Biden Tax Plan is a DISASTER for Stocks

(c) Dan Takahashi Brokerage accounts I use (commodities, crypto, CFD, FX, etc) IG Securities □ I’m looking for CFO so if you meet the below criteria …
Your advice on Wednesday was also outstanding. I was able to decrease my position in time. Thought the cash ratio was a little bit too high at the moment, but now happy with it . Thank you, Dan san. Have a great weekend.
Although I think you’ve never known his proposal ahead, your advice yesterday is awesome and works well! Would it affect markets for roughly 10 or 14 days as you said?
Thought you were smarter than this Dan. There was no new news on Biden’s plan today, this information has been known since October. Institutions just needed an excuse to sell to cover the new margin requirements enforced on the 22nd.
Thanks brother for keeping us posted and helping with strategy, Your the man
YouTube took off “Subscribed” without noticing me at all. Luckily I could go back to your channel. Thank you for giving us very informative news and idea for investment.
120,000 subscribes🎉😂👏An tax accountant said Japan will also raise taxes for investors after finishing corona virus.Crazy, nonsense.
The market actually went up today (Friday), S&P 500 recorded ATH. Biden’s capital gain tax increase proposal is retroactive to 2021 so massive sell-offs at this point doesn’t really make sense.. IMO capital gain tax should be higher than tax for actual labor. 20% has been an insane loophole, although investing isn’t exactly easy either
Thank you as always❗️
Thank you, Dan.
Good thing i sold most of my positions already
Thank you Dan for those reassuring words 🙂 was shocked when I read it this morning.
Thanks for the useful info!
We get the government we deserve.
We all knew it would happen since biden “won” the election, didn’t we
I’m happy about this.
Thank you very much.
Wallstreet is probably going to Miami because taxes in Newyork are going to be unhealthy high
Dan the man
Dan!! How can I read the market correctly
Softbank Stock Price to Fall Further?

Watch this previous video BEFORE you watch this one so you use your time efficiently!–9w
Great analysis, Dan! What kind of influence do you think this will have on tech this week, particularly in AMZN? Appreciate your time and persepctive!
Hello Dan-San! I keep listening your YouTube for a while. My TOEIC score is going up! It’s amazing! It was never happen before. I hope it will be sky rocket like your YouTube subscribers number! Thank you so much!
Hi Dan, I love your channels! I would appreciate it if you could touch upon the issue of hedging. I own Amazon and Microsoft shares that I consider as long-term investments and I don’t want to sell them now but just watched my portfolio’s value being plummeted during the past few days. I also want to be prepared for the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Thank you!
Hi Dan, I noticed the most recent Spam comment with someone referring a Trading Contact, with 6 or 7 replies all saying positive things. It’s obvious spam selling, using your platform, to do so. Another spam comment I have seen recently on other videos, is an I AM SINGLE comment which is trying to sell another ‘service’. If YouTube don’t get a handle on this, it will affect their platform and great content providers, like you.
いつもありがとうございます。 初めて、先に英語版を見ました。面白いことにチャートに言語は無いので、字幕さえ見なくても内容が理解できるのがテクニカルならではで面白いですね。
Thank you as always! Your analysis is so useful!
Dan, thank you for the good story today.
Masayoshi-Son is a colorful CEO.He behaves based on logical decisions.He does nothing technically wrong.
Dan-san 設定を英語(自動生成)にすればいいことにやっと気づきました。Oops!最初は字幕追加→言語選択→日本語にしていて、映画を観る様な感覚でした。(・・;)。次に言語選択を英語にしてもダメでした。バカなオレンジ星人でした。あぁ恥ずかしい。継続して見る様にしたいけど、around sixtyにはちょっとハードルが高いと思うんだけどな。
I believe Softbank will end up bankrupt due to the fact the guy is just no smart enough to keep administrating it. Also. He has a very bad leader ship cult of personality that makes it oblivious to him what is going on or to proud. One day. He compared himself to Jesus Christ. Guy is clearly delusional. Also. Japanese are risk averse and staunch business traditionalists. They hate to innovate or adopt new business or social strictures. So that is why they fall behind and have outdated bureaucratic systems that prove detrimental to business success. They dont like taking risks.
