- 【PAPABUBBLE|パパブブレ】レインボーキャンディーの作り方🌈|Handmade Rainbow Candy Making|Japanese Street Food|사탕 수제캔디|手工糖果
- カツ丼 5杯同時に作る職人技 – Japanese Street Food – Katsudon , Curry and Tonkatsu – とんかつ カレーライス 名店の作り方 大阪 こけし
- 【屋台ラーメン・大阪】大統領 チャルメラ|Old Style Ramen Stall|Japanese Street Food Osaka |一杯のラーメンができるまで|
- 100円お好み焼き屋台 – Old style Okonomiyaki Stall – Japanese Street food – 大阪 四天王寺
- 元祖オムライス 昔ながらの作り方 – Old Style Omurice Master – Japanese Street Food – Omelette Rice 北極星
【PAPABUBBLE|パパブブレ】レインボーキャンディーの作り方🌈|Handmade Rainbow Candy Making|Japanese Street Food|사탕 수제캔디|手工糖果

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ PAPABUBBLE (パパブブレ)大丸心斎橋店 Art candy shop “PAPABUBULE” aiming to be the most interesting candy store in the world. This time we will …
I’m sorry – did that guy just casually make a PERFECT SWAN from the leftover candy?!
I feel bad that all of the candy molders who are doing incredible art and all that strength they use aren’t getting the applause that the candy cutter is getting. Just me? Haha.
watching this makes my arms hurt, this would be exausting
i’m to much of a foodie for that job. I would probably end up eating it
There is so much cool stuff going on in the world
I saw a thumbnail about a handmade shiba inu candy, I was so fascinated about it, and now I can’t stop myself watching for more.
Its good to know that there are still things that aren’t made from machines and are handmade
It’s like herding cats but instead of cats it’s hot sugar.
Me fluent in Japanese understanding all: aThe man : the flavor is all the same.The woman: purple is grape, orange is orangeThe man: it’s all grape, we’re gonna make red grape, yellow grape, green grape, and white grape.The woman: ok :]
They even made a duck out of the extra bit! Watching this makes me hungry for candy, more than any commercial ever could.Edit: Or probably a swan, now that I think about it.
Guy turning that end piece into a swan was just great xD
Ah, so this is how the infinity stones were made
No s� que me encanta m�s, el buen �nimo de los chicos que est�n trabajando ah�, su habilidad para hacer caramelos o lo amable que la gente (los clientes) los tratan :’)
If you’ve ever tried making candy you’d know how insanely hot that candy is in its runny state – sugar burns are no joke – these guys are impressive
mans saying “how to make candy” as if we actually gonna make it XD
am i the only one who wants to eat the candy when it is still stretchy-
Love how they’re interacting with the crowd!!!+
カツ丼 5杯同時に作る職人技 – Japanese Street Food – Katsudon , Curry and Tonkatsu – とんかつ カレーライス 名店の作り方 大阪 こけし

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ カツ丼 (Pork cutlet on rice) ℹ️大阪の日本橋は秋葉原のような電気店やアニメ・漫画店があることで有名です。お店にはこけしと一緒にフィギュアが並んでいました。
chef wasn’t lying when he said he cooks like a DB Super Saiyan 😂 I often cook these two cutlet dishes at home, but for the curry I’ve never had it w raw egg on hot rice before and now you’ve given me ideas 😏 tysm buddy!!!
The oil isn’t dirty, it’s a blend using sesame oil that gives it a nutty & toasty flavor but makes it look darker.
The way he yeet the egg shells lol
the way he throws egg shells is so professional and its satisfying
I miss Katsudon, and watching this video makes me miss it more
If that was me, I’d be cutting my fingers off in the first 5 seconds.
Friggen beast, just picturing how hot those tonkatsu must’ve been coming right out of the oil like that and he doesn’t even flinch haha
He moves so fast, I’m getting tired just watching him.
When I get to visit Japan once this pandemic is over. I won’t look for the fanciest sushi, I won’t fall in line for the most popular ramen; I’d probably look for a good katsudon as it is possibly my favorite Japanese dish.
Why do I always watch these videos at 2 o’clock in the morning with no food in the fridge? 🙁
i don’t think i have ever craved a dish that i have never had before like this.
素晴らしい職人技ですね!美味しそうです。カツ煮はたまご2個ですね。笑Good Job!!
what the perfect Tonkatsu !!! I want Tonkassan to eat this with peeling off Koromo
【屋台ラーメン・大阪】大統領 チャルメラ|Old Style Ramen Stall|Japanese Street Food Osaka |一杯のラーメンができるまで|

