- Corey Holcomb⎢My daughter was a freak at 3 months old⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- Steve Harvey⎢What They Need To Stop Doing At Church⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- Eddie Griffin⎢The Best Dick On Earth!⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- Katt Williams⎢Spinner Hubcaps!⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- Chris DiStefano Takes On English Culture And A Puerto Rican Girlfriend | JFL | LOL StandUp!
Corey Holcomb⎢My daughter was a freak at 3 months old⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
Drunk Corey is the final form
Shaq died like 12 times during this set
Shaq is having a GOOD time. Love to see celebrities not gaf and just let loose and laugh. 💖💖💖
I love how bold his comedy is 😂
Corey Holcomb is a living legend!
LMFAO I love going to a Corey Holcomb Show love just to see him piss the insecure women off in the crowd
“I say *bitch* alot. It ain’t nothin but somethin ta get used to!”…..HILARIOUS! Corey a fool for dat.
This is the realist nigga in comedy hands down 💯
I could listen to this fool all damn day! lls omggg
Shaq laughing is making me laugh
I love his voiceeee ! I love the fact he pauses … laugh and say the most unbelievable realest shit everr ! . The only negative thing i could say. I could never be his girl . Lmao ! Oh hell no . Lol but love this guy
Patrice Oneal Corey Holcomb Richard Pryor and Bernie Mac are definitely my favorite black comedians. This set is funny af man
…”consistency pays off” #YouGottaBreakHerIn 😂😂😂
My favorite comedian
Corey saying shit every man thinks at least once in their life.
Judge Mathis looked super uncomfortable through his entire set.
Him and TK Kirkland style is similar I bet they would tear down a show!!!
Stephen A Smith and Judge Mathis picked the wrong seats lol
He took over where Patrice O’Neal left off.
Balled up homework Lmaoooo
Steve Harvey⎢What They Need To Stop Doing At Church⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
lol steve’s voices makes the delivery 10x better
“That ain’t a testimony that’s a store policy” lmaooo 😂😭 Steve is to funny
“That ain’t a TESTIMONY, that’s a STORE POLICY!”� Too funny!
All 46 who down- thumbed are the church folk he is talking about.
Fro is on point
LMFAOOOO! Kills me every time, he ain’t lying, I grew up in the church, and the testimonial portion was always ridiculous, choir a hot mess, children are terrible, and don’t even get me started on the offering. My church was just too messy, I haven’t been in years. 😭😂
i miss steve’s hair.
Growing up, my mom always took us to a small pentecostal church 3 times a week. I am dying 😂. Mr. Steve Harvey knows what’s up! This is spot-on!! To these comments saying this isn’t funny… You didn’t get enough church to get it. Preach it Harvey!!
steve harvey easily one the best comedians of all time
Man I laughed so hard I felt my head was gonna split. Lol Steve is so funny!
I was raised in church so I know what he is talking about
I think i could do five minutes of funny material and that would be it, i don’t know how comedians keep coming up with funny stuff.
The testimony part was too funny! 😂😂😂😂 Down to the voice and mannerisms, that’s the women in the church that act and talk just like that.
that’s why they cut out testimony service.� Preacher’s should cut out the look at your neighbor, I’m tire of that, and stop saying I’m bout to close� 5 times and continue to preach for another half hour;
Daamn steve is too professional in delivering Comedy man , this man every sentence is 🔥
These are things I wish people would stop doing at church too!
He transition from being an “every-man’s” comic into being an old people’s comic was seamless.
I’m just a white dude who doesn’t go to church so I can’t relate to his comedy. But I’m laughing because black people’s laughter is infectious. Love it.
that ain’t a testamony its a store policy!!! Lol!!! I am over here dying!!!!
That suit is baaaad!
Eddie Griffin⎢The Best Dick On Earth!⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
Eddie is definitely one of the best comedians out there but for sure he’s no 1 in giving everybody true knowledge.
If comedy didn’t work out he coulda been a professor
He reminds me of�those crazy drunk uncles @�the family cookouts that has everybody cracking up
he has perfect teeth
that is so fucking funny Eddie love you brother from east Africa
Honestly Eddie is great comedian with a mind of a philosopher.
Your not going to win an argument with a woman. Gold right there.
He’s a genius ! Hardly anybody knows the process of Good Cholesterol turning Bad ! He’s quite a learned man !
Eddie is the man. Followed him since undercover brother. Real OG and underrated legend 👍🏼
This is the true art of comedy! Young comedians need to learn from this when you tell a Joke and it’s in your subconscious then you’ve already won!