Sheep get Slaughtered テスラとここはbystanderでいいっす。
めちゃくちゃ英単語と金融英語の勉強になります、いつもありがとうございます🙏🏻0:11 Nasdaq Whale [exp.] (米テクノロジー企業の株価を高騰させた)ナスダックのクジラ(大口投資家)0:12 whale [n.][fin.] 大口投資家0:13 unnerve [v.] …を動揺させる、おびえさせる、不安にさせる、…の気力を失わせる、ろうばいさせる 1:47 clarification [n.](問題などの)解明、説明、(意味を)明らかにすること1:59 short interest [fin.] 空売り総額、所定の株において空売りされたまま買い戻されていない株数の総額2:00 fundamental analysis [fin.] ファンダメンタル分析(株式投資において、景気や企業の財務財務体質などを分析すること)2:41 to get the best out of.. [exp.] ~を最大限に活用[利用]する、(人)から最高のものを引き出す2:42 usage [n.] (物などの)使用(法)、取り扱い(方)2:49 lingos [n.] 専門用語2:51 options [fin.] オプション取引(デリバティブの一つで、ある商品について、将来の一定の期日(期間内)に一定の数量を、その時の市場価格に関係なく、予め決められた特定の価格で”買う権利”、または”売る権利”を売買する取引のこと)[ref.] relative [adj.] 関係のある4:06 call options [fin.] オプション取引において、買い付けの選択権(買う権利)のこと[ref.] bull spread [fin.] ブルスプレッド(スプレッド取引の一種で、2つの意味がある)(1) 期近(限月が近い)先物を買い、期先(限月が遠い)先物を売る取引(カレンダースプレッドの一種)(2) 権利行使価格の高いオプションの売りと、権利行使価格の低いオプションの買いを同数量行う取引(バーティカルスプレッドの一種)(2) のオプション取引時のブルスプレッドでは、コールオプションを対象に権利行使価格の高いオプションを売り、低いオプションの買いを行う場合に、ブルコールスプレッドと呼び、プットオプションを対象に権利行使価格の高いオプションを売り、低いオプションの買いを行う場合にブルプットスプレッドと呼ぶ。[ref.]原資産価格が上昇したときに最大の利益を生み出す。より低い権利行使価格のオプションを買い、より高い権利行使価格のオプションを売ること。ブル・スプレッドでは、CallまたはPutのどちらかを用いることができる。[ref.] strike price [exp.] オプション取引の権利行使価格、「エクササイズプライス」とも呼ばれる[ref.] catch (someone) off guard [exp.] (人)の不意[隙]をつく、(人)の油断に付け込む、(人)の油断しているところを襲う5:04 engage in [v.] ~に従事する、~に携わる5:16 out of the money options [fin.] 「OTM」とも呼ばれ、オプション取引において、本質的価値を有していない状態(不利な状態)をいう[ref.] FANG [fin.] Facebook (F), Amazon (AMZN), Netflix (NFLX), and Alphabet (GOOG)5:59 delta [fin.] オプション取引でのリスク管理指標(リスクファクター)の一つで、原資産(原商品)の変動に対して、オプション価格(プレミアム)がどの程度変動するかを示す指標のこと[ref.] gamma [fin.] オプションのリスク管理指標(リスクファクター)の一つで、原資産の価格が動いた時に、デルタがどれだけ変化するかを示す指標のこと[ref.] premiums [fin.] オプション取引においては、「オプション料」や「オプション価格」とも呼ばれ、オプションの権利(買う権利または売る権利)に対して付けられる価値のこと[ref.] hefty [adj.] 高額の, 莫大(ばくだい)な〈料金・金額など〉8:47 head and shoulders [fin.] 三尊(チャートパターンの一つで、3つの山を形成する典型的な天井の形)[ref.] gap down [fin.] 下窓(「下に窓をあける」や「下放れる」とも言い、前日の終値よりも当日の始値が安値で寄り付くことを言う。前日の海外市場の相場が大きく下落した場合や、取引時間外に何らかの悪材料となるニュースが出た場合などに、寄り付き前に買い注文を上回る売り注文があることにより起こる)[ref.] downtrend [n.] 下降傾向、下降トレンド 9:55 declining trend [n.] 下降傾向10:11 short interest ratio [fin.] 空売り比率(株式の信用取引において、信用売り(空売り)されたまま、買い戻されていない株数の比率のこと)[ref.] colorful [adj.] (人の性格や話の内容などが)興味深い、華やかな、変化に富んだ11:03 short squeeze [fin.] マーケット(市場)がショートポジションに傾いている時に、大きく買いを仕掛けることで、相場を高めに誘導すること[ref.] margin [fin.] (信用取引の)証拠金.11:24 margin call [fin.] 追い証(信用取引や先物・オプション取引、外国為替証拠金取引、CFD取引などにおいて、差し入れている委託証拠金の総額が、相場の変動等によって必要額より不足してしまった場合に追加しなければならない証拠金のこと)[ref.] deficit [n.] (取引で被った)損失11:35 cash value [n.] 現金価値、金銭(的)価値12:44 overall float [n.] 市場に売り出された総数、発行された総数?12:22 subside [v.] (強さが)弱まる、(活動が)低下する12:27 rebounding [n.] 回復傾向13:55 heat [n.][exp.] 〈俗〉批評、批判、非難 14:39 covered call [fin.] 《金融》カバード・コール 株式を保有したままコール・オプションを売りに出すこと。(カバードオプションの一つで、「原資産の買い」と「コールオプションの売り」のポジションを同時に取る、オプション取引を用いた投資戦略を言う)[ref.] two cents [exp.] 自分の意見、我々の意見、ほとんど価値のないもの15:26 hedge [fin.] 大きな損失が出ないように手を打つ[投資先を分散する]15:40 bounce back [v.] 値を戻す、反発する、すぐに回復する15:45 gap [fin.] 窓15:52 gap up [fin.] 上窓(「上に窓をあける」や「上放れる」とも言い、前日の終値よりも当日の始値が高値で寄り付くこと)[ref.] volatile [adj.] (価格が)変動しやすい、上下する、(株式市場が)値動きの荒い16:16 VIX [fin.] VIX指数(「CBOE VOLATILITY INDEX(CBOEボラティリティ指数)」の略称で、別名では「恐怖指数(Investor fear gauge)」とも呼ばれます。この数値が高いほど投資家が相場の先行きに不透明感を持っているとされる)[ref.] voracious [adj.] 貪欲な🇯🇵 ソフトバンク株の緊急事態は続くか?オプション戦略を説明? –
