STUDY ENGLISH after a long time!!

(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと thumbnail illust @setoc_ Thank you ☁️お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私 …
So glad you’re back tenshi19:25 cute squeal1:40:12 everyone my homies2:52:00 wholesome I missed everyone2:46:23 cutest “nande” I’ve ever heard1:27:32 satisfied tenshi noises1:30:01 more satisfied tenshi noises1:35:24 more satisfied tenshi noises 😆
Her pronunciation is better than duolingo
As a Japanese, I’m really looking forward to how good she and I will be at English in the future. I feel like I’m studying English with her when I’m watching her studying English.
Your english is improving so much Tenshi, and these stories are always entertaining
1:50:20 the struggle is real
This woman is doing a comeback after a month of being gone. I like that.
23:30 Tenshi was so amused with that “Ha” 😭
yoo that was amazing, keep practicing homie
I never thought I would cry over a vtuber… the way she acts happily learning English… Thank you for returning Tenshi!
“L” and “R” is our enemy now
Good job Tenshi, so much progress.
50:08 Ok, that actually threw me off
It’s really amazing! Your english is improving so much, Tenshi
I’ve missed these streams, I’m glad Tenshi is still keeping at the English practice too.Keep it up you’re doing great Tenshi!
10:39 it reminds me of a joke:Teacher: why don’t you start drawing?Student: I have finished already. It’s a picture of a polar bear eating fish!Teacher: Where is the fish?Student: It’s eaten by the polar bear.Teacher: Then where is the polar bear?Student: It went back home after eating the fish, leaving the snow ground only
you’re getting better so keep it up
53:47 I’ll just leave this here
Happy to see you back Tenshi GG homies
Junior: Dad it’s 1 o’clockDad: Did I stutter…28:20
It’s feels so good to see these streams again
Today I slept a lot ! Champion IKZ!!! [Apex Legends]
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと Today I slept a lot ! Champion IKZ!!! [Apex Legends] Today I slept a lot ! Champion IKZ!!! [Apex Legends] (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと thumbnail illust @martin_quilatan Thank you ☁️お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方 …
*Who cares if there’s losses when we have 10 hours of cuteness*
Our tenshi surely is a hardcore gamer… Almost freakin 10hrs stream deym
Thanks for the stream tenshi! Congrats on three champions! ggmen!
that was such a fun ride長い間だ配信をありがとうございます。本当に楽しかった
Tenshi’s aim and reflexes are some of the best I’ve ever seen on a vtuber. If she works on her positioning and enemy awareness, she could definitely reach Masters in Apex. Yes, Master rank.
Virgin me: Oh 2 hours of apex, today was a really long day i think i’ll restChad Tenshi: 10 hours of pure cuteness apex stream
What a perfect ending to the stream, third win of the day for Plat 3! Always fun to see how excited she gets when she wins too! Tenshi for another great stream!
9:07:41 Reject humanity
Champion games: 1:19:165:07:409:23:30Way to go Tenshi! Three champions!!
Thank you again for working hard to stream for us 💖Strong Tenshi💪💖Really respect your determination to never give up once you set your mind o7👍You really deserve all the love & support for all your efforts for us 💖
She really is our precious Idol Angel Shotgun 😎👍❤🔥We really admire her determination to not give upWas listening to her song covers & angel shotgun song in clipper amatsuka virus channel the whole stream 😎❤
If you guys are moved by thisTry imagining she played with us her members apex & phasmophobia game last saturday whole day till sunday morning, it was alot of fun 😆👍💖
Thank you Tenshi for giving us a wonderful stream to watch. 😀 it’s always been to fun! 😀 Arigathanks! <3
Just incase for people blaming her stream snipe amelia;There’s no such thing They’re playing in different serverAnd she’s the one who started the stream first before amelia
Thanks for the stream tenshi! Congrats on your 3 champ, like 3 rings.
