- 100年続く京菓子 – Japanese Street Food – Jiggly Cake – どら焼き? かたぱん
- 15秒で作るオムライス 職人技 – Amazing Skill! Omurice Master – Fastest Workers – Japanese Street Food 鉄板焼き Omelet
- 【屋台ラーメンの裏側に密着‼️】屋台の組み立てから、一杯のラーメンができるまで|Old Style Ramen Stall|Japanese Street Food|横浜 戸塚 八ちゃん 夜鳴きそば
- 【夜を駆ける屋台ラーメン】Old Style Ramen Stall|Yatai Racing into the Night|Japanese street food|拉面・라면|愛知・名古屋
- 【PAPABUBBLE|パパブブレ】手作りキャンディーの作り方|Handmade Candy Making|Japanese Street Food|사탕 수제캔디|手工糖果・糖果製作・飴細工職人
100年続く京菓子 – Japanese Street Food – Jiggly Cake – どら焼き? かたぱん

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ 亀井商店 カタパン屋 100年続く京都のお菓子「かたぱん」を撮影しました。 お店は6月~9月は休業しています。 ホットケーキやどら焼きの形に似ていますが、京都で昔から …
I Love how the old couples are really generous and sweet towards you and tell you things on how to eat and not to … while you laugh like a small kid , it really makes me happy watching this
Grandma is funny squishing out the pancake. Just like at home
They’re still using wood… The pancakes must have a distinctive flavor because of the wood. And how he touched the pan surface, no need for a temperature control. Wonderful!
Wow, I like this cake looks soft and fluffy.The center can add filled such as red bean or green tea cream too.Thank you for sharing I Food Leveling 😋😋
하…커피한잔이랑 곁들이면 최고다 저건
the grandma was so proud to show her grandson’s drawings on their board! they seem like such wonderful people
It’s really good 👍
0:31 like some healing animation. everyone is so kind and happy and warm, and laughs from the bottom of heart
The drawing board character from ur grandchildren is a great piece of ART😎!
The colour of the pancakes is so even and pretty 😍
this whole video is just so wholesomei hope grandpa and granny are healthy and living well
There is an old pastry shop in Kagawa prefecture, a little further west, that makes similar products that are “hard like hell”. I heard that these were developed as military food.
God is calling us to the repentance, He shed his blood, died on the cross to give us life, the everlasting life. God wants us to repent from our sins and to get back to him, He’s calling you today don’t harden your heart cause you don’t know what might happen in the next hours for no man has the power over the breath to retain it neither the power in the day of death..I really want everyone who will come across this text to just stop and think a little bit about his soul destiny, what will my end be? Where will i go once i depart from this world? As we all know we have a specific life cycle on the earth and we won’t last forever..Jesus Christ is the life, He gave his life, overpowered the death so those who believe in him should not perish but have an everlasting life tho they might once depart from this life, He who overpowered the death will bring them back to life on the last dayAccept Jesus Christ today, repent from your sins, ask for his forgiveness as it’s not too late yet.. Seek him in prayer, call out his name He will surely respond you if you are sincere in your heart, He’s your God, He knows you, He loves you and wants to save you from the distress that awaits those who reject himI hope you make a good decision today as long as God still gives you the breath of lifeBe blessed beautiful people of God and may God help you
I always enjoyed this type of authentic way of cooking
The store name literally means “hard cake shop” so it’s reasonable
I’m sure the pancakes are great but I would go there just to talk to the owners. They seem so nice.
덜익은거 아님?
Damn you covid 19 for stop me visiting the store. It looks so delicious
Naw…everything there is too cute to see 🥰🤩
Супер!! Перемазать с кремом, будет тортик, неплохая идея!!👍👍👍👍👍
15秒で作るオムライス 職人技 – Amazing Skill! Omurice Master – Fastest Workers – Japanese Street Food 鉄板焼き Omelet

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ 鉄板焼き mine (Teppanyaki) 1650円: ランチセット(スープ・八百屋厳選の旬の野菜・オムライス・1ドリンク) Lunch Set (Soup , Seasonal vegetables and Omelette): JPY …
The amazing thing I believe is that he can cook the omelet into edible one with less than a minute
Wow shaping the egg looks really hard.That’s amazing!
00:42 I know this is the name of the restaurant but as an English speaker, my first thought is, “Yay, all the omurice belongs to me! It’s *mine.* “
So satisfying to watch. Really appreciate his skills 🙂
his omelette technique is amazing
I was like “there’s no way this fucker is gonna make an Omurice type of Omelette on a flat surface like that”Then 3:18 came. OHSHIT!
진짜 신기하다
Delicious food sharing 💕 thanks for sharing my friend.
와 이건 진짜 먹고 싶다..
【屋台ラーメンの裏側に密着‼️】屋台の組み立てから、一杯のラーメンができるまで|Old Style Ramen Stall|Japanese Street Food|横浜 戸塚 八ちゃん 夜鳴きそば