Thank-you Dan!英語間違ってたらゴメンね。I’m very biginner of option trading.Mainly use strategies are cash secured put & put credit spread.There are many strategies exist, but l don’t figured out those edges.So this SoftBank topics are very interesting to me.Still remeining question.Dose SoftBank take profit this trade?&How mutch downside inpact this to NASDAQ?
Since Son’s daughter was working for GS in Tokyo, financial relationship with SoftBank has been close. No wonder.
You were right the other day to predict this SB’s rapid fall.Congratulations!
You said the truth. You traveled too many countries, so you get tired of . You need to root into the ground. one place. Otherwise you have to float forever. Welcome to Japan.
Legendary Ray Dalio is BUYING GOLD??

【表現まとめ】about…【形】だいたい…(数字が入る)who S is【名句】Sが誰なのかという事filling report 【名句】提出レポートfounder 【名】創設者S come out.【節】Sが出てくる(ニュースであったり、水であったり、いろいろなケース有)influential 【形】影響力のあるsecond quarter 【名句】第2四半期equity holdings【名句】株式所有bullish【形】強気なdeceive… 【動】…を騙すaccount for…【動句】…の割合を占めるtout…【動】…を褒めるlinkedin【名】リンクデン(ビジネス系SNS) read【名】(感銘を受けた)読み物paradigm shift【名句】パラダイムシフト(社会、業界などで当然と考えられていた事が変化すること)way【名】方法futures market 【名句】先物市場lf…【節】…かどうかという事slant【動】傾くaround…【形】だいたい…頃volume【名】ボリューム、出来高in a declining trend【副句】下降トレンドの中でintricacy【名】複雑に入り組んだものsell signal【名句】売りのサインnorm【名】標準的な状況basically 【副】基本的にform a base【動句】底を作る(チャート)parameter 【名】パラメーターambiguous 【形】あいまいなwidth【名】幅inch up【動句】ジリジリとあげるconfirm…【動】…を確認するnovice【名】初心者be new to…【動句】…の初心者であるborrowed cost【名句】借入費用一本目の和訳は明日つけると思います🙇♂️アーカイブ更新しました
stさんいつもありがとうございます!自分用に 間違ってたらすみません!【表現まとめ】 1:11 about…【形】だいたい…(数字が入る) 1:16 who S is【名句】Sが誰なのかという事 1:50 filling report 【名句】提出レポート 2:15 founder 【名】創設者 2:20 S come out.【節】Sが出てくる(ニュースであったり、水であったり、いろいろなケース有) 2:27 influential 【形】影響力のある 2:34 second quarter 【名句】第2四半期 2:45 equity holdings【名句】株式所有 3:58 bullish【形】強気な 4:03 deceive… 【動】…を騙す 4:10 account for…【動句】…の割合を占める tout…【動】…を褒める 5:06 linkedin【名】リンクデン(ビジネス系SNS) 5:39 read【名】(感銘を受けた)読み物 5:49 paradigm shift【名句】パラダイムシフト(社会、業界などで当然と考えられていた事が変化すること) 6:46 way【名】方法 7:15 futures market 【名句】先物市場 7:25 lf…【節】…かどうかという事 7:43 slant【動】傾く 7:58 around…【形】だいたい…頃 8:08 volume【名】ボリューム、出来高 9:07 in a declining trend【副句】下降トレンドの中で 9:19 intricacy【名】複雑に入り組んだもの 10:03 sell signal【名句】売りのサイン 9:37 norm【名】標準的な状況 11:50 basically 【副】基本的に 12:08 form a base【動句】底を作る(チャート) 12:33 parameter 【名】パラメーター 12:37 ambiguous 【形】あいまいな 12:40 width【名】幅 13:20 inch up【動句】ジリジリとあげる 13:33 confirm…【動】…を確認する 16:56 novice【名】初心者 16:57 be new to…【動句】…の初心者である 18:46 borrowed cost【名句】借入費用
Meeting Dan-san and knowing your channel in this February were my paradigm shift.
