Bald Eagle Bird – Birds of Prey – Awesome Close Up

(c) Paul Dinning Bald Eagle Bird – Birds of Prey – Awesome Close Up Filmed in 2014 at Paradise park in Cornwall England Video Produced by Paul Dinning – Wildlife in …
So cute and strong 🥰
Heroic, Nobility,Vision,Healing, Mysticism, Trust,Knows,communicates,, Wild Angels~Messengers, “I believe”,I dedicate this song to Eagles, “I Believe” by Diamond Rio, Godspeed
Beautiful Bird
Fantastic shots Paul
Beautiful bird ❤️❤️❤️
Subhan ALLAH mery ALLAH Pak ki qudrat..♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Simplesmente magn�fica , pe�o desculpas por n�o escrever em ingl�s. Vou deixar 2 sugest�es pra voc� pesquisar no google : ” Harpia” e o canto ” Uirapuru” aves nativas do Brasil e parab�ns pela postagem !Abra�os
so handsome..
yes, Amazing!
lovely and powerful eagle
Beautiful close up
Those snow feathers look soft. Prolly would lose a finger of you tried to touch them!
All Birds of Prey are majestic, awesome line-up. The Falconry Brother
beautiful mom eagle :} �you are an incredible photographer. . .
A beautiful bird and very photogenic
Pretty shot !!
I see why they are always symbols of supreme power and might. “..shower upon me Thy confirmations, which alone can change a gnat into an eagle, a drop of water into rivers and seas, and an atom into lights and suns…” ~ Baha’i Faith
beautiful eyes, powerful claws, strong beak and wings what an amazing creature. thanks for uploading the video.
Wow, this is awesome! � Excellent close-up clips! �Thanks for posting. ��
I love ❤ 🦅
Cat Entertainment Videos : Video for Cats To Watch Birds : ULTIMATE 8 HOURS

(c) Paul Dinning Cat Entertainment Videos : Video for Cats To Watch Birds : ULTIMATE 8 HOURS Video Produced by Paul Dinning – Wildlife in Cornwall #PaulDinning.
i went down stairs to see whats for dinner and my cat was laying on the keyboard messing with a lot of control when i came back upstairs he was so entertainer by this his name is Oliver lol
When the birds come into the foreground they scare my cat because on my big TV they are bigger than he is. LMAO
You’ve made my Himalayan very happy with all of your videos! Especially since she can’t go outside and sit on the porch or in the garden because of the cold and the 3-day snowstorm we’re about to have. So thank you for entertaining us both! =D
I have three cats. One of them loves to sit in front of the computer watching these bird videos. She chatters at the birds occasionally, but has finally realised they’re not hiding behind the monitor. Beautifully filmed, thank you for posting.
I’m only 10 years old and my kitten Ronny absolutely ADORES this video, he would watch it does eightY hours if he could!!! Plz post more, I’m subscribed.
I can not thank you enough I was cleaning my room and my cats wouldn’t leave me the hell alone and then I put this on bam they were occupied the whole time I cleaned my room THANK YOU!!!
I think I’m enjoying this more than my cat. I ❤️ nature and God’s awesome gifts.
Интересно не только коту !
Ohhhhh! I’m almost fainting because of how cute those little birds are! And the beautiful sound of their wings when they take off and fly away!
my cats smart. when the bird flew off the screen, she immediately went to the window. musta flown there…
Hahah every time a bird flew out of the screen, my cat would try to follow it, she was very confused
LOL My cat was watching this and when the birds went away she would look behind my computer to check where they went! She was sooo cute!!! Thank you for this!
my cat just sat down in front of the computer for 12 actual minutes, very focused on watching this and he kept moving his ears when the birds tweeted and would move his head to wherever the birds would move. so cute omg
This is my new furry boys compilation! He is a rescue bought to me,stone deaf with some back injury(old?) so he will be a house cat,the bird table shots have brought him back to life and he purrs now too❤️🐱a big thank you for uploading x
My cat the whole time was like “how does human trap birds in this small box and why cant I touch them?!”
The only issue is that my cat accidentally closed the video, thanks for making!
One of my cats loves this.. I watched it for a few. I saw a dog pop in the screen for a second. I was like “was that. Dog?” 😂 I had to go back and double check. It’s at 6min 51 seconds. 😊This is fun to watch. Even for me. Haha. I love birds but don’t get to hewr them much where I currently live. 💙💙
Our cat’s pretty much clawed the hell out of our TV screen with these videos. And yet, we still let her do it!
All pounds should have videos like this to alleviate the boredom of confinement.
I went to this for my cat but I actually love these birds myself!
Calming Videos for Cats to Watch – Relaxing TV for Cats : Relaxing Sounds

