Jay Lee Painting(おすすめch紹介)

Jay Lee Painting(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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How to draw a man walking dog / Aluminum painting techniques

How to draw a man walking dog / Aluminum painting techniques  (c) Jay Lee Painting

(c) Jay Lee Painting How to Paint Man Walking Dog / Painting Techniques for Beginners / Acrylic Painting ❖ Inspired by 애뽈(@_aeppol) 너의 숲이 되어줄게 …

I did not intend to watch this video in its entirety, but I started watching & couldn’t stop. Amazing!

Это невероятно! Так красиво и так просто! Волшебство! Лайк! Подписка!❤❤❤

обалдеть😮не,ну дерево я ещё может быть нарисую,но мужика с собакой однозначно нет🙁

This man convinced me I could paint. So I went to the store and I bought brushes and paint and paper and even some canvases…. now I just watch his videos

You are one of the most talented painters I’ve ever seen

Кто умеет рисовать, тот и куском туалетной бумаги картину создаст. Не в алюминии дело, а в художнике.

Que pinceles se utilizan van por n�mero o grosor, felicidades

Подскажите , очень прошу, люди добрые, это масло или можно и гуашь?И какая бумага для такой работы подойдет?Очень буду благодарна ответу !🤗

Умничка! Засматриваюсь творчеством! Молодец

당신의 그림 영상이 학교에 미술 참고 영상으로 나왔다.당신은 그림을 참 잘그린다.

I tried this at home, but it looks like a family of snakes taking over a plate of enchiladas that is floating in the ocean.

I love how little of this is actually painting a man walking a dog and how much is setting the scene

Фантастика! Гениальное – просто! Восторг! 👏💐

Parab�ns! voc� tem o dom da arte , nao � qualquer pessoa que consegue, voc� � diferenciada.

Muito lindo seu trabalho vc é um artista like inscrição sem dúvida 👍👍🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🛎🛎

Você é maravilhoso 👏 Que Deus te abençoe sempre 🙏🙏🙏

Lindo demais!👏👏👏🙌😜🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

Quem tem o don tem n� perfeito parab�ns!!

Se puede conseguir ese efecto con acuarela o similar? 😍😍😍👍🏼👍🏼

I literally just watched this whole video while it was in preview mode with no sound and found it very therapeutic. Thank you for sharing!

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How to draw a man walking dog / Acrylic / Painting technique

How to draw a man walking dog / Acrylic / Painting technique  (c) Jay Lee Painting

(c) Jay Lee Painting JayLee – How to paint with acrylic / Painting Techniques ————————————————— ❖ Channel Membership : Please become a member of my …

What kind of witchery is thisI love it

Great 💚

How on earth did that beautiful painting start as a bunch of dots? The ability of artists to see the end from the beginning is astounding to me

Who else couldn’t patiently wait that they fast forwarded this. Beautiful nostalgia feel to this painting.

Did I just watch a guy turn blue white and green dots into a masterpiece?

“How to draw a man walking a dog”*Proceeds to paint a whole damn beautiful forest*

Красотища! Смотрю снова,великолепно! Успокаивает музыка,радует каждое движение руки.Очень здорово! Молодец!

I still sitting here in awe. The music, and the mastery was so satisfying to watch. Wow

My eyes: GORGEOUSMy brain: Yea, seems pretty easy, I am doing thisMy heart: LET’S DO THIS GUYSSSMy hand: Dude, are you serious?

I came here for a man walking his dog and ended up with a garden full of flowers and trees. And a man and his dog strolling through it.TAKE MY MONEY, PLEASE!

“How to draw-…” Instructions unclear, mine looks like a demon-

I’m here looking at my expensive brushes and you’re using Q-tips to create such a beautiful piece!

Is that how acrylic painting works? That’s actually pretty neat. It’s almost like a mosaic or something.

…Когда художник умеет передать настроение…🌈👍👍👍 Шедевр!