Ray dalio soon will be hedging with digital gold as well. I also could see him stacking silver as well soon.
thanks as always.i’m starting to invest in precious metal”in the long term”, but is it not time? should I wait the time when the trend changes?
I like the way you look at the charts to analyse the trend. MACD, RSI I am learning to use them properly to predict the trend. Thank you, Dan.
Thank you for today’s updates and I could catch difference of your opinion between famous investor. You share the key of riding waves so I think this is priceless movie ! Thank you again.
Hi! Dan San. Googled about Ray Dalio 😀 Impressed the most is his practice for Transcendental Meditation. Not how huge amount of money go though him🕉 I you do exercises , eat healthy . Do you do meditation or related ?
Ray Dalio credits his success to Transcendental Meditation as taught by Maharishi Mahes Yogi. tm.orgThank for the video.
When you say “short” silver and platinum, do you mean to sell them? When you say short SLV, do you mean to sell SLV if I hold it?
Thanks Dan! Ray dalio also sold EWZ and INDI that emerging market ETFs at the moment so my portfolio includes these ETFs, too. Then what should I do EWZ and INDI?
Trades focus on the short term prices. Investors look at the long term.If you focus on the graphics analysis you will be focusing on 2-3% short term drop in gold prices; but if you look at tbe fundamentals, currency printing, inflation target, unemployment etc, then there is no way you will see a drop in gold prices in medium-long term
I think gold is in an ascending triangle pattern. So maybe it will take off to $2k from here. Give it a few more days if it doesn’t drop below $1900.
I’m wondering– so I have a portfolio that is similar to his “All Weather Fund” he said have 60% in bonds– mainly TLT long term bonds…. so should I sell off bonds now since I’m trying to follow his risk parity diversified portfolio? So sell bond ETFs????
Thank you for speaking using easy English! This movie is very good for learning English for me.
What is your take on Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tesla, and Apple? I greatly appreciate if you could comment on them. Thank you, Dan.
Dario “cash is trash.”again!2019
Trump Impeachment compared to Nixon Scandal…..will Stock Markets CRASH?

Thank you for always sharing your own thoughts with us without hesitation even in such sensitive situations. Today you’ve shown us how investors should analyze an extraordinary situation. It was very informative. I’ll be watching closely this week to see how the markets digest the real world. Take care, Dan san.
Investing in crypto is lucrative and a big chance to make money online
I couldn’t imagine comparison with the Watergate. RSI signs are interesting, however it’s necessary to distinguish this from the march to the Capitol. Whether you like it or not, I think the world has moved on to the next gate. Thank you for your great analysis with politics involved!
