
(c) WeatherNewFans ウェザーニュースLiVEのお天気お姉さんさやっちこと檜山沙耶キャスターはニュース企画のために重いブーツを家から引きずり自前の衣装を会社に持ち込んで大好きなアニメ …
I wonder what the Japanese people think seeing a flood of oversea simps appear in the comment sections
Daily dose of saya keeps depression away😍
“Ah yes, I wonder what the weather is like in Japan”
I dont know why youtube introduce me to saya, i’m Totally grateful
Why are japanese weatherreaders do anime cosplay?Me : Of course it’s to satisfy our desire.
Dont ask why, just be gratefulSo you get MOAARRRRR
Goddamit that damn smile always killin me
この動画見つけてから一日に5回くらい見てます。Since I found this clip, I’m watching it roughly 5 times a day.She is just sooooooo adorable 😭

(c) WeatherNewFans ウェザーニュースLiVEのお天気お姉さん「さやっち」こと 檜山沙耶(ひやまさや)キャスターはインスタグラムをもっとどげんかして頑張りたい✊ 2021.2.18放送より編集。 ▽檜山 …
Ok fine youtube you got me I’ll create an instagram account.
I hate Insta but i’ll make an account to follow her.
Brb following her in instagram.
Anybody else started fumbling for their phone after they had a look at that ID? 😂
damn you rabbit hole* starts making Instagram account *
yo she has 100k followers now! she had 5k only on this video, all hail saya.
5,555 followers when posted… It is now 113,000 followers. I wish to see her reaction 😭
I see my number one waifu of all waifus being cosplayed in the thumbnail-
So Saya likes Love Live and Haruhi?, And I thought that she couldn’t be more likeable
Will hit 100k soon at this rate.. 😆
She now has over 100k followers on IG. Wow we move fast.
檜山沙耶がお送りしました 🙂

(c) WeatherNewFans ウェザーニュースLiVEのお天気お姉さん「さやっち」こと 檜山沙耶(ひやまさや)キャスター ▽檜山沙耶 公式Twitter https://twitter.com/sayahiyama_1027 ▽檜山沙耶 公式 …
I’ve been infected with Saya-19 virus and there is no vaccine
2 things I’ve learned from this video:1) she’s cute;2) Japanese sounds the same in backwards.
I’ve been poisoned with Sayanide into watching clips of her everyday
she looks like one of the characters from animal crossing. makes me happy
never thought my adulthood consist of watching Japanese weather news on a hourly basis
Yes my Queen. I am now hypnotized!
I think what makes her captivating is not just her appearance but her mannerisms and her gentle personality
I’m not Japanese, I don’t watch Japanese series or movies, I don’t watch the Japanese news and weather, but I saw her and after 13 seconds I fell in love with her
Damn this Saya woman really put you all in an Infinite Tsukuyomi huh? 😂
Saya just turned into an Animal Crossing character 😭🥺
“Have you heard of Saya Hiyama?””No, who is she?””Weather reporter from Japan””Why would I know…”*Saya smiles*”WE MUST CONQUER THE WORLD IN HER NAME! ALL WILL BOW TO THE EMPRESS!”
I dont understand a single Japanese word but I love this channel
I can’t. I have to check Japan’s daily weather forecast.
0:07 i just fell under the spell
0:07 “We live in saya hiyama world.”
A Saya video a day keeps the good vibes from going away.
Naoko Senpai reacts, For Saya’s Anime Cosplay.

(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
This rabbit hole is too deep,turn back now before it’s too late.
Simping Streamer ❎Simping Vtuber ❎Simping News Anchor ✅✅✅
Saya: **cosplays*Me: *l’m someone of a wheather person myself*
Now I know why Dad left to buy some milk and didn’t coming back….He was trap in the rabbit hole…
When she watches anime, pulls all nighters to play games, drinks energy drink, cosplays, and also has a proper job while being wholesome at itShe’s, she’s not perfect, she’s not everyone’s ideal type, but she’s the Sayacchi that everyone needed but don’t deserve
Oh no i cant stop watching after the earthquake video
From Anime to manga, to One-piece theory, to trash taste podcast to vtuber to now a weather’s idol channel…..*I’M TOO DEEP BOIS*
We are all going deeper and there is no going back.
Saya – Anime hairstyle like a Violet Evergarden

(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
2020 YT Algorithm: Hololive2021 YT Algorithm: WeatherNews
Heavy: Why are we simping over this weather reporter girl?Medic: I HAVE NO IDEA!
Do Saya realize she had a whole channel dedicated to her?
YouTube is being a Simp to Saya that’s why they recommend this to us one-to-many times…
What have I brought myself into
I see my addiction have a name, and the name is Saya. I blame Youtube for dragging me here.
all we need now is a gaming computer and gaming chair and some games and start a gaming news channel
My recommendations went from vtuber clips to just this girl’s clips.
The red ribbons don’t remind me of the character from “Violet Evergarden,” but rather of Shinomiya from “Love is War.”
FINALLY, YES! youtube’s recommendations are getting better and better
Imagine being YAGOO, scouting idol all over the world and end up having a comedian group that laugh when breaking geneva convention. When Saya just saying the weather today and the internet went absolute bananas
i am using her voice as ASMR to sleep and damn u dream sweet dreams like this.
I remember Saya has Violet Evergarden doll’s badge.It would be perfect if she wore it.
I genuinely love the life lessons she passes on in each of these little clips. It’s incredibly heartwarming. What a kind soul.
0:05 the real reason why ODM exist.
Is it weird that i have an addiction watching Saya
There’s something in her voice that is so incredibly innocent and sincere.
My god she’s so beautiful… 😍🥰
Finally, a waifu who I’ve been obsessed with for weeks now. I love that hairstyle so much, I’ve never seen such a perfect look before, it’s adorable 🙂