- 手毬飴 キャンディーの作り方 – Handmade Rainbow Candy Making – Factory – Japanese Street Food 飴細工職人の手作り京あめ 飴工房 京都
- 【PAPABUBBLE|パパブブレ】レインボーキャンディーの作り方|Handmade Rainbow Lollipop Candy Making|Japanese Street Food
- 町中華のデカ盛り炒飯 ラーメンYA – Giant Fried Rice – Old Style Ramen Restaurant – Japanese Street Food 大盛りチャーハン
- 西成 100円お好み焼き屋台 – Old Style Okonomiyaki Stall – Japanese Street food – 組み立て・開店準備 – Yatai 大阪
- キチキチ オムライスのショーに密着 – Amazing Omelet Rice Show by Omurice Master – Japanese Street Food 京都 Kichi Kichi
手毬飴 キャンディーの作り方 – Handmade Rainbow Candy Making – Factory – Japanese Street Food 飴細工職人の手作り京あめ 飴工房 京都

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ 京あめ処 豊松堂 (Kyoame Hoshodo) 京都御所の南、寺町通りに面している飴専門店『京あめ処 豊松堂』 創業明治30年(1897年)昔ながらの製法を今も尚受け継ぎ、 …
That photo from the beginning … of the old days and the transition to the current one was so beautiful. It was at that moment that I clicked the like button !! So much history behind these sweets.
It looks amazing, I really like candy videos! 🍬
Old fashioned candies 🙂 they look so beautiful and pearlesic
Cultura, arte, tradizione. Bellissimo vedere tanto talento nel fare caramelle artigianali. Siete maestri.
I’ve grown out of eating lollies, but I would definitely eat some of these now 👍 yum 😋
Yummy ❤️❤️❤️❤️
So pretty and yummy looking.💕
Looks like there’s enough rainbows for everyone.
They look so yummy!💜
Ppl can be truly Amazing..🥰TYSM this was Awesome I have Always Loved seeing the process of how things are made…💕Always so interesting.. 🤔
Its a shame their website isn’t in English as well – I’d order some for sure
Wonderful 🥰👌🏻👌🏻
One thing that bothers me about all these videos is that chunk on the end. The one that the other place makes into a swan. The ball at the ends What happens to it? Is it reused elsewhere? Sold at a discount? Given to staff?
Design looks so pretty
【PAPABUBBLE|パパブブレ】レインボーキャンディーの作り方|Handmade Rainbow Lollipop Candy Making|Japanese Street Food

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ PAPABUBBLE (パパブブレ)大丸心斎橋店 世界一おもしろいお菓子屋さんを目指すアート・ キャンディ・ショップ『パパブブレ』さん。 キャンディー作りの実演は驚きの連続で …
I love these videos, the candies are beautiful! 🙂
The “I will come again!” is so cute~
Without the stick on it looks like multicolored snail shells x)
it’s so satisfying 😂
I don’t even like sugar but the work behind the candies is amazing.
I wonder how you are supposed to eat the big ones 😂
i ate one of those once its fun to know how theyre made
This is a awesome 👏
Perfection 👍
Delicioso y dulce como a mi me gusta ^^
Nice video. I love the way you make the footage. GREAT JOB !!!
Помню в советские годы, я был юнцом, и такие конфеты продавали.👍
Que lindo!😍
Could you turn osu taiko’s pet into a candy?Circular is the little petOsu the game
町中華のデカ盛り炒飯 ラーメンYA – Giant Fried Rice – Old Style Ramen Restaurant – Japanese Street Food 大盛りチャーハン