What a great stream! thank you tenshi💙 GG MEN
あきらめない姿勢に心から敬意を表します 天国から来た強い天使 💖
最後の動きは 本当に今日1番だったよ!物凄く見応えあったブラハで1人だけになった時もあって2人連続で倒してくところもカッコよかったうとちゃんは 1vs1なら基本勝つね!チャンピオンおめでとう
Btw update news; her dadada tenshi finally got eng sub caption, her king almost 700K sub & do visit her angel shotgun song in clipper amatsuka virus channel 💖🔥
That last fight that got her the 3rd win was nuts. Her aim and tracking is actually so good
I want to be strong. [Apex Legends]
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと I want to be strong. [Apex Legends] I want to be strong. [Apex Legends] (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私がNGリストに入れるので、みんなは注意しないで …
Yup this Is her First 10 Hours Cute Stream unlike the Previous one where She almost manage to Stream for 10 Hours 😀
Tenshi’s endurance and spirit is amazing.Also don’t worry about Plat 2, you’ll get it next time.
tenshi now has 3 babies 7:55:20
My personal favorites-8:18:508:22:078:22:36I can now sleep in peace
3:54 Thank you Amatsuka virus- san
6:52:50 Hashire sori yo7:16:24 Country Road
7:17:00 shape of tenshi
Damn, her English is getting better everyday especially when she sings interesting
7:59:35 smug tenshi is cute
the fact that she can keep being entertaining and pleasing the fans for 10 hours is amazing! Ganbare tenshi!!
Thank you for the 10hr streamAlways love your determination ❤
After visit the clippers recent clipsI want to ask, is this an Apex stream or Karaoke stream? lol 🤣💖
Tenshi is super strong angel! 10 hours!10Q Tenshi. Don’t forget to rest too.
Can’t believe I started watching her stream… got a full night’s sleep and woke up and she was still streaming I’ve seen some 10-12+ hour streams before but it still always shocks me
3 hours of gaming and i’m exhausted.Meanwhile Tenshi doing 10 hour stream marathon like a beast.
These Tenshi’s sure have quite the endurance
Tenshi is strong. Congratulations on Platinum 3. And thank you for the awesome stream. 😇
honestly, it really hard for solo to keep winning, tenshi tried her best
Latest news;From her Twitter;She said she’ll be taking a break for her new video song 😆💖From membership post;She apologise she need a bit time to settle her works & hope we can wait for her So while waiting go help rewatch back her videos like her King video song almost reach 1Million & share her wholesome clips to more people to support her too
Hope we’ll get a 12 hour endurance stream! お疲れ様!
スパチャお礼と雑談 10Q Supacha!300K! and talk!

(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと お約束☁ ・みんなに優しく ・他の配信者さんに迷惑をかけない ・配信と関係ないコメントをしない 約束を守られていない方は私がNGリストに入れるので、みんなは注意しないで …
3:23:16I’m die. Thank you forever
Ah. I spent money on her. Im officially a Tenshimp. I have no regrets. This stream was great. There are about to be alot of great clips.
This stream provided me all the morning alarms I’ll ever need in my life.
I wish the mods enforced the rules more, so many times I see people mention other streamers or going to another stream, people please do not do that, it’s very disrespectful.
Man, I love Hololive but, there’s so many hidden gems out there as well… Thanks youtube for recommending me this one \o/
Love her streams so much hoping to her returning soon!
I’m so moved that Tenshi is going to buy a new PC, big thanks to all the donator, I love all of you Tenshimps!
It felt like yesterday when I first found your channel, congrats on 300k!!