Alternative title: Watch me draw this gorgeous background with a seemingly simple process. Despite where it began, in the end the final product will be breathtaking.… Oh yeah, and a guy walks his dog too ig.

Да это шедевр! Как можно какими то мазками нарисовать живую картинку! Я всегда поражаюсь талантливым художникам.

Art teacher: Ok class if anyone needs any extra supplies just let me-This person: Got any tin foil?Art teacher: …I…you…what?This person: And some cutips while ur at it

Me: *clicks to see how he’ll turn a bunch of dots into a man walking a dog*Him: *proceeds to take 8 minutes just painting a gorgeous forest*Me: *-This is just the right way to click bait-*

How to draw a man walking dog: 2%How to make dots:98%😂😂

This is the definition of “trust the process”

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Flowers Coloring Pages Salt Painting for Kids | Fun Art Learning Colors Video for Children

Flowers Coloring Pages Salt Painting for Kids | Fun Art Learning Colors Video for Children  (c) Jay Lee Painting

(c) Jay Lee Painting How to Draw and Paint : Watercolour Painting Techniques for Children / Fun Art Projects, Colouring Pages for Kids / ❖ Support for my Art DONATION …

Iron scrubber painting technique / Painting deep in the woods / Easy creative art

Iron scrubber painting technique / Painting deep in the woods / Easy creative art  (c) Jay Lee Painting

(c) Jay Lee Painting Acrylic Painting Techniques – JayLee – How to paint ❖ Jay Lee is a painting youtuber. My videos are showing how to paint flowers, nature and other techniques …

Can’t even blame my brushes now

Если есть талант, то и шваброй получится шедевр 😍👍

Получила медитативное наслаждение от просмотра того, как вы рисуете. Но я так не нарисую хоть скрубером, хоть пальцами, хоть кистями…. Я поняла, что в руках мастера любой предмет становится волшебной кисточкой 🤗

As someone who has never evolved artistically beyond the age of 6, these are beautiful to watch.

Я могу нарисовать только первый этап, где краски из тюбика выдавливались😂

Very nice result Jay Lee 👍 – And thanks for the inspiration – I’ve used it my way and got great results.

Absolutely stunning! Even the music was a beautiful choice to help relax and watch this master piece unfold.

на это можно смотреть бесконечно, очень красиво💛

Such a serene and peaceful thing to watch. The choice of music was perfect.

Картина просто Супер!!!!Но рука Мастера чувствуется.Я бы хотела элементарно поучиться сама ,что то сотворить.

I asked my mom if I could use a iron scrubber to paint. She asked me to wash the dishes 😂

I was a bit suspicious as you started off with the yellows and browns, but WOW! What an incredible painting you created in the end. Beautiful.

What creativity! It’s amazing how the effortless and simple skill with simple tools meticulously produce such a composition. Thanks!

I don’t know why but I’m always afraid that the black paint will spoil the painting

Для меня это просто волшебство какое-то…


Found this so relaxing just watching. A meditation which kept mesmerised for 10 minutes.

Никогда бы не поверила, что так можно. Просто СУПЕР!

Чудо, как же это красиво. У вас талант. Превосходно….

Смотрю,любуюсь и думаю о себе,какая я бездарная!Есть же талантливые люди!

Aluminum painting technique / How to draw a couple under umbrella

Aluminum painting technique / How to draw a couple under umbrella  (c) Jay Lee Painting

(c) Jay Lee Painting JayLee is showing how to paint flowers, nature and other techniques on the various tutorials offered. ❖Inspired by Slava Ilyayev …

Just wondering that why somebody would dislike this . Maybe they hate themselves . This is so soothing ❤

Fantástico!!!Se pintar faz bem à Alma….Ver alguém pintar tb….👈👍👏👏👏⚘😷🇧🇷

That was beautiful, and also I cracked up when I realized it’s an eight minutes video titled “how to draw a couple under umbrella” with only the last minute and a half with the actual couple and umbrella in it 😂😂😂

Dumbfounded. Close to crying at how beautiful this is.

