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Abandoned White Dog With A Huge Tumor On Her Leg | Kritter Klub

Abandoned White Dog With A Huge Tumor On Her Leg | Kritter Klub  (c) Kritter Klub

(c) Kritter Klub Please don’t forget to hit the CC button for Subtitles* A sluggish white dog with a tumor on her leg used to be abandoned by a hooman.. But, the dog never loses …

Let’s pray for her happiness..♡Follow our social media below to stay updated with us! ❤Facebook:🧡Instagram:💛Twitter:

She gorgeous. She looks like a wolf hybrid.

Меня радует :как хорошо есть на свете,хорошие люди.Спасибо вам большое добрые люди.Бог с вами!!!

Thank you to everyone who helped to protect and save her. She’s adorable and lovely. We will always love and support you. Her eyes and her smile are so sweet.

Бедные животные болееют как люди! И сколько таких , которым непомогается.

Спасибо вам добрые люди за спасение собаки! Здоровья ей,счастья,долгих и счастливых лет жизни!.

I wish the Government would pay these people for the many animal lives theyve saved. Animal lives matter

Как хорошо,что есть неравнодушные люди,которые спасают животных.Ничего,что собаченька без ноги,зато жива и бегает!

She still trusted and loved people even when they abandoned her. I am so happy to see her doing well and thriving.

Дай Бог здоровья Вам и Вашим близким Ирина из Москвы 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😢😢😢😢😢🙀🙀😱😱

Очень рада,что этой операцией продлили жизнь этой псинке.Он такой красивый.

It’s really heartbreaking to see this but I”m glad these people like them exist in this world. Bless y’all. Hugs

What beautiful dog and even more beautiful are the people who cared enough to save her. I’m sure she is only one in several they have save. Thanks u so much for ur kindness.

После операции у собачки глаза ожили,стали ярче , пусть будет здорова !

Есть надежда на светлое будущее, когда такие люди есть!!! Благодарю всех, кто любит и помогает животным!!! Все возвращается!! И добро тоже вернется многократно!!!

The doctor is really sweet, God bless him!☺️

This doctor is my favourite…he is so kind with passion for animals…he really cares about them

Gracias por ayudar, desgraciadamente hay muchas personas que no tienen coraz�n y abandonan a sus animalitos a su suerte, que Dios les de mas para seguir con esta labor tan bella gracias por su buen coraz�n

Это конечно ужасно ! Любая опухоль болит и сильно дергает : Значит собака очень мучилачь от боли ; Добрым людям сасибо за помощь собачке

Бедняга спасибо кто тем людям кто любят животных и для них делает хорошо

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This Cat Looks So Fluffy And Cute But Why Is He So Angry At His Owner? | Kritter Klub

This Cat Looks So Fluffy And Cute But Why Is He So Angry At His Owner? | Kritter Klub  (c) Kritter Klub

(c) Kritter Klub Please don’t forget to hit the CC button for Subtitles* Austin the cat is so angry at his older bro and can’t stop screaming at him; but why? #KritterKlub Subscribe: …

Do you love cats? Follow us on our social media to stay updated with other cat and animal videos!! 🐈Facebook: 🐱Instagram: 😺Twitter:

The owner is a clone, the real one was killed by him, the cat knows it

he was gone for 5 months, that cat obviously thought it was being abandoned, and hated him for it

Nobody:Not even a soul:Cat sees his owner: MEOWWWWWwwwwwWWwWWwWWwWWwWEars are bleeding:

I kept laughing how this cat meows so loud 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

I had a similar experience when I came back after being in the states for a year, all three of my cats didn’t recognize me but after four to five days they realize who I was and now they won’t leave me alone 😂

That hurts emotionally to be rejected by the cat. The doctor gave a good original answer

cat:nom nomowner: touchescat:wawawaw rawr wawawa

“Get off me you betrayed me”

Every time my cat bites me for no reason, I smack her (don’t worry, not super hard), and I don’t care what you say, she just has to learn NOT to bite me.She still loves me anyway, and I love her too. xd

It’d break my heart if my cat suddendly started hating me.