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ 大統領(Daitoryo) ラーメンを作り続けて50年以上の大ベテランの店主さんでした。 撮影後に屋台を引かせて頂いたり、沢山お話をさせて頂きました。一番驚いた話は今 …
If i live in his area, definitely i’ll be buying his ramen everynight. Take care gramps
So awesome!
The way I understand it, he fills a vital role in their society. Thinking about anyone working overtime going home late at night. No restaurants open that late, and if you’re working overtime, cooking isnt a very appealing option. Then you hear that unmistakeable siren calling to you. What a hero.
If we had this in America, I’d literally be waiting around for that siren like a kid waits for the ice cream truck!
I like to think he’s on his way home after a another profitable day. If he still has ingredients he doesn’t mind making a stop. There’s no growling stomachs on his watch.
Hope the elderly man is healthy and well.
US: Mom! The ice cream truck is here!Japan: Mom! The ramen man is here!
This is beyond food, this is culture and art
This sort of thing should never die. We need this.
If you’re ever in Japan and you see a cart like this, I vehemently recommend you stop for a meal, even if you’re not that hungry.
There is something about seeing the elderly continue their craft and work no matter what. This really warms my heart. Thank you for sharing and helping this man spread his art. ❤️
one word : aesthetic
This is so relaxing
The algorithm has blessed me with this video.
When I was stationed in Japan for the marines me and my buddies always would run into this older Japanese man who had a ramen cart like this and we’d buy from him every week. He was a 92 year old WW2 vet and honestly was the best person I’ve ever met, he gave some good advice.
The cleanliness of the cart makes me just wanna sit there and eat the ramen all day…
Old man is still working. I should watch this when I feel lazy.
Old masters like him are so rare nowadays.. Hope he’s doing well..
TL from description:He is ramen veteran making ramen for 50 years. I did talk a lot with him, and the most impressive story was that he made that ramen stall by himself. He was very kind to me and also very energetic person.
I would buy this man’s ramen every night just to see him perform his craft. God bless this master of his craft 🙂
100円お好み焼き屋台 – Old style Okonomiyaki Stall – Japanese Street food – 大阪 四天王寺

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ 100円お好み焼き屋台 ($1 Okonomiyaki stall) 今回は四天王寺のお好み焼き屋台を撮影しました。 毎月21日・22日、縁日の時にオープンしています。 店主さんによると40 …
Another video of this shop. (Okonomiyaki Stall’s kitchen)こちらの100円お好み焼き屋台を定点カメラで撮影した動画はこちらです。https://youtu.be/MfgNFpU4I-4
Sabroso 🤤
Oishi soo…..hmmm
i can imagine the smell. plus the feeling of the breeze. damn, eating there must feel good.
omg it looks so good 😭
9:55 その場で食べる人へは新しく焼いたのを売って3枚持ち帰りで購入した女性の分は時間が経過した10分以上前に売れ残ってたのを新古新ではさんで入れて売った技術は流石です。
元祖オムライス 昔ながらの作り方 – Old Style Omurice Master – Japanese Street Food – Omelette Rice 北極星

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ 北極星 心斎橋本店 “Hokkyokusei” ℹ️今回は元祖オムライスのお店を撮影しました。 1922年(大正11)年に洋食屋パンヤの食堂(北極星の前身)をはじめて、1925年( …
eu amo seus videos
This 🌹 is for you if you are reading this and I really wish you and your family a Blessed and Happy future.
My god that stew looks amazing.
That chef must be RIPPED tossing a heavy pan like that, every day.
What kind of sorcery is this??? My omlettes NEVER turn out this way! Can’t wait to go to Japan and try the real deal.
my cooking skill… flip flip floor 😭
Japanese are so hardworking ; simple ; generous and skillful ..Their food is so nice ..kids are so well-behave..and very clean even their surroundings😍
I love these videos, it looks so delicious! 😋
Love that magic pan. Nothing sticks to it. The perfect omelette pan.
Salute Fam this chef has skills!! A mechanic in the kitchen and a master of the omelet!!!
Why is this so relaxing omg
Gosh… the omelette rice looks so plump and delicious… my mouth is watering just looking at this… darn! it’s 1am and now I’m hungry
I’ve wondered how it was made. Thank you. How does he keep the eggs from sticking in his pan?