Feeding and warming a weak street kitten

(c) Kitten Street To help kitten is not just to take it from the street. For many days and nights, you have to feed and warm it every two hours. We often had to pick up small kittens …
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for adopting & raising the homeless kitten. God bless you for what you’ve done, giving love & compassion to the poor feline. I pray the feline grow strong, healthy, active, happy, & found a loving family👪 in a forever home🏡
Good to see this cute little kitten getting good and compassionate care!
Как-то я этот ролик не видела. Мамочка, спасибо Вам за доброту! Будьте здоровы и счастливы. Как жалко котёночка! Но теперь за него спокойно – он в любящих руках.
What an incredibly adorable kitten! Thank you so much for saving her!
The mews just melt my heart 🥺❤You’re the kindest person for doing this 💖💖💖
유투브 알고리즘 칭찬해…이렇게 사랑스러운 고양이를 선택해주다니
Heartwarming. Today is Winter soltice in the Northern Hemisphere. I wish everyone out here happy Dongzhi Festival to all the Chinese, and happy holidays to everyone else out there! I hope that 2019 had been a great year for everyone the same way that 2019 had been a great year for me. Here’s my early wish for a better and more terrific 2020!
Such a cute and adorable little kitten 🐱♥️
What a little angel darling! Thank you SO much!
Rescued my kitty from outside when she was a teeny malnourished kitten constantly meowing for food. I still remember the little “Mew Mew Mew” She’s 18+ years old now.
Que a sua vida seja abençoada. Que tenha SEMPRE muita saúde.Felicidades. Brasil 🇧🇷🇧🇷
0:30 poor baby looks so tired. Thank you for taking care of her 🧡
Thank goodness for this wonderful human rescuing that adorable little kitten. I just wish we could save them all.
Малацы хорошие люди, я уважаю таких людей
Kitten rescue videos like this warm my heart! We rescued our current cat about 5 years ago as a frighted kitten in a busy store parking lot, now he is happy and safe 💕
What an adorable kitten! Thank you for loving him.
the people who care about our smaller brothers and sisters are the best, it’s very nice to look at it
This is the most wholesome thing I’ve ever seen
They’re so gentle to that little kitten. This video made my heart melt 🐱♥️
Это милейшее создание просто обязано выжить и быть красивым и добрым котиком. Удачи и счастья Вам, дорогие спасители
I won’t go to the bath anymore!

(c) Kitten Street The kitten Street seems to remember how he swam here recently. And even despite his curiosity, he is very careful about water.
How nice to see how that cute kitten has grown! It is already very big and playful hahaha. Greetings from Uruguay <3
Такая милашка, смотреть можно бесконечно. спасибо.
Que coisa linda ❤❤❤
This tiny little adorable peanut has become my reason for living ❤❣❤❣❤
Какой красивый!!
Ah meu Deus! Q lindo
Pero que belleza ❤️
Que lindo gatito😍♥️🐈
awwww sooooo precious,snuggles precious kitty and dies of cuteness <3
Испугался масенька. Сразу своих вспомнила. Один до сих пор ждёт когда ему крантик откроют🤗😻😸💖💋
Me muero de amor😻😻😻
Meu Deus chega meu coraçao n aguenta tanta fofura 😍😍😍😍 aiii muito bebezinho 😍
Это угар какой то!!!!😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣
Awwwwwww it’s so cute to see it ♥️😺😊
so cute😭😭 몇번이나 고민하더니 용기내서 물을 피해 도망가네ㅜㅜ
Coisa fofa meu deus owwt 😢😍
Вы молодцы!!а вообще смотрю самые востребованные видео это кошки,котята..тема))
Ele � muito lindo gostaria de saber a ra�a dele .
Que lindoooo!!!❤️
First bath for kitten Johnny and its loud meow

(c) Kitten Street Do you remember how our kitten Street took a bath? Today, Johnny is bathing in the bathroom for the first time.
*Who remembers how we bathed Street? How many of us* ?
I’m a dog person but THAT CAT IS CUTE!
I gave my kitten the first bath today, I was shocked that he didn’t whine, cry, or resist. Made it so easy for me.I was so proud of him.Thanks for this vid.
Its rare to find a cat or kitten that actually likes to swim or bathe. He’s really cute. He has a set of lungs too.
This woman has the best cat who’s agrees
He looks so scared but cleanliness is also important and he’s very cute😊
He’s so cute and adorable. My heart melts after his voice so beautiful. Unable to understand their language but it melts my heart so deeply. I’d watch u whole day
That kitten is like “Nope hell no let me go, let me down, let me out help!!” 😂😂
aren’t you the cutest thing on earth 😭
مأجمل هذه القطة الجميلة ربي يحفضها
He might have been afraid of the sound of water. My cat wasn’t afraid of water, he was afraid of the sound of water. (there may be a typo. I use translation.)(It’s the first time he’s commented.462 like omg!)
awwwww so cuteeeee!!!it’s like being at the dentist to get my cavity fixed all over again 🙂
It looks SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!😍😍😍
Hes so cute.. when he went to the water hes so calm
This is so cute.
thats the sweetest meow i’ve heard in my life…. i could use it as my phone’s ringtone or hear it for a lullaby in the night
Awwww that kitten is so cute 🥰
he has beautiful eyes I love the color 😍
just a hint to not bathe your cat: cats clean themselves really well sometimes you don’t need to bathe your cat.
This broke my heart
“You are not my sister!” – reaction of mom cat and her kittens to an adopted kitten

