- イカ焼き 職人の作り方 寺田町 剣吉 – not Takoyaki It’s Ikayaki – Japanese Street Food – Grilled squid
- 西成 オムライス 100年続く洋食店 – Old Style Omurice Master – Japanese Street Food – Omelette Rice 大阪 南自由軒
- たこ焼き196個を10分で焼く職人技 – Takoyaki Master – Japanese Street Food – 大たこ 大阪 道頓堀
- 【伝説の屋台ラーメン】京都 ぽん太 深夜営業 一杯のラーメンができるまで|Old Style Ramen Stall|Japanese Street Food in Kyoto
- 名店のオムチャーハンとラーメン – Ramen Shop’s Omelette Fried Rice – Japanese Street Food – 炒飯 冷麺 Korean Cold Noodle
イカ焼き 職人の作り方 寺田町 剣吉 – not Takoyaki It’s Ikayaki – Japanese Street Food – Grilled squid

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ イカ焼き 剣吉 (Ikayaki) Grilled squid 今回はいか焼きの有名「剣吉 」さんを撮影しました。 いか焼きの卵なしと卵ありで値段が一緒ですが、卵なしは卵がない分、生地の量 …
Приятно посмотреть. Сердцем чувствуешь и понимаешь то, о чем идет речь в кадре.А у нас в округе одна шаверма…
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 팩스의 나라가 맞네 ㅋㅋㅋ
ㅠㅜㅜ맛있겠다ㅏㅏ 나도 먹어보고 싶어ㅜ
Amazing video! Thanks for making it and sharing with us!
진짜 맛있겠다
7:30 また失敗してて 草
awesome!!! thank you
와. 저 가격 실화냐?? 너무나 싸다. 오징어도 칠레산이 아닌 일반 오징어가 거의 3분의 1정도는 들어가는거 같은데. 한국에서는 아마 최소 5천원 이상. 7~8천원은 받을듯. 여기 채널 종종 보러 오는데 신기한 음식들도 음식들이지만. 가격보고 더 놀라는 경우가 많다. 이제 일본 먹거리들이 싸보이는 시대가 왔구나..
We should all gather money to gift this person a stand mixer.
어떻게 만들어요 재료요 .나도 도전해보게요
Thank you for sharing this wonderful video! 私アメリカに移住して30年になるんです。最後に日本帰ったの8年前、早く日本帰って美味しい物食べたいです。ビデオ楽しく見せたもらいました。thanks 🙏🏻😊🙏🏻
Maknyus= Delicious 👍👍
Wow! Very good. Thanks for the video 😊👍
Might have to try this !!!
西成 オムライス 100年続く洋食店 – Old Style Omurice Master – Japanese Street Food – Omelette Rice 大阪 南自由軒

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ 南自由軒 Omelet rice ℹ️大正10年(1921年)創業の老舗洋食屋さんです。 明治時代、日本は文明開花によって牛肉を食べる文化がでてきました。 当時日本人にとって …
ngl, the whole time I was watching this had my mouth watering and “oHOOO 😮😍” all the sizzling and frying sounds were music to my ears HAHAHA THIS MADE MY NIGHT A LOT BETTER! THANK YOU BUDDY!!! ❤
I love japanese food. looks tasty 🥢
Mogu, I love your videos, especially when the owner talking something with you… And you put those sweet caption for us to understand 😘
Wow, that looks so beautifully delicious!!! My gosh!!! Yummy!!!
am very impressed how a simple dish can look so extravagant!
I really miss my time in Japan…when the virus is getting better I’ll surely return to Japan.
يبدو لذيذ جدا 😍🤤🍛 amazing
Love it! What’s up the peas? Garnish, tradition, taste?
와 오므라이스 만드는 숙련된 솜씨에 정말 놀람. 진짜 잘하네
woow…delicios @ mouth wateringrecipe awesome fotage and featureinteresting @ lovely content dearblessed greetings,great sharing here big thumbs up.love from BhongZkieTv.
와 요리 존나 잘하네 ㄹㅇ ㅋㅋㅋ 멋지다!
do you really 3 plates in a meal?
Seen so many times already
El sabor debe ser exquisito ❣️👍.
It is not good to put the oil once heated back into the bucket and continue using it. not good for health
たこ焼き196個を10分で焼く職人技 – Takoyaki Master – Japanese Street Food – 大たこ 大阪 道頓堀