Thank you DAN! I study English everyday.Considering the presidential election, I wonder if there are about half of the people who support Trump.Dan! I would like you to introduce a recommended book.
Thank you.Please continue to broadcast this English channel.It will be very helpful to study English.
Great video Dan, keep up the good work👊 greetings from Belgium 😁
If them physically storming into the capital building didn’t phase markets, it’s doubtful anything will. Markets have long been detached from reality.
Hi, Dan. On the weekly chart of the big picture, I found the downtrend by VVIX/VIX for the long-term(2018-continuing). I have concerning a little bit about it from 4 months ago. According to it in be a little bit careful period: Jan 25th, 2021 —- Feb 2021, Aug 2021 —- Oct 2021.
ダンさん、いつもありがとうございます Thank you, Dan自分用 For myselfTrump Impeachment compared to Nixon Scandal ニクソンスキャンダルと比較したトランプ弾劾Impeachment 弾劾・避難・告訴・告発compared 比較competition 競争Scandal 醜聞・スキャンダル・不祥事
Thank you for your analysis. I hope there will be no more casualties.
Thank you for clear analysis. I can take good sleep !
Thanks for the analysis . The last few days have been dystopian:(
You are a person of insight. I am greatly obliged.
Thank you, Dan.
I remembered Nixon crisis as big news. Interested in your analysis. But was Trump actions are a little expected ?…I hope to continue to your uproading this problem.
this is a bait to get the public continually divided. make sure nobody is looking at what the central banks are up to.
“Political code blue” with the president isn’t it?
Tesla Stock CRASH? Holders are Selling and Stock Split Danger?

Hi Dan, I would like to know if you have personal training sessions I can sign up for? You are very informative and nothing like other channels.
ダンさん こんにちは! いつもタイムリーなニュース!楽しみにしております。 日本語版を見た後に 必ず英語版もBGMのように聞いています。 ダンさんの発音は とても聴き取りやすく 分かりやすいです。 英語が身に付くといいなぁ~☆
Are you using an external mic and manually sync’d the audio? If so just use a software like davinci resolve or adobe premiere to sync because the audio isn’t in sync. Just pointing it out.
That’s not true. It was not just Baillie Gifford that sent Tesla from it highs to the current number. All Big Tech went down. To focus just on Tesla only is bad reporting. If you understand Tesla you will realize the gains it made are reasonable considering the disruption to the auto industry in addition to the changes they bring to the energy industry, Tesla is volatile but this movement in Tech is just consolidation as investors calculation on forward gains in big tech are diminishing and they are moving to stock that has been left behind in the last 3 months.
Does anyone have any idea how much the TESLA stock will go up to on September 22nd BATTERY DAY!!!!
The short interest ratio is low.It is safe from a short squeeze.The trouble is I have never been short a stock.
i think theyre in trouble cause theres a factory in china. one third their assets in hostile territory.. >.<what a mess. love the company
Will DOW and NEKKEI follow TESLA ?
I hope you have time one day in one of your videos talking about IPOs and IPOs in japan in general. I would like to learn how to get more information and how to decide what is a good IPO to invest in.
I notice that you do not use stochastic anymore these days. I wonder why.
Hello Dan . Thank you for this video. And No I am not selling my TESLA stock In my humble opinion? I actually bought a couple of hundred more . Thank you again.
US market starts crashing!!Which is better keep shorting TEC stocks or Do nothing??Now,Lion strategy !!🦁
I’ve just bought the tesla before your video by following my emotion. I also checked the MACD and BB. They said “Not good to by this one”, but I couldn’t wait. After your video, I could sell the stock and it going down further. It was good “Mistake experience”. Thank you!
It’s September 4th,14:40 now. RSI is around 40. 下がったー!The mouth of BB became thin. It was 80 yesterday. I’m researching TESLA ‘s candle stick. Why is the red one is earning?
Thank you,Dan!子供と一緒に英語バージョンを見ています。「今、downって言った?!」と反応しつつ、子供が喜んで見ています。いつも有益な情報ありがとうございます。子供の英語教育にも、とても良さそうです!
🤔 maybe stockholders forgot to turn off stop loss? 😬😱
Thank you for this video.All your videos are very valuable.