁
Cuando el bully de el salon esta burlandose de sus amigos y estos le responden 0:08
“And in this position on move 69, the news reporter went serious mode that she even noticed the earthquake very quickly”
Why do I have the feeling that YouTube will probably recommend this again to everyone 7 years later lol
0:08 Us when suddenly a strict teacher enters the classroom.

(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
when everyone’s laughing but you didnt get the joke
her reaction when she hears of reddit
so cute
YouTube: Screw it, they’ll watch anything at this point.
I am both impressed and unsurprised that this girl became a meme.
YouTube: We recommend Saya’s video to all for world peace.
へ? #羊鞭
In real life, best girl doesn’t exis-
S� eu acho o sorriso dela extraordin�rio? S�rio muito lindo…
I swear Saya is the most wholesome TV presenter ever
Why do I keep doing this? I literally have the whole internet at my disposal but when I see a YouTube thumbnail of a cute girl I still click on it.
It should be physically impossible to be this cute.
When you hear a joke and its funny but then you realize the joke is about you
When the teacher talks about rushed homework and she takes out your work as an example
Hiyama san is a modern internet powerhouse, one day I’ll be able to say I’m an og fan LMAO😂.
When u create a senario in ur head and u accidentally laugh it out loud then teacher call you to the board.
iz*one’s sakura be like: reporter in the morning, idol in the evening
When you’ve already asked 3 times and still don’t know wtf they’re saying
Her laugh is so wholesome

(c) WeatherNewFans ゴスロリファッション好きをカミングアウトした檜山沙耶(ひやまさや)キャスターは、それから8ヶ月後にゴスロリ(私服)写真をSNSで公開しフラグ回収を見事に果たしました。
If i recall correctly this is the reporter who went from laughing to serious face during an earthquake warning.
Whoever hired this girl definitely got a raise. The marketing team must love them.
I see one video of this girl reporting the earthquake and now my recommended is flooded with her. Not that I’m complaining of course.
Japanese weather reporter: cute and kind with a contagious smileLatina weather reporter: sexy with a tight dress that highlights her assetsUS weather reporter: old men in their 50s
this girl is everywhere on youtube now and im not complaining
So… Saya the weather presenter is now being recommended to lots of people on youtube…
I wonder her having fun on air is a business strategy cuz she’s dang cute and now all over YouTube. edit: the likes are the times my head screamed “meccha kawaii” in this Sayacchi rabbit hole
I find it interesting that the weather reporter is able to have a connection with viewers like that. I don’t think my local reporters are that open about their life.
just watched the earthquake vid, and now I’m seeing her all over the place hahahahaha not complaining tho
Protect her smileIt might go away while announcing preventive manneuvers due to EartquakesNonetheless, protect her smile
she knows violet, likes goth loli, funny and professionalYes, I am signing up to this fan club
0:00 素のおさやの声…?
LOL I like how she says “arimasu”, as if she’s talking about something serious and formal.
I have zero idea how this got recommended to me, but this is interesting. I would listen to news all day.
Everyone’s talking about how cute she is, but her composure is actually insane. Maturity levels to reckon with lol

(c) WeatherNewFans ウェザーニュースLiVEのお天気お姉さん「さやっち」こと檜山沙耶キャスターはニュース企画のために重いブーツを家から引きずり自前の衣装を会社に持ち込んで大好きな …
Uhmmmu, today’s weather forecast seems to be cute.
謝謝Saya 我沒有了
i literally visit this video once a day wtf
From italian athlete, to korean model, to japan cosplayer, to japan reporterYoutube united me with them
I now understand why Gintoki simps for the weather girls, he truly is a cultured fellow.
still can’t believe thsi is the same weather reporter that gave the earthquake announcement
EDIT!! FYI – She’s showing what it’s like to cosplay in high pollen. The maid nylon dress collects it. The Haruhi uniform dress is way too cold, and the red cardigan collects pollen as well. The Nylon one piece used for the Violet Evergarden cosplay is also no good. Sorry, my translation sucks 😛
0:05 この時の顔まじ可愛い
My life has meaning now.. I am at peace.
I want to stop clicking these videos. They are all over my recommendations now. I can’t escape. She won’t let me go.
Are you winning son?-me: watching saya
I died at the maid costume, her smile and pose. So damn cute
For 3 straight weeks, this clip appears on my feed everyday; and on it I clicked every single day.

(c) WeatherNewFans ウェザーニュースLiVEのお天気お姉さんゆいちゃんこと駒木結衣キャスターは同期で同僚の檜山沙耶キャスター(さやっち)のコスプレ動画を見たときに思わずそう叫びました …
i watch one video about japanese earthquake and now I’m trap in this cuteness
I honestly have no idea why I’m here. She’s cute tho.
so, youtube choose me to simp a weather report girl now.what is this? another level of tenki no ko?
Saya is so cute that even another cute girl can’t resist her cuteness
Looking for earthquakes documentary till I ended up here. Nice one YouTube, nice one..
I feel she’s extremely cute but not in a cringy childish way. She’s natural and spontaneous and joyful.
Now, let’s admit, how many of you bound to her cuteness thanks to the earthquake news?
From Earthquake weather report to Cosplay. My gosh this women is miss worldwide !!!
Japan has broken the code. All they have to do is insert a cute Japanese girl and baam that topic or subject instantly becomes more popular. I never cared more about Japanese weather in my entire life even more than when I visited Tokyo for a week.
The perfect girl doesn’t exi-
Isn’t she just the cutest News reporter arhhhh SHE’S SO ADORABLE!!!!!
Even though I don’t understand a single word I decided to watch weather report daily(✷‿✷)
It feels lonely when your the only one who speaks English.

(c) WeatherNewFans ウェザーニュースLiVEよりさやっちこと檜山沙耶(ひやまさや)キャスター。 茨城県水戸市出身。 2019.12.7ウェザーニュースLiVE放送より編集 ▽檜山沙耶キャスター …
My recommended hasn’t been the same since I clicked the ‘Earthquake Video’.
I watched one damn video about the earthquake alert thinking “another video of Japanese people being professional as heck” and now my YouTube recommendations look like I’m simping for a weather reporter… not mad about it tho.
I stumbled upon 1 video of her the one where she switched right away when an earthquake notice appeared… it has been a few hours since and I’ve watched dozens of these
that earthquake video was a big impact to our youtube recommendation cause it reached to bunch of people
How many colors are you gonna use for subtitles ?Guy working on subtitles: Yes
It’s weird when your anime waifu is an actual living person.
She looks like she’s constantly laughing behind her smile.
I started with anime, followed by VTubers and now I will simp for a weather reporter? Japan is really different (in a really good way)
One earth quake video and This girl is all over my feed… not complaining. Quite a blessing.
from a earthquake video to a weather lady stan. lets gooo
Man, I don’t want to go deeper into the rabbit hole to later found out she is becoming VTuber.
There goes my daily dose of positivity, even though I don’t understand anything.
I feel like this was the angriest Saya has ever been in her entire life