Cat: don’t act nice with me i saw you being cuddly with the neighbours cat

Literally the intro:”mEow…”


Owner: *get’s his hand close to the cat*Cat: So you have chosen an errape warning? MMMMMMMEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Plot twist: That’s not the real owner. This is a cybernetic organism, living tissue over a metal endoskeleton. The real owner was terminated.

Man:touch’s the you have chosen death?

“Don’t touch me, you stranger”

My cat thinks he scares me with his tiny claws, but wait till I start fighting back xD

The captions was killing me😂😂😂😂😂

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Dog Waits In Tears For 10 Years, Longing For Her Owner To Come Back | Animal in Crisis EP60

Dog Waits In Tears For 10 Years, Longing For Her Owner To Come Back | Animal in Crisis EP60  (c) Kritter Klub

(c) Kritter Klub Please don’t forget to hit the CC button for Subtitles* Why did this dog stay in the same spot for 10 years? #KritterKlub Subscribe: Get social with …

Someone once said “A dog is the only creature that loves you more than itself”, and it’s been proved right every time.

Let me correct that TEN YEARS IS TOTALLY INSANE, for this poor soul to be passed by every single second of every minute of every hour of every day my heart hurts.

She’s been waiting for 10yrs to someone who didn’t care for her. She deserves a new loving owner. I hope someone will really adopt her.

Can’t leave her like that..someone got to adopt her to give her a new life. It breaks my heart 💔

I’m crying as I watch this video!, I’m so disgusted with people that just leave their animals behind, these creatures have so much heart , so much love, I hope that someone just take her and take care of her. My heart aches.

“For the owner, the dog was just like a toy, but for the dog the owner was her whole life”

Please update us for this dog waiting for 10 years? How’s the status of this dog now? Find the true owner? It’s so touching seeing how lonely this lovely dog. I prayed the owner still cares this dog too. 🐕

This breaks my heart 💔. She never enjoyed her life and she has spent all her life just waiting for owner. For sure, The owner might have seen her many times but didn’t feel pitty on his dog. Please 🙏🙏 don’t break dog’s heart

10 dog or human years?

I just hate those people who leave their dogs saying , will come back later and then never come back

” i have died everyday waiting for you”

This animal could have already lived a new happy life with a loving caring family but no, the negligence of people is just outstanding leaving me perplexed of their lack of compassion, shame, shame on that people

I remember when i was a child I was playing with my friends in a park and then old man brought his dogs and tell us to look after him and he told us that he will come back later and we all ask mom to give us some things to eat and all of the parents was confused and they buy and give us foods and we all feed the dog so he wouldn’t feel hungry and later the owners didn’t return it been long time and me and my friends were still waiting for him while we were continuing feeding him but the owner didn’t return and then we saw a female who we got to know she was a doctor and we told her that the owner didn’t come back to pick her up and the female who was doctor took her away the reason was why we ask her was because no matter how many time we try to pick the dog the dog would bite one of us and the female doctor pick her up and yes she also got bite but she managed to took her and now I guess the dog have s wonder family

What a Heartbreaking story’😭😭😭

So basically most of her lifetime is spent waiting for someone who will never come back. This is too depressing dude…

The dog are still waiting his owner because someone didnt try adopt him. Yes of course if you will take him away and then leave him, it will obviously go back to the same spot just like what they showed but if someone really adopt the dog and they try to lock him up and develop love to him, then the dog would not suffer from waiting because it already got a new family.

The safest story ever! Poor puppy dog! What really happened, where is his owner? Does anyone know? And why didn’t others really come to his aid, give him love and care for him! I simply don6 accept this kind of disregard! Yes they occasionally gave him food! Where is love when needed so desperately!

Someday I wanted to open a shelter home for all these beautiful creatures….. 💕 this video is very emotional 😪

not a good intervention at all if someone got her a home early on she could forget her last owner of there was a good kind loving person who give her a home….my God for letting the poor soul reminisce every second of her life feel abandoned until her last day…SO HEARTLESS of the people surrounding her….