3:27:06 personal alarm: Angry voice alarm credits to the madlad @Novem
Congratulations on reaching 300k subscribers, Amatsuka! And thank you for this lovely stream! We are very proud of you and it was a joy to accompany you tonight as you read the countless superchats from passionate tenshimps around the world Their wholesome messages warmed our hearts and the modicum of whimsical donations had us entertained! The decadent dlcs were also bliss! Not to mention the adorably lighthearted shenanigans we mirthfully enjoyed in addition!Following this grand milestone, we hope you will achieve greater accomplishments throughout 2021 and grow further as our support continues! Keep up the great work! Good Night, cute angel! 🙂
59:37 Arimasen kun☺️1:01:31 oneesan~~😍
I hope we’ll see you again soon, Tenshi. We’re all rooting for you.
It was so long I didn’t heard her voice((( Remember we are always with you no matter what! We appreciate you!!!
I love how topical the emotes are.
We’ll support you always Tenshi congrats on 300k <3
I can just sleep with her voice. It’s so sweet.
Tenshi gets the Archangel PC she deserves. And even cuter while revealing its specs.
Congratulations, Tenshi. SO cool and cute at the same time!
I miss you, Tenshi. But I hope you are taking the time to relax and rest.
суперский стрим!
[BIOHAZARD Village] a….OBS…..E……
![(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと [BIOHAZARD Village] a....OBS.....E...... [BIOHAZARD Village] a....OBS.....E...... (c) Uto Ch. 天使うと](
(c) Uto Ch. 天使うと Thank you for watching the stream! Thank you for your support. nyan I am studying English very hard, and I apologize if I use bad English.
When Tenshi play a game. There are two things you need to do.1. Clear your schedule for the day. and:2. Keep up with Tenshi as she will finish the game in one sitting.
Sheeeessshhhh 7 hour stream, tenshi is da real gamer
6:48:12 Tenshi’s signature move. Finish the final boss with a shotgun.
1:25:00 Best Tenshi scream.
That final boss fight tho – with little heals and less weapon that she have, with many tries, she did it. This hardworking stronk tenshi did it!!10Q Tenshi for the stream! Good job finishing this awesome game in one sitting!
“she will probably not finish this game in one stream”-some random guy idk
Everyone talks about Ethan re-attaching his hand, but no one mentions the hand-free skew driver 4:06:00.(In case of low blood sugar, 5:08:56)
Two heals, no magnum. Hard way is the Tenshi Way. Thanks for the stream!
waoo 11 hours stream, I hope you will get enough rest tenshi. 5:16:52 she so cute when she said “God damn it”.
can we get a gg men for dad of the century, Ethan Winters also ending explained shortly: Rose has powers of Eveline/the mold so she holds memories of everyone infected by the mold(ie best dad) which is why that terrible joke was made and why a sniper was targeting her and how she knows that she’s similar to her dad.
Oh my god. I leave to do some schoolwork and then 5 HOURS later, she’s still playing. What a dedicated, hardworking Tenshi!!
Congratulations tenshi!!! Another amazing and fun stream! 💙💙💙
5:23:05I can’t with this cute evil laugh! Thank you Heisenberg xD
11 hours of An angel killing demons with shotgun. The long stream was so fun. 💙
I came here to see tenshi’s reaction to the baby. She first see’s the baby after 1:20:00Enjoy!!
11 hours very long stream. Finish game in 1 stream even when Youtube was bad. Tenshi is trying very hard. Tenshi deserves to win against final boss after many tries. We cheered for you, Tenshi!We thank you so much for your stream. GG MEN. See you in the next stream!
2:31:50 Smug Tenshi got scared immediately
5:35:54 FBI, Open up!5:36:53 Tanoshiiii!7:00:53 Please clip the “Goodnight, My Honey”
TenQ for the Amazing Fun Stream Finish Game in 11Hours our Precious Angel Shotgun Tenshi Take Care & Rest Well ❤If you are scared, remember we are always here with you 👍❤怖くなったら、私たちはいつもあなたのそばにいることを忘れないでください。👍❤
That was a great stream from start to finish have a nice rest Tenshi!Also poor Duke he got all that money then got blown up without him even knowing it (well we’re not sure maybe he survived, I hope he did)