
(c) WeatherNewFans ウェザーニュースLiVEのお天気お姉さん「さやっち」こと 檜山沙耶(ひやまさや)キャスター ▽檜山沙耶 公式Twitter https://twitter.com/sayahiyama_1027 ▽檜山沙耶 公式 …
This comment section is making me laugh my butt off, we’ve all just resigned to stanning this weatherwoman because the algorithm told us to.
I clicked on the one Earthquake video and now all of my recommended are these videos and honestly im not even complaining…
Just one earthquake, and the rest is history
Japan didnt build a border to protect the country, it was used to protect that smile
im slowly falling in to the rabbit hole.
Its amazing how “earthquake” can make an impact
Welcome, to the Saya Hiyama rabbit hole. Enjoy your stay.
Not gonna lie, she deserves the world
Her smile is worth a million bucks.
YouTube: you wanna see a girl warn Japan about an earthquake? Me: yeah, sureYouTube: you wanna join her fan club? Me: ughhh ,fine.
I found what my life was missing all these years.
Her giggles man…I’m sold
VTuber rabbit hole: “Prepare for trouble”Saya rabbit hole: “And make it double”
“You can’t rule the world with just a smile”*points at Saya“Understandable, have a good day”
I love how she just randomly keeps on showing up on my YouTube recommendations
Wait… I’m not the only one who gets the earthquake video on my recommended videos?Youtube, why are you trying to show me Saya? I know she’s cute, but she will never go out with a guy like me. Stop trying.
YouTube: Quieres ver una chica japonesa del clima haciendo alguna cosa kawai randomYo: Al toque mi rey lol
Imagine the producers of this show just processing all the traffic they’re getting because the world decided their weather anchor was going to be their collective waifu.
So this is what it feels to fall in love with a weather girl….now I feel what Gintoki feels with Ketsuna Ana
I discover a thing now I’m addicted. Imagine if there’s a anime about news

(c) WeatherNewFans ウェザーニュースLiVEのお天気お姉さん「さやっち」こと 檜山沙耶(ひやまさや)キャスターはお腹が空いている Saya Hiyama ▽檜山沙耶 公式Twitter …
She is the only woman who can bring the whole world together
Saya: forget it pleaseFans: *Clips this and archive it for future generations*
Who would’ve thought we’re laughing and enjoying clips of a cute japaneses news reporter What a great timeline to live in
Is this a new rabbit hole? I’m scared but I can’t stop myself
For research purposes: 0:00 Saya starts talking0:03 Saya’s stomach growling0:05 Saya starts laughing0:14 Saya “hehehe”0:20 Saya blushes0:26 Saya puts her fist in front of her mouth0:28 Saya breathes in heavily0:33 Saya giggles0:37 Saya told us “please forget it, right?”0:43 Saya giggles again0:50 Saya giggles again (only a little one)0:59 Saya wishes she could hide in the cloud1:07 Saya “sateoki” and looks at the iPad
Gente, aqu� se confirma q ella es una humana tal y como nosotros… creo.
Is this a new generation of idols? Japan is revolutionizing everything we knew so far…
the legend of Cult of Saya grows…
the company: now the world thinks that we dont give you time to eat
Never would’ve thought a waifu could exist in real life
0:53 cute voice emerging
0:17 抑えることできましぇんでした0:24 これはね、自分の声でかき消すことはできなかったにゃーと思って
No s� c�mo llegue aqu�, ni que sea es est�…..pero me alegra haber encontrado esto
First she warns us about the earthquake. Now she became the earthquake. All hail Saya.
Youtube : Sayachan is hungry 🙁 Minna-san : Sayacchi is cute Me : Welp, just another one of UTSUKUSHII and SUBARASHII video of sayachan after the earthquake :))
Even her stomach growl is cute
Saya’s stomach is growling!?”Grrrrrr”(She’s hungry now.) She says, “Could you hear that sound, which I couldn’t hide ? Forget it, everyone!” ↓ WE NEVER FORGET !!!
OSAYA is worldwide
Damn because of a earthquake video i found this strong community where everyone have the same ideologies: that sayacchi best girl
0:17 字幕が「もう抑えること、できましぇんでした」になってるの草