Мне удивительно, кто дизлайки ставит…Зачем?Это же творчество и настроение

Превосходно, а рисует масляными красками?

Nossa,quanta sensibilidade e amor ao que faz!! Muito lindo!!

I hope this inspires everybody to try their hand at learning to paint. I feel like trying.

I can’t stop watching this! This is amazing! The music really adds to the atmosphere. That feeling, I can’t describe what it is…

Спасибо за ваше создание под чудесную музыку. Хочется повторить. Но только кажется все просто. Надо быть художником, чтобы сотворить такую красоту романтическую 👌👏👏👏💖

Beautiful. Beautiful. I’m brazilian. Don’t speak english.Quem sabe faz ao vivo e � cores. Parab�ns.

This video is a delight for the eyes and ears. Wonderful!

can you share, the materials you use. happy to watched here..god bless

Ели есть талант, не имеет значения чем рисовать! 👍👏👏👏Благодарю!!!

Excelente t�cnica, suas obras s�o incr�veis, at� sinto vontade de aprender pintar. Parab�ns!

I was totally mesmerized watching this video!! Incredible! What I initially thought was going to be a beach with the ocean, turned into an incredible forest. Absolutely amazing!!🎨🖌️🖼️

Мне радостно, что такие видео уроки дают нам, не художникам, а любителям шанс на творчество, на смелость на полет фантазии!

Sensacional , parabéns ! Tô apaixonada por essas lindas obras . 😍😍

Lind�ssimo! Grande artista!Parab�ns

Me encanto tu técnica a mi también me gusta pintar quedó hermoso te felicitó saludos desde CHILE 🇨🇱🇨🇱👏👍👍💞 💕😘

Cotton Swabs Painting Technique for Beginners | Basic Easy Step by step

Cotton Swabs Painting Technique for Beginners | Basic Easy Step by step  (c) Jay Lee Painting

(c) Jay Lee Painting [ Level 1 ] Q-tips, Cotton Buds, How To : Watercolour Painting Tutorial / Demonstration / 수채화 그림 그리기 Online Painting Tutorials are available at : PATREON …

I have the feeling that that little baby is als gonna be a great artist one day 🙂

Who taught you this technique? I am in love. Seems very innovative!

Умница, красавица!!!

ои какя молодец

LOVE THE TWO CAMERAS! Most adorable little baby!! So sweet and interested in what Mommy is doing… a young artist in the making! You are so talented and steady-handed to work with a baby on your lap!! So inspiring, thank you!

amaizing painting… and your baby is soooooooooo cute!!! 😘😘😙😍

بجد انت فوق الخيال👏👏👏برافو👍👏👏👏

Wow! You do this amazing art with a baby on your lap? 💕 Just imagine how talented your baby will be growing up watching you!!

Вау это классно ставьте лайк что прекрасно. Придумано хорошо ,классно это только художники умеют. Если попробуйте то сможете

Beautiful art

This looks super fun and easy. I love the little touch with the leaves. The little swish technique you used made for a cool looking leaf.

Ваууууу клаааааас!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😌😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😎😎😎😎😍😍😍😍😍😎😍😍😍😍😍

the little one is also be intrested in art ❤

Hola Jay Lee Painting. Gracias por darnos esta lecci�n de cuando se quiere, se puede. Sin bebe o con bebe hace maravillas, ese don solo se lo da Dios. Gracias por todo y bendiciones desde Concepci�n Chile.

Your baby looks so impressed the whole time.

This little baby is really good astist .☺👍🏿

my favorite parts are the baby kisses. i love that you are sharing your passion and talent with your little one so early! thank you for sharing your talent with us, jay lee. i’ve learned so much from you.


Very nice

I did the same thing with my son as soon as he could sit and I have his first drawing that he made at 10 months! I even had him sign it with his hand print.. all of his art work after that was a hand print till he could write his own name… now, he is about to enter college this coming fall and one of his majors will be art.. 🙂