My heart broke into pieces 😭☹

Baby Mandarin Ducklings Follow Their Owner On A Hike | Kritter Klub

Baby Mandarin Ducklings Follow Their Owner On A Hike | Kritter Klub  (c) Kritter Klub

(c) Kritter Klub Have you seen baby ducklings go on a hike? Endangered species Mandarin ducklings follow their owner wherever he goes. Subscribe: Get …

Это импринтинг, когда вылупившиеся утята, гусята, цыплята считают своей мамой то движущееся существо, которое увидят первым, и бегут за ним

This is the most precious story of a ” father goose” type story I’ve had the pleasure of ever seeing. What a special man to give love to these babies ,!!!

Классно ! глаз радует сердце дух , да хранит их Господь Бог во Имя Иисуса Христа Аминь! Бог любит вас

Так радует это видео, привязанасть и любовь

What a nice old man and thanks to him he tace care all the baby duck if he will take care those duck God will always bless him

Такие смешные,молодцы.Вы хороший человек,они чувствуют это

Боже, какое чудо !!!

Ой, как здорово, прикольно! КЛАССНО!

He’s a good spirited person and love has no boundaries he’s a good person

So kind, loving person he is . God loves you brother.

Мля, после этого видео я начал бояться уток, от них даже бегом не спастись, а что будет, когда они летать начнут…

My heart just melted 🤗💖🐥🐥🐥🐥

Да ещё так быстро бегут, как заводные.

Совесть есть, так бегать?! Утяточкам бедненьким приходится лапотушками очень быстро перебирать ,что бы угнаться!🤗😍

Affection with birds is really appreciable.

�wow, que hermosos patitos, y comoquieren a su due�o! Me encantan los patos!

Поели, попили и дальше за “папой” в дорогу …… , КРАСОТА !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Во всём нужна сноровка, закалка, тренировка.”

🤗💕To cute ❤️

God bless him!!!! Just inspiring! 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Dad Is A Gym Trainer But His Doggo Son Is Extremely Obese | Kritter Klub

Dad Is A Gym Trainer But His Doggo Son Is Extremely Obese | Kritter Klub  (c) Kritter Klub

(c) Kritter Klub Please don’t forget to hit the CC button for Subtitles* Kan is an extremely obese Malamute who even shocks the vet; but what’s surprising is that his dad is …

How did Kan get so obese?? Watch till the end to find out some working out tips from Kan!Here are our social media channels to follow to stay updated with all of our animal videos!😉💙Facebook: 💜Instagram: 💛Twitter:

I dont want to expose the gym trainer but he got all his muscles from carrying and walking kan

If I found a fluffy doggo lying on the gym floor I would be like *”ight imma pet the doggo now, enough exercising”*

I lost it when he wears that hoodie with a snack attached to it omggggggg

grandma probably have been feeding him

In Kan’s defense, half of his weight is probably fluff


“Dogs are usually active but our Kan must’ve been a cat in his past life” I died at that part 🤣🤣🤣🤣

This dog is just laying down while everyone is working out is totally me everyday irl 🤣🤣🤣

I really want to know the update of Kan’s weightloss progress…

“Dogs are usually active, but our Kan must’ve been a cat in his past life”……

He belongs in a colder weather area because of his fluff he is overheating and doesn’t want to walk and run is because he isn’t trying to raise his body temp even more then it already is

“Ohhh so cute” Looks at the dog but stares at the owner then sips drink😂😂

Kan: I’m not overweight ! I’m only fluffy !

The guy who comes to gym every day but never lose weight

I love how he just gives up on any toy that rolled too far. Thats my energy right there

This dog only likes to lay down. Me everyday. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👌

its like my dog’s uncle, all he does is sit , lay down and eat like a king. He only move or sprint if he saw cat, stranger doggie or someone comes near my father.

Kan: I guess one more snack shouldn’t hurt? ^.^Snack: *bounces away*Kan: Ah forget it…-.-What a mood

4:56 i can’t believe you actually used the classical cartoon way to get someone to walk.

