Dry kitten Street after bath

(c) Kitten Street The first bathing for street kitten was calm. But now we need to dry it, because the kitten is very small and he can not be wet for a long time after bath #kitten.
Who is here after watching the 1st bath of this kitten ⬇⬇
the cutest kitten in the world
This kitten looks like a professional actor. It was so easy to bathe and dry it.
All kittens are cute, but this one is the cutest I’ve ever seen!
Not to be dramatic or anything but i would die for this kitty!!!
Не боится ни плавать, ни шума от фена! Маленький, но смелый! Настоящий комочек счастья! Not afraid to swim, no noise from the hair dryer! Small but brave! A real lump of happiness!
this kitten is so cute, please upload more of him as he grows up!
me: screaming when the kitten moves his head or open his cute eyes
Who clicked quickly and came here after wet kitten?! 😸
I don’t know why but why this kitten looked like baby Yoda when she was covered in towel
Kitten to mum,”I’m not afraid of the big hot air monster”
Cat: hey, this isn’t so bad
Soft kitty, warm kittyLittle ball of furHappy kitty, sleepy kittyPurr, purr, purr
YouTube recommendations: wanna see dry kitten after bath Me: Hell yeah
It’s a baby puff ball with teeny tiny paws. That much cuteness should be against the law, I’m melting! 😍🐈❤️🐾💞🤗💕😊
This is the greatest sequel of all time.
Oh my god. Oh my god I can’t take it. The little head shakes are so adorable 😭
I’m crying because this is the most adorable kitten I’ve seen in my life :((
Aw you can tell the little fluffle puff feels so much better afterwards <3
Посмотрите, насколько ребёнок доверчив! Солнышко какое!. Теперь, кормите, любите, целуйте!
Kitten Street meows to talk to me

(c) Kitten Street Our kitten is very talkative. He is so used to us that he always runs after us. And she always meows very loudly. Sometimes it seems to us that our kitten wants to …
Please tell me someone adopted him I cant watch it without getting my heart broken
Cat:Runs like dont go i need you!*Me:HEARTBROKEN:-[
Poor baby 😢 he wants food and love
Сколько еще можно бегать от котенка, – надо взять на руки и погладить!
Малыш какой, возьмите его на руки, он же бегает и ему это тяжело он же крошка совсем..(
Very sweet Kitten !Thank You very much my beloved Allah ,that You have guided someone to this small hungry Kitten to feed it !
*Какой красивый маленький ангел 😍*
I hate the crying sound but my god this little kitty cat is just so gorgeous!❤
Where do people find kittens like this AND why can’t I ever run into one Wtf…
Damn he’s only a kitten and already knows how to street meow? Kids these days..
such a very cute little fur ball i would love to have this cutie, its great you guys are taking very great care of him
ai gente, vendo esses v�deos eu fico me perguntando como tem pessoas que conseguem fazer mal a uma coisinha fofa dessa.
My heart is glad that he is being well taken care of.
너무 귀엽다..ㅠㅠㅠ
Maravilhoso amo os animais! ❤❤❤🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
優しく抱っこして撫でてあげたい…( ᷇࿀ ᷆ )♡
Cat steals a loudly meowing kitten from mom cat

(c) Kitten Street The cat steals a loudly meowing kitten from the cat’s mom and takes care of him Mom cat Judy gave birth to four kittens. But she doesn’t take good care of them.
A bit cruel leaving the kitten crying so long
Какая хорошая кошечка,переживает за чужих котят.
Жаль, что у кошки старшей нет лактации….а мама-кошка странновата. Трагичное видео..😢
Чужая добрая кошка переживает за котят, которые отдельно, а котята не чувствуют маму рядом, поэтому пищат.Надо побольше лежанку для всех.
Помимо ухаживания, котята есть хотят. Покормите их, что ж они так кричат!
Кошка сказала: “Прекратите орать!” Они и впрямь угомонились. Как дети…
Котенка явно ей подложили , видео как она его тащит нет , она его не вылизывает и молока у нее нет , но главное не обижает
Голодный. Он так ищет молочко. Мучается. Маму жалобно зовёт.
Beautiful Mom and her adorable little angels. You can’t resist their cuteness. Lots of kisses 😻♥️🐈💕🌈🥰💕🐾✨✨
Господи да какие же они милахи слов нет
They are such cute kittens🥰😍❤❤
It seems that the caring Mom does not have any milk!
Я не понимаю цель этой съемки-видно же ,что котенок голодный,где мама кошка?
Эх Джуди, Джуди как так можно.
Excelente padre
I am so happy to see Judy and the other Mother cat! Is the other Mother Cat still able to provide milk? If so, maybe put the kitten right by a nipple to help it nurse! Thank you and lots of love!! OXOXOXO
Aw they’re hungry, yelling where’s mommy 😸
Αγαπώ όλα αυτά τα μικρά γατάκια.( 🐈😺 I LOVE 💟 SO…. MUCH….ALL OF THIS LITTLE SWEETS KITTENS 😺🐈). 😘💋 MANY KISSES FROM BEAUTIFUL GREECE. EVI. 😀💋🌹💖😁💋🌷💞🚢🚤⛵
Como são lindos, amo gatos!!!🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱💖
0:08 All Kittens says WE WANNA A MOMMY! If you dont understand, we say it in Russian: МЫ ХОЧЕМ МАМОЧКУ… or we say it in GREEK: Θέλουμε σε μια μαμά… or in Español: ¡QUEREMOS UNA MAMITA!
Kittens walk with a cute duckling