Always one of my favorites. Dude says real shit and is hilarious… Salute Ed…
Eddie is telling the truth about our black women
Lol, even at a comedy show, women still complaining 😂😂😂😂
BBC is a whole myth & I’m a black woman saying that. Best I’ve had was white! He’s my husband now & I submit to him everyday gladly 🙂
one of my favorite Comedians He Funny As Hell
Never knew Eddie Griffin was so funny!
Bruh. He KILLED that subject. Did research and all about cholesterol. 🙌🏾#great
“Oh wait a minute, I’m talking to you now” Lol 😂
He’s one of my favorites😂😂😂
Damn I love Eddie, one of the greats of out time living legend. He definitely found the glow.
Katt Williams⎢Spinner Hubcaps!⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
I see katt doing standup, I hit like 👍
This deeper than jokes . Peep it . Funny doe lol
3x + Y = what? Just killed me
He just makes me laugh. Lots of colorful language but he’s on point.
He looks great here!
Teacher: Katt stand upShe was telling him his calling … Not calling him out lol
“Bitch I sm standin up “That’s a short joke. Classic
Yo peripheral would be a badass name for a whip though right? Or is it just me….?
Katt Williams is top 5 dead or alive fight me in an octagon no referee
Oh how I wish I could’ve taken up that extra seat
I’d like to answer this question. 🙂 English language has been written for about 1300 years, and it has an interesting evolution of influences. The K letter in this case, has it’s origin in the german language, where it’s actually pronounced.
I love you katt you still make sense 7 years in
This is timeless comedy 🎭 katt one of the greats
0:47 Me, a returning yugioh player trying to learn all of the new rules.
Hes so aware👍
Cat Williams is the best, he is the funniest by far
katt Williams is funny because he came from Cincinnati Ohio….. …. he brings it to the table every go
Every comedy video post is old. Just enjoy the shit
Ironic for someone whose name has 2 T’s, what he using the second T for in Katt? 😅
“kit-chen… kit-chen” lmao listen I cut all the way up 😂😂😂😂😂
Chris DiStefano Takes On English Culture And A Puerto Rican Girlfriend | JFL | LOL StandUp!

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! Chris DiStefano had a major culture shock when he left Brooklyn for the first time to travel to England. He finds humor in dealing with the difference between …
Ok, this guy needs to blow up or get more mainstream work. Needs to go on some podcasts like Rogan or Segura’s or tfatk
This bit was awesome!
Puerto Rican women as referees and THE ACCENT BRUHHHHHH
“umMMM you outta bounz stuupid” SKSKKDNFKFK I LOST IT
I almost peed myself when you described your Puerto Rican girlfriend. I’m a Puerto Rican male married to a Puerto Rican woman and you are not wrong.When my wife was expecting our first child she was particularly moody and there was a time when I was humming some song that she hated while I was in the shower. She kept yelling at me to stop but I carried on.Next thing I know, I hear the door unlocked and see a silhouette through the shower curtain. I kid you not I felt like I was in the shower scene from the “Psycho” movie.I screamed and she proceeded to beat me with a wooden recorder. I never hummed whatever I hummed that day ever again. Hell! I still can’t remember what it was that I was humming from the concussion afterwards. 😂
I bet if he appears on ” Hot Ones ” he’ll have no problem with hot sauces…. I can just hear the joke about ” all the spice he gets at home “…
Lol…this dude is really afraid of his girlfriend😂😂
The part about his Dad had me in tears.
He ain’t lying about us Puerto Rican Women.
“I don’t know the game but you out, go home.” Love from NYC
As a Brit I can confirm this comedy set is… brilliant. 🇬🇧
My mans is coked out af but he’s still hilarious. 😂
He was so good. This crowd blew for this outstanding performance honestly. Roasting that dude they should have been dying. I was 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Chris is f*cking great, fellow NYer totally gets his humor.
Look atThat homeless guy petting a dead ferret isn’t that brilliant. LMFAO
As a Londoner I giggled when he spoke about the differences 😂 Also Liquor is a type of gravy here ‘Pie and mash with liquor’ 😍
Lmaooo as a Puerto Rican woman 10/10 can confirm this is accurate
Laughed through the whole thing!
Absolutely legendary! Getting some guy’s mom to love me more than she loves him would be a peak Mallory moment“Jesus will Foind a way…. I love that Lauren with all my heart and soul you have to promise Mommy you will not break up with Ha… Jesus will Foind away!”
How am I just now learning about Chris? Hes so awesome