- でかい脳みそマシュマロを食べる Big Brain Marshmallow Japanese Halloween sweets
- 私のバレンタインデーについて Valentine’s Day in Japan. kawaii chocolates. cute!
- 業務用で高速に大根おろし!Electric High Speed Grater Machine. Grated Japanese Radish Daikon
- 424回混ぜる究極納豆マシン / Ultimate Natto Machine. Japanese Cooking Gadgets
- トラフグ解体パズルで部位を学ぶ!食べる!Pufferfish Dissection Puzzle. Fugu! Japanese toy. Eating sashimi
でかい脳みそマシュマロを食べる Big Brain Marshmallow Japanese Halloween sweets

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨について◇ [コレクションNo.0517] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。突然ですがクイズです。「今回の動画で …
お久しぶりです。私の昨年のハロウィンを見届けてください。感想などは概要欄に書いています。今年もどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。Long time no see. I am fine. This time it’s a skull goods. This is my Halloween.[Instagram]https://www.instagram.com/iseebitarou_com[人体パズル Human anatomical model puzzle]https://youtu.be/KWwoJj2lKc0[ニワトリ解体!焼き鳥パズル Chicken Yakitori demolition puzzle]https://youtu.be/-mYvJDs3Wlk[黒豚パズル Pork Puzzle. Pig Puzzle]https://youtu.be/HRVbjmOMnp0[プレートプレート duncan shotton “Plate-Plate”]https://youtu.be/xIC1IuD8WLc[人体丼(人面の器)Human head plate]https://youtu.be/XnAcDTmap_g[脳みそ付きドクロマグカップ It is a skull design mug with brain’s lid]https://youtu.be/G2r-4yhMuYY[本マグロ解体パズル Tuna demolition puzzle]https://youtu.be/8cYxc5yDZgs[ドクロジェンガ KIKKERLAND STACK THE BONES. Skull Jenga]https://youtu.be/WbjDjLC9rEI[ドキドキクラッシュ人体模型 human body model game]https://youtu.be/W99veSkNdoU[ドクログラス SKULL SHOT GLASS. Fred & Friends]https://youtu.be/ghW_vaWqqDQ
This is such a cute and interesting video from Halloween 🙂 I loved it! So creative and had a cool theme!
When I watch your videos I always have a snack. Your food looks delicious and makes me so hungry. Keep up the fantastic work!
Thanks 🤩 I been away and love coming back to your videos.Jam packed episode!Lots of good “yolks” with “The Funny Side Up” and other things.(I boil eggs for 10 minutes)Brain food, extraordinaire.The gruesome gourmet. 😂😂😂8:35 Surgery, 🤣🤣🤣🤣Skull tea for me please. 🫖Great looking array in your dish rack, I must say.Frankenstein san.Thank you for your talent, work and humor.
Wait a minute, is there a Monster “cuba libre” flavoured in Japan?! Now I need to taste it, rum and coke was one of my favs during college ;PNow my alcohol tolerance is way lower lol, so I guess a monster would do!
I missed your videos ❤️ so happy to have you back.Edit: omg the cat falling into the cup LOL I loved that. 😂
The time, effort, and imagination really show in your video, well done.
he’s back!!!! we missed you i hope you’re doing good ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I can feel the sweetness by just looking at this video 🤯
Thank goodness you are back! I’ve watched the last stationery collection video for a dozen times😝😝 Love all the skull mugs!!
So clever I love the work you did on this very much. I collect skulls and I am very jealous of your collection. I love the mug and head bowls. Thank you for sharing my next item I want is bone jenga though.
Muito bom… adorei 👍
Oh,I will try to remember to follow you on Instagram ✨ So glad that you are back ! 🤩 Amazing video as always ! Love the skull theme 💟
Great to see another video of unique collection! Always enjoy these videos because I don’t know what to expect next haha.
Thank you so much for uploading. Your videos are always cheering me up!!
私のバレンタインデーについて Valentine’s Day in Japan. kawaii chocolates. cute!

