(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
My satisfaction is immeasurable and my day is completed.
Saya: *breathes* Everyone: “WHY ARE YOU SOOO CUTE?????”
idk if this is a social experiment or what, but I’m becoming trained to click on her face automatically when I see it
“A *hehehe* Aaah *hehehe* “*Seriously I’m surprised that she isn’t already ruling the world-*
Saya Hiyama and Gawr Gura have proven that you don’t need complete words when you are extremely cute
Saya: AGawr Gura: A challenger has appeared!
A certain Shark Vtuber:*”Is she one of my People?!”*
She could do any crazy act and laugh and all would be forgiven.Her laugh washes away my depression, even if only for a few seconds.
When I was a teen, I remember reading Detective Conan where they try to meet a guy who records his favorite news reporter. At that time, I kinda chuckle and thought, “who actually does that?” Lo and behold…
Saya said “A” for a less second.Everyone : *_Interesting_*
Man this channel really takes anything that my waifu says and titles it “A”, and I couldn’t be more satisfied.
No one : Not even the Earthquake : Saya : ( ◜◡◝ )
She make my day with that laugh 💕
Gura: How dare you use my own spell agains me
I don’t need anything else in life but to see her smile uwu
Ima show this to my guy friends. I can’t simp alone
I don’t know how to explain but she just helped me take a deep breath and continue on my tasks. Salute Sayacchi my lord !!
her big smile giving good vibes
Damn it, I was so sure I wasn’t gonna be a simp for nobody 3 years ago. Look at me now, getting my daily dose of joy(saya) from a news reporter.
Saya Outside

(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
Not only living creatures, even the audio cannot bear Saya’s cuteness
The company who hired her is going places. Stonks!
Osaya: *Goes outsideMe: This sun gets *brighter* everyday 🙂
This is entertainment at its peak
Our goddess came down to earth just to show us that we are all united by the same sky 🙏
Men of culture, we’re gathered here to witness the proof that this 3D waifu is real and not some digital model to lure us
Impossible don’t fall in love for her smile. So sweet Saya.
That ribbon in her hair is pretty cute
It’s a fact that Saya gets out of her house at 5 in the morning everyday.We call that morning.
If I had to make a wish on life, it would be that I was that cameraman who is lucky enough to film Sayacchi like this. 😭
She really does look like a girl from an anime, so beautiful
This aired like 30 min ago subtitles already being added. This channel really is great.
Ah yes, the cloud is made out of cloud.

(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
This is the girl. Excellent choice, Adam.
I am from France. I also aknowledge that saya is perfect. I don’t know why but I am hyptnotized by so much natural beauty
Osaya: *NodsMe: Yes
At this point.. every frame of her being captured on camera might be posted 😂
Saya: makes a soundMe: I liked that part the most
Saya : yeseveryone who fell in the rabit hole: YES YES YES YES
Saya: does anythingPeople: 😍🤩😍🤩😍🤩
People are changing there username for Miss Saya. I am gonna change my entire life for her & that beautiful smile.🥰🥰🥰🇯🇵❤️🇮🇳🥰🥰🥰.
Saya:*does anything* This channel be like : thats a clip
si creen que voy a darle click para gastar 5 segundos de mi existencia en ver a la pretty girl de Saya, tienen raz�n
Saya nods in a 1 second video.Gets more than 63 thousand views in a single day.Makes sense to me.
Saya is my favourite person ever, hands down.
I really hope she never finds this channel, as much of a viewer as I am I suspect she might get freaked out lol
Man, I need to stop fantasizing..I don’t have a chance at all😞
Why i keep getting her videos recommended I don’t know who is she but no problem 2 sec video doesn’t hurt 😂😂
Saya fanclub members be nodding with serious face and in vietual space looking at each other then to Saya, and nods again 💯
Saya is a blessing. Whatever she does shines.
I cant explain it but at first I didnt know what people see in this videos of her just doing simple things,but this is hipnotic
Weathernews video poster, if you’re being held against your will give us a sign!

(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
I’ve watched the earthquake vid and then ended up watching all of it
ok, one of these videos appeard in my recommended and now they are all over my recommended.
Bro I can’t believe I am simping for a news reporter
The pit, ive fallen too far😨
this is the type of video i’d expect from hololive, but real life is another thing entirely.
Idk what’s going on but she’s adorable!
I don’t understand why was this recommended to me anyways her smile made my day
I feel she would have her own soundboard because of this.
do not follow recommendation, it’s a trap
Saw the vide of her stomach growling and now this pops up. 😂
Y’all been talking about how these types of videos showed in your recommendation, now I’m scared if it comes out in mine too 😩
God bless this algorithm
I don’t know why I got recommended this but it’s fine.
檜山沙耶(さやっち) 語録1. フヒ2. イヒヒヒw3. ンヒヒヒヒwwwww 檜山家では家族や兄弟も同じ笑い方なんやろうか?
Kawaii <3
She keeps appearing on my recommendation and I’m not complaining

(c) WeatherNewFans 2020.12.14 ジャネの法則を説明するウェザーニュースキャスターさやっちこと檜山沙耶さん ウェザーニュースLive公式TikTokより ▽檜山沙耶キャスター公式Twitter …
*_when we were young we would excitedly waiting for new year,_* *_however as we age we began to wonder why a year went by so fast._* have you ever thought of it? *_according to a study from France asdsadsadsada.. but well we can’t actually tell, hehe_*
I don’t want this moment to pass, I want to see more of Saya
I don’t need an umbrella even in the rain of sweetness
Talking about the earth and ages and things and science, psychology, math, calender and the feeling of why years are shorter when you grow older…….what sorry Saya i wasn’t listening. I will just keep repeating this it heals me.