(c) Paul Dinning Calming Videos for Cats to Watch – Relaxing TV for Cats : The Most Relaxing Sounds and Videos To Watch on Youtube – Birds Chirping, Singing and Being …
I don’t have a cat, I just love watching birds. Thank you very much for this beautiful video!
My owner, Sparky, said to put these on for her& she gets sparked upseeing these colorful birds, I’m a Bird 🕊️ gut too, I’ve hand-raised parrots, budgies cockatiels & little rescue kitties all together & no one got hurt ; my ex & I both, loved them all. I have some amazing true stories of animals coming right to me since I was a child, dogs, but cats & birds, I’m always there to help them in a Various ways ; past life stuff, NATURAL affinities, Spiritual connections.
Every day I stop in on Paul Dinning’s most EXCELLENT videos for my cat’s (& my) enjoyment💞 😽 🐦 🌿☀️🐿
Linda filmagem Parab�ns p�ssaros encantadores voc�s s�o um sucesso que Deus aben�oe cada um
I have a cat with feline hyperesthesia. Your videos help keep him calm. Thank you❤
There so cute, I want to pick them up & kiss them. 🤗😚💕🐦
My kitty LOVES your videos, she will sit in front of the TV for hours watching them.� I do not have cable tv so have a computer set up using the TV as a monitor.� She is spoiled now because she will sit in front of the TV and cry until I comply lol, not a problem, love my kitty.� I especially love being able to leave it on when I have to go out so she has something to keep her busy.� A lot of work went into your videos and I thank you!
It’s 2020 now and I’m sure if filmed today there would only be a handful of these little feathered treasures 😔
My poor cat is sick and she is my best friend. They say it’s neurological possibly brain cancer ? and I can’t do anything to help her but this video is great and the sounds of nature,summer and beautiful birds have helped relax her and has made her happy. Thank you so much….
Thank you very much for your awesome videos! My young cat is watching them attentive for at least one hour, then she relaxes and falls asleep.
VCutest thing ever
They are so lovely~!Where is here~? I wonder..!
I love this video. It really shows how birds come in such a wide variety of colors and sizes, and that’s what I really like about them. You did an excellent job with filming it =)
Alright, that”s it! Life just isn’t fair. These birds are just so VERY beautiful! They are far more lovely than the species we have where I live in the Southeastern U.S.A. I just love my birds and provide for them everything a bird could want, so don’t tell them I am cheating on them! I certainly wouldn’t want to hurt their feelings. I am so grateful for this wonderful, high quality recording!
This video is another one of this channel’s magical one. Really relaxing. My cat falls sleep watching it and sneaks from the corner of his eye when there’s a tweet but quickly goes back to his deep relaxed dreams of chirps and peeps!
Nice clip!
I’m not a cat, but this video helped me study ! thank you for this 🤗
I listen to your videos while I am knitting, it is so relaxing and tranquil. It’s like I’m sitting outside. I wake up now listening to the birds in the morning, and it’s got my curiosity going. Thanks!
I know most of these, but when I don’t, I freeze the screen and check my ‘Birds of Britain’ book. Very calming and interesting Paul. We’ll have to call you king of Cool—what with your fantastic Vid scenes of Cornish Villages etc.
I put this on overnight for my cats, and in the morning, when I checked on them, they were still playing!Thank you for this! It was a life saver!! 😀
V�deo Para Gatos – P�ssaros