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨について◇ [コレクションNo.00518] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回はバレンタインデーチョコレートの …
Such cuteness in this video 💙 All the food looked so delicious 🤤 but so much calories 😆 Yet another great video ! 🤩
The human embodiment of “treat yourself” haha! Who needs a partner to celebrate one day of Valentines when you can celebrate by yourself for 7 days! いいね!
Parab�ns !!! O amigo sempre surpreendendo com maravilhosas novidades Made in Japan. Aproveito a oportunidade para perguntar qual o fabricante do seu canivete. Simplesmente fant�stico, tem um tamanho �timo para segurar e acessar as partes que o comp�e. Grande abra�o!
Отличное видео, спасибо, в конце было очень смешно))) успехов и здоровья, из России с любовью =)
I think if I lived in Japan, I’d be buying cute stuff and anime merch all the time!
I wish I had a valentine’s date to share this with 🙁
This man makes me so happy like looking at him having the time of his life it’s so enjoying
They look so cute! They make me wanna eat them!
Oh my god, Japan has Milo! I thought it was just an Australian thing!
There’s a milo craze in japan? You wanna do one of japanese versions?Omg so cute the animal chocolate.
Idk how I got to this video or even why I started watching but I literally watched the whole thing! This guy had me laughing when I least expected!
I’ve been following you for a year and I watch all your videos collector-san! I love to see your toys and beautifuls foods, seeing them help me manage my anxiety these days, so I thank you very much! 🍊🌻
Flying pigs is the city mascot where I’m from in Cincinnati Ohio. The ones you got are so cute 😍
This channel is so chaotic and random but I love it, what’s next? Food stationery? Food that turns into a notepad? Idk but I can’t stop watching 🔥
I love chocolate animals for Valentine’s Day!
Me encantan tus vídeos ❤️
You can always give yourself more chocolate on White Day XD
業務用で高速に大根おろし!Electric High Speed Grater Machine. Grated Japanese Radish Daikon

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この雑貨について◇ [コレクションNo.0498] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は業務用の高速おろし機の紹介です …
象さんのような可愛いフォルムに一目惚れをしてしまいました。コメント&グッドボタン励みになります。ありがとうございます。詳細と感想は概要欄に書いています。関連動画は下記です。[ダースベイダーどんぶり / Darth Vader Ramen Bowl]https://youtu.be/ClKguKGkhRM[黒豚パズル / Pork Puzzle. Pig Puzzle]https://youtu.be/HRVbjmOMnp0[猫のしっぽしゃもじ / Cat Rice Scoop (paddle)]https://youtu.be/H7fpe7REvG0[猫の足のコップ / cat foot glass]https://youtu.be/PZmzD93g-z4[業務用ネギカッター / Green onion cutting machine]https://youtu.be/fiOsmZKNJ0s[鶏エッグセパレーター / CLUCK egg separator]https://youtu.be/xJ-MQUdRzHo
I love how well manufactured these kitchen utensils despite hilarious design and function. Even the packaging are neat 🙂 Nice video as always!
Man… I don’t know if I could eat that much grated daikon!!! I’m amazed
Meu caro, o fundo musical � maravilhoso! Voc� faria o grande favor de dizer qual o nome do conjunto de jazz e o nome da m�sica que est�o executando? Muito obrigado! Aproveito para dizer que seus v�deos s�o �timos! Parab�ns!
Muito bom gostei destas m�quinas que voc� mostra
That would be so perfect for large servings of soup or restaurants as well!! 😀
May also be used as a wood chipper. I know I used that already but it still applies here.PS: I kind of wanted to see you jam other things into it, like the cabbage.
Se mira que esta muy interesante Saludos desde mexico <3
Even though I don’t plan on buying anything, your reviews are still very cool.
Ale z ciebie ziomek 😂, po takich mixach żarcia, to ja bym umarł😂.
6:33 ここの目が開くところ細かくて好き
This was frightening yet thrilling at the same time. I continued to worry about your fingers, yet wondered what on earth will you do with all that radish paste?
こんな量の大根おろし見たことないです(´∀`; )スーパーでバイトしてた時に業務用の大根のつま作る機械でひたすら作ってたの思い出しました笑
今度はゾウさんですか!!最後のシーン可愛かったです(*´`)鼻が大根に変わったのはさすがに笑いました(^ ^)主さんの料理上手さとレパートリーの多さが改めて実感した回でしたぁ~ リラックマが沢山でこれまた可愛かったです!大根おろしで造形できるの素直に凄すぎですっ!!
I love your videos! I wish you could upload more 😭
424回混ぜる究極納豆マシン / Ultimate Natto Machine. Japanese Cooking Gadgets

