야미보이 Yummyboy(おすすめch紹介)

야미보이 Yummyboy(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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계란두판! 가장 큰 초대형 계란말이 / 60 eggs! giant rolled omelette – korean street food

계란두판! 가장 큰 초대형 계란말이 / 60 eggs! giant rolled omelette - korean street food  (c) 야미보이 Yummyboy

(c) 야미보이 Yummyboy 길거리음식을 심도있고 지루하지 않게! 좋은영상 만들고자 항상 노력하는 야미보이 입니다 오늘도 시청해주시고 응원해주셔서 감사합니다 Street food in depth and …

This type of video is when the majority of people see the bed on an empty stomach. If you like it, do it

The dislikes are from folks who cannot handle the 2 corners being left out every single time.

“This edible ain’t shit”Me in the kitchen 15 minutes later

“I use the egg, to crack the egg”

It really bothered me that they keep leaving the two corners every time 😩

this seems like never ending process

ok, so a 60 egg omelet brick cut up into 15 slices, that’s 4 eggs per slice… -me at 3:58am

“How many eggs would you like in your omelette, sir?”Me – yes“Yes but how many?”ALL OF THEM

The level of patience is incredibly insane!!!❤️ And just imagine how much nutrition’s a single slice is having…🙄

This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

“Can i order an omelet”Chef: “yea sir, how many eggs?”“Yes”

We’ve graduated from “omelet” to “loaf of bread”

The Omelette of the Gods. Hardwork & Precision at its best. Just Wow.

Now imagine them making egg sandwich out of this sliced egg loaf.

Is it just me or do the Koreans like eggs a lot?:~)

loved it i will try for sure👍

*The amount of oil he used is enough for USA to provide him freedom.*

It was so satisfying when FINALLY the one edge released! ^^

Dont bother silcing it, Ill take the whole loaf.

Que obra de arte 😁🙏🏾 parabéns

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반숙 계란후라이 중화 볶음밥 / fried egg on fried rice – korean street food

반숙 계란후라이 중화 볶음밥 / fried egg on fried rice - korean street food  (c) 야미보이 Yummyboy

(c) 야미보이 Yummyboy 길거리음식을 심도있고 지루하지 않게! 좋은영상 만들고자 항상 노력하는 야미보이 입니다 오늘도 시청해주시고 응원해주셔서 감사합니다 Street food in depth and …

The first thing I thought : damn that’s a lot of saltThe second thing I thought : damn that’s a lot of eggs

Tudo limpinho e organizado 🥰🥰🥰

Sin saberlo he estado haciendo comida callejera koreana desde que aprendí a cocinar jajajajaja.Saludos desde Ecuador 🇪🇨

I’m still surprised by how many korean dishes use eggs. Perfectly balanced light meal of protein and carbs!

Is anyone else addicted to their videos??YouTube recommended and I can’t stop watching ever since 😩😍

You are wonderful chief, I wish you success

Que maravilha de comida 😋

Eu comia comida coreana todo tempo e nem sabia😅😂 só faltou uma farinha ou farofa❤️😅


If i eat this now, it would feel like I have eaten eggs for the next 30 days in advance. 😂


Lmao I thought they were gonna stay sunny side up and got scared when you just put a heap of salt in the middle

Looks like i could finish the whole thing (the 1st bowl before he adds anything) in one go 😂 it’s sooooo good!

Man, those shrimps are flying and jumping!!! Love it!

Moro em Porto Alegre, aaamo esse menu! (Como só a gema e o arroz é separado,tá?) Churrasco, enjoei. 😋

Yo comiendo huevito con arroz como pobre y resulta que todo este tiempo estuve comiendo comida corena como rico 😂

Me sentí identificado cuando se le fue la cáscara de huevo en la olla 😂😂😂

Humm……isso é muito bom , uma delícia 😋👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Parece as gororoba que eu faço pra comer quando chego em casa beba cega, ainda coloco feijão, macarrão tudo que tiver no meio pra complementar 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

it would be perfect for me cause I literally love eggs so much and can eat them all day long but the amount of oil just gave me cholesterol virtually!

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햄 치즈 에그 토스트 / ham cheese egg toast – korean street food

햄 치즈 에그 토스트 / ham cheese egg toast - korean street food  (c) 야미보이 Yummyboy

(c) 야미보이 Yummyboy 길거리음식을 심도있고 지루하지 않게! 좋은영상 만들고자 항상 노력하는 야미보이 입니다 오늘도 시청해주시고 응원해주셔서 감사합니다 Street food in depth and …

se ve delicioso 😋

Engra�ado… h� muitos anos, aprendi com o meu av� a comer misto-quente com mel… Eu nao sei se eh exatamente mel, mas essa receita da� tem algo muito parecido. Deu uma saudade dele… nossa….

i was watching Formula 1 videos and happened to click on this vid … These guys raised recipe -making to the level of art! Respect to you, guys!

Mis respetos y admiraci�n x los Chefs Asi�ticos … Siempre est� la pulcritud tanto en el vestir como la Limpieza Al cocinar ….. Estupendo !!!!!

Bom demais da conta!

I don’t know why YouTube is showing me this but now I have the urge to go fail at trying to make one.