(c) Paul Dinning V�deo Para Gatos – P�ssaros Filmed on March 18th 2016 Video Produced by Paul Dinning – Wildlife in Cornwall.
Meus gatos filhotes pularam no cllr tentando pegar o pobre dos p�ssaros kkkkkAgora t�o aqui …nem pisca olhando os passarinhos kkkk
ri muito cara, meu gato ficou olhando os passarinhos com um fasc�nio que ele se distra�a totalmente dos sons ao redor deleKKKKKKKKKKK
Que dlc de lugar!! Deu vontade de fugir prai gente…meu Deus do céu e ainda tem que trabalhar. Estou com mais de 2 anos sem férias. 😭
A minha gata n�o precisa nem ver pq ela pr�pria pegou um hoje. Agora estou cm o bixinho doente, nem voa.
Esses cantos de pássaros fizeram o meu gato dormir kkkk achei que ele ia procurar kkkk ele deitou no meu colo e simplesmente dormiu 😩😂😂😂❤😻
Mano, minha gata parecia que tava vendo o ultimo epis�dio da s�rie preferida dela, DO NADA come�ou a ronronar e N�o se mexeu pra mais NADA, amei esse v�deo
Minha gata levantou pra ir embora, a� ela deitou e ficou me olhando com cara de “voc� acha que eu sou t�o burra assim?” a� passou uns minutinhus me encarando, ela levantou e foi embora kkkkkj resolvi eu mema ficar vendo o v�deo depois dessa
Meu gato ficava batendo no celular e tentando morder kkkkkkkkkkk ainda ficou olhando atr�s do celular pra ver se tinha o passarinho, amei
minha gata n�o deu mt aten��o pro v�deo mas ela amou os sons dos passarinhos, ficou miando e ronronando o tempo todo
Pelo meu relacionamento, pela cura da minha depressão, que meu namorado tenha muita calma e seja curado🙏🏻
Meu gato queria pular em cima do celular kkkk, levei um arranhão ainda KKK😂❤️
Coloquei na TV e minha gata mais nova ficou vidrada kkkkkkA outra n�o deu a m�nima, ela prefere p�ssaros de verdade haha
meu gato pensou que eu era troxa pa mostrar esse video pra ele e…ele dormiu 👍 (acho que n prestou)
O meu gato Chiquinho, ficou super atento nem piscava em ver o v�deo. Amou! Rsrsrsrsrs
Minha gatinha dormiu ❤️ muito relaxante… Até eu me acalmei
Eu vim pelo som dos p�ssaros… Mas vou mostrar o v�deo pro Branco (meu gato) kk adoreiii
Minha gata teve uma rea��o exagerada e miou muito procurando esse passarinho dentro de casa. Acho que ela tem muita vontade de pegar um de verdade rs
Eu vim pelos p�ssaros, mas vou fazer um teste amanh� com o Bills( MeuGato) rs
Videos for Cats – 9 Hours of Woodland Birds

(c) Paul Dinning Videos for Cats to Watch – 9 Hours of Woodland Birds Video Produced by Paul Dinning – Wildlife in Cornwall.
This is more than 1 million views for cats or cats and their humans? ; ) I love listening to bird songs myself. Thank you for providing this. Anything to keep them occupied!
Our cat loves this video. She sits by the tv and waits for us to turn it on as soon as we get in the door. She loves to chase the birds. So cute.
We saved a bird today and put this on and we think it made it feel more at home!
My cat could care less. I had high hopes for my cat. Well shot video and very soothing,
This seems to calm our two cats. One of them is always very nervous and goes around meowing. He’s fascinated by the sounds, he doesn’t even need the video 😀
Beautiful birds 👌
At this very moment my cat is engrossed in this wonderful video. Thanks!
These videos are meditative and delightful for my cat and her adoring humans. My kitty was recently diagnosed with a terminal cancer and isn’t able to go out catting or play like she used to. Paul Dinning’s videos in particular engage her attention, seem to distract her from mild pain and discomfort and stoke her curiosity enough to start looking for the birds and squirrels! THANK YOU!
My kittens just couldn’t take their eyes off the screen. Sometimes they would hop up and try to catch one 🙂
Even though my cat won’t admit to loving these videos, my warm computer chair when I get home is proof enough for me… or someone is breaking into my apartment just to watch these…
This is so addictive, everytime you upload a new one I forget everyhting around me and I just have to watch it for a while.
Lovely! This made my day. 💖💖💖💖💖
I’m not a cat, but it’s interesting to see how differently all the species behave
nice video.Thanks for sharing.New friend here.See u around😉
Our cats are so addicted and so are we. It is so peaceful. Thank you so much.
Don’t even own a cat. But I love this video because its just so darn relaxing!
I’ve never had a cat that paid any attention to my tv, but then I got a kitten who seemed enthralled by watching an aquarium screen saver on my Roku that came up when I turned on my tv….and then I found your videos and he loves them. Watches and watches with some great reactions! Thanks!