
(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
Saya: *Exists*WN fans: CLIP THAT CLIP THAT!!!!
This is the type of quality content I am here for.
Saya: yame who doesn’t know whats going on: * nods in agreement *
She’s got a point. She’s an icon, a legend and she is the moment.
Ya…perd� la cuenta de cuantos videos de ella he visto xd.
Saya: JaIch: Also magst du mich dochSaya: Nein
She: JaMe: NeinI can’t be the only one who thought that she would speak German because of the title 😅Edit: I just noticed that Youtube translated the “ya” to “ja”, now I understand why everyone wrote ya in the comments.
Saya : ja The Germans : she accepted my marriage request 🥰🥰
Me: WeatherNewFans how many videos of Saya are you uploading WeatherNewFans:
Saya: JaGerman fans: MY TIME HAS COME
Saya : YaWN Fans : Hey, that’s pretty cute
야!!!야!!!! 한국인이 아무도 없넹
Hey Saya, have you eaten?Saya:
At this rate I already have a playlist dedicated for Saya. Such a thing can earthquake can do
Saya: YaEveryone: Ya
Saya: *breath*WN fans: more videos,more videos!!

(c) WeatherNewFans ウェザーニュースLiVEのお天気お姉さんゆいちゃんこと駒木結衣キャスターが同期で同僚の檜山沙耶キャスター(さやっち)のTikTok動画を見たときの反応 ▽駒木結衣 …
The ultimate simp for saya was her coworker all along
*_Mens aren’t the only one feeling healed by looking at cute girls._*
I love that the concept of being “healed” by cuteness translates between English and Japanese so well. Normally expressions like that don’t make any sense in the other language.
0:35 Yui: Watch this video 20 times DAILY! (CC)
“You can watch it 20 times a day.”I’ll do just that, thank you very much for sharing.
Does Saya have her own tiktok or she just posts on weather new’s account?
It’s adorable how her coworkers also think she is so darned cute.

(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
How to invade people recommendation:Step 1 – make a very short clipStep 2 – post a lot of clipStep 3 – ????Step 4 – *Stonk*
I can’t stop clicking on these videos help
This channel is highly addictive…
Damn the Earthquake hit Japan so hard that made everyone around the world feltinto the rabbit hole
I pay YouTube premium not to watch hour long documentaries of celebrities, but 2 second clips of Saya. Thank you and I will sleep now.
We need Saya to do the weather WorldWide! 🌎
Saya: existMe: HOW DOES IT GET TO BE SO CUTE ??? 😍
10 years ago I would never see myself simping this hard for a weather anchor
Saya: *does anything*Me: She’s perfect 😍
This is some military grade cuteness right here
There’s a sudden earthquake in my kokoro…
Saya simply exists and breath..and we all are at awe at how cute she is….what is happening…..
If someone would’ve told me I will be watching a 7 hours news report from a completely different country in the future, I would call them crazy lol
Now Saya-san is invading my YT timeline
She said: “Anoo…kot-“
Why i still clicking replay button til now????
She’s so cute it’s break my heart, it hurts
After 1 video about the weather news and now im here just clicking every video that i saw her on.

(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
This is the next level of evolution. I can’t believe i just clicked a 1-second video saying ARA. and liked. and smied. :-)))
Damn if Sayacchi had said another “ara” then the whole universe would have exploded 😂
One word….that one word made me smile like a kid having a free ice cream…..how
you will not imagine how many times i have pressed the replay button
Literally every movement every sound she makes we love it
-Play the video-Press “2” and “3” gently-Repeat the second step as many times you want…
next: “Ara-ara ~” in Onee-chan Style
**Dies of cuteness overload**
Osaya: “Ara..”Me: “ARA ARA!”Faints
I remember this channel still houndred viewers and now just 3,4k viewers in couple minutes. I’m so proud of this community
Too fast. i call in the power of the loop!ARA ARA ARA ARA ARA
Never knew that 3d waifus would be this great
1 second of her adds 1 year to our life.
Ra Egyptian God: “My time has come!”
WeatherNewFans: From now on, our videos will be 1-2 second clips of Saya reacting to something or saying a single word.*Everyone liked that*
Next video: ARA ARA~~
Its like every words or sentence she says is like perfect
The most brilliant two seconds I’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing.Edit: ONE second.

(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
The world: 👺💀🕇🔫🔪Saya: *smiles*The world:😳💞🌸🌈
Don’t worry about me, I’m just here checking Japan’s daily weather forecast.
my Life has come to just watching a Japanese Weather forecaster because of that Earthquake news
She is loved from all over the world.
I now understand why shinchan used to watch weather forecast with his father everytime
I have a cute news reporter hunting my recommendations and I don’t regret a single thing
man i wish i have japanese weather channel in my home just to look at heー i.. i mean forecast…
I thought it was just the earthquake but I’ve hit the jackpot
I’ll come back when this video has 1 million views
Her smile is a gift to the world.
my future grandkids: Grandma how did you survive covid?Me: I W A T C H E A R T H Q U A C K S F O R C A S T S
So contagious of a smile
Literally everything this woman does is just so freaking cute. God I just love her so much 😍😍😍
So what’s the weather like today…Turns on YouTube and sees this:*Indeed it’s Beautiful- I mean SUNNY.*
saya smiles, at least a million lives are saved
TV Station: so we have this program where we’ll broadcast this girl who will smile for 2 seconds…Every brand in the world: I want to bid for an ad spot.