(c) Kitten Street Kitten Caramel and Zephyr walk and sleep with a funny duckling #kittenstreet #Kitten #duckling Kitten Street instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kitten1street/ …
Живите долго и счастливо.
Kitten: You’re not catDuckling: I’m Yellow cat
오리 아기는 고양이 한테기대서 자고 싶은데냥이씨는 오리털이 더운건지자꾸 달아나려 하네요!ㅋㅋㅋ 너무 귀엽자나.
Cute animal videos especially baby animal videos relieves a lot of stress and put a positive outlook on your day. This brightened my day. They’re so cute.
Like really? What could possibly be more cute then this? 😻🐤
All God’s animals love each other. It’s all about making each one happy. So cute
Парочка полная детства 🐈🔥🐥👍😊💋❤
The best combination of lovely,cute kitten and duckling’s visual photos,soothing and melting heart ❤❤❤.Thooousands thanks you for uploading.
The poor kitten’s like: I got a duck on my back, a camera in my face, what do i do?
Maravillosos es una imagen entra�able, me ha gustado mucho. Felicidades.
I love when different species get along like that 🥺🥺
Какой же Персик милаха)))
Сладкая парочка, какая милота!
Kitten: Dude, you’re creeping me out, give me some space. Lol
The ducklingand the kitten are about the same size. Both are cute.😆😊
Kitten: Why are you sticking to me like this? Just stay away from me!Duckling: I need your fluffy hair to make me warm since I’m too young to stay alone, so I have to!Owner: 😂😂😂
Kitten : “Don’t blame me if suddenly I feel like having duck meat for dinner.”
Kitten Willie meows in a hat #shorts

(c) Kitten Street Kitten Willie does not yet know to wear a hat on his head. And while he is so small, this hat is like a house for him. The kitten meows in it and rolls #kittenstreet …
*You can see video with our kitten Street on our second channel* 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDcsLUxBLfQВидео с нашим котенком Стрит Вы можете увидеть на нашем втором канале по ссылке
cute kitties, cute cats are always my favorite, beautiful furry angels 😻😻 I love everyone who loves cats 😻😻😻 😻😻 I also feed stray cats every day. Together with my friends, we are trying to protect and neuter cats. I will spread this all over the world 🙏 I want a world where cats can live freely and happily. Don’t let cats go hungry
Willie sounds very frustrated needs eyes cleaned and some treats and petting. Street is much more interesting even with flees.
Both the hat and Willie are sweet and cute😊…. The hat’s loveliness matched with Willie’s cuteness 🤭… Willie is So adorable🤗✨…. Cuteness overloaded🤭😊🤗✨
Willie is accountable for 7 war crimes in Siberia, has undergone in the Capitol Raid, has confirmed 12 murders, and has broken out of prison 6 times now.
Que fofo
Willie is precious
Oh, my beating heart 💓💓
So cute
ААААА ЭТО АПАКАЛИВСИС МИЛОТЫ Я ШЯ УМРУ ОТ ЭТОГО!!😭😭😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧💓💓💓❤❤❤💘💘💘💖💖💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💝💝💝💞💞
Way too cute. I need to kiss this soft sacred precious cottony little piece of heavenly love, his siblings, parents, n other family members. They r all adorable!
Оххххх😭ТАКАЯ МИЛАШКААААААААА🥰Самое милое животное в мире☺
Omg so cute. They way it says meow so adorable. Cuteness overloaded. Awww thanks for posting this adorable video. Getting a heart from this beauty will surely make anyone’s day delightful 😍😍😍😍😍
Look, there’s so much cuteness here, so sweet and cute, her eyes full of charisma, I love it, my heart is broken at this cuteness, maybe I already fell in love. My heart melted at this super cuteness.
Is willie still looking for “finger” food
Lindoooo amor de gatinho 😘❤️❤️😘👏🙏
OMG 🥰 Soooooo cute angel 😘🐾🐾🧶😷🧚♀️.
So cute!!😍😍😍💕💕💕
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