Hello Saya! – Saya try to speak English

(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
fellow simps, she noticed us. our time to shine ig
謝謝Saya 我好了
She’s the cutest human being I’ve ever seen. Protect her at all costs ToT
Saya: **cute laugh**Simp: “I gonna marry her!”Me: “WE gonna marry her”
Someone: why you decided to learn Japanese??Me: I found my motivationMy motivation:
Her smile makes the world peaceful
Just one earthquake gave her armies of fans and stans.
Nobody wanna talk about the way she waves her hands in excitement whenever she speaks in English?
she single highhandedly became a national and international treasure. we must protect her.
Now I understand why Gintoki is into a weathergirl.
Finally, my waifu is not an anime girl
If she’s going to learn English for us, maybe we should learn some Japanese for her?
Japanese people: “Wtf is wrong with this kaijin? She is just a normal person”Occidental fan: “We love you Saya” Chad.jpg
Guys, she is taking over the 2d girls.
おさやのかわいさに国境はない、ということか。Does that mean that Saya’s cuteness has no borders?
Just imagine how lucky would the guy who sent “hello Saya”It woulda have made his whole year
If only our national news reports are just as cute and adorable like this 😢
Todos hablando ingl�s y japon�s pero no veo ning�n comentario en espa�ol, bueno como sea si alguien ve este comentario y lo traduce quiero decirle a esa persona que no puedo creer que ve las noticias de Jap�n ni un solo d�a
Saya: Haro~Me give her english 10/10
When She turned around

(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
The thumbnail looked like a Saya version of the Plastic Love thumbnail
POV: It’s the 80s, and you found the cover for Plastic Love
Guys, switch the speed to x0.25 to look like the scene of a rom-com to introduce the heroine.
She looks like about to sing Plastic Love in the thumbnail.
Don’t let this distract you from the fact that 343 Industries won’t add playable Elites in Halo Infinite.
Bruh, this reminded me of that plastic love photo
Plot Twist: Saya’s just playing games
Now she needs to do a cover of plastic love because of the thumbnail
How long have we been simping? Five weeks? Two Days? Where are we? Help me to recollect
Reminds me of that Mariya Takeuchi photo
Beautifully shot video! 10/10 cinematography
Ozzyman: No one turns back like Yanet GarciaSaya-san: hold my kawaii
It’s terrifying how people simp a random news girl to this extent.
Totsuzen no kisu ya atsui manazashi deKoi no puroguramu wo kuruwasenaide neDeai to wakare jouzu ni uchikondeJikan ga kureba owaru don’t hurry!Ai ni kizutsuita ano hi kara zuttoHiru to yoru ga gyaku no kurashi wo tsuzuketeHayari no Disco de odoriakasu uchi niOboeta majutsu na no yo I’m sorry!Watashi no koto wo kesshiteHonki de aisanaideKoi nante tada no geemuTanoshimeba sore de ii noTozashita kokoro wo kazaruHade na doresu mo kutsu moKodoku na tomodachiWatashi wo sasou hito waHiniku na mono ne itsumoKare ni niteru waNaze ka omoide to kasanariauGurasu wo otoshite kyuu niNamidagundemo wake waTazunenaide ne
we found our next Mariya Takeuchi
Lol , now I want her to sing a “Plastic Love” cover.
The endgame of this channel is to just have static Saya jpegs flash on screen for 1 second
Plot twist: When she turned around, something dropped, stronger than the atom bombs…😂
Saya Burst out laughing and logged out of the screen. [Turn On Sub]
![(c) WeatherNewFans Saya Burst out laughing and logged out of the screen. [Turn On Sub] Saya Burst out laughing and logged out of the screen. [Turn On Sub] (c) WeatherNewFans](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCVAv25IAl9_VYxPZeH7Fdyg/iFq-LI1a7V8.jpg)
(c) WeatherNewFans In the sound guessing quiz section, she made a strange mistake , which makes herself burst out laughing Her name is Saya. She is a weather presenter/reporter …
I’m at video #9 & I’m starting to exhibit SIMPtoms. This is bad…
It started from a kawaii girl changing emotions in a split second. Now I’m trapepd
Me: dont know Japanese.. But laughing with her My brain :its not important Me: no its necessary
Let me guess. She appears in your feed every time you open YouTube & you can’t help but watch the video everytime.
When you start laughing along with someone who is speaking a totally foreign language to you, that tells you a lot about human psychology 🙂 Pretty lady laughs, guess I should start laughing too haha
Let her smile cleanses our defiled souls!!
Accidentally watched one video of her giving an earthquake warning and now, 27 videos later, I’m here.
Seeing her happy felt like being hugged directly by her. Her happiness is so contagious.Oh no I’m developing delusional simptom.
I’m sure her co-worker fall in love with their work again after she become a weather caster there.
I swear. Her laugh and smile cures my depression
Creo que si hubiera m�s presentadoras como ella en los noticieros, todos ver�amos la TV y nos ir�amos al trabajo o a la escuela con una sonrisa.
I’ve never heard a girl laugh like this ever since GoT
new chapter of the manga “you are my hearthquake”