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ らーめん 八ちゃん(Ramen Hacchan) 1988(昭和63)年に開業の屋台ラーメン「八ちゃん」。 屋台の車は、大将の前職である鍛冶屋や鉄鋼業の経験を生かして1ヶ月をかけ …
whoever designed this truck is a freaking genius
Driving, stall preparation, cooking, cleaning he worked alone without assistance. Respect.
This is my fourth video with this uploader and I am convinced his life’s goal is to make people hungry and nostalgic.
all that laborious exertion at assiduously readying his stall for his day’s solitary business. so much attention being paid to the finer details of setting up. then he starts cooking. he does this every single working day.
This elderly man has a lot to teach us about life and its values.
I like the cleanliness,exquisite and politeness of Japan, They are the first in the world👍
This guy truly loves his business and customers. So much detail in his daily preparation .
Despite his age, he is still doing a wonderful job with his business. JAPANESE are very known for their hard work and dedication and I salute you for that.
fond memories it was, the first place i would go to after work especially during autumn and winter train ride home, i swear i would eat it for breakfast if they serve it in the morning 😄😄
One of the fancier setups I’ve seen.
Thanks for making this video! This video was so really great ✨And I hope, the Chef always get healthy, long life and also can enjoy his life and he deserve more customers because the food looks soo delicious and love ❤️
this old style ramen looks really good at this stall, id love to try that lol
I would love to try this stall out someday.
i wanna ask him how many times he was extorted a lot of money by Yakuza for his 33 years….
【夜を駆ける屋台ラーメン】Old Style Ramen Stall|Yatai Racing into the Night|Japanese street food|拉面・라면|愛知・名古屋

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ 飲飲13(Yum Yum 13) 元々は大須商店街で町中華(ヤムヤム13)を40年以上続けていた店主さん。 店舗の立退をきっかけにラーメン屋台をはじめたそうです。 屋台を出店 …
This old man is halfway across the planet and yet he is teaching me a lesson about hard work, I can feel the passion and love for what he does. Perfect example of how to be an accomplished professional and a true self human being at the same time.
I’ll tell you this, I feel safe walking around the streets of Japan compared to America. Crime is almost not a thing and even the homeless clean up after themselves! It is crazy how civilized Japanese society is. Respect is highly taught!
I never magine before in Japan still exist someone dragging litle cart for selling ramen like this…respect for that oldman ..hard works for his family..
I do truly hope you can read my comment, I found your channel not to long ago (probably about a week and a half to two weeks ago) and have fallen in love with it. As someone who lives in America (Indiana more specifically) I’ve always been very fond of Japanese things and Japan in general. I love the fact these older folk get out and still keep the old culture of Japan alive. This is the kind of thing we need in our country and it’s slowly dieing off and it’s extremely sad. I’ve always wanted to visit your country and have become fascinated watching these guys dragging thier little carts out to make fresh from scratch ramen for the civilians. I wont lie this makes me want to do it around here for myself. I want to bring that same loving tradition and way of just being humble to my town and it’d be awesome if I could walk around with my own Lil cart that I hand made and all my fresh ingredients. Since I’m only 28 I’d have a Lil more strength in me to be able to drag around a kind of bigger stall that I could set up. This is really awesome you’ve got a subscriber out of me for life for sure ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I respect hard workers like him
Having a little noisy young costumers is quite an advantage. At least Tatay’s got company.God bless you Tatay!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Wow manually pulled and how is it so cheap for such a large serving.
When I get older, I will be proud of myself and be happy that I can participate in society even in old age
My respect to all people who are working very hard everyday🤜🤛
I love the fact too that you walked and stayed with him throughout the lonely and quiet night… I love the dedication you also put in your videos.
That is hard work!! nothing but respect 👏
Oh god, it was so hard to watch this old man pull such a heavy looking cart 😭😭. Bless his soul. As much as I want to watch your videos it makes me so sad and hungry at the sametime. So hard working to make a living. So grateful for what i have in life.
屋台のラーメンもう20年くらい食べてないなぁ 忘れちゃいけない日本の文化だと思います お姉チャン達のトークもよかw
Wish I could understand what they’re saying. Those playful laughs are to die for. Yes tell me more guahhh 🤩😍
I’ll be doing something like this when i retired. I won’t spend my last few years on a couch.
I love how the Japanese find honor and try perfect any type of job, no matter how low or high in the status hierarchy. That is a good and respectable mindset to have.
I want to experience this fabulous looking traditional looking ramen stall.
0:23 love it, such a contrast the old and the new. Hope the old tradition still hanging around for a littler while yet.
【PAPABUBBLE|パパブブレ】手作りキャンディーの作り方|Handmade Candy Making|Japanese Street Food|사탕 수제캔디|手工糖果・糖果製作・飴細工職人

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ PAPABUBBLE (パパブブレ)大丸心斎橋店 Art candy shop “PAPABUBBLE” aiming to be the most interesting candy store in the world. 世界一おもしろいお …
That’s an intense arm workout.
I bet their arms hurt when they go home, at least until they build up their arms then it’s just a daily workout lol hope they don’t forget leg day lol
15:17 Imposter or crewmate? lolAlso it’s the kid crying towards the end for me 😂😅
PAPABUBBLE said trans rights with a bunch of tiny cherry blossom candies
Q genios desde Argentina los felicito quiero esos caramelos 😥🙏
why did nobody cheer for the girl when she made the swan?!? It’s so adorable I feel so bad😭😭
Never knew candy making was so complex
Strong woman .. amazing
Thinking about getting a job like this so I can workout my arms.
WE will tell you when to clap. WE will let you know when something is amazing.
Great job and it was so cute hearing some little kid crying in the background too..
Wow ❤️
12:26 the *FWIP* was nice 👌
25:51 やっぱり気持ちいい〜❣️
28:57 「あ〝め〝だべだいー」