
(c) WeatherNewFans ウェザーニュースLiVEのお天気お姉さん「さやっち」こと 檜山沙耶(ひやまさや)キャスター ▽檜山沙耶 公式Twitter https://twitter.com/sayahiyama_1027 ▽檜山沙耶 公式 …
I click on ONE video about an earthquake and now my recommendations are fucked
She all over my recommendations now and I’m not complaining.
I’m trapped in Saya Hiyama clips and I cannot get out
It all started with that one earthquake video
These aren’t clips at this point. These are straight up fancams
Me click on earthquake video.YouTube : You just activated my trap card.
This is the first and fastest time that I’ve become fan of someone in less than 30 seconds of knowing that person…..
0:01 when she said “Jaan”. I felt that
I saw a video where Saya (this woman) was laughing & all but then becomes serious when she gets an earthquake warning & now my recommendations are filled with videos of this woman, & I ain’t complaining.
00:27 POV: You are caught in 4K fawning over the cute weather lady.
That “Don’t drop this. I put it carefully, yes. *Bam*” moment nearly killed me laughing
Even youtube-san has crush on her that’s why he’s reccomeding this over and over
THIS IS A FRICKING GENJUTSU haelp me ples its all over the recommendation 😂😂😂
The gods have blessed me with these perpetual clips on the prettiest reporter ive ever seen, im not complaining

(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
They think if they post anything of this woman we will click…And hell yeah, we gonna do it
I just want to take this opportunity to apologize to all the weebs I’ve made fun of in the past. I get it now…
My day actually just got 40% better oh my god
My happiness is immesurable, and my day is saved
Why am I addicted to this?
This is it boys… depression is no more 💪
Forget onlyfans, lets hear it for weatherfans xD
This is really getting addictive for me.
One earthquake video and now she’s in my recommendation every day, and I’m not even complaining
this woman took over my whole recommendation section and even in the short videos, it’s a good day
If I were Japanese, I won’t ask Siri about the weather anymore .
Girl : EheheheheeTitle : UfufufufuWtf
I have no clue how and why this was recommended to me but I cant stop watching those shorts
Man, the amount of how many times I clicked her clip is unhealthy.
She brings hope to the world with her smile and laughter
I’ve officially fallen into this rabbithole
Saya smiles a day, made my day
It all started with the earthquake report… Now am stuck in an a endless loop of saya

(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
this absolutely cures my depression. no joke.
Guys, we need to fix the “wheres saya?”,”when will saya come?” when other reporters are being presented. Pls be considerate of others too! Let’s enjoy the weather with smooth vibe!
Saya: *smilesMe: PrOTecT.
That smile must be protected
Osaya: “Happy smiles.”Me: Guess I’m gonna die smiling.Saya: “Laughs”Me: Ok guess I’m gonna live for more. 🙂
A smile that we must protect
Was giving an online exam, but this seemed more important
She knows her smile protects the peace in the world.
She’s always so cute!
Behold mortals, once again Sayacchi blesses us with sacred イヒヒ
I just love how she puts her hair behind her ears
This 1 second clip adds 1 year to my lifespan
Sometimes, the power of Youtube algorithm is so scary that they even manage to track simps
Depression – Let’s attack this lonely manMe- Watching Saya SmileDepression – Mission abort mission abort I repeat he is having stronger defence system.
I blushed from that smile
She’s everywhere on my YouTube now*I’m not complaining tho*
Was having a rough day, this 2 sec vid made my whole day shiny again 😀
My parents: You can‘t fall in love over the internet!YouTube recommendations:
� ?

(c) WeatherNewFans Her name is Saya. She is a weather news anchor/presenter/reporter/ of a famous weather program in Japan. Saya Hiyama – People calls her “Sayacchi” or …
Saya: Does something.Weather New Fans: Heh, clip dat shit.
WeatherNewFans is truly the biggest Saya stan lmao
Weather presenter: says “a”This channel: “upload it, upload it right now!!”P.S.: thanks for the likes
2 weeks ago : Youtube recommend me about a girl reporting an Earthqueake now : im Start Simping a weather news Reporter.. and idk why…
I like how every video is under 5 minutes. Daily dose of Saya
Now she might be more famous Japanese person than Japanese Prime Minister, Ga-Su.
Saya: *Breaths*Weather News Fans: That’s the content right there
here we are again #SayaSquad
YouTube : “oh you watched that one earth quake video? here let me shove dozens of their clips in your face where ever you go from now on”.
Hello! Thank you. から一気に海外勢が流れ込んできた驚
Saya: breathesThis channel: Its free real state
Translation:”I want to say that… What did you say?”
hahaha why is so addictive?
Found her through an emergency report…perhaps the earthquake one people say in the comments. Now, I admit, I kinda can’t get out. I admired how professional she was, quickly changing gears. Then now, I think another reason is her smile, it really is charming. From anime-girls to real girl idol simping??? Confused??? Idk.Anyway, she really is great.
Arigatou nah -Gyro- algorithm..
Yup i’m going to subscribe now yes… She’s cute and i wasn’t know about this channel about her 🤣