(c) WeatherNewFans ウェザーニュースLiVEのお天気お姉さん「さやっち」こと檜山沙耶(ひやまさや)キャスターは同期で同僚の駒木結衣キャスター「ゆいちゃん」とあのゴスロリファッションについて …
mexican weather anchor: buttportuguese weather anchor: boobsfinland weather anchor: winter is comingjapan: absolutely adorable girl.
Now you see the vast difference between what women think men want and what they actually want.
I’m gonna clicked every clip from this weather girl that youtube offers to me. Well, let’s go to next one..
“Cute Goth Weather Reporter”*I’VE SEEN EVERYTHING NOW*
So far the only thing I haven’t found here is an actual weather forecast.
ah so the Gothic Loli thing was basically her version of a rebellious teenage phase huhc u t e
Waifu: Hows the weather today hon?Husband: kawaiii…
I’m going to start a Saya protection army. We must protect her and her adorable laugh. 😁😁😁
Me advirtieron qu� si ve�a el video del terremoto caer�a en una espiral de videos de ella sin final…Ahora veo que es verdad, y no me arrepiento.
I would like to imagine that the girl from the chuunibyou anime grew up and got a job as a weather reporter.
A professional weatherwoman who’s secretly (well, not anymore) a gothic loli girl. That’s some anime plot right there.
me: everybody simp herealso me: say no more Saya, I will be your prince
So she’s one of those gamer otaku girls back then and being successful in her adult life
English message by Saya – Weather News Live OP

(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
This is the result of putting all your stat points into charisma.
Most people stan idols, I stan the weather news anchor
This is the biggest oppotunity in my life to make someone feel jealous by telling that I’m a native Japanese speaker.
that giggle literally can cure depression ngl
I have fallen into the Rabbit Hole, there’s no coming back..
Here I go again having a crush on a girl who has no idea I exist
“Ah yes, time to watch the weather forecast in Japan today.”-someone not from Japan.
please use this comment as a time stamp for her english:1:18
“Connect with the world under the same sky”Maaan, this hit deep.
Ah yes yes almost forgot to check the weather in Japan
I’m only 50% Japanese and have lived abroad all my life. I can have a normal conversation in native accent and maybe know about 500 kanji. Saya really made me want to study Japanese again. Thank you!
In these difficult times full of uncertainty, anger and hatred, Saya is precisely the wholesome person we all needed in our lives.
Her smile is the cure for Corona.
Ok now i need an anime about weather girls
She’s so perfect man, I can’t believe I’ve managed to form a crush over the span of a week.
Japanese culture is wholesome, imagine being a reporter in USA and have to say thank you for every 5 seconds
The world doesn’t deserve her, but she deserves the world🥺🥺
In my Japanese dictionary, the definition for ‘Kawaii’ is just a photograph of Saya. 💖
i don’t understand anything she said but her voice has healing properties