- Kevin Hart⎢SEX can be uncomfortable at times⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- Lavell Crawford⎢Shaq is 90 feet tall!⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- Aries Spears⎢You can’t make horror movies with us!⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- Mike Epps⎢How People Act When They Lose Their Money⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- Aries Spears⎢White people do whatever they want⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
Kevin Hart⎢SEX can be uncomfortable at times⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
”You bought this on yourself. Don’t make me laugh, this is serious shit.”
This video is just-Pineapples. I’m done.
“You want some juice?? You want me to make you some juice I can make you some juice from scratch”?? 😂😂 LMAO
that stool going to point him out in court and be like “yep thats the guy”
I hate that I’m actually drinking PINEAPPLE *JUICE* while watching this!!! NO JOKE AT ALL!!!!
i think i heard the stool say pineapples….
Imagine the people that just walked in from a restroom break and see Kevin humping and chair
i will never hear pineapples hear pineapples the same way…lol love this guy!!
It just kills me when Kevin laughs at his own jokes.
later the chair recived therapy for many months. he is quoted as saying “i feel so dirty and used..”
Imagine having to be security in the front row trying not to look and laugh at his jokes. Trying to be professional keeping a straight face
Never laughed this hard in a long time omg 😭😭😂😭 get well soon Kev 😭💔☹️
God I love kevin hart he’s sooooo funny😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😅😅😅😅😅😅 ” you want some juice”
“I don’t like it. Pineapples…..”
I’m using Internet Explorer, so I hope this doesn’t come to late, but Merry Christmas 08
The boxer joke had me in tears 😭
don’t know if it’s just me but any one else think the chair was hot
Lavell Crawford⎢Shaq is 90 feet tall!⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
I love how he cracks up himself with his own jokes every now and then. That laughter is contagious. God bless you Lavell , God bless you.
How he laughs at his own jokes make it even better and more hilarious.
This man is too funny! Its funny cause he’s not just talking about race, money, or women.. He’s telling stories pretty much as a first person, so its even funnier when we picture him doing and saying all those things!I just saw him last year in a lil comedy spot, and he was great.He even stood around to take photos. Which of course, I got one with him!😄
Him and Dave Chappelle have some of the best delivery in the business.
we found black cartman
I love how he makes himself laugh. He is underrated
“If I go down, eerbody goin’ down!”
“and keith was stealin the grease” lmao he too damn funny
Those faces he makes – priceless
Lavell Crawford is the funniest comedian out there. (imo)
Lavell is one of my favorite comics. He gets me crying with laughter every time! LOL
Lavell Crawford has the potential to be one of the best who ever did it!! You better believe that!!
“One night I worked Biscuits ,chicken and drive thru in this bitch” I fell out my chair i was laughing so hard
Love this dude. Real and funny.”I can’t lose weight. They got a deal every day.” 😂😂 for real!
“And Keith been stealin’ the grease!”I’m dead AF 🤣🤣🤣
I’ve seen this multiple times and I laugh every single time this dude is real
Love this guy. So funny. And yes I share the concerns for his health. I hope he can find the strength to lose some of his weight. It just can’t be good for anyone in the long run.
“Do tell lady do to tell!”�omg have me dying
That cookie monster joke was classic 😂😂🔥🔥🔥🔥💪
Aries Spears⎢You can’t make horror movies with us!⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
“She can’t do that man this is your space this is your area”😂😂😂
He killed the white guy voice!
I swear this man is wayyyyy waaay funnier than kevin hart
he’s white people accent is awesome
Wow this guy is great
“they gives foods they gives me sleeps..”hahaha
lol “you aint got to kill him, just watch him turn red”
wrong turn 2 is the only horror movie I seen that a brotha made it through
I remember my mama slapping me because she saw another kid being rude to their mom. Talking about “if you ever disrespect me like that I’ll whoop you.” I was so confused, I didn’t know what to do, felt like I was in minority report 😂
This so true what he said about black people and white people in horror flims. Lmao!
Special place for a black kid is coma XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Aries is hilarious. I wish he had his own show.
I am white and I would be okay with Aries showing up at my house.
“Yous gone gets mes in troubles” 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Arie Spears is so underrated…..his delivery is flawless and smooth
he so underrated ✌✌✌
He’s so much funnier than Kevin Hart
I think black parents are the same as southern parents with discipline
This dude is talented and Hella funny he deserves more recognition!
This shit was the funniest shit I’ve seen
Mike Epps⎢How People Act When They Lose Their Money⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
You can tell these are nights that make comedians love their job
Mike Epps dont even need to tell actual jokes hes just funny period lol
Better than kevin any day
wow very intimidating almost hostile crowd.. he handled that like a fucking pro
he as great crowd control and great interaction with the crowd.. i dont think i have never seen a comedian have such great interaction with the crowd as he does
I love when comedians laugh at their own jokes. 😂🤣 Mike Epps is just so natural with it
1:44 LOLOLOLOL !!!!�
I love when comedians crack themselves up while on stage 😂 Mike Epps always has me in tears
“Honey I can’t take it get the kids” 😂😂😂
This guy can make any situation hilarious. He can handle a crowd no matter how bad it is
That’s a 10-4 go ahead ‘n hit it! lmao
That crowd was living for him!!
Mike Epps is like everybody favorite cousin that supports anything you doing
So true. My new mantra when it comes to losing money. “I’m gonna sleep this shit off”. Simple but genius. Will save alot of lives. Keep pushin…
Mike was feeling himself that night to funnny and the crowd was feeling it.
“Leo’s in here tryna run some shit” 😄😄😄
That’s why you don’t get up while you at a comedy show you will get ranked on
Just got fired from my job literally one hour ago and on the way home got sleepy… Had to come watch this before I knock out!💯
“Half Man, Half turtle” �that had me cryin’ �lol
I never seen a comedian have as much of a good time as mike Epps does on stage lol he makes himself laugh just as much as he makes the audience laugh 😂
Aries Spears⎢White people do whatever they want⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
His white accent is so amazing omg
“If you stood up against a wall you’d look like an alley.”*DEAD*
As an black guy with African parents, what Aries said is true about the African people feel about black people 😂😂😂
I`m African but damn that shit was funny as hell
“Yaay da white man” 😭😭😭😩😂😂😂😂😂💀💀💀
His white impression is dead on 😂😂😂
This man speaks truth about Africans. My mum, literally says African kids are better than me and my siblings though I’m fucking African. But it’s different because I was born in London, I “don’t have sense like the African kids”.
I’ve never had someone that can make me laugh like Aries Spears
“Midnight”😂😂😂that was hilarious but not every African hates Americans and we do have people with a much lighter skin tone than him..
“You’re going to be my wife….🎶munayya munayya” 😂😂😂😂
I was on the floor laughing hard the whole time…when he did the blow dart sound effect, I passed out and shit myself! Comedy Gold! This bit and his Paul Mooney bit are the simply best!
The blow dart was so hilarious
I’m African and his bit about Africans almost killed me…hahahahahaha…Aries is hilarious!!!
Yo he literally had me in tears
I’m East African and this makes me laugh all the time. He killed it
we are from the same tribe, kind of lol
2:22 – Funniest. Line. Ever.
magulu mungala and uhffuhffuhffuhff 😀
I swear I seen his videos a million times and I still laugh like is the first time I seen it
“I’m brown you midnight” lmao