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ ラーメンya (Ramen Ya) ℹ️テレビや雑誌の取材も多い人気の中華料理屋さんラーメンyaさん。 今回は看板メニューの約1kgのデカ盛り炒飯を撮影しました。 こちらのお店の …
Thank you for watching 😋Another video of this shop. (Day in the Life of a Chef)このお店の1日に密着した動画はこちらです。https://youtu.be/CmAnelGr1jc
Oh, me encanta 🤩
Segitu raksasa….gimana di Indonesia 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Oh no japan, no we don’t use hot rice to making fried rice 🙁
Oh lovely! Street food for me when over there.
S� ve tan delicioso.Quisiera saber que condimentos usaron. Fue sal, az�car y pimienta? O fueron otros?
No way this is the portion they sell on the street.
hold it, you can do it.it’s just 2 more hours until iftar!
I was looking for another plate when the second scoop was made lol
Wow That’s amazing food
ya hallo mina
its so delicious 😍😍😍😍 lalo akong nagutom.. ❤️❤️❤️
How do people find these food, restaurant, treasures? 😉❤👍
西成 100円お好み焼き屋台 – Old Style Okonomiyaki Stall – Japanese Street food – 組み立て・開店準備 – Yatai 大阪

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ 100円お好み焼き屋台 ($1 Okonomiyaki stall) 今回は大阪、西成のお好み焼き屋台を撮影しました。 屋台の組み立て・開店準備・調理の様子を撮影し お好み焼き1個100 …
im not japanese, but my dad is a japanese, in some occasions my fam loves to make okonomiyaki with bacon as filling just like this. all the fam works together to make the prep and we all cook and eat in the dining room together. i miss those days 😭😭
Well for 1$ I don’t expect anything but chaos, and it was chaos, love it.
Repolho com ovo imagina a hora que peidar 😂
I admire his dedication. His doing everything all by himself and assuming all those preparations everyday. A work with full of love.
Deve ser muito bom, mas s� de ver a cor dos aventais , eu n�o compraria.
Que delicia! me encantaaa
My mouth was watering while he was still setting up the stall. It reminded me of my time in Japan!
So much hard work involved in producing such affordable food for everyone 😄👍
How could they survive by charging $1 for these okonomiyaki?I paid $8 here in Australia for vegetarian okonomiyaki 😟
Thank you for your hardwork, Mogu-san
This is exactly why I watch this channel, amazing quality!
Another nice cozy japanese channel. Well done YT recommendation.
キチキチ オムライスのショーに密着 – Amazing Omelet Rice Show by Omurice Master – Japanese Street Food 京都 Kichi Kichi

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ ザ 洋食屋 キチキチ(kichikichi omurice) ※オムライスの名店。洋食屋キチキチさんのショーの一部始終を撮影しました。 オーナーシェフ幸村元吉は「オムレツは男の …
I was able to visit his restaurant in Kyoto a few years ago. He’s a tremendous human being. He was immensely kind to every patron that enters his restaurant. His staff are amazing as well. They’re all very knowledgable and will help guarantee you a fantastic experience.
An embodiment of all quirky anime characters in one person.. amazing
65 years old! When you enjoy what you do, you’re forever young.
He is so positive I bet he could shoot positive beam like Ultraman.
This man is so extra and it’s great. I only hope to get the opportunity to try his rice omu rice someday
Need an anime of him soon. Or even just an OVA.
The YOHOHOHO men is real idc nothing more :3Every time I watch this men I remember brook
Amazing and talented 👏
the ultimate “匠人” spirit , present you a dish of master class.
I only know few japanese words, but for this man and his work i only can say: Sugoi!!!. Their dishes looks delicious and it�s a very good showman!.
You just can’t hold your smile while looking at this amusing man!
reservations were pushed out to 6 months when I visited Japan in 2018, very popular small shop!
These dishes looks amazing!! Wish i could try them and visit his restaurant😊 he looks like such a awesome and kind person, very fun too😄 was laughing through the whole video.
I love him and i will visit his restaurant soon~
I wanna meet this man one day!
Hopely someday I can fly to Japan to see directly your cooking action…..
I love watching his videos always makes me smile, hungry, and im left with wishes i could visit his spot and try his creations … but im a native american whos afraid of flying and yes that’s my excuse lol
노래도 잘하시네 ㅋㅋㅋ
썸네일 이박사님 부업하시는줄 알았네…
Been smiling this whole video, this guy is awesome. Umo ftw!