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター この玩具について◇ [コレクションNo.0493] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回はハンドルを回すと究極の納豆が …
あの魯山人納豆が作れます!詳細と感想は概要欄に書いています。チャンネル登録者さまが30万人になりました!とても嬉しいです。どうもありがとうございます。関連動画は下記です。[日本刀の箸 / Samurai sword chopsticks]https://youtu.be/i8nJPCGNIJo[寿司トング / SUSHI TONGS]https://youtu.be/GhlsByny6e0[青いドラえもんカレーの動画 / Doraemon Curry]https://youtu.be/phNTKgChFtA[究極のTKGマシン / Tamago Kake Gohan Machine]https://youtu.be/ZlYabe2NiZ8[ヒゲのおじさんスポンジホルダー / A bow tie kitchen sponge holder “Mr. Sponge”]https://youtu.be/o1l44E6fwuI[握ると皿を洗えちゃうマシン / Handheld Automatic Dishwasher.]https://youtu.be/5SeWxudKnTA
I could watch this guy and his Japanese food gadgets for the rest of my life.
Your videos always make me smile and laugh, along with being very entertaining! I’ve heard about Natto from my friend in Japan. I’m from Canada and have never heard of it before until I met him. I will have to tell him about your Ulitmate Natto Machine! You always surprise me with your cute accessories as well as the sound effects. Arigatou gozaimasu!
This is very much like asmr to me. I find these so relaxing ❤
I know the video is for Natto, but the kitty fishing tea bag cup holder is awesome!!
2:23 This tool is genius! I love your stuffs❤️Edit: 09:00 woah incredible!
Hey man! I’m dying from craving.. The gadgets including you were very incredible. God bless you bro.. 💪💪💪
Hey man! I’m dying from craving.. The gadgets including you were very incredible. God bless you bro.. 💪💪💪
I love to watch these videos. So much fun. I would love to visit Japan one day.
I love natto. I need this machine in my life.
I love how nato is being ate on spiderman plate. I really need to know where he bought all those cool tableware lol
I love nutto. It’s so delicious and healthy!
I stumbled upon how many accessoris you have in the kitchen and all looks adorable wow
I love the way you present everything, no word and no need to show your face. your vdo so simple but lovely, easy to understand and so cute. I’m Thai and I LOVE everything about JAPAN and NATTO.
I don’t know if it is just me, but I like to stir in green onions into the natto and also scatter on top
Such a delightful video. I love that you implemented other products you’ve reviewed before. Keep up the great work. You make me so happy.
The Japanese are absolutely inventive and creative!!!
I love your channel! Food looks delicious and everything is so Kawaii! 🤣
Que bonito😍😍😍Me gustaria tener esos utencilios de cocina
トラフグ解体パズルで部位を学ぶ!食べる!Pufferfish Dissection Puzzle. Fugu! Japanese toy. Eating sashimi

(c) おもしろ雑貨コレクター POISON ALERT!◇ Be careful – The majority kinds of Fugu, Pufferfish are poisonous; the highly toxic poison can take human lives …
羊も解体しました!New video “Sheep Dissection Puzzle”. Please watch new video.https://youtu.be/-ibFwrg4dQk
Dude I waited for your video for sooo long I ends up rewatched all your videos many times! Always cheers me up😹 Please keep up the good works 🌸
This is amazing, and made my day so much better! Thank you, really… I appreciate your effort 💕
Estos art�culos me encantaron, los platos con el dise�o del pez son realmente bonitos, al igual que la parrilla. Gracias por el video, saludos.
We received this toy 2 weeks ago in the mail. It is well made and fun!
Every time i see this channel that goes with food, it makes me want to try this food too.
This is the first time I am watching something like this, and it has made me so happy, I feel like a child watching this, love from india.
I was wondering when you would post a new video and here you are once a month again with an amazing video 🤩
Love your videos! I lost your channel in my subscriptions. I finally found you again and subscribed. So good to see your videos again! Hope you are doing awesome!
Una disculpa no me hab�a dado cuenta que ya hab�as colocado donde compras tus coleccionables. Muchas gracia por compartir, tienes un canal muy divertido.
Fugu tastes amazing, i also like the hot headed fugu heater :DGreat video, Kitchen Senpai! 😀
Hola!!! Siempre es un placer ver tus videos!!! 💖Gracias por mostrarnos gadgets tan increibles y sorprendentes 😮💖💖 un abrazo desde CDMX México 😊💖
I love your videos and all of your charisma!!! You’re my favorite youtuber Greetings from Argentina ^^
Honestly, seeing your videos makes me happy! It’s really fun and amazing to watch! It also helps me go to sleep! ^^
Its been awhile since you’ve uploaded a video. I’ve always loved the content you posted! ❤️
I’m very fashinated by japanese stuff and culture, i wish i could go to Japan one day, now i’m trying to learn japanese language, japanese stuff and culture are for me the purest things in this world 😊
I honestly started panicking when I saw you eating the Fugu then I read the complete description and I was relieved 😆
WOW D:Fugu ?Wow… this feels so dangerous, I wouldn’t even eat this knowing it’s safe and made by super specialist chefs ;;It’s scaryyy !Take care of yourself. I’m happy you’re careful 😀 ❤