(c) Kitten Street The cat Jaco gave birth to three kittens – white Willie, red-haired Coco and spotted kitten Butuz. But Kira kitten is not a native kitten, but an adopted one.
Для тех кто пишет почему кошка грязная. Она попала к нам за неделю до родов. Кошка была очень перепугана и не подпускала нас. Мы очень старались не тревожить ее лишний раз. Ведь если выбирать между спокойствием мамы-кошки и не вытертыми глазками, то лучше выбирать первое. А еще она очень любит залазить в камин и пачкаться в саже. И кошка и котята получают столько любви, сколько могут им дать самые любящие наши сердца. Я вижу в комментариях много любителей животных. Пожалуйста найдите время покормить бездомных животных на улице, а еще лучше взять домой столько, сколько сможете. И тогда мир станет добрее и лучше. Всем добра в сердцах!
Big sister is soooooo adorable, her eyes are so expressive. I’m not a big cat fan but I would so love to adopt her ❤ 💗 💕 💖
Надеюсь все будут накормлены в конце концов , приёмыш очень смышленый ,очень
Какая прелесть:) Люди, давайте будем добрее к животным!!!
This is stressing me out…Kira looks so sad and wants attention and love from momma who won’t look at her…I hope it works out and they become a family
умиление души,мурлыкающих,пушистых созданий….
Сердце прямо тает от милоты такой.. на малышей можно смотреть вечно, как на огонь или воду. А у нас уже взрослые, трое подкидышей, души в них не чаем и я всё думаю: ЭТО НЕ МЫ ИХ СПАСЛИ, ЭТО ОНИ НАС. С ними мы добрее, чище, искренне. УДАЧИ ВАМ!
Please adopt from a shelter. Kittens are cute, but they grow up and there are so many lovely adult cats that need homes.😿
The kitties are so cute and adorable…i hope mom cat will accept Kira…🙏❤️😺🤗
Awwww, Kira wants a Mom so bad, it’s sad 😢. Is she trying to get milk? And look how affectionate she is towards Mama Cat. She even goes on her back and shows her belly and tries to play with Mama Cat. I hope Mama Cat accepts her 😻😻😻
I can’t hold myself to not smile when i watch kitten playing around, even if I’m in bad mood
E muita fofura junto meu Deus ❤️
Милые кошки. Спасибо за Вашу доброту
Какая прелесть! И почему все маленькие такие хорошие? ))
Мама _кошка, хотя возможно и не сияет чистотой, зато обладает огромной любовью и добротой, спасибо Вам дорогие, за вашу любовь к животным, вы их просто спасли, Вы Люди с большой буквы, побольше бы таких людей и не обращайте пожалуйста внимания на осуждающиеся комментарии, нужно быть чистым в своём сердце и уме, ещё раз спасибо за ваше видео столь забавным кошечками.
А глазки какие изумительные у этой рыжули!😍
Kira is slightly older than the kittens. That’s why they’re not playing with her. Also, the mum doesn’t count her as her kid rather as another cat. 😭
Спасибо вам за ваше доброе и большое сердце!!!
Me recordé de mis peluditos, encontré 4 de un día de nacidos en una parada de buses. Están divinos y lo bueno que allí está la madre 😍
Kira is beautiful. As somebody said here, I hope she will be acepted by them.
First bath and meeting with fish friends / Kitten Street

(c) Kitten Street Little kitten Joe meets the bathtub and the fish that swim in it. So will see if kitten will like his first bath.
Как мило 😍😍😍😍
Que ternura 😍😊
Que lindo amo muito 🐈
Какой красивый и умный малыш.
Is Joe’s mother a stray cat? She must have met a male Scottish Fold. Does people abandon purebred cats on the streets in your country? Here in Norway some people pay a lot of money to get a purebred Scottish Fold from another country. Joe is a little angel, just like his brothers. I hope you will find them good, loving homes……! 💖🐾
He’s so precious and you are so gentle with him. It’s very sweet to watch. 😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Как это мило😍
Вислоухий малоышок тоже очаровательный😍Видно, как ему хочется поймать рыбок, но боится воды😁
Awwwww so cute
Love it
Where is Judy? We all miss Judy. Please make a video of Kitten Street and Judy together
Such a precious little fur baby ❤️💙💗
que lindo por dios 😍😍😍💏💑
Little face😱 So precious. Clearly saying NO. So cute🥰🌺🌹☘️
Awwwwwww 😻😻😻😻