(c) WeatherNewFans ウェザーニュースLiVEのお天気お姉さん「さやっち」こと檜山沙耶(ひやまさや)キャスターはフクロウのマネして首をボキッ 2020.11.21放送より編集。 ▽檜山沙耶キャスター …
man japan is on another leveleven weather anchor can have her own fanbasetruly amazing
Eventually you stopped thinking and your finger just automatically plays any video with her on the thumbnail
Me, yesterday: hmm, a video about an earthquake happening during a newscast, seems interesting…Youtube algorithm: YOU FOOL
I don’t know how I got here, but I guess I’m a fan now, too.
I watched the earthquake video,and now this lady is all over my recommended. Not complaining though
“fuhehehe” is actually the perfect translation of her laugh no cap
that earthquake was so powerful you’re are now simping for saya hiyama
0:11 フクロウ飛んでくのかわいい🦉
me: damn japan’s earthquake response was cleanthe algorithm: SO U WANT TO SEE THIS ONE WEATHERLADY IN UR RECCS FOR TTHE REST OF UR LIFE HUH
I’m gonna clicked every clip from this girl that youtube offers to me. Well, let’s go to next one..
Yes Saya, stretching is important.Protect your neck.Protect your smile

(c) WeatherNewFans ウェザーニュースLiVEよりさやっちこと檜山沙耶キャスター 2020.7.1 放送より編集 ▽檜山沙耶キャスター公式Twitter https://twitter.com/sayahiyama_1027 ▽檜山沙耶 …
In 2020,YouTube: hey you wanna look at virtual idols?In 2021,YouTube: hey you wanna see a cute weather anchor?
She has received eggplant comments… What kind of monster would-
I can’t believe that a news regarding of an Earthquake will change my life so suddenly…
One earthquake video later and I see her everywhere, not complaining though
I’m gonna clicked every clip from this girl that youtube offers to me. Well, let’s go to next one..
This is kinda girl that you wanna make her laugh everyday for the rest of your life.
i like how unnerving it is that she is smiling and talking so sweetly but there is a threatening atmosphere of danger that can be felt
she looks like a natural born to be streamer and those emotes on the screen are just simps annoying her
As a simp of her, this is outrageous. My fellow simp we need to defend our Queen Saya.
My goodness she’s so pretty…
Japan is really on a whole different level. Sugoi!
Mashu: I feel a disturbance in the force
Stay smiling like that, put up a happy cheery persona, boi i am sure that’s exhausting. Kudos to this presenter
Idk why these two years YouTube recommendation improved a lot!
I don’t know why multiple videos of the same news girl is being recommended to me but I like it.
That goddamn earthquake video has blessed my youtube recommendations
All of a sudden I’m very interested in the weather patterns of Japan
This is the first time that I am actually grateful for youtube putting translations under every video
Saya reacts sincerely her Spanish-speakers viewers

(c) WeatherNewFans Saya chose it in a second foreign language when she was in college. Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather …
Aight guys, I think we’ve discovered the path to world peace.
Learn Japanese to understand anime? NahhhhhhhLearn Japanese to simp? Absolutely
She’s a gamer, she knows programming, she cosplays, knows English and Spanish, and is an overall pleasant and nice person.Vergil: What form of power is this?
Shows: Japan’s weather reportViewers: International No way she’s not starting to get confused lol
La �nica chica por la que todos podemos simpear sin sentirnos mal de hacerlo…
Being a Simp has never been so internationally accepted as the moment when Saya appeared in our lives.
Y yo pensando que este dia nunca iba a llegar
Morir�a con tan solo una frase en espa�ol que ella dijera como por ejemplo “Hagamos tortillas de harina para desayunar”
�Por qu� me entero de la existencia de esta sublime y adorable mujer justo hoy? Igual no me puedo quejar.
Maldita sea youtube, haciendome simpear por una japonesa de nuevo
Me weak ago: Some Japanese weather presenter reacting to earth quake.Me now: My Queen!
YouTube me oblig� a ver sus cortos, yo no tengo la culpaPero no me quejo xD
I want this to get popular but also want to keep this my little secret 😃
“Gente nos convocaron” No se que pasa pero si.
La mayoría la conocimos por el vídeo del terremoto y ahora yo no puedo parar de ver los demás vídeos donde sale ella xd, re linda 🤤🤍💙
Saya se convirti� en idol tan gradualmente que no me di cuenta (?
From Vtubers to Japan’s national weather report. I’ve come a long way thanks YouTube.
Siento que Youtube me obligó a enamorarme de esta chica…… ni modos 😆😆😆
Somebody: Dude she is just a weather reporter! Me: No, she is the goddess of beauty, peace and unity.
Saya: SpanishYo automaticamente: Soy tu *SIMP* 😎😳👉👈