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ 本家 大たこ 道頓堀店 たこ焼き (Takoyaki “HIROKO”) ℹ️今回は道頓堀の中でも1番歴史の長い老舗たこ焼屋さん「大たこ」を撮影しました。ミシュランガイドに掲載され …
タコでっかいし、3人がかりだし、たこ焼き自体もおっきいし、10個入りだし、全てが規格外! 凄い!!
Really tasty to eat everything I love japanese food It’s a country that’s really fine with food.
It’s looks so yummy………
まぁ 別に感が半端ないけど蛸を入れているアシスタントさんのスキルが凄いですよね♪
woow…delicios @ mouth wateringrecipe awesome fotage and featureinteresting @ lovely content dearblessed greetings,great sharing here big thumbs up.love from BhongZkieTv.
This is soooo satisfying to watch, esp all those octopus chunks AHHH 😍 lmao it’s no exaggeration for me to say I absolutely love takoyaki, ramen, and omurice (my trinity of Japanese food)!!! ✊✊😂
Wonderful Food Awesome Footage. So Amazing 👍👍 Love your videos 🤩🤩
【伝説の屋台ラーメン】京都 ぽん太 深夜営業 一杯のラーメンができるまで|Old Style Ramen Stall|Japanese Street Food in Kyoto

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ ぽん太(Ponta) 住所 京都市右京区太秦(Uzumasa, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 日本全国のラーメン屋台巡ります …
So for these types of stalls, do they only have a set number of clean bowls they use for the night? Or is there an opportunity to clean them for the same night?
the owner is very good, handling the whole store by himself ! 👍
Someday i will try that ramen.
Amazingly seriously yummy! i already had supper now i want that bowl! thanks for sharing : )
Even in Japan everyone loves Raymen.
I watch the ramen stall videos to relax . . . . 😌👍👍
Look how rich that broth is! 😋
What’s the setup you use for your videos, dying to know
Seems delicious!
Looks like delicious miso ramen
This is covid 19 culinary era😌
Man I love this type of stuff
That ramen looks good. From Canada
Please put specific location of the ramen stall in description, maybe better if u put google maps link too. Next time if I trip to Japan again i want to visit one of ramen stall in this chanel.
名店のオムチャーハンとラーメン – Ramen Shop’s Omelette Fried Rice – Japanese Street Food – 炒飯 冷麺 Korean Cold Noodle

(c) MOGUMOGU – Food Entertainment – モグモグ まんねん 梅田本店(Ramen & Fried Rice) ℹ️今回は大阪、梅田の「まんねん 梅田本店」さんのオム炒飯・ラーメン・冷麺を撮影しました。 冷麺は今だけの期間限定で、 …
The noodle is sooo tempting 😭😭😭😭
深夜1時におすすめ動画にでてくるとは( ゚Д゚)・・・うまそー、ラーメン食べてー!w
Man would loved to eat some real japanese food <3
صايم 😿
That fried rice looks the best out of the other fried rice!
The secret is in tapping the wok. This video got me craving for fried rice cooked in a wok.
KILLIN’ IT!!!! My man stirrin shit up nice! 👍🏻👍🏻
라멘 먹고 싶어요 ㅠ.ㅜ
love your works always. btw i have a favor for you. can you also film a complete view or view of place from the outside?
That’s a high quality pan
Very cool Brazilian music and video too and great congratulations
세번째 메뉴는 비빔면…?
저도 자주 라멘 덮밥 이런거 먹었는데요.
That pork at 4:37 , amazing!
excellent video!😋
일본 냉면은 어떤 것으로 양념 하나요? 맛있어 보이는데 어떤 맛인지 상상이 안돼요.
4:35 tocando um samba no fundo