Es una alternativa perfecta para comer 🍽 en el desayuno 🥣 ✌️

that looks amazing

this looks like the kind of stuff my mom use to make me when I was younger. except the ham wasn’t as thick xD looks like something I gotta remake for that nostalgia! yum.

Caramba, top em, deu até fome.. kkkk faltou só à maionese caseira. 😋

Mmmmm que rico 😍😍😍😍😍

Joder los algoritmos del YouTube si que antojan xd

I am on a healty diet, and i freaking LOVE watch these kind of videos 😋😋😋🤤🤤🤤

I spent a year and a half in South Korea. I can tell you that this is the best freaking food ever. Especially when you’re drunk. lol

хорошо я дома! пойду яичницу пожарю, от видео желудок свело, ням-ням))

Só eu sou viciada nesses vídeos? 🇧🇷

Thank you x this so reminds of the street venders in the Philippines pre-covid

DJ PORTORRO in the mix. Elisa Cruz Gonzalez. Estée. EMISORA NUEVO. AMENACER. Amen God Bless you. Love you too. 👍

ням ням!))) тоже хочется попробовать!

Wow! this looks so tasty! Makes me wanna travel to Seoul, Korea & eat street food right now! ^_^ Thanks for posting your video, I enjoy the close-up shot. Makes me just wanna reach out to the screen & grab one. LOL!

갓구운 베이컨 계란빵, 치즈 계란빵 – 대학로 / egg bread with bacon – korean street food

갓구운 베이컨 계란빵, 치즈 계란빵 - 대학로 / egg bread with bacon - korean street food  (c) 야미보이 Yummyboy

(c) 야미보이 Yummyboy 길거리음식을 심도있고 지루하지 않게! 좋은영상 만들고자 항상 노력하는 야미보이 입니다 오늘도 시청해주시고 응원해주셔서 감사합니다 Street food in depth and …

I wish you success, you did a very good job

wuw~~it’s good!

The fact that this food is not in my stomach right now is unacceptable.

I love hearing all the life in the background as they’re cooking. Very relaxing videos, food looks delicious too!

This food goes straight to the heart❤️ and not into the stomach

Cant believe he made us watch him crack every egg

Выглядит бесподобно и очень аппетитно 🔥👍

Bom dia , tudo bom deve ser uma del�cia parab�ns higienie organiza��o perfeito ….

He’s removing the filaments so the egg turns into a cream like filling.

Tch�!!!! Esse p�o ficou com uma cara boa kkkk Parece que ficou bom …..

I mean for real. No one is searching for stuff like that. It’s just ‘ oh. It’s 2 am and i have to work tomorrow. But i need to watch this.’

O barulhinho dlee quebrando o ovo é tão satisfatório… 🤤🤤🤤🤤

Eu quero um p�o desses! Algu�m no Brasil copie a ideia, j� ter� uma freguesa kkkkkk

Esse da vontade de comer, tudo bem limpo e bem feito parab�ns

This is why I want to go to Korea for a vacation. I just want to eat, eat and eat the street food 🙂

Muito bom!Tem que trazer para o Brasil.

I love the creativity of Korean street cuisine.

Quero isso aqui no Brasil em São Paulo que delícia 😋🙏🌍

Наверное очень вкусно!)

I’ve seen a lot of food videos with eggs and this is the first time I’ve ever seen anyone removing those little white filaments. Wonder why that is.

반숙 계란후라이 함박스테이크 / hamburger steak with fried egg – korean street food

반숙 계란후라이 함박스테이크 / hamburger steak with fried egg - korean street food  (c) 야미보이 Yummyboy

(c) 야미보이 Yummyboy 길거리음식을 심도있고 지루하지 않게! 좋은영상 만들고자 항상 노력하는 야미보이 입니다 오늘도 시청해주시고 응원해주셔서 감사합니다 Street food in depth and …

That’s not street food. That’s go-take-a-nap-immediately-after-food.

There is something so relaxing about watching all the preparations involved and the mouth-watering result. I will now go eat my pkt of instant noodles 🍜 lol 😆

Eyes : AmazedEars : BlessedStomach: Slowly dying

At first, I thought he was making a Giant Meatloaf.

Why isn’t anyone talking about the sizes of everything: The knife The tiny frying pan The giant onions

The way humans perfected techniques to feed themselves with other living creatures turned into sauces, powders, mixes, and more it’s just amazing

Nossa! Me deu uma fome e vontade de comer esse prato! 😋

The amount of onions he chopped got me crying through the phone 😢

This is the first time that I’ve desperately wanted what was being cooked in the video

Esse e brabo

I watch these as motivation and say to myself, “One day I will eat this, one day”

That’s good for a regiment’s one week calories requirement. Looks absolutely delicious, though!

Идеально чистая посуда и все приборы, красотища!

Why do I torture myself watching these food videos when I’m starving 😎

He’s cracked more eggs than I ever had in my entire lifeEdit: Top comment??? 😳😏

this is heaven 💗

Ohhh, so this is where How To Basic works when he’s not filming a video.

That looks so banging, simple but effective

Looks like an awesome hangover breakfast.

That looked so amazing!!!! 😃